Saturday, June 30, 2018

Be Holy

   “For I am the Lord who brought you up out of the land of Egypt, to be your God; you shall therefore be holy, for I am Holy.” (Leviticus 11: 45)

  God has told us that we should be holy as He is holy.  While we can’t be perfectly holy as God is we have the ability to be holy in many ways.  God will help.  He will give us the strength to increase our sanctity.

   The idea of holiness is something that is difficult for us to apply to ourselves.  We see others who are supposedly much holier than we.  They seem to exude holiness while we struggle in our attempts to be holy.  The reality is that they are no more holy than you or I.  They have learned to accept their holiness; a lesson we all need to learn.

   Increasing our holiness is up to us.  We can look to God for guidance in our daily activities striving for holiness and avoiding those things that detract from our holiness.  Simply taking the time to turn our heart to God rather than rushing into a decision can bring us closer to holiness.  Thanking Him for all He has done and continues to do for us increases our sanctity.  In fact, anything we do that includes God makes us more holy.

   A simple smile to one who obviously needs a smile is as act of holiness.  A shoulder to cry on; an ear to listen; the simple act of holding another’s hand when they are troubled; all of these things are holy and help us to become holy.  Visiting a sick friend or helping someone who is having difficulties brings God closer to them and gives us the opportunity to be holy as God is holy.  Being holy isn’t hard but it takes effort.  We must be willing to accept our own holiness and seek to increase it by doing those things that are holy in the eyes of God.

Friday, June 29, 2018

Wondrously Made

   “I praise you, for I am wondrously made.  Wonderful are your works.” (Ps 139: 14)

   Why do we have such a hard time believing what the psalmist is telling us.  It seems we can easily see our faults and shortcomings but have a difficult time recognizing the beauty within each of us.

   God does not make mistakes.  He made us as we are and there is a purpose to His plan.  We may not fully understand why we are as we are but we were created by God and everything He made is good.  Whether we realize it or not, we are good simply because we are God’s creation.  We can either acknowledge the goodness within and share it as God would have or we can deny it and deny His plan for our life.

   There is very little we can do change our outward identity such as our looks, our background and other such things.  But we can change what we are deep inside.  If we accept ourselves as God created us we can fill ourselves with the love and beauty that God intends for us.  When we fail to see God within us we deny His love for us.

   We need to know that we are created by God and wondrously made.  Though we may not understand why we were made as we are we can still accept that God has a purpose for us just as He created us.  Until we can see God and His goodness within ourselves we will have difficulty seeing the goodness in others.  God has called us His children; He has taken us as part of His family.  We will never truly see God in others unless we see Him within us first.

   There is good within us.  God put it there when He created us.  He knew us before we were ever formed in our mother’s womb and He has made us good.  Just as a healthy tree produces good fruit we can produce good fruit in our lives and the lives of others.  We just have to realize that we truly are wondrously made by a loving and merciful God.

   “And God saw everything he had made, and behold, it was very good.” (Gen 1:31)

Thursday, June 28, 2018

In His Shadow

Lord, let me walk in Your shadow.
Let me follow your footsteps.
Lead me on the path You have for me.

When I lead I find myself lost.
I don’t know the way.
Only You can guide me rightly.

My life I offer to you.
My heart I give.
Everything I am is because of You.

Fill my mind with wisdom
Fill my heart with love
Fill my soul with Your Holy Spirit.

Lord, let me walk in Your shadow.
Only by following you can I find myself.


Wednesday, June 27, 2018


   We are inundated with choices.  We make decisions about many things concerning many different situations each day of our life.  We have the tremendous opportunity to make good choices and further our relationships with our friends, our family and our God.  There is also the very real danger of choosing unwisely and hurting, maybe even destroying, those relationships.

   God gave us the gift of free will which enables us to make such choices without His interference.  If we want His help in choosing we must ask for it and it will be given.  He desires to help us along our way but He will never force Himself upon us.

   Adam and Eve made the wrong choice.  They chose to try to become like God, to use their own judgement to determine what is good and what is evil.  As a result of their prideful decision paradise was lost.  Abraham made the right choice when he left his homeland to follow God’s way.  As a result he would become the father of the Israelite nations.  Everything is determined by the choices made.

   Today, as always, the choice is ours but so are the consequences of that choice.  We can choose to follow God or we can take the path of the world.  A wise choice will lead us to eternity with our Lord; a bad one may condemn us to eternity without Him.  As with our first parents and Abraham it’s all in how we decide.  The choice is ours.

   “but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24: 15)

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Blessed With Prayer

   There is a simple and effective way to deal with the stress, disappointments and trials of everyday life.  Stop and take a short break for prayer.  It’s amazing how the most difficult situation can become less stressful when we put the issue aside for a moment and offer a silent prayer.  A simple turning to God for a few seconds can restore the calm in our life.  A moment of silent communion with Him can provide a new perspective and help find the needed solution.

   By nature we are fixers.  We want to fix everything but we don’t have the proper tools.  God can provide those tools through prayer and contemplation of His will and plans for us.  There are some things that can’t be fixed except by the power of God.  When we recognize that and give it to God we can find our peace.  It isn’t even necessary to explain the problem.  God knows what is troubling us and will give us His help.

   At times we feel that we must be the only one who has experienced the problems that we face.  That is not only untrue, it is somewhat arrogant.  All are tempted, all are troubled and all need God’s help in their lives.  Turn to Him, let Him take your burden and lessen your troubles.  Jesus told His disciples to be at peace and offered them His peace.  The peace He offers is what we can have if we follow the simple exercise of prayer.  Go to Him when something is troubling you regardless of what it is.  He will help.  He wants to help.

   Jesus came to save our souls not to let them wander the wastelands of worry, sorrow and stress.  Those are the tools of Satan; let our Lord protect you from them.  Take a break and make use of one of God’s greatest gifts.  The blessing of prayer.

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give it to you.  Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” (John 14: 27)

Monday, June 25, 2018

The Journey

   Life is a journey.  It is a passage from our birth until our passing from this world.  Without God's guidance we don’t have the map that will lead us to our desired destination.  He alone has the route that is best for us.  He will guide us home if we turn to Him.

   Each day we are faced with twists and turns in our journey. Should we go left or right?  Did we miss the turn and need to go back?  Can we be sure we are on the right path?  Life throws confusion into our journey making it hard to be sure if we are following the best route.

   To make things worse there is an army committed to leading us astray.  Multitudes of demons under the guidance of Satan whose only purpose is to somehow turn us from God and the path He has for us.  We don’t have the wisdom to always recognize their efforts.  Our strength is no match for their temptations.  Without God’s help and guidance we will sometimes follow them, falling prey to their deceptions and lies.

   We have within us the ability to manage this journey of ours to ensure that we stay on the right path and follow it to our home.  Prayer will give us the directions we need.  Through prayer we can keep ourselves attuned to God’s will and remain true to the path He has chosen for us.  Even though we may not always be aware of God’s guidance His presence is always with us.  Pray is our way of becoming aware of His presence in our life.

   If we turn our heart and mind to God we can reach our heavenly home.  His wisdom, direction and strength will sustain us on our journey.  Listen for His voice; seek His advice; take heed of His gentle hand guiding us always closer to Him.

   The journey of our life will end in only one of two ways.  We will either spend eternity with God or without Him.  Pray to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and listen for their answers.  Always seek their will and join them in glory when the journey is over.

Sunday, June 24, 2018


   What do you think of when you think of a prophet?  Many would say that it is someone who predicts the future.  In some cases prophets tell others of future events but not in the sense of fortune tellers or seers.  When they tell of what is to come it is because God has given them the message to share.  This is what a prophet does; they share the word of God.  They do not do these things on their own but by their faith and God's direction.

   Three young children experienced visions of the Blessed Mother at Fatima.  They shared the word of God that Mary had given them.  They told others of their visions and of what Mary had told them.  Most did not believe them but their prophecies were fulfilled in full view of over seventy thousand people.  Even communists and atheists saw and believed.

   A young girl named Bernadette was visited by Mary and discovered a grotto at Lourdes France.  Thousands of cures are attributed to the waters of that grotto as promised.  Medical experts have examined many of those healed and confirmed that there was no medical explanation for their healing.  Bernadette received God’s word from Mary and established an on-going site of miraculous cures.

   John the Baptist prophesied that Jesus was near.  He recognized Him when He approached and told the crowds that this was the Messiah, come to baptize them in the spirit.  He shared the message God had given him.

   As Christians we are also called to be prophets even though most of us will never experience such incredible events as these.  Still, we are to share God’s word with others.  In the way we talk, the way we act and the way we live our lives we are to give testimony to God and share His message.  Through our baptism and faith God has called us to be prophets of the Lord. 

Saturday, June 23, 2018


   Imagine a world in which there is no pain, no hunger, no disease or death.  In that world every day is a day of joy and happiness with no concerns about one’s well-being.  There are no worries about what to eat, all we could possibly want is right there before us.  Each day is perfect in every way.

   That is the world that our first parents had.  God provided for all their needs and communed with them as a family.  As a loving Father, he walked with them, shared with them and loved them totally.  Through their pride they lost that world.

   That world no longer exists for us but it can exist again in God’s Kingdom.  He is still there, still caring for us, still loving us.  Imagine a love so strong that He would give us His only Son to restore us to His family.  Jesus was not honored or believed when He came.  Instead He was betrayed, beaten and hung on a cross.  This is the love that God has for us; a love that gives all and will last throughout eternity.  Though we can never do anything to deserve it, He continues to love us.

   Imagine a world where we walk with God.  A world where we can speak with Jesus and ask Him the questions we’ve always wanted answered.  A place where there is no pain, no disease, no death.  God wants to give us that world.  He created us for that world.  Though we lost it, He wants to restore it to us if we will accept it.  He’s waiting for our decision; hoping that we choose to love Him and join Him in that world.

   “What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man conceived, what God has prepared for those who love him.” (1 Cor 2: 9)

Friday, June 22, 2018

He Must Increase

   When some of John’s disciples came to him complaining that many were following Jesus rather than him John replied, “He must increase, but I must decrease.” (John 3: 30).  John understood that his mission was complete and that Jesus must become the focus in order to bring salvation to the world.

   We need to have this same attitude toward our place in God’s plan.  Many want to be the head-liner of the show; they want others to see them as the one who can bring them to salvation by their preaching and teaching.  Whether they are ministers, priests, pastors or lay people they place too much importance on their own efforts.  Without doubt their efforts are needed but no one can be brought to salvation except through Jesus.  He said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but by me.” (John 14: 6).

   Our pride is the cause of much sin.  Through vanity we sometimes place too much emphasis on our own importance and lessen the place of Jesus in our life.  As we walk the path God puts before us we must allow Jesus to become the foremost while we bow to His will and humbly accept the love, mercy and salvation He offers us.
   The old bumper sticker that says “God is my co-pilot” has it wrong.  We are to be the co-pilot following the direction given by the Lord.  Humility before the Lord will lead us home.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Filled With God

Lord, let my whole being be filled with You.

Let my ears hear You in the songs of the birds, the laughter of children.  Let me hear You in the small whisper and quiet urgings heard only in my soul.

Let my eyes see You in all things.  Let me see You in the glory of Your creations; the stars, the moon and the sun.  Let me see You in the faces of everyone I meet.

Let my feet walk the path You put before me.  Strengthen me in whatever trials I may face.  Let me lovingly embrace the crosses in my life.

Let my voice always speak of You; to share Your word, Your mercy and Your love.  Let it speak of Your forgiveness and salvation.  Let it be firm yet humble; strong yet loving.

Let my heart be filled with love for You.  Let it be a love for all of Your children; a love that forgives and welcomes; a sacrificial love.

Let my soul be filled with Your Holy Spirit that I may better serve You.  Let my mind be filled with Your wisdom that I may better know You. 

Let all that I am give glory, praise and honor to You in all that I do.


Wednesday, June 20, 2018

An Empty Vessel

   We begin with an empty vessel.  What we choose to put in that vessel will determine the path of our life.  Jesus told His disciples, “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” (Matt: 6: 21).  If we fill our vessel with God’s will and seek the things He has in store for us we will find ourselves welcomed into His eternal kingdom.  Failing this, we open ourselves to Satan to define our desires and wants leading us to eternal condemnation.

   If we fill our bodies with food and drink that is unhealthy we will become unhealthy.  By looking closely at what we put into our bodies we can help ourselves to remain healthy.  Our spiritual life is similar.  We can fill our soul with evil or good, the choice is ours.  The things we select will determine the contents of our heart.  Our choices will define our treasure.

   Where are we to find the good things with which to fill our vessel?  The scripture is a great place to start.  Prayerfully read and contemplate the scriptures.  They will build our relationship with God.  Go to Mass and receive the Sacraments.  These are the food that keeps our spiritual life healthy.  Study the saints and holy men and women.  They give us examples of how we are to live our life.

   Our vessel is ours to fill.  God will give us the best of all things with which to fill it if we ask.  Satan will fill it with evil if we allow.  By prayerfully seeking God’s way we can build our treasure in heaven and let our heart rest in His peace.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

A Civil Tongue

   Jesus taught love.  He never hesitated to confront those who were guilty of wrongdoing but He did so with love and a genuine concern for their soul.  He corrected those who needed correction but gently and with compassion.  Even when slandered, insulted, beaten and nailed to a cross He still spoke with love, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.” (Luke 23: 34).

   Our discourse today has become violently personal.  When speaking to someone with whom we disagree accusations, name-calling and hateful speech are the norm.  Nowhere do we find a civil discussion on a contentious topic.  Politicians argue rather than reach compromise for the betterment of all.  Colleges reject those who would say things some don’t want to hear rather than allowing for an open discussion and serious thought.

   Even within the Church there is a lack of Christian love and acceptance.  Arguments erupt over the most minor issues when a respectful discussion could resolve the difference to the satisfaction of all.  If the pastor has the temerity to remind the congregation of the fact that we are all sinners and need to repent they risk hate mail and vile comments rather than respectful discussion.

   Words, once spoken, can never be recalled.  Careful consideration of our words can avoid insult, injury and alienation of another.  If we approach each other with Christian love we can accomplish much.  We can openly and fairly discuss our differences of opinions.  With respectful discourse we can help others understand our faith and better understand theirs.  We can increase God's kingdom on earth.  We can do all these things with love and caring for each other.  Without a civil tongue we can do none of these things.

Monday, June 18, 2018

Unrelenting Love

   “I’ll love you forever.”  How many times have we said these words to our spouse and our children?  I’m certain that we truly mean what we say but are we capable of fulfilling this promise?  As Christians we are called to love but a love that never ends, one that bears all hurts and betrayals is very difficult for us.  Only with God can we have a love such as this.

  The Old Testament book of Hosea tells us of the love God has for His chosen people.  God told Hosea to go and marry the prostitute Gomer.  Hosea did as God asked and he loved Gomer regardless of her past.  Again and again Gomer went back to her sinful ways, committing adultery even with Hosea’s friends.  Despite her betrayals and the shame she brought to him Hosea continued to love and forgive her.

   This is the love that God has for His people.  Just as Gomer sinned again and again but was forgiven so too the Israelites turned from God many times yet were forgiven.  As Christians we have been adopted into God’s chosen people.  We are no different than Gomer or the Israelites; we sin and betray God’s love over and over.   And still he forgives and loves us.

   This is unrelenting love.  This is the love that never ends and always forgives.  In spite of all hurt and betrayal it remains strong.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only-begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3: 16).

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Knowledge and Love

   Knowledge is important.  Regardless of what we do in life we need to have the knowledge of how it is to be done.  Schools, colleges, training programs all exist for the sole purpose of providing the knowledge needed to be successful in our chosen field.  Without obtaining the necessary learning success isn’t possible.

  Those who have gained great knowledge may have the technical skills for success but there are other skills needed as well.  We could call those the soft skills.  They are the ability to implement the knowledge gained in the most effective manner.   The ability to manage the business is important but so is the ability to motivate others to give their best efforts to make it a success.  A lack of the soft skills can seriously limit the chances of success in any endeavor.

   For a long time I thought that the path to a greater faith was greater knowledge.  Knowledge is important to better understand why we believe what we believe.  We need to study the scriptures and the teachings of the Church if we are to fully practice our faith.  Faith based on habit or the fact that “we’ve always done this” is limiting in many ways.  Knowledge can provide a much deeper personal faith experience.

   However, I’ve found that knowledge in faith is like knowledge in any other field.  Without the soft skills success is limited.  The soft skills of faith can be summed up in one word; Love.  If we have love we have the ability to deepen our faith and grow our relationship with God.  If we have love we have compassion and caring.  If we have love we truly desire what is best for others.  We may be able to make a good argument for our faith based on knowledge but the love with which we live our faith is what makes us good evangelists.  Without it we are an empty shell filled with facts and figures.

“If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.  And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.”  (1 Cor 13: 1-2)

Saturday, June 16, 2018

The Miracle of the Eucharist

“Now as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed, and broke it, and gave it to the disciples and said, ‘Take, eat; this is my body.’  And he took a chalice, and when he had given thanks he gave it to them, saying, ‘Drink of it, all of you; for this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.”  (Matt 26: 26-28)

As I kneel, preparing to receive the blessed body and blood of my Lord and Savior, I am in awe of the miracle that is before me.  Jesus has again changed bread and wine into his body and blood.  They may appear as before, but they are not.  Jesus is truly present within. There are times when I am near tears as I contemplate the gift Christ has prepared for me.

There are those who would say that the Eucharist is only a symbol; just a way of remembering.  But that isn’t what scripture says.  Jesus said, “I am the living bread which came down from heaven; if any one eats of this bread, he will live for ever; and the bread which I shall give for the life of the world is my flesh.” (John 6: 51).  There is no ambiguity in this statement, no hint of symbolism.

His followers questioned how He could give His flesh and blood for them to eat and drink.  He didn’t back down He became more forceful, “Truly, truly I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you; he who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day.  For my flesh is food indeed and my blood is drink indeed” (John 6: 53-55).  Again, there is no question that He is referring to His actual body and blood, not some symbolic act.

Many of His followers left Him because of this teaching.  He did not call them back to explain that he was just talking symbolically.  He allowed them to walk away from Him if they weren’t able to accept His teaching. 

Can I explain how a communion host becomes the Body of Christ or how the wine becomes the Blood of Christ during the consecration of the Holy Eucharist?  Yes, I can; it is a miracle.  Through the miracles of Jesus water became wine, Lazarus was raised from the dead, many were healed, and over five thousand were fed with two fish and a few loaves.  Through a miracle of Jesus the host and the wine truly become my Lord’s Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity.  To believe otherwise is to deny the plain words of our Lord.

Friday, June 15, 2018

No Gift Too Small

   On a hillside in Judea Jesus fed over five thousand with two fishes and five loaves.  All had plenty to eat and twelve baskets of leftovers were gathered. (Matt 14: 13-21)

   Jesus watched as many rich people put money in the treasury.  He noticed a poor widow who put in two cooper coins, about a penny.  He commented that she had given far more than the others because it was from her need rather than from abundance. (Mark 14: 41-44)

   What the scriptures above tell us is that whatever we have to give is welcomed by God.  A gift from our heart can be turned into great miracles in the hands of God regardless of how small we may think it to be.  Just as two fish fed five thousand, what little we have to give can be used in ways we can’t imagine.

   In my life there have been times when I’ve felt that what I had to offer God was nothing compared to what others give.  Others had more money, talent and time to contribute; of what good were the small things I could offer when others gave so much more.

   Perhaps you’ve had the same experience.  The longing to do something for God but uncertainty if what you had to contribute was sufficient.  I think the idea that we can’t give enough to satisfy God is one of Satan’s most used lies.  If we can be convinced that our contribution is insufficient then maybe we are unacceptable to God as well.  After all, look what Jesus did for us on the cross.  If He could do that for us, how can our small donations or simple abilities be adequate?  As long the enemy can keep us thinking like this it’s much easier for him to convince us that it’s not worth our effort to even try.  God wouldn’t want what we have to offer anyway.

   Though we may think that what we have to offer is unsatisfactory, God will lovingly accept it and use it to further His will.  There is nothing so small or too little if given in love and faith.  Just give it and let God do the rest.

   “Cast yourself into the arms of God and be very sure, that if He wants anything of you, He will fit you for the work and give you strength.”  St. Philip Neri.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

   Father, I reach out to You for strength and You give it.  I ask for guidance and You lead me through the perils of life.  I pray that I may serve You in all that I do.  Give me the assurance that I am following Your will.

   I doubt myself Lord and wonder if I am capable of serving You as You wish.  Yet I know that whatever I have to give pleases You and helps further Your Kingdom.  I give all that I have to You and pray that You will use me as You desire.

   My mind wanders from You even though I want to be always true to You.  Satan knocks loudly and often trying to tempt me to his evil ways.  I turn to the Holy Spirit as my warrior and protector.  He will give me the courage and power to reject the enemy’s temptations.

   Throughout my life I have been a sinner.  Though I despise my sins I seem unable to avoid them.  My Lord Jesus, You came to pay the price for my sins.  My failings were the stripes of Your scourging, the thorns in the crown of thorns, the nails that pierced Your flesh as they hung You on the cross.  And still You love me and bid me come to You.

   This journey through life is full of danger.  I’m sometimes unsure of which way to go.  Show me the path You would have me follow.  I know that You will provide the strength and courage to remain on that path if I only ask.

   My Lord, my God, let me always walk with You.  If I stray pull me back.  If I wander return me to Your path.  If I sin forgive me.  If I place all my faith and trust in You, I know that You will lead me through this life and bring me home when it is done.


Wednesday, June 13, 2018

The Promised Land

   The similarities in the Israelite's journey from slavery in Egypt to the Promised Land and our journey from sinfulness to heaven always amaze me.  The journeys are alike in many ways and it’s interesting to explore those ways.

   I believe that Pharaoh and his armies can be a type of Satan and his army of demons.  The brutal physical slavery of the Jews in Egypt reminds me of our slavery to sin in our own life.  Just as Moses came to free the Israelites from slavery to Pharaoh Jesus came to free us from slavery to Satan and sin.

   As the Israelites left Egypt they had to cross the Red Sea in their escape.  God dried up the sea allowing them to walk across on the dry seabed.  When Pharaoh’s army came to capture them and return them to slavery the Lord closed the waters of the sea over them, destroying them.  The Israelites could then continue their journey to the Promised Land.

   In our escape from slavery to sin, we enter the waters of Baptism and our sins are washed away.  Satan and his demons will try to follow and drag us back into our slavery through their temptations just as Pharaoh’s army pursued the Israelites.  God has provided us a great protector from sin and Satan in the Holy Spirit.  If we place our trust in Him and follow the Spirit’s guidance we will have the strength to turn back Satan’s army.  We can then continue our journey to the homeland God has prepared for us in heaven.

   The Israelites faced many difficulties on their sojourn through the desert.  When they turned from God their trials worsened; when they returned to Him their way was eased.  In our life we too will face many temptations and trials.  If we turn from God Satan will surely capture us and return us to our slavery to sin.  Though we may falter and stumble along the way if we will turn to God He will ease our burdens and give us the strength to throw off Satan and continue our journey to Him.

   As Moses led the Israelites from Egypt across the dry bed of the Red Sea so Joshua led them across the dry bed of the Jordan River to their Promised Land.  Through Baptism we were led to freedom from the slavery to sin.  The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit will continue to lead us on our journey, holding us as we finally cross our Jordan into the land God has promised to those who believe.

   “Now therefore fear the Lord, and serve him in sincerity and in faithfulness; put away the gods which your fathers served beyond the River, and in Egypt, and serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24: 14)

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

God Calling

   I’ve come to realize that God has been calling me for most of my life.  Church wasn’t something we did in my family yet even as a child there were times when I felt there was something missing.  As I grew older I pretty much ignored the urging I would sometimes feel.  I suppose I’m not the only one who has lived this experience but I wish I had listened to His calling earlier.  There’s so much I missed by not answering Him.

   After I married I began going to Mass with my wife each week.  She never pushed or prodded me but I came to know that I belonged to God and needed to be a part of His Church.  I bless my wife for bringing me to Church and to God.  I thank God for bringing her to me and changing my life.

   For years I was a “Sunday Catholic”.  I went to Mass and that was about all.  Still I knew there was more to this Christian thing that just showing up for church once a week.  But again I failed to listen to God’s calling.

   After finally becoming a bit more involved with the Church I thought I was listening to God and responding.  I was sharing money, time and talents so I felt I must be doing what He wanted.  I later came to understand that He wasn’t through with me yet.  There was more He wanted.

   As I began to understand that I needed to do more I began searching for what that might be.  I became a lector, sharing the word at Mass. I became a Eucharistic Minister sharing the body and blood of Christ at Mass.  I studied scripture and my faith, took various courses to help me better understand what God wanted.  I led bible studies and shared my faith with those who were converting to the Catholic Church.  I felt I had really gotten my spiritual life in order.  Still He wanted more.

   Even though I kept trying I still felt that I wasn’t doing what God wanted of me. Finally I understood what I was doing wrong.  I was thinking for myself rather than seeking His will for me.  When I felt I needed to do more I looked at what was available and picked what I wanted to do.  Instead I should have been on my knees asking what God wanted me to do.

   At a silent retreat about ten years ago I finally understood that what God wanted from me was me.  All of me, not just the part I wanted to give.  On my knees in front of the Blessed Sacrament I promised Him that I would stop interfering and listen to Him instead.

   Since then I have been called to writing about my faith and sharing that faith with others.  God has led me to write and publish two books and His prompting during Lent was the start of this blog.  I’ve quit trying to tell Him what I want to do for Him and started letting Him tell me what He wants of me.  I'm not sure if He's finished with me yet so I will keep listening.  He has changed my life and my only regret is that it took so long for me to finally shut up and listen.

Monday, June 11, 2018


   Freedom of choice is one of the greatest blessings God gave mankind.  The ability to decide for ourselves what to do with our day, our week, even our life.  It is also one of the most dangerous blessings given us by God.  With the ability to choose for ourselves comes the responsibility to choose wisely.

   Our first parents abused their freedom of choice by making the decision to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  Satan had convinced them that this knowledge would make them like God and they fell for his lie.  Their choice resulted in their eviction from the Garden of Eden and loss of the family relationship they had held with God.  A loss that extends to us today.

   When God confronted Adam with the fact that he had eaten from the tree Adam’s response was to blame it on Eve.  Not only her but on God as well, “The woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave me the fruit of the tree, and I ate.” (Gen 3: 12).  When asked, Eve also placed the blame elsewhere, “The serpent beguiled me, and I ate. (Gen 3: 13).  Both very quickly looked to blame others for their bad choices.

   We are pretty much the same when it comes to taking responsibility for our sins.  We tend to look for an excuse for why we sinned rather than accepting that we made the decision of our own free will.  The devil made me do it is a common phrase and in some ways it is correct.  Satan certainly tempts us to sin at every opportunity.  Yet he can’t force us to sin, we have to make the choice to reject his temptations or fall prey to Him.

   We face many choices every day.  Some are insignificant, some can greatly impact many things in our lives and the lives of those around us.  Our daily choices are what will either bring us home to God or keep us from reaching heaven.  Adam and Eve suffered from pride; a desire to be like God.  We too suffer from pride; a pride that keeps us from turning to God in humility and sorrow, accepting responsibility for our failings and asking forgiveness.

When faced with choices keep in mind Jesus’ words, “For the gate is narrow and the way is hard, that leads to life, and those who find it are few.”  Our choices will determine whether we are among the few who find the narrow gate.

Sunday, June 10, 2018

The Love of Jesus

   “In comparison to the love of Jesus, everything else is secondary.  And without the love of Jesus everything else is useless.”  St. John Paul II

   I’ve often wondered how it is that God could love me as much as He does.  What makes me worthy of that love?  Why does He choose to love me when so many times I have failed in my efforts to follow His way?  The answer can be found in our Lord Jesus Christ.  If we look at His life we can begin to understand the depth of love God has for us.

  Nothing we have done and nothing we can do will ever make us worthy of the love of Jesus.  The beautiful thing is that He knows that and loves us anyway.  His love exceeds all bounds and is eternal.  We can do nothing to increase His love and nothing we do can cause Him to stop loving us.

   Throughout His life on earth everything Jesus did He did out of love.  He forgave the sinners because He loved them.  He healed those in need of healing because He loved them.  Even those he rebuked He rebuked with love that only desired their conversion and their faith in Him.  Given the opportunity He would have forgiven even Judas’s betrayal if only Judas had repented and asked.

   Love is a word that is very misused in our world.  We speak of love for many things but rarely understand the true depth and meaning of the word.  We can look to Jesus, beaten, bloody and hanging on the cross and see what true love is.  It is the willingness to sacrifice all for another.  It is not only sacrificial it is the desire to sacrifice for the benefit of others.  Husbands and wives sacrifice for each other; parents sacrifice for their children.  These self-giving acts of love are what the Father, Son and Holy Spirit offer in perfection.  As we try to mirror that love in our own lives, we can begin to understand how much He loves us.

   “Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”  (John 15:13)

Saturday, June 9, 2018

God’s Signposts

   As we travel to an unfamiliar destination it’s very important that we pay attention to the signs along the way.  If we are using a GPS we must listen to the directions we are given.  Otherwise we are likely to become lost and never arrive at our desired destination.  Worse yet, we may lose our way completely and wander in circles trying to find the right path.

   Our spiritual life is very much the same.  We know where we want to go but we aren’t always sure which is the best route to take to get there.  Each of us has a route that God has planned for us but we may not readily recognize His signposts and can lose our way.  The fact that other’s routes may be greatly different than ours makes it even more important to pay attention to God’s directions for us.

   The best place to find the signposts of God is the Bible.  The ten commandments, the prophesies and the gospels all point us to the right path.  The Acts of the Apostles and the letters of the early evangelists give us additional directions for the path God has for us.  The writings of the early Church Fathers can also provide help in our journey.

   Once on the right path, however, we can’t just keep going without looking for the signs along the way that will help us in our journey.  We also need places to stop for a while and rest; places to eat and regain our strength to continue our trip.  When on the highway we look for our favorite restaurants or the right hotel to stop at for the night’s rest.  In our spiritual journey we can get rest and refreshment at Mass and through the Sacraments.

   When traveling we usually review our route before we start out for the day.  We understand that there is the possibility of taking the wrong turn and getting lost.  We should do the same for our spiritual journey.  We can review our route through readings, meditations and prayers to help us identify God’s path and the wrong turns that Satan will surely put before us.

   Whether an earthly vacation or the spiritual journey to God good planning, proper preparation and constant diligence in staying on the right path is vital.  By following the guidelines and signposts God gives us along the way we can safely reach our heavenly destination.

Friday, June 8, 2018


   There is a spiritual exercise I do with some regularity.  It helps me refocus on the important things in life.  It is particularly helpful when I’m feeling discouraged or disappointed about things as they are in my life.  Especially when I feel that I’m not as close to God as I want to be it strengthens me and helps me renew our relationship.

   I call it my “blessing review”.  I try to find a quiet spot where I can shut out as much outside noise and interference as possible.  I begin with a prayer thanking God for all He’s done in my life.  Then I begin with my earliest memories and look for the times when God has blessed me.  It’s remarkable how many I see in looking back this way.  Sometimes I will remember one that I’d not thought of before.  It makes me realize how subtle God can be in His love and blessings.

   I start with the blessing of my life itself.  When I was born the doctors told my parents that I wouldn’t live for more than a month or so.  I was born with an enlarged heart and it wasn’t pumping efficiently.  Because of this my body was not receiving the oxygen it needed.  Since this was 1950 there was nothing the doctors could do.  Yet, this September I will turn sixty-eight years old with a healthy, well-functioning heart.  Call it what you will; I call it a blessing from God.

   I recall the time I nearly fell through a glass skylight to a concrete floor about sixty feet below.  I’m not certain to this day why I didn’t go all the way through the glass and die on the concrete below.  I damaged my leg to the point that there was serious question as to whether it could be saved.  I was saved, my leg was saved and I’ve never been hampered with any long-term effects.  Again I chalk this up to a big blessing from God.

   I remember the night I told my soon to be wife that I planned to marry her.  She says I never asked, I just told her we were getting married.  Regardless of the proposal she waited over 15 months for me to return from an overseas assignment with the Navy.  We will celebrate 48 wonderful years of marriage this September.  God has greatly blessed us.

   These are just three of the biggest blessings I include in my review.  There are numerous others.  Some not so wondrous as these but blessings never-the-less.  In fact the small daily blessings are some of the most cherished.  We tend to overlook the little things God does for us each day.

   Taken as a whole they add up to a life that has been greatly blessed by God.  I see this as proof that He has a plan for me and I try to understand what it is and how I can best put it into practice.

   If you take the time to review the blessings in your life I’m sure you will quickly find that you too have been blessed throughout your life.  You will most likely think of many that have never occurred to you.  God blesses us in so many ways; recalling them and thanking Him is a worthy exercise and is a blessing in itself.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Lord I sometimes feel lost. 

I’m not sure which way I’m supposed to go. 

I need your guidance to help me.

I want to do your will. 

I try to follow the right path but I stumble. 

I need your strength to keep me on your path.

I sorrow for my failures.

I pray that my efforts please you even when I fail.

Help me to try harder.

You forgive me.

My sins are many and still you forgive.

Help me to overcome temptation.

I know that you love me.

I know that you are always there for me.

I thank you Lord.
