Friday, September 30, 2022

 The Smoke of Satan 

   Pope Paul VI, in 1972, wrote, “…through some crack, the smoke of Satan has entered the Church of God.  There is doubt, uncertainty, problems, unrest, dissatisfaction, confrontation.”  Bishop Fulton Sheen once said, “People are turning away from Christianity today not because it is too hard but because it is too soft.”  The words of these men were prophetic, they recognized the coming problems the Church now faces.

   There has been and continues to be a concerted effort to make the Church less faithful, more willing to bend to the whims of society.  What once were Holy Days of Obligation are now mostly celebrated on weekends to avoid inconveniencing the people.  Sin is rarely mentioned and condemnation because of those sins is virtually unheard of.  Some of those who are the spiritual descendants of the apostles refuse to preach the truths of God’s teachings to their flocks, confusing and misleading the souls entrusted to them.

   Some would rewrite scripture to avoid offending those who refuse to accept the truths of God.  They want to be welcoming to all regardless of the immorality they practice.  All are welcome as they should be, but a change of life is part of that welcome.  Giving up immoral acts, repenting of sins, a desire to reform one’s life is, or should be, part of being welcomed.  Jesus welcomed sinners to His table, but He did not change His teachings to meet their desires.  He welcomed them as a way to change their lives.

   When Jesus commissioned His apostles to make disciples of all nations He assured them, “And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Matt 28: 20).  His Church will never fail.  Satan has and will continue to attack the Church, but His efforts will be in vain.  The Church established by our Lord will survive and defeat Satan; “the gates of Hell will not prevail against it.” (Matt 16: 18).

Thursday, September 29, 2022

 Solitude with God 

   People say they can’t find God.  He is everywhere, so not finding God is not really a possibility.  I think what they really mean is that they don’t know God.  Some would call it “feeling” God in their life.  But you can’t know God or “feel” Him in your life by your own desires.  To know God comes only through grace.

   Those who know Him grow closer to Him in many ways.  But the walk with God is a personal one.  In many ways it is a path that we must travel alone.  What brings one closer to Him may be of no value to others.  Each of us must follow the path that God puts before us if we are to reach Him.

   In my life the path that leads me closer to the Lord is the path of solitude.  In the alone times with Him is when my heart and soul swells with His love and His presence.  In solitude, when it is just me and God, is when I feel nearest to Him.

   Solitude is not total isolation from all else.  My family and friends bring me happiness and I need their presence in my life and always will.  But I also need the times of solitude.  It is then that l grow closer and closer to my Lord.

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

 The Hand of God 

   As I sit here in Ocala Florida watching the updates on Hurricane Ian I am again reminded that we are not in charge.  Over the last few days weather forecasters have done their best to determine where this storm was headed in an effort to warn those in its’ path.  However, external influences, such as changes in prevailing winds, have necessitated several updates to those predictions.

   We seem to believe we can predict the weather not only for today, but far into the future.  In reality, our climate is determined by the plan of God, it is He who sets the winds in motion, it is His creation that answers to Him and Him alone.  We are essentially just along for the ride.

   Changes in our climate have occurred repeatedly throughout history and such changes will continue.  Since the beginning there have been droughts and floods, ice ages and periods of excessive heat.  The world is not a static place, but one of great change.  And the change is at the will of God, not man.

   Our ability to better predict storms and other acts of nature has increased with better understanding, but we will never fully understand nature and all that implies.  Try as we may we will never control nature, nor can we, with any certainty, predict what changes might come in the future or even tomorrow.

   Psalm 104 speaks of the majesty of God’s creation, giving all praise and glory to Him.  It is God who created, and it is God who is in charge.  Eventually, at a time of His choosing, the heavens and the earth as we know them will pass away and He will make all things new.  Until then, let us do our best to properly steward all He has created.  But may we never forget that it is God’s creation.

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

What We Prepare For 

   The entire state of Florida is under threat from Hurricane Ian.  People are being warned to prepare for possible flooding from the storm surge and hurricane force winds.  Some will evacuate, others will stay and stock up on everything they think they might need to get through the next few days.  By this afternoon it will be hard to find milk, eggs, bread, and water in the stores.

   I am all in favor of the warnings and the urgings to be prepared for the worst and I sincerely hope that everyone is doing whatever they can to help survive this storm.  Still, I can’t help but think how readily people follow the warnings of weather forecasters but ignore the warnings of Scripture and our Lord to prepare for our eventual death.

   Death comes to all of us and yet many live as if it will never come, failing to properly prepare for that certain eventuality.  The damage caused by a hurricane pales in comparison to the eternal damage caused by failing to prepare for eternity.  Storm damage can be repaired, but the damage caused by failing to prepare for eternity is forever.

   My prayers are with those who will be most affected by the storm.  I pray for minimal damage and for no loss of life.  But even more important, I pray that all will become aware of their mortality and prepare for eternal life.

Monday, September 26, 2022


   “Holiness consists simply in doing God’s will, and being just what God wants us to be.” (St. Therese of Lisieux) 

   Doing God’s will and being what He wants me to be will bring holiness, but it requires complete trust and faith.  I must submit myself to him , praying for the wisdom to know His will and the strength to live by it, confident that He will lead me where I need to go.

   But how am I to know what His will is in every situation that arises?  There are times when it is very clear to me, but there are also times when I am unsure.  I pray for guidance, and at times it becomes clear.  However, the help I need isn’t always obvious, or it may come later, sometimes much later.  I try to see these times as opportunities to grow in trust and faith and move ahead with the confidence that He is leading me even when I am unaware.

   My greatest desire is to be what God wants me to be but even that isn’t always clear.  He wants me to be a saint and live with Him forever but, again, He is the only one who make me a saint.  In a very real sense, it’s as if I must give Him my permission to bring holiness to me.  He loves me, He wants me to be a saint, but He will also allow me to say no.

   Even though I may not completely know His will or the path He wants me to walk, I know that if I look to Him in prayer, trusting in His love and mercy, He will lead me home.

Sunday, September 25, 2022

 What Is Man? 

   “ I look up at your heavens, made by your fingers, at the moon and the stars you set in place – ah, what is man that you should share a thought for him, the son of man that you should care for him?” (Psalm 8: 3 – 4) 

   I look at the majesty and perfection of God’s creation, the world, the universe, and everything it encompasses.  Then I look in the mirror and am reminded of the imperfection and sinfulness of man and woman.

   Adam and Eve were, I believe, created in the same perfection as were all of God’s creations, but it didn’t last.  Why was it that Lucifer, the brightest of God’s angels abandoned God and determined to destroy the creation called man?  Was he jealous because God created mankind in His own image?  Could he not stomach the concept of mere humans perhaps holding a higher place than he was to hold?  Whatever the reason, what appears to have been his first act on earth was to destroy the perfection of mankind by awakening pride within them.

   But God did not allow the victory Satan sought; he refused to abandon His creation and knew from the very beginning that He would send Jesus to redeem us and open again the gates of heaven to all who would believe.  The battles between Satan and mankind continue and many will succumb to the evil temptations put before them.  But some, hopefully many, will turn to God and seek the redemption Christ offers from the cross.

   What is mankind that God cares for us?  We are the pinnacle of His creation; we were created in His image.  That is not a statement of pride but one of fact.  He created us because He loved us even before we existed and will continue to love us forever.  Even those who reject Him will always be loved by Him though they choose to be separated from Him.

   Satan and his evil band of angels gave up heaven out of their own sense of pride and ego.  They tried to destroy mankind by awakening the pride and ego within them.  Many will fall to that pride and join Satan when this life is over.  The humble, those who know they are unworthy of God’s love, those who fall to their knees in sorrow, seeking His mercy will know forgiveness for their sins and find a place in His heavenly kingdom.

Saturday, September 24, 2022

 Yes or No 

   I’ve come to believe that these two little words and the way we use them are some of the most important words we will ever say.  They will have a major affect on our life here on earth and will certainly determine where we will spend eternity.

   Society says “Yes” to virtually every sin and every evil that may exist.  Yes to abortion, yes to euthanasia, yes to the death penalty.  Yes to sex outside of marriage.  Yes to war, yes to hatred.

   In the view of the world, all truth is subject to change as often as is necessary according to the whims and desires of the people.  The only exceptions are the truths of God.  His truth, the only truth, is refused and pushed further and further from public life.

   It’s not only society but also those who would claim to be Christian.  Some want all religion to be a buffet; take what they like and leave the rest behind.  Others want to throw out the whole meal and start over with little or no regard for two thousand years of history.

   In some protestant denominations new sects are formed simply based on whether or not the pastor was well liked and whether his teachings agreed with what they wanted to believe.  In the Catholic Church there are currently those who would reject the teachings of Christ and change what has been accepted truth since the Church was formed by our Savior.  Truth is not up for debate, but a debate it has become.

   If I say yes to God I must say no to most of what the world holds dear for there is little, if any, truth in it.  If I say yes to the world, I am saying no to God for the same reason.  Let my yes always be to God and His truth.

Friday, September 23, 2022

 The Dream 

   It had been a difficult day, it seemed everything that could go wrong had gone wrong.  He had been pulled over for speeding and then his normal route was blocked for some reason forcing him to take a slower path.  The delays had caused him to miss a very important appointment that had taken weeks to arrange.  The rest of the day he felt the anger and frustration burning within him.

   When evening came he finally settled himself, relaxed a bit and went to bed.  Falling asleep, he began to dream.  In his dream he saw himself getting the speeding ticket and could almost feel the anger he had felt at the time.  But as he watched he also saw a horrible accident just a few blocks ahead of where the police had pulled him over.

   A dump truck loaded with rock had lost control and slammed into several cars waiting at the stop light.  Somehow he knew that some had lost their lives in that tragedy.  He also realized that, had he not been stopped for speeding, he would have been at that same stop light when the accident occurred.  He may well have been one of those who had been killed.

   He heard a voice saying, “Though you didn't know it, I saved your life this day.  I am with you always and have plans for you of which you are not aware.  Know that I love you.”

   When he awoke from the dream, he fell to his knees in thanks for all the many blessings God had given him over the years, especially for those that he wasn’t aware of.

   When life is getting us down and nothing seems to be going our way, we should remember this little story.  We do not see as God sees; we do not know as God knows.  He is with us, loving us, blessing us, and watching over us.  Let us fall to our knees and thank Him.

Thursday, September 22, 2022

 Each Day, Each Hour 

   “The first degree of humility is obedience without delay.  This is the virtue of those who hold nothing dearer to them than Christ;” (Rule of St. Benedict, Chapter 5) 

   Of all the creatures that God placed on this earth, only mankind can tell God no.  The seas, the mountains, the plants, and animals obey God’s will for them; by their very nature they will always obey.

   But I can refuse; I can be like the stubborn two year old who stomps his feet and says “NO!” to Mom and Dad.  Mom and Dad may not put up with my disobedience, but God will allow it.  His desire is for me to obey because I love Him and want to obey Him, not because I have no other choice.

   The world is full of choices, I must make many every day.  Some are of little importance, and some are of great consequence.  It’s up to me to decide how I will use my time and any talents I might have, in frivolous activities or in strengthening my relationship with my Lord.  I must consciously make the decision to obey His will rather than my own, if not Satan will leap at the chance to help me in my disobedience.

   The free will God has given me is a double-edged sword.  Each day, each hour, even each minute, I must consciously make the decision to obey His will rather than my own.  The decisions I make, the path I choose to walk, will determine where I will spend eternity and there are only two choices; heaven or hell.

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

 To Find God 

   Everywhere I look, there is God.  In all my hopes and desires, there is God.  In the smallest detail of creation and of life, there is God.  And yet it still seems hard to find Him; His majesty and glory make Him far above my understanding.  I want more than anything to completely know God, but that isn’t possible in this lifetime, imperfection can never truly know Perfection.

   If I want to know Him better, I must first allow Him to find me.  What I mean by that is to relinquish myself to Him, allowing Him to enter ever deeper within me.  He wants to make me holy and overwhelm me with His love but will not do so unless I allow it.  If I choose to reject or even limit His presence in my life, He will still know me, but I will never know Him.

   Jesus’ life was one of total commitment to the will of the Father.  This is what God wants of me even though He knows that I cannot completely comply with what He asks.  But I believe that in His love and mercy my poor efforts to please Him do please Him.

   As He was dying on the cross Jesus said, “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.” (Luke 23: 46).  My hope and my prayer is that as I am dying, I too may be able to say “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.”

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

 Giving Up 

   I think people often give up on themselves too easily; when they don’t immediately achieve their goals they simply settle for lesser goals rather than continuing to strive for success.

   In our spiritual life this creates a sense of complacency rather than a closer relationship with God.  We have tried and failed so we quit trying to grow and improve; we accept a lukewarm faith.  We forget that without God's help, we can do nothing.

   Our pride tells us that we should be able to become a saint by our own efforts.  But saints are made by God, not by man.  We must submit ourselves to His will and allow Him to lead us and guide us to sainthood.  We must also understand that the path to sainthood must go through the cross; it will not be an easy journey.

   Sometimes we think of saints as perfect; people who have never and will never sin; we decide that we simply aren’t made of the stuff that it takes to become a saint.  And we are right, we aren’t.  We suffer from human weakness and a propensity to sin.  The saints were no different, they too sinned and failed in their efforts at times.  The difference is that they never gave up.  They knew that sainthood wasn’t possible by their own efforts but only through the grace of God.

   We are all called to be saints, to spend eternity in God’s kingdom, but we can’t get there by ourselves.  Without God we are lost in the darkness and will never find our way home.  But rest assured there is help.  Jesus said, “I am the light of the world.  Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

Monday, September 19, 2022

Loving Our Enemies 

   “But to you who hear I say, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.” (Luke 6: 27) 

   Some of Jesus’ teachings are harder than others.  In my mind, loving my enemies is one of the hardest.  How am I to love someone who hates me and wishes me harm?  But that is what Jesus has told me I must do, so I must try.

   St. Augustine said, “You don’t love in your enemies what they are, but what you would have them to become.”  What I am to love in my enemies is not what they are at this moment but as the child of God that they are even though they make not recognize that fact.  By loving them and praying for them, perhaps it will help them accept His love and turn to Him just as parents pray that their wayward children will return to them.

   I believe that love is the foundation of Christianity.  Without it we cannot be what God created us to be.  He is love and He desires that we love as He does, in the hope that even the worst of us will somehow find our way home.

   I still find it hard to love my enemies, those who hate me and would wish evil upon me, and I probably always will.  But I must look beyond who and what they may be today and pray for their reconciliation with God.

Sunday, September 18, 2022

 The Eternal Now 

   “What eye has not seen, and ear has not heard, and what has not entered the human heart, what God has prepared for those who love him.” (1 Cor 2: 9) 

   There is great calm to be found in St. Paul’s description, or non-description, of heaven.  It really gives no clue at all as to what heaven will be, but the mere fact that it will be totally different from what I’ve known in this world is comforting to me.

   I have friends who worry each day over what they see and hear in the news.  They let it steal their inner peace; they worry about things beyond their control.  I find it better to simply be aware of what’s happening, do what little I can to try to make it better, leaving all else to God.

   Some people live in the past, dredging up memory after memory and losing today.  We should remember our joys and the loved ones who have gone before us, keeping alive the happiness they brought us, but living in the past does no good in reaching for the future that God has promised. 

   Others spend their time worrying about the future and what it will bring, forgetting that there may be no future; today may be the day our Lord calls them home.   Sensible preparation for the future is necessary, but the future we must surely prepare for is our eternal life.

   I don't know what heaven will be, but even the unknowing gives me joy.  I am certain that it will be perfection in every sense of the word, but perfection is also something I can’t know in this lifetime.  Perhaps that is for the best, I suspect that knowing what heaven will be would make living in this world unbearable.

   My life could end today, or I may be around for many more years; that is entirely up to God.  However, no matter how long I remain in this world, I will look forward to heaven and think of the eternal now; no past, no future, only now.  With joy I anticipate seeing what I cannot see and hearing what I cannot hear and knowing what God has prepared for those who love Him.

Saturday, September 17, 2022

 Living in Exile 

   Sometimes I feel as though I am an exile in a world that I do not understand, and which does not understand me.

   Then I am reminded of what my Lord said, “If the world hates you, realize that it hated me first.” (John 15: 18).  And it is true, the world hated Jesus when He walked this earth and continues to hate Him even today.  The world doesn’t understand a love such as He has; it is foreign to them.  They choose to hate what is different rather than consider that the different way might the be right way

   “For Jews demand signs and Greeks look for wisdom, but we proclaim Christ crucified, a stumbling block to the Jews and foolishness to Gentiles.” (1 Cor 1: 22 -24).  In the eyes of the world, a Jew hung on a cross to die could only be a tremendous failure.  How could one sentenced to the horror of crucifixion be the Messiah, the Son of God?  They can’t grasp what Christians know; that by His life, death, and resurrection He overcame death, redeemed us from our sins and offers eternal life to all who will believe.

   Today, the world still looks for signs, but refuses to see miracles.  They can’t reconcile His truth with what the world considers wisdom.  They scoff at those who believe and persecute them for their faith, looking upon them as religious fanatics or fools.

   This world is a place of exile to those who believe.  We do not belong to this world but to God.  Yes, the world hates us, we challenge them to give up the desires of this world and accept the promise of eternal life.  The world refuses to accept what we know to be true, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but have eternal life. (John 3: 16).

Friday, September 16, 2022

  A Distorted Vision 

   “At present we see indistinctly, as in a mirror, but then face to face.  At present I know partially, then I shall know fully, as I am fully known. (1 Cor 13: 12) 

   St. Paul says we see indistinctly and he is right.  We think we see clearly, and sometimes we may.  But often what we think we see perfectly is a distorted view, not a true image.

   Changes in society and in our culture give us a very skewed image of right and wrong.  The norms of society change but good and evil does not.  So called “no fault” divorce is a perfect example of a wrong that has become a norm and even seen as a good.

   Marriage can be difficult at times, but we must not cast it away on a whim.  We must make every effort to remain true to our marriage vows.  I recognize that in some cases there are few alternatives to divorce; no one should be forced to endure physical or mental abuse.  But to abandon the commitment of marriage simply because one or the other becomes bored, or “no longer loves” the other is wrong.

   According to a July 2022 Pew Research report 62% of Americans support abortion in all or most cases.  Over half of our population believe that the horror of murdering babies in the womb is an acceptable, even a good, thing for society.  The taking of an innocent life is never acceptable in a civilized society.

   Our vision is distorted by our sinfulness and pride.  In many ways we do not see clearly what is right and what is wrong.  Society has taken on the responsibility of defining right and wrong for us, but that is a responsibility that belongs to God alone.  Only God defines good and evil; not society, not those driven by political idealism, but the truth of God.

Thursday, September 15, 2022


   “God is love, and whoever remains in love remains in God and God in Him.” (1 John 4: 16) 

   The bible, from cover to cover, is a love story.  It is the story of the intense and everlasting love of God for us and of our efforts to return His love.  We can never love as He loves in this life, but we can love to the best of our ability.

   Not only is the bible a love story it is the story of matrimony, a wedding between God and His people.  He loves His people as a husband is to love his wife and a wife her husband.  In marriage we vow to love our spouse until we are parted by death, but we often fail to uphold those vows.  God never betrays His vow of love and fidelity.  Over and over the Israelites sinned against Him; over and over He forgave them.  Over and over we sin against Him; over and over He forgives us.  Love such as this is what we are to strive for in our lives.

   The greatest love of all was seen on a cross on Calvary.  The Son of God, Jesus Christ the Lord, gave His very life that we might have eternal life in God’s heavenly kingdom.  He was willing to become like us except in sin so that He could lead us to salvation.  He paid the price for our sins, a price that we are unable to pay for ourselves.

   “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.” (John 3: 16).  The story is one of love; God’s love for us and our meager attempts to love Him in return.  He doesn’t ask perfection in our love for we are an imperfect people.  What He asks is that we love Him as best we can and strive to love Him more and more each day.

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

 A Constant Battle 

   “Be sober and vigilant.  Your opponent the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.  Resist him, steadfast in faith, knowing that your fellow believers throughout the world undergo the same sufferings.” (1 Peter 5: 8 – 9) 

   Just when I think I am winning the battle, when I am confident that I am on the right path and the worst is behind me, then comes Satan to prove me wrong.

   No matter how I try the evil one is always in the shadows, waiting for an opportunity to strike.  “Watch an episode of your favorite TV show, you can pray later, God won’t mind.”  “You can sleep a bit longer this morning and say prayers whenever you get up.”

   I know that Satan fears prayer and so he attacks me most when it comes to prayer.  As a Benedictine I am to say prayers at various times each day; it is not only a way of prayer, but a way of keeping God in mind throughout the day.  To skip them or hurray through them destroys the purpose.  They are a time to put the world aside and be in the company of my Lord giving thanks, seeking His guidance and strength.

   I used to think that the battle would become easier, but it seems the closer I come to God the more the attacks against me intensify.  It seems that as my faith increases and my love of God grows, the attacks are more frequent and stronger.

   I’ve come to understand that the battle will never end as long as I live; I must remain on guard every hour of every day.  I may never be free of Satan in this life, but I know that God will give me the strength to resist and will bring me home when my time on this earth is done.

Monday, September 12, 2022

 Perseverance in the Lord 

   “Rejoice in hope, endure in affliction, persevere in prayer.” (Romans 12: 12) 

   I have no way of knowing what the new day will bring when I wake up in the morning.  Some days are good days and others are difficult to bear.  Whichever it may be,  the new day has been given me by God and I will accept what it brings, thanking Him for the good, and drawing my strength from Him when it is not.

   Perseverance has become pretty much unheard of these days.  We are an impatient people; persevering is not something we do very well.  But perseverance is what is needed to get through each day in this world.  Without it the trials and tribulations can overwhelm us and drive us to distraction and even dismay.

   However, if we look to God and persevere in our trust and faith in Him we can overcome rather than becoming overcome.  Even on the worst of days He will give us the strength we need if we ask.  But we must ask in the faith that He will answer.  The prayers of the faithful are like sweet incense to the Lord and He will never ignore them.

   The days come and the days go.  I give thanks and praise to God for all the good ones, for the joy and happiness they bring.  But I also give thanks and praise to Him for the ones that are not so good.  They teach me humility and help me better realize that without God the world will defeat me; I am lost.  But when I put my trust and faith in Him, confident in His love, I can overcome any struggle that may come my way.

Sunday, September 11, 2022

 Take A Stand 

   “You’ve got to stand for something or you’ll fall for anything.” (“You’ve Got to Stand for Something”, lyrics by Aaron Tippin and Buddy Brock) 

   If I have no inner strength, if there are no lines that I will not cross, I am ripe for Satan to tempt me and draw me away from God.

   Over the years I’ve seen our society seemingly give up all sense of right and wrong, replacing it with whatever feels good.  We no longer seem to care what is good or evil, only satisfying our earthly desires.  There are actions that for have for centuries, indeed throughout history, been considered immoral and wrong that are now accepted as a personal choice.

   This “anything goes” attitude has not only changed society but is threatening the church as well.  I look at the synodal way being experimented with in Germany today and see priests and bishops not only willing, but insisting, that some of the most blatant offenses against God’s teaching be accepted as the new norm, the new doctrine of the Church. 

   Jesus said, “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but underneath are ravenous wolves.” (Matt: 17: 15).  The wolves are not at the door these days, they have broken down the door and are attacking the flock.

   The truth of the matter is that we, the laity, are in some part to blame.  We have failed to stand up for what is right and wrong and allowed false prophets to convince us that what is evil can be good; to tell us that what has always been sinful is now acceptable.  We are at the gates of hell, and the gates are wide open.

   Jesus said, “You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church.  And the gates of the underworld can never hold out against it.” (Matt 16: 18). He will protect His Church, it will never fail; but we, the laity, have some responsibilities as well.  We have to take a stand for what is right and always be on guard against the wolves.

Saturday, September 10, 2022

 A Human Church 

   “I am afraid that we are tempted to build a human church, according to the times and according to our ideas.  But the Church is not ours.”  (Cardinal Robert Sarah) 

   At the risk of possibly offending some I will state very clearly that a church, any church, which does not preach the truths of God is a church of Satan; it is a path of lies and deception that can lead only to hell.

   And yet that is what many churches have become and are becoming.  That is nowhere more evident than in some of the churches which now accept, and by accepting encourage, and by encouraging promote, actions that are an abomination before God.

   Many self-proclaimed Christians choose to accept and support the murder of babies in the womb, but few Priests and Ministers have the courage to confront this horrible act.  Sex, of any kind, outside of marriage is sinful, but some churches not only refuse to acknowledge that such acts are immoral but even allow those who practice them to become ministers of the church.

   There is no question that humans are a sinful bunch.  We far too easily fall into Satan’s traps.  One of his favorite traps is to accept what is unacceptable rather than to offend others; to be a “church of the people”.  This fact is evident in everyday life and the laws that are passed and the actions that are enshrined as "rights” with no regard to the evil they represent.  Sadly, far too many refuse to object to such evil.

   There will come a time for those who preach the nice rather than the truth to answer for their failure as shepherds and as Christians.  “On these grounds is sentence pronounced: that though the light has come into the world men have shown they prefer darkness to the light because their deeds were evil." (John 3: 19)  


Friday, September 9, 2022

 Giving Thanks 

   It’s very easy to get wrapped up in what is wrong with the world and forget what is good.  Sometimes I feel the need to just sit quietly with the Lord and give thanks.

   At work, at parties, dinners, even very casual get-togethers it seems the topic very quickly becomes what is wrong with our nation, our church, and our world.  And certainly, there are areas in all these that need to change.  But in our haste to complain and condemn we far too often forget to give thanks for what is right.

   I try to take some time each day to shut out the world and just spend some quiet time with God.  During these times I do my best to forget the evils of the world, all those things that are so frustrating, and just plain wrong.  Instead, I try to focus on what is right and give thanks to God.

   I’m thankful for forty-eight years of marriage to a wonderful woman, one who loved me even with all my faults and shortcomings.  She brought a young man who had virtually no knowledge of God to the Church and, I believe, helped save my soul.  We shared an incredible love that could only come from God, and we still do.  Marriage ends at the passing of a spouse, but love is eternal.

   I’m thankful for four wonderful children.  Children I tried to do the best I could to raise properly although I’m sure there were also plenty of mistakes along the way.

   I’m thankful for friends who share my faith and help me in my struggles to live my life for God.  True friends are hard to find and are a blessing from God.

   I’m thankful for a very traditional parish with two wonderful priests.  Priests who have no fear of preaching God's truths whether it be politically correct or not.  It is priests like these who are truly tending the flock entrusted to them.

   There are so many things to be thankful for, so many good things in this world.  I refuse to allow the evil and immorality of secular society rob me of my peace.  I don’t deny their existence, but I place all my hopes on the One who said, “And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.” (Matt 28: 20)

Thursday, September 8, 2022

 Looking Back, Looking Ahead 

   I will turn 72 years of age in a few days.  Birthdays really hold no great meaning to me at this point, however, it has made me consider what I should be doing with what remains of my life.  There are many things I could do, but most of them are of no real significance.  What the world sees as fun and exciting are of little interest to me.

   I get a lot of pleasure in visiting with my family.  The times we spend together are the highlights of my life.  Getting together with friends is another great joy for me and I am blessed to have some wonderful friends.  Our times together bring sunshine to a sometimes dreary world.

   I used to love baseball and other sports, but the politically correct police have taken the fun out of sports.  Even in high school and college the idiocy of our society has changed everything.  Sports are no longer about playing the game but making a statement.

   My wife and I always enjoyed traveling and were blessed to have the opportunity to visit many wonderful places in this world.  I’ve often thought of traveling still, but what made traveling fun was sharing the joys with her.  Since she has passed, travel no longer interests me.

   I’ve come to realize that living for eternity is what really matters in life.  I have no way of knowing if I have only a few minutes or many years left in this world, and it really doesn’t matter to me.  I’ve been very blessed in life and am thankful for all God has done for me.  Whatever time I have left I will give to Him; to know Him better, to love Him more, and to serve Him as best I can.

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

 What’s In It for Me? 

   This question seems to be foremost in many people’s thoughts when deciding what they should or should not do.  The concern is for what can be gained personally and, all too often, it doesn’t matter if it is right or wrong.

   In many ways this attitude is the cause of what ails our society today.  The first priority is one of selfishness, and whether our actions are good or evil rarely influence the decision.  Our ego tells us that what we desire is of more importance than doing the right thing.  If the wrong gets what we want, that’s what we’ll do.  This is very much the way of the world; it’s all Me, Me, Me.

   Cheating is fine so long as it is beneficial to realizing our goals.  Immoral and illegal business decision are made.  Cheating on tests and plagiarizing our essays in school is common.  We take illegal drugs to help us succeed in sports and will cheat in other ways when necessary.  Even in marriage, we choose to be unfaithful for our own pleasure and desires, regardless the harm it does to our spouse and to society.

   But in the spiritual realm it must be different.  What is right and what is not has to be considered, even taking priority over what may best serve us in this world.  We must look to God first and foremost for guidance.  Even if it means persecution or even death, we must follow the path Jesus took if we are to gain God’s heavenly kingdom.

   And there is the answer to the question.  What is in it for me is eternity in the kingdom of God where there is no pain or sorrow, only happiness, joy, and love.  The world will not long remain, but eternity is forever.

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

 Strive for Success 

   When I decided to make the Navy my career I also decided to make it a successful one.  I did those things necessary to advance through the ranks as quickly as possible.  I made some difficult choices, worked hard, and made some sacrifices along the way, but I did what I set out to do; in a twenty year career I advanced to Master Chief Petty Officer, a position not often achieved in a twenty year career.

   I don’t offer that story as a way of saying “look at what I did”, but as a lesson for anyone seeking to achieve success.  Whatever the chosen profession there will be sacrifices necessary to climb the ladder and reach that top rung.  Many fail to achieve their goal simply because they aren’t willing to do what is necessary to attain it.

   Much in life is the same, anything worth achieving requires hard work and sacrifice.  Not only in one’s chosen profession but in life itself.  A successful marriage has to include compromise and hard work if it is to last.  Only if we are willing to love our spouse more than ourselves, never seeing them as an object to be used for our own desires can marriage be truly successful.

   The same applies to my spiritual life.  The most important goal in life is the goal of spending eternity in God’s heavenly kingdom.  This too will require hard work and sacrifice; just read the lives of the saints and you will see how much they sacrificed for their faith.  Jesus said that I must renounce myself and pick up my cross daily if I am to follow Him (Luke 9:23).

   I worked hard to have a successful Navy career.  My wife and I loved with a love that could only have come from God and our marriage was blessed; our love will remain eternally.  But the greatest love, the greatest success is to be found in God.  If I am unwilling to work hard and sacrifice in my spiritual life, I am unworthy of Him and His love.

Monday, September 5, 2022

 Christian Fellowship 

   Yesterday afternoon some of my friends and I gathered at my home for our monthly pot-luck dinner.  We do this the first Sunday of each month, alternating which of us will host the dinner and prepare the main dish.  The rest bring veggies, salads, desserts, and appetizers to fill out the menu.  It’s a wonderful way to spend an afternoon and early evening.

   But far more important than the great food we enjoy is the love and fellowship that lifts our spirits and strengthens us in a world that is growing more and more hostile to Christians and Christianity.  These dinners are respite from the outside world and its’ evils; an opportunity to grow in our faith.

   Having such a group of friends and spending time with them is so very important today.  Everywhere we look, we see the immorality of the world; society it seems is on the fast track to hell.  By gathering in our Lord’s name, thanking Him for His many blessings and spending time with like-minded Christians we escape the woes of the world for a while.  It is a much needed break, sort of a mini retreat.

   I have many things to be grateful for in my life; God has blessed me in so many ways.  But this group of friends, gathering in His name to talk of Him, to remember Him, to give Him praise is one of the greatest of the blessings I’ve known. 

Sunday, September 4, 2022

 Opportunities to Grow 

   There are two ways to view all the evil in the world.  I can see it and despair in the knowledge that the evil one seems to be gaining strength.  Or, I can see it and recognize it as an opportunity to grow in faith and trust in God.  One way leads to destruction, the other to heaven.

   The lesson of Job is appropriate here, “If we take happiness from God’s hand, must we not take sorrow too?” (Job 1: 10)  I was never promised that life would be easy or that there would never be pain, suffering and sorrow.  Jesus told me very clearly, “If anyone wants to be a follower of mine, let him renounce himself and take up his cross every day and follow me.” (Luke 9: 23).  Jesus experienced hatred, betrayal, and finally death on a cross, should I not expect some share of the same, perhaps even to the cross?

   I am merely a man; I have no hope of ever understanding all the ways of God and His plans for me or for this world.  But I do know that His plans for me are the only way to obtain heaven.  If those plans include happiness and joy, which they often have, I give Him thanks.  If they involve pain, sorrow and suffering, I also give Him thanks for allowing me, in some small way, to join in the pains and suffering my Lord endured for me.

   It's not up to me to fix the world.  The world belongs to God, and He will see that all ends as it is intended.  It’s up to me to serve my God and share the love He has given me with others.  The world will go its’ own way regardless of me, and I must go my own way, the way of God.

Saturday, September 3, 2022

 Fitting In 

   “You will be hated by all because of my name, but whoever endures to the end will be saved.” (Matt 10: 22) 

   Christians were never intended to fit in with the ways of the world.  In fact, we are to reject most of what the world calls good and pleasurable.  We live in this world, but we are not of this world.

   Even as Christ walked the earth the effort began to destroy Christianity.  Over the years those efforts have increased and decreased but have never disappeared.  I believe that today is one of those periods when the hatred of Christians is on the rise, and I fear that it will get far worse in the future.

   There is little I can do to change the fact that more and more people are opposed to Christianity and the worship of our Lord and Savior.  I could, as many do, try to disguise my faith by never allowing it to be seen in public, but that is anathema to me.  I can’t say that I am a Christian and then hide my faith in fear of being disliked or even hated.

   I can do what Christians have done throughout history.  I can let my faith be on display wherever I may be; I can show my love of God in all that I do.  If looked down upon by those who hate God, I can take that as a blessing, a testament to my faith.  The one thing that I must never do is lose my trust in the Lord.

   As Christians we cannot fit in with the world; to do so is to abandon the truths and teaching of Jesus.  We must make a stand; we profess our faith in our words and actions.  We must remember the words of Jesus, “If the world hates you, realize that it hated me first.” (John 15: 18)

Friday, September 2, 2022

 The Changing Times 

   When I look back to the times of my youth, the 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s it sometimes seems as if I am now living in an alien land.  I can’t say whether there were more or fewer Christians in my youth, but they were much more visible.

   Bishop Fulton J. Sheen hosted “Life is Worth Living”, a religious program that aired weekly for many years.  His show had a tremendous following from Catholics and Protestants alike.  He listed the points he intended to discuss on a chalkboard, but first, at the top of the board, he wrote the initials JMJ, Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.  To this day I use that phrase to reject Satan when he comes calling.  The evil one flees at the mention of their names.

   For several years Tennessee Ernie Ford hosted a weekly variety show.  He closed every show with a promise to see us again next week “if the good Lord’s willing and the creek don’t rise.”  The Pat Boone Show closed each episode with a spiritual song.  For nearly twenty years Red Skelton, one of the zaniest of comedians, ended his weekly show with “Good night and God Bless.”

   Nowhere on network television will you see such open expressions of faith in today’s world.  I’m not suggested that television should be inundated with programs of a religious nature, but they claim to offer what the public wants.  Surely there are enough people who want to see more uplifting and spiritual shows to warrant airing at least a few.  But we will never see it; God is no longer allowed in public.

   The further we push God from our society, the further from peace and happiness we push our society.  God will not long bless a Godless, evil people.  He is all merciful and will forgive, but we must first repent of our evil ways.

Thursday, September 1, 2022

 Let Jesus In 

   “He got into one of the boats – it was Simon’s – and asked him to put out a little way from the shore.  Then he sat down and taught the crowds from the boat.” (Luke 5: 3) 

   I can’t help but wonder what Simon Peter thought when Jesus stepped into his boat.  That boat was Simon’s life, it was how he made a living and provided for his family.  And here was a stranger just walking on board and even asking him to put out away from the shore.

   And yet, Jesus comes to us at times in the same way.  Unexpectedly He will come and call us, asking us to allow Him to enter our “boat”.  He wants to be with us, to share our life and all that is in it.  Sadly, in today’s world more and more people are turning Him away, rejecting Him, refusing to let Him come into their life.

   “When he had finished teaching he said to Simon, ‘Put out into deep water and pay out your nets for a catch.'” (Luke 5: 4).  Not only did Jesus enter Peter’s boat but now He begins to issue orders.  Peter was a fisherman by profession, he knew that this was not the right time to be going to sea hoping for a catch.  Still, he did as Jesus asked.

   Sometimes Jesus asks us to do things or go places that make no sense to us, things we “know” aren’t right.  It takes faith and courage to say, as Peter did, “…if you say so, I will pay out the nets.” (Luke 5: 5).  We can say no and ignore Jesus’ requests to us, or we can accept that He knows best and obey.

   If we accept, if we agree to follow Him where He leads even when we don’t understand, we will be richly rewarded.  By consenting to Jesus’ request, Peter was rewarded with a miraculous catch of fish.  We, by saying yes to Jesus, can receive so much more.  We can receive eternal life in God's heavenly kingdom.