Saturday, February 17, 2018

Day Two

Lent is a period to identify with the suffering of our Lord.  A time to recognize the pain, suffering and death he bore on our behalf.  During lent we need to turn our thoughts toward self-reflection.  How are we doing as Christians?  Are there areas we need to improve?  I suspect that we all need improvement in some, maybe many, areas of our faith life.  We need to take the time to identify them and ask for God’s help to increase our faith.
In contemplating the suffering and death of our Lord we can’t help but see the cross he bore.  Indeed, this is why He came; to bear the cross that was rightfully ours in order to give us the opportunity for reconciliation with God and life eternal in His presence.  If we ignore the cross, we ignore Jesus.
Lent is also a time to accept the cross we are given.  Jesus told us very clearly that we must pick up our cross and follow Him.  We are to share in His suffering.  Accepting the difficulties of daily life are a part of that sharing.  Some suffer more, some less, but all suffer to some degree.  It’s how we deal with the suffering that is important.  If we look at our suffering as a sharing in the suffering of Christ we will find they are easier to bear.  If we offer our sufferings to Him as a gift of love, our suffering takes on a meaningful purpose.
What cross are we to bear?  What cross are we willing to bear?  Is there a cross so heavy that we will refuse to bear it?  These are the questions in my mind as a I contemplate how to deal with the pain and suffering of this life.  It troubles me to consider that I could reach a point where I would refuse to accept the cross I need to bear out of selfishness or lack of faith.
I struggle with the fact of my weakness and fear that I may fail my Lord when He asks me to suffer with Him.  I know in my heart that I want to answer His call whatever it may be, but I realize that I am a fallen sinner; will I have the strength and determination to follow Him?  I pray for His help and promise to try my best.  I am so thankful that He forgives me my failings, for I know that there will be times when I will fail Him and need His mercy.  I trust and take comfort in the fact of His love and endless mercy.

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