Wednesday, August 31, 2022


Family Reunions 


 “See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are.” (1 John 3: 1)


Anyone who has attended a family reunion knows of the joy that is evident in faces of people when they see a favorite uncle or aunt that they haven’t seen for a long while.  The laughter of children running around with cousins they may have never met fill the air.  Great family recipes provide a variety of wonderful foods, and the desserts are plentiful.

It can be a day filled with memories of past times, both the good and the not so good.  Perhaps even a reconciliation with a relative with whom we’ve not spoken for years.  So long ago, in fact, that we can’t even remember what caused the separation.

It can also be a day to pay tribute to those who are no longer alive and remember them and the joy they brought to the family.  Somehow at times like these even those who weren’t very popular when they were living are remembered fondly.

Imagine the reunion that will take place when we join our heavenly family in God’s kingdom.  I believe that day will be a day of joy such as we’ve never known.  The family will not be just our earthly family, but all the children of God.

Jesus said that he has gone to prepare a place for us.  The Father’s house has room for all who believe in Him.  We are the children of God; Jesus’ adopted brothers and sisters.  If we have lived in faith, seeking His will and His way, we can be part of that heavenly gathering.

On that day the reunion will never end; it will continue forever in the glory of God the Father.

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

 The Search 

   “Set  your hearts on his kingdom first, and on his righteousness, and all these other things will be given as well.  So do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself.” (Matt 6: 33 – 34) 

   Life is all about searching.  Even as young children we are searching, searching for our favorite toy or food, searching for Mom when we’re hurt or not feeling well.  As we grow older what we are searching for changes, some for the good, others not so much.

   During my life I, like most everyone, have spent far too much time searching for the wrong things.  This world offers what appear to be many good things and it’s so easy to get wrapped up in trying to get what society says we should want.   Even our so-called “needs” are defined by the culture in which we live, a culture that is largely anti-God and getting more so every day.

   After far too long I finally realized that there is only one thing that I need in life, my Lord Jesus Christ.  All else is secondary.  I need food and shelter to maintain life and I have them.  Yes, God does provide.

   I need love and the love that my wife and I shared in this lifetime is still with me and will remain throughout eternity.  The love we have is a love between the two of us and God.  It is Only in God that such a love can be found.

   There are so many things that we can search for in this life, but God is the One we should be searching for in all things.  In Him we will find all that we need.   

Monday, August 29, 2022

 Who Will Remember? 

   “If you knew how quickly people would forget about you after your death, you will not seek in your life to please anyone but God.” (St. John Chrysostom) 

   It’s probably best to keep in mind how insignificant we truly are in the overall scheme of things.  Self-importance and the desire to be known and remembered can become the driving force in life, encouraging us to do things that will do us very little, if any good.  By always reaching for the brass ring we can do much harm to ourselves and, most importantly, to our relationship with God.

   We may become wealthy, but one day someone else will have all the wealth we have amassed.  We may become famous, but the fame will fade as soon as we are no longer in the spotlight and we will become just another washed up has-been.

   When I leave this world there will be very few who will know, and even fewer who will remember me five years later.  My family, a few friends perhaps, but no one else.  To me this is a great lesson in humility.  In the big picture I am not very important except to the precious few who love me, and that's OK.

   Being unimportant, being unknown doesn’t bother me because there is One who will never forget, the One to whom I truly am important, my God and Father in heaven.  There is a place reserved for me in His kingdom.  In fact, He loves me so much that He sent His only Son to die for my sins so that I might be able to join Him in the place He has prepared for me.

Sunday, August 28, 2022

 Who’s the Boss? 

   “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  No one can come to the Father except through me.” (John 14: 6) 

   “Who’s the boss?”  Whenever this question was asked, my young granddaughter would immediately respond, “I’m the boss!” 

   I believe that attitude is in large part what is destroying our society today.  Everyone thinks and acts as if they are the boss.  In a child of 3 or 4 it was “cute”, and everyone laughed, but as an adult it is very destructive.  It can destroy lives and societies.

   There are some who have the attitude that they can do whatever they want whenever they want, that no one has the right to tell them what is right or wrong.  They believe they can decide for themselves what is good and what is evil.  I doubt they have the slightest idea of evil truly is, but they think they can decide right from wrong.

   “I’m the boss, I decide what is true and what is not!”  If they disagree with someone, the other person must be wrong.  And if they wish to change that truth tomorrow they can.  If someone disagrees they are considered ignorant fools deserving of nothing but ridicule.  Others may believe in their truth if they want, but they can never impose it on me.

   Jesus said, “If you make my word your home, you will indeed be my disciples, and you will learn the truth, and the truth will make you free.” (John 8: 31 – 32).  How sad to think of the number of people who are condemning themselves to eternal damnation by their refusal to recognize that there is only one source of truth; and it isn’t them.

Saturday, August 27, 2022


   St. John Bosco offered several resolutions concerning going to Mass.  In today’s society I think they are well worth repeating to remind us of why we go to Mass and the respect that is due to our Lord in His house. 

·        Try to be early for Mass always.  A few minutes spent in prayer before Mass can open your soul to wonderful Graces. 

·        When you enter or leave the church take Holy Water and sign yourself with the Sign of the Cross. 

·         Always genuflect when  you enter or leave your seat.  This is an Act of Adoration to Almighty God, present in the tabernacle.  So take time to genuflect reverently, facing the altar and saying “My Lord and my God” as your right knee touches the floor. 

·        Don’t talk in church unless absolutely necessary  Talk only to Jesus – it is Him you have come to visit.  Don’t talk as you leave either.  Some people may still be at prayer. 

·        Listen to the sermon.  It is a message from God that could bear much fruit for you. 

·        Don’t start to leave church until the priest has returned to the Sacristy.  Stay to thank God for the Graces you received from Him in the Mass. 

    Finally, St. John Bosco reminded us that every day we take a step closer to Heaven, that every act should be for the greater glory of God and that every morning we should renew our resolve to work for  the salvation of souls.

    When we go to Mass all else should fade away and our entire attention should be on Him.  Let us give Him our thanks, our praise and all the reverence due Him.

Friday, August 26, 2022

 This Place, This Time 

   I will soon be 72 years old; there is no question that most of my years are behind me.  I have no problem with that, but I pray fervently that I am ready whenever my Lord comes to take me.

   Looking back over the years I can’t help but wonder what brought me to this place and time.  I have made so many decisions in my life that, had I chosen differently, could have taken me other places.  I joined the Navy at 18 and left my hometown.  I married my childhood sweetheart and we shared a love that could have only come from God.  But what if I had chosen differently?

   Suppose I not decided to make the Navy a career, instead taking a different path?  Would I have remained in my hometown?  Would my wife and I have had our two daughters, but never have known the twin sons we adopted while stationed in the Philippines?

   I believe I was created for a purpose even though I may not be sure what that purpose is.  I believe that my life has been guided in many ways by God to help me realize and fulfill that purpose.  I have no doubt He could have done so in a different time and place, in a life far different from the one I’ve known, but I’m confident that I am where I am at this time in my life because He has led me here.  

   How else does someone from small town Kentucky end up in Ocala, Florida?  How does a person who didn’t know God in my youth find Him, join the Catholic Church, come to love Him, wanting more than anything to follow Him.  How does a heathen who did not know Him, desire above all else to spend eternity in His heavenly kingdom?

   I am at this place at this time because this is where I am intended to be.  In faith I believe God has led me here to serve the purpose for which He created me. 

Thursday, August 25, 2022

 All-knowing God 

   “O Lord, you search me and you know me.  You yourself know my resting and my rising; you discern my thoughts from afar.  You mark when I walk or lie down; you know all my ways through and through  Before ever a word is on my tongue, you know it, O Lord, through and through.” (Psalm 139: 1 – 4) 

   Children learn very quickly that they get in trouble when doing something they they should be doing.  So they try to do those things when Mom and Dad aren’t watching, hoping not to get caught.

   As we grow older we change in many ways, but we will always remember that we should do in secret what we don’t want others to know about.  It would be absurd for a con artist to be open and above board when they are cheated someone out of their money.  No spouse openly meets with their secret lover; they meet on the sly, in out of the way places, hoping their adultery will not be discovered.

   However, no matter how we to try to hide, there is always one who knows our words, our thoughts, and our actions.  God is with us always, there is nothing that can be hidden from Him.  He knows our deepest thoughts and desires, all we do is open to Him.

   God doesn’t see our sins, He doesn’t know our evil thoughts in order condemn us; if we are condemned it is because of our own actions, because we have chosen to reject Him.  God wants no one to perish, He wants all to be saved.  He sees, He knows, and He wants us to turn to Him so that He can forgive.

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

 Trust In God 

   “Our one task, our one goal, the whole purpose, meaning, and secret of our lives is to learn how to fully trust God.  Trusting God is everything.” (Dr. Gregory Bottaro, “The Mindful Christian”) 

   Trust is something that many, if not most of us find very hard.  Perhaps we’ve been betrayed in the past by one we trusted.  Maybe it’s because we see the evidence of so many lies and deceptions in the world.  Whatever the reason it’s hard to place our trust in others.

   Years ago a handshake sealed the agreement.  Now it takes attorneys and many pages of legalistic language to have a contract and even then we fear it will be ignored or twisted to serve the purposes of another.

   Many no longer even trust their spouse, they demand a pre-nuptial agreement outlining who gets what and how much in case of a divorce.  Love alone is apparently no long a sufficient reason to marry; trust is not granted even to the one we say we will love until death do us part.

   But there is One in whom we can trust without fear, our Heavenly Father.  There will never be a betrayal, never a lie, what He says will be done will be done and what He promises will occur.  Yet many have difficulty even in trusting God.  They trust in His ways when things are going well but question His plans in times of difficulty or sorrow.

   Trust of others in this world is a scary thing.  More and more our trust is not warranted and those worthy of our trust are few and far between.  But there is One whose word is always His bond, whose promises are always kept.  In God we can place all our trust with absolute confidence that we will never be betrayed.

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

 How Deep is Our Faith? 

   I’ve written several times comparing faith in God with the deepness of a river, or the ocean.  I find the analogy easy to imagine and helpful in growing my faith in God.

   There are so many levels to one’s faith in God.  Using the water analogy again, it can be as shallow as a small stream or as deep as the ocean.  It is our choice how deep we want to go in faith, but the deeper we go, the more we come to know and love God.  The more we come to know and love God the more our life becomes one of peace and calm even in the hardest times.

   But faith needs to grow, the stream needs to become a brook, the brook a river, and the river needs to lead to the sea and the depths that God wants to share with us.  He is with us always, but He always urges us to come deeper into the ocean of faith, placing all our trust Him.

   Peter stepped out of the boat and began walking on water when Jesus called Him, but he quickly became afraid of the wind and the waves and began to sink.  Jesus immediately reached out to save Him. (Matt 14: 28 – 31).  He says the same to us, He calls us to the deep waters of true faith, promising to never let us sink in the woes and worries of this world.

   When we fully trust in the Lord we can sail the depths without fear, for He is always there to save us.

Monday, August 22, 2022

 Say Yes 

   “Mary said, ‘Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord.  May it be done to me according to your word.’” (Luke 1: 38) 

   By her yes to God, Mary became the mother of our Lord, Jesus Christ.  Though she didn’t understand how such a thing could happen to a virgin she trusted that all things are possible with God and answered yes.  She never concerned herself about the consequences of an unmarried woman becoming pregnant.  God asked and she said yes.

   Joseph, to whom Mary was betrothed, at first considered quietly sending Mary away rather than exposing her to the Jewish laws which could have resulted in her being stoned to death..  But when the angel told Joseph not to be afraid, that Mary’s pregnancy was of God, he never hesitated, He took her into his home as his wife.  God asked, Joseph answered yes.

   When Herod sought to kill the infant Jesus, an angel came to Joseph in the night warning him that he must take Mary and Jesus and flee to Egypt.  Again, Joseph answered yes.  He got up and took his small family into exile, remaining there until told by an angel that it was safe to return..

   The Word of God, our Lord Jesus Christ, said yes to being born of a virgin, an infant totally dependent upon Mary and Joseph.  He said yes to growing up in obscurity in a relatively unknown village called Nazareth.  He said yes to the rejection of those He came to save, His betrayal by one He had chosen, and the abandonment of the other apostles, left to face the Jewish authorities and Pilate alone.

   Finally, He did not reject the brutality of His scourging, the crown of thorns, or the carrying of the cross.  He said yes to His crucifixion and death on a hillside outside Jerusalem.  He said yes to redeeming those who would be believe in Him, promising them a place in God’s heavenly kingdom.

   Throughout scripture there are many who said yes when God called.  Many suffered for their decision, but they never recanted.  If He were to call me tomorrow I pray that I too will have the faith, love, and courage to say "Yes".

Sunday, August 21, 2022

 Lead Me 

   “O search me God, and know my heart.  O test me, and know my thoughts.  See that my path is not wicked, and lead me in the way of eternity." (Psalm 139: 23 – 24) 

   Over the years I’ve made innumerable decisions, some were good, but just as many were not.  Most decisions made in this world can be corrected, the damage that may have been done repaired.  However, there are some decisions that can never be corrected; those are the ones I fear.

   It is arrogance for me to even consider that I know the best decisions when it comes to those that will determine my eternal home.  I dare not take that responsibility upon myself and chance choosing a path that leads me away from God.  Only by seeking His will in my life can I hope to come to the heavenly home He has prepared for me.

   There are many ways to better know His will, to let Him lead me on the path He has chosen.  Study of scripture, regular attendance at Mass, reading the many stories of the saints and considering the life they lead are just a few.  Above all else, there is prayer.  I must pray that I will hear His voice in the scripture, guiding me; at Mass I need to listen attentively to the readings from scripture and the lesson of the priest’s homily.  When reading of the saint’s and their lives, I must pray for a better understand of how their lives can help me in leading a life of faith.

   Only God can be trusted to always lead me on the right path, the path that leads to His heavenly kingdom.  But if I am to let God lead I must first of all pray for humility; the humility to know my weaknesses and sinfulness.  I must also pray for obedience; the willingness to obey His word and follow wherever He leads.  If I can do this, if I can reject the ways of the world, seeking only His ways, He will lead me home,

Saturday, August 20, 2022

 Called To Holiness 

   “God calls you to holiness, and everything that happens in your life, every triumph, trial, and tragedy, is an opportunity to grow in holiness.” (Matthew Kelly, “The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic”) 

   Holiness is not something we can attain for ourselves, it can only come from God.  We are sinners, imperfect humans, becoming holy is not within our ability.  But all things are possible with God.  If we ask He will make us holy as He is holy.

   When things are going well in life, we happily accept God’s gifts and see in them the holiness He wishes us to have.  It’s much more difficult to accept trials and tribulations with the same thankfulness though they too are often God’s way to bring us to holiness.

   If we sincerely believe in God and His love for us; if we sincerely believe that His will is all that really matters, then we can begin to accept holiness within us.  If we turn away from the trials, if we refuse the cross, we can never become holy.

   Attaining our goals nearly always requires some pain and suffering along the way.  We must be willing to accept the difficulties and hardships before we can know the joy of achieving the goal we seek.  It is no different for Christians; we too must be willing to bear the hardships along with the blessings if our holiness is the goal.

   Jesus said, “Anyone who wants to be a follower of mine, must renounce himself and take up the cross every day and follow me.” (Luke 9: 23).  In His life, our Lord suffered rejection, betrayal, abandonment, and finally, death on the cross.  If we are to follow Him, if we are to become holy we must be willing to accept whatever life brings, even to following Him all the way to the cross.

Friday, August 19, 2022

Two Roads 

   “Enter by the narrow gate, since the road that leads to destruction is wide and spacious and many take it; but it is a narrow gate and a hard road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” (Matt 7:13 – 14) 

   We are on a journey, a journey to eternity.  There are only two destinations available; God’s heavenly kingdom or eternal hell.  It’s up to us to choose where we will go.  It is God’s desire that we all join Him in His kingdom, but He will not force us to come.  If we, by our free will, choose hell He will allow it.

   In life there may be many roads from which to choose but there are still only two places to go.  The interstate, the superhighway, is a much easier road to travel.  I can go at higher speeds, there are plenty of gas-stations, restaurants, and places to stop and spend the night.  The journey can seem easy and even pleasant.  However, the interstate, the easy path, will not take me where I want to go.

   On the other hand, the narrow road is a more difficult road travel.  There will be dangers along the way; hardships to endure.   Gas and food may be difficult to find, and I might end up sleeping in the car because there are no hotels nearby.  However, there will also be joys and happiness that will be by-passed on the interstate.  I will see the beauty of God’s creation along the road; beauty hidden by the huge billboards on the interstate.  There will be time for rest and peace along the way to make the difficulties less burdensome.  Most important of all, I will reach the destination I desire, God’s heavenly kingdom.

   Two roads; one narrow and difficult to travel, one wide and easy.  Two destinations; heaven or hell.  There really are no other choices.

Thursday, August 18, 2022

 Joyfulness and Love 

   “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and your joy may be complete.” (John 15: 11) 

   God wants us to be joyful, to be happy and celebrate that happiness in the way we live and the way we worship.  If we allow the world to infringe upon that joy and happiness it is because we are not placing all our trust and hope in Him.

   He wants us to have His joy within us so that our joy might be complete.  He even told us how to make this happen, “This is my commandment; love one another as I have loved you.” (John 15: 12).  In that sense the Beatles were right when they sang, “All you need is love.”

   The entire Bible, from beginning to end, is the story of God’s love for us.  But we repeatedly refuse His love, instead turning to the lies and false gods of the world.  We have forsaken true love and sought after our own desires.

   Saint Paul wrote, “Love is always patient and kind; it is never jealous; love is never boastful or conceited; it is never rude or selfish; it does not take offense, and is not resentful.  Love takes no pleasure in other people’s sins but delights in the truth; it is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope, and to endure whatever comes.” (1 Cor 13: 4 – 7).

   When we love like that we will have the joyfulness Christ wants us to have in our life.

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

 Offend No One 

   These days it seems that the most heinous sin that can be committed is to offend someone.  No matter what they are doing, no matter how evil their actions, we are never to confront their sinfulness.  We have gone from love the sinner but hate the sin to ignore the sin because we might hurt the sinner’s feelings.

   This attitude pervades virtually every aspect of our life today.  If we stand strong in our faith and confront the sinfulness of the world we are called backward, ignorant, racist, homophobic, xenophobic, and many other vile names.  Ensuring that no one's feelings are bruised and no one is offended is rule one; nothing less will be tolerated.

   Even in our churches priests and pastors often tiptoe around sin rather than offend one of their congregation.  When concern about offending the sinner prohibits identifying sin and its consequences our shepherds are failing in their calling.  Somewhat cynically, I often wonder if they are more concerned with the collection plate than in properly tending the flock.

   Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14: 6).  When we back away, when we tolerate sin, even encouraging it by our acceptance rather than offend, we are all complicit in the sinfulness and failing in our faith.

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

 Live for Today 

   “As to the past let us entrust it to God’s mercy, the future to Divine Providence.  Our task is to live holy the present moment.”  St. Gianna Molla 

   I find myself thinking of the past quite often, there are so many happy memories to relive.  I sometimes think I could just sit all day, remembering and losing myself in those memories.

   There are, however, other memories that come to mind.  Memories of sadness and sorrow, of things gone wrong with no way to fix them.  There are also the memories of past sins, sins long forgiven that still come to mind, still causing pain and regrets.

   I find that I rarely think of the future, not because I don’t care but simply because I have no control over it.  There are always things that need to be planned for or they are forgotten and never get done, but the future is largely out of my hands.  My hopes and plans for the future I tend to leave in God’s hands since He is the only one who knows what it will be.

   That leaves living for today, which is really all I can do anyway.  I can’t change the past, and the future is uncertain at best.  To live my life for this moment, to seek God’s will for me is without doubt the best use of my time and efforts.  By living for Him today, I can hope to live with Him in His heavenly kingdom, where there is no past, no future, but only the now.

Monday, August 15, 2022

 The Greatest Mystery 

   “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, my thoughts higher than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55: 9) 

   I’ve always been a great fan of mysteries.  I love trying to figure out the who’s and why’s before the author sees fit to give the answer.  For as long as I can remember I've read mystery novels and still continue to this day. 

   But the greatest mystery of all is God.  It is impossible to fully know Him in this lifetime, He is so far beyond all human understanding.  But there are so many clues to find, so many hints that speak to who God is and perhaps even why He does some of the things He does.  I’ll never have all the answers, but I love searching out the clues, always seeking the solutions.

   Devoting my life trying to better know God and His ways is a mystery I will never solve, but I can think of no better way to finish this earthly life than by continuing to try.

Sunday, August 14, 2022

 Rescue Me Lord


I want to avoid sin, but often I fail.

I try to reject Satan and his temptations.

But in my weakness I sometimes succumb.

Rescue me Lord.


Too often I serve self rather than You.

In my selfishness I sin against You.

I long to resist the evil, but still I am weak.

I need the strength only You can give..


Yet, even in my weakness, You love me.

You comfort me in my sorrow.

You forgive my sins.

Even when I stray Your love remains.


The battles continue, the fight goes on.

Let me fight with you by my side.

Give me the strength to overcome.

In Your mercy, rescue me Lord.



Saturday, August 13, 2022

 Earthen Vessels 

   “But we hold this treasure in earthen vessels, that the surpassing power may be of God, not from us. (1 Cor 4: 7) 

   A potter molds his clay into the shape he desires and for the use he intends.  If it is not what he intended it to be, or doesn’t please him, he can start again and remake it.

   Like the potter, God created us for a purpose.  However, if we don’t turn out the way He intended, He will not remake us without our permission.  A lump of clay can’t say to the potter that it will not do as he intended, but we, with our free will, can say no to God’s plans for us.

   God will not force us to serve His purpose, He will allow us to go our own way if that is our desire.  However, if we choose to fill ourselves with worldly desires, we reject God and His love.  “For the Lord, your God, is a consuming fire, a jealous God.” (Deuteronomy 4: 24).

   And what is God's purpose for us, what does He ask of us?  Nothing more than what He has given to us, love.  He asks us to love Him as perfectly as we are able though we can never love as He loves in this lifetime.

   When we love Him in this way will we have begun to fulfill the purpose for which we were created; to love God with all our heart, with all our soul, and with all our mind.

Friday, August 12, 2022

Finding the Oasis 

   “O my Lord, water this barren soil of my dry and desolate soul with the infusion of Your grace.” (St. Augustine). 

   A soul without God is like a wandering nomad in a dry and arid desert.  There is no rest, no peace and, many times no hope.

   The world we live in is very much like that desert.  We wander from place to place, seeking happiness, seeking peace, but finding little.  We reach out for whatever we believe might bring the joy and contentment we seek, but we are reaching out to all the wrong things.

   As one dying of thirst in the desert mistakenly sees what is believed to be a saving oasis, we mistakenly believe we can find peace in worldly treasures.  The desert sun creates the mirage of water and relief in the oasis just over the next hill, Satan creates the mirage of the earthly joys and pleasures we think will bring us happiness.  But they too are just lies, a trick of our imagination.

   When we take Jesus into our hearts and our souls He will lead us to the restful place we seek.  He will show us the way to the real oasis; an oasis of palm trees blowing gently in a cool breeze, plentiful water to drink and rest from the woes of the world.  More importantly there will the peace that we so desperately hope to find; a peace that can only be found in our Lord.

   If we are willing to follow Christ, He will lead us to our oasis, the heavenly kingdom of God.  But we must quit wandering in the desert wasteland of this world and follow Him. 

Thursday, August 11, 2022

 The Smallest Gift 

   Jesus doesn’t ask us for great and wonderous gifts, He asks us for our love.  I think some don’t give what they can because they think what they have to give is not worthy.  But the truth is, no gift is too small if given in love.  And no gift is enough if it isn’t given in love.  It is not the gift that matters, but the love with which it is given.

   Jesus fed a crowd of over five thousand with just a few barley loaves and a couple of fish.  Not only were the crowds filled but there twelve baskets of food left over. (see John 6: 1 - 13).  In the hands of Jesus the smallest of gifts can result in miracles.

   A poor widow placed two small coins in the treasury.  Jesus said  “Amen, I say to you, this poor widow put in more than all the other contributors to the treasury.  For they have all contributed from their surplus wealth, but she, from her poverty, has contributed all she had, her whole livelihood.” (Mark 12: 41 – 44).  Her love of God far exceeded what she had to give.

   In our own lives many of us have had financial struggles.  There may have been times when our gifts to our spouse were small and inexpensive; maybe just a hug along with a heartfelt, “I love you”.  It didn’t matter, they were received with great joy.  Not because of what they were, but because of the love with which they were given.

   Never assume that you have no gift worthy of Christ; never hold back.  Jesus can bring the greatest blessing even from the smallest and simplest of gifts.  Give what you can, give it with great love, and Jesus will do the rest.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

 Peace Within 

   “We are not at peace with others because we are not at peace with ourselves, and we are not at peace with ourselves because we are not at peace with God.” (Thomas Merton) 

   I know of no one who does not want peace, but I know of few who have found it.  I’m not talking about what the world calls peace but the peace that comes from God and from Him alone.  If we are not at peace with Him, there will never be true peace in our hearts.

   “From now on a household of five will be divided, three again two and two against three; a father will be divided against his son and a son against his father, a mother against her daughter and a daughter against her mother, a mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.” (Luke 12: 52 – 53).  Far too many families are proof of His words, we truly are broken and do not know peace.

   There is not even peace in the churches.  There are far too many who would replace the ways of God with the ways of society.  They ignore Jesus’ words, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14: 6).  At the judgement these bad shepherds will be called to account for the misleading of Christ’s flock.

   Peace in the world is, and always has been, a pipe dream.  There are only times of more or less war, more or less evil.  The world is at war, a war between good and evil.  It will remain at war until our Lord comes again.  To be at peace within we must turn from the world and turn to God.

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

 He Thirsts for Us 

   “After this, aware that everything was now finished, in order that the scripture might be fulfilled, Jesus said, ‘I thirst’” (John 19: 28) 

   On the cross, dying for our sins, Jesus said “I thirst”.  After receiving the sour wine, He said His final words, “It is finished.” (John 19: 30)

   I’ve often wondered about our Lord’s thirst.  I have no doubt that he was physically thirsty, but He would be dead in just a few moments.  The sour wine He was given Him would not have quenched His thirst, so why ask for it?  I think it was something more that our Lord was thirsting for.  I believe He was, and is, thirsting for us, for our faith and belief in Him.

   The parables of Luke, chapter 15, the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the prodigal son all speak to the joy of finding one who was lost.  The parable of the lost sheep concludes with the statement, “I tell you, in just the same way there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous people who have no need of repentance. (Luke 15: 7).

   A similar statement appears in the parable of the lost coin, and the joy and happiness of the prodigal son’s father upon his return is undeniable, “But now we must celebrate and rejoice, because your brother was dead and has come to life again; he was lost and has been found.” (Luke 15: 32).

   I believe Jesus thirsts for the lost sheep, the son who had gone astray.  He thirsts for those who are dead because of sin, for those who are lost and need to find their way. He thirsts for you and for me. And when His thirst is satisfied, there is great joy and rejoicing in heaven.

Monday, August 8, 2022

 Trust God’s Plan 

   St. Antony of the Desert once asked God, “Lord, how is it that some die young and others grow old and sick?  Why are there some poor and some rich?  Why are there those who are bad and rich and oppress the poor?”  He heard a voice saying to him, “Antony, worry about yourself; these other matters are up to God, and it will not do you any good to know them.”  (Excerpt from “The Desert Fathers, Saying of the Early Christian Monks.”

   I think one of the hardest things to do is what God asked of St. Antony, to concern myself with my own spiritual well-being and leave fixing the world to God.  It’s hard to see the evil in the world, the immorality and the growing lack of faith in God and not dwell upon it.  But it really is God’s domain, not mine.

   When I consider it, I have more than enough to do just trying to live my own life according to His will.  By allowing myself to be become overly concerned with worldly affairs it’s easy to lose focus on what really matters; my relationship with my Lord.

   This doesn’t mean that I should ignore those who need help or not try to do whatever I can to make things better where possible.  It simply means that I must recognize my limitations.  I must place my trust in God and His plan, certain that all will be accomplished according to His will.

   The troubles of the world can be vexing and discouraging but it is best to put our hope in prayer and trust that He has everything under control.  He is God, we are not. 

Sunday, August 7, 2022

 On Trial 

   The year is 2030.  Christianity has become illegal in the United States.  All Churches have been shut down and destroyed, replaced by abortion and euthanasia clinics.

   Suddenly your door is smashed in, and you find yourself surrounded by the police with guns drawn.  You are told that you are under arrest on suspicion of being a Christian.  You are pushed up against a wall, searched for crosses, crucifixes, or other Christian items.  Hand-cuffed, you are physically dragged from your home as your neighbors look on in disgust.  They had no idea there was an actual believer in Christ living among them.

   A long, well-publicized trial is in the works.  The government's plan is to convict you and publicly execute you as a warning to others.  They are searching for any evidence that would prove your Christianity.  Witnesses are being sought to testify against you in court.  If they can find none, they will have to release you for lack of evidence.  They will have to assume that you are not a Christian. 

   The questions we must ask of ourselves are these:  If I were arrested for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict me?  Does the way I live my life testify to my Christianity?  Does my family see Christ in me?  Are my friends and co-workers aware of my faith?  Most importantly, does Jesus know of my faith in Him?

Saturday, August 6, 2022

 Without Love 

   “Yes, God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not be lost but may have eternal life.” (John 3: 16) 

   God is love, He created the universe because of His love.  He created men and women in His likeness because of His love.  In His great love He sent His only Son so that those who believe might have eternal live.

   If God is love, then heaven must be love because heaven is the presence of God.  If we do not have love we cannot have eternal life.  Heaven does not exist for those who do not love.

   Jesus brought the ten commandments to fruition by His life and in His actions.  He told us quite clearly what we must if we wish to enter God's kingdom.  When asked which was the greatest commandment He replied, “You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.  This is the greatest and the first commandment.” (Matt 22: 37 – 39).

   But He didn’t stop there, “The second commandment resembles it: You must love your neighbor as yourself.  On these two commandments hang the whole law and the Prophets also.” (Matt 22: 39 – 40).  There was no mention of the 613 laws the Israelites of that time were expected to obey, just that we must love both God and neighbor.

   If we do not have love we do not know God; if we do not have love we do not know Jesus; if we do not have love for God, our neighbor, and even our enemies we will never know the joy of God’s heavenly kingdom.

Friday, August 5, 2022

 God’s Plan for Us 

“For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.” (Jeremiah 29: 11) 

   I used to get upset with all that is happening in the world.  I asked why would God allow such things to happen?  Why does He not put a stop to it and bring His plans to fruition? 

   What I’ve come to understand is that we are the stumbling blocks to His plan.  We have the ability to say “No” to God.  We can reject His plan for us and by extension for the world.  His ways are perfect, but we are imperfect; we deny His truths and His ways.  We look to the world for joy and satisfaction that will never be complete and will never last, all the while turning away from the eternal happiness of God’s kingdom.

   There is one thing that is certain.  On the day and time of His choosing He will bring His plan to its perfect completion.  Evil will be eliminated and good will rule.  The wheat will separated from the chaff.  The chaff will be discarded and burned, the wheat gathered into His kingdom.

   “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my thoughts.  See if there is any wicked way in me and lead me in the way of everlasting.” (Psalm 139: 23).  If we open our heart to Him and accept His plan for us He will remove the evil that may be within and replace it with love for Him and for neighbor.  When we give God full rein, accepting His plan for us, the woes of the world fade and we see eternity opening up before us.

Thursday, August 4, 2022

 False Gods 

   “For where your treasure is, there your heart will also be.” (Matt 20: 21) 

   Throughout the Old Testament we read of the Israelites, the chosen people of God, turning to other gods.  They adopted the pagan gods of those who lived among them as their own and worshipped idols of silver and gold.  Even Solomon, the wisest of the wise, built altars to the gods of his many pagan wives.

   We are no different today, we also worship pagan gods, the gods of a society run amok.  Many worship at the altar of the ATM, money is their god, and they regularly sacrifice to their god.

   Others worship at the altar of self, seeking fame in all they do.  Their altars are often the trophies and honors they have received, all proudly display throughout their homes.  They kneel at the altar of worldly recognition.

   Some worship the god of sex.  Physical pleasure is their goal, and nothing shall stand in the way of attaining it.  Marriage is more and more ignored while various partnerships based on sex and its pleasures abound. When they tire of their current partner they simply call it quits and seek their god with another.

   When kept in proper perspective there is nothing wrong with money, fame, or physical pleasure.  These are gifts of  God, but when we place them first in our life they become our false gods.  There is but one God who is due our worship.

   There is only one true God who offers eternal life; the rest are fakes and liars.  We choose what we treasure, let us choose the treasures of heaven.


Wednesday, August 3, 2022

 From Darkness into Light 

   I often see the sunrise on my morning walk.  I love watching as the sky begins to lighten in the east, the rising sun pushing away the darkness of night.  As I walked this morning I came to realize that we need sunrise (Son Rise) in our lives as well to chase away the darkness.

   When I first begin my walk it is dark.  I see very little and what I do see is shadowed and indistinct.  As the sun begins to rise things become clearer and I can more easily see where I am going.  If I wander off the path I can see to get back to it.

   I need this in my life.  I need for my Lord to shine His light on me, and to take away any darkness that might be within.  Just as the sun lights the world, allowing me to better see the majesty of God’s creation, the light of Jesus shines a light on my soul, showing me the path to heaven.  Without His light I can easily stray from the right path, unable to clearly see where I’m going or how to find my way back to Him.

   This world has already been judged.  Saint John tells us, “And this is the verdict, that the light came into the world, but people preferred darkness to light, because their works were evil.” (John 3: 19).  But we can choose to walk in the light of Christ and vanquish the darkness of the world.

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

 Living for the Word 

   “Be doers of the word and not hearers only, deluding yourselves.” (James 1: 22) 

   If I am not doing all I can to live by the word of God I don’t believe I can truly call myself Christian.  I recognize that I am imperfect and will therefore fail in my efforts from time to time, but I must make the effort.

   I would never allow a surgeon to operate on me who had spent His entire career researching surgery, publishing papers about surgery, but never practicing surgery.  His knowledge might be great but it’s practical application is non-existent.

   A pianist with a PHD in music will never be a great pianist by practicing but once a week.  Knowledge does not amount to application.  The same applies to athletes who wish to make the Olympics.  Unless they are willing to train, practice, and maintain a proper diet, they will never reach their goal, nor should they.

   Imagine for a moment a married couple who once a week tell each other of their love but never express it at any other time.  That marriage will not last.  Yet many people seem to think that going to church once a week and ignoring God for the rest of the week is all that is required of a Christian.

   Being doers of the word not only leads us to heaven but makes the journey much more enjoyable.  I’ve found that the more I offer to God the more I am at peace.  The trials and difficulties of this life seem less burdensome, easier to bear.  I come to better realize that this world and all that is in it will pass away, but the word of God is eternal.

   There is peace to be found in obeying God, in doing what He asks of us.  It is His peace that we receive, a peace the world can never give.

Monday, August 1, 2022

 The Gift of Time 

   “The Lord does not delay his promise, as some regard ‘delay’, but he is patient with you, not wishing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.” (2 Peter 3: 9) 

  I thank God that He has given me time to come to Him.  There is no doubt in my mind that had He taken me earlier in life, I would be spending eternity without Him, suffering the pains of hell.  As it is, He has allowed me to continue in this life and I have become His.

   We see time as belonging to us, but it does not, it is a gift from God.  There is no certainty that we will see tomorrow or even the end of this day.  Because He loves us and wants us to spend eternity with Him, God reaches out to us, urging us to come to Him, hoping we will respond.  But the hour and day of our passing is certain and then the judgement.

   There is a question we need ask ourselves each day.  “If today is the day God calls me, am I ready?”  We have no way of knowing when this life will be over for us so we must be prepared for that day.  In His infinite mercy, our God accepts and rejoices at a sinner’s repentance even at the last second of life.  However, there is no promise that we will have that opportunity, life can end very quickly and without warning.

   Every day we face decisions about how to use the time God has given us.  Every day we have the choice of using that time to come closer to Him or to drift further away.  But the amount of time we have is limited, and we do not know where that limit lies.  We must be ready when that day comes.