Tuesday, June 30, 2020

My Responsibility

   If I should be condemned to Hell, it will be because I have failed to live my life as I should.  I can’t blame Satan, I can’t blame others who may have tempted me, and I certainly can’t blame God.

   Satan can tempt me with his lies and promises.  He can twist words, shade opinions, and skew the facts trying make me turn from truth.  But he can’t force me to do anything.  If I fall to his temptations it is my fault.  All I need to do is call upon my Lord and Savior and He will give me the strength to resist.

   People sometimes say they got into trouble because they got themselves involved with the “wrong crowd”.  How pathetic is that?  If Satan can’t force us to sin how is a group of friends going to make us do wrong.  Choose your friends as if your life depends on it; your soul very well may.

   Some say they can’t believe in a God who condemns people to hell.  He condemns no one to hell; they condemn themselves.  Anyone who ends up in hell made the choice to reject God and follow the evil one.  God would have forgiven and taken them back at any time in their life.  All they needed to do was ask with a sincere and sorrowful heart.

   Placing blame on others is an easy thing to do.  If we can convince ourselves that someone else caused us to sin we feel we aren’t responsible.  The U.S. Marines have a saying that is very applicable here, “MAN UP!”  Whether man or woman the concept is the same, quit blaming others and take responsibility for your actions.  In the final analysis only you can answer for them.

   We can be tempted and cajoled by those who would urge us to sin.  We can be ostracized for not going along.  When we refuse those who tempted us may even hate us.  But we can never be forced.  We have the final decision and we must accept responsibility for those decisions.

Father, there are so many temptations.
There are so many tempters.
Help us reject the evil.
Help us be responsible to ourselves and to You.


Monday, June 29, 2020

Accepting the Truths of God

   “Do you also wish to go away?’  Simon Peter answered him, ‘Lord to whom can we go?  You have the words of eternal life.’” (John 6: 67 – 68)

   This exchange took place at Jesus’ teaching that in order to have eternal life, one must eat His flesh and drink His blood.  He stated that His flesh was true food and His blood true drink.  He repeated this truth not once, but several times.

   This teaching was so difficult for some to accept than many of his disciples left Him.  He did not call them back to explain that He was only speaking symbolically or in parables, He let them leave.  He would not have allowed His disciples to leave, walking away from salvation, just because they didn’t understand the teaching.  They left because they did understand but refused to accept.  He was teaching truth and truth must either be accepted or rejected.  God’s gift of free will says we must make that choice.

   Today there are those who would like to see the Church redefined according to the whims of society.  They don’t want to be the ones who see the sins being committed and accept that sin leads to destruction.  Certainly, they don’t want to be the ones who point out that fact.  But the Church isn’t about being part of society, it’s about being the family of God and living by His truths.  Many, like the disciples who left rather than accept Jesus’ teaching about the Eucharist, simply leave or, worse yet, second guess God by picking and choosing which of His truths they will accept.

   The question remains, “Do you also wish to go away?” (John 6: 67)

Lord, some of Your teachings are hard.
We don’t really understand them.
Give us the faith to accept Your word.
To remain faithful to Your truths.


Saturday, June 27, 2020

Back to Basics

   Studying scripture and Church history is important and provides great insight into Christian beliefs and doctrines.  Reading the writings of the early Church fathers and the lives of the Saints adds to ones understanding of Christianity.  These studies are good things.  I would encourage anyone who is truly serious about their faith to learn as much as possible about their faith.  However, there is a time when we must get back to the basics of Christianity.

   At its' very core, Christianity is about love.  All else is comes from that love.  Jesus told us, “You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.  This is the greatest and the first commandment.  The second is like it:  You shall love your neighbor as yourself.  The whole law and the prophets depend on these two commandments.” (Matt 22: 37 – 40)

   So, love of God and love of neighbor are the primary signs of Christianity.  If we are not obeying these commandments we have no right to call ourselves Christian.  All else depends on these two.  Any good we might do arises from love of God and love of neighbor.  Charity, kindness, generosity, honesty, all the virtues derive from these.

   A friend recently said that when He needs to get back to basics, he recalls the song many will be familiar with, “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the bible tells me so”.  Love of God and His love for us, love of Christ and His love for us, love of the Holy Spirit and His love for, and love of neighbor is where we begin.  Where we go from there is to place ourselves in God’s hands, always seeking His will.

Our lives can become so complicated.
Helps us seek simplicity.
Love is the beginning and the end.
Love of You and neighbor is our path home.


Friday, June 26, 2020

Pray for His Will

   “When Jesus came down from the mountain, great crowds followed him.  And then a leper approached, did him homage, and said, ‘Lord, if you wish, you can make me clean.’” (Matt 8: 2)

   This passage from the gospel teaches an important lesson, that we are to ask for God's will in our prayers and petitions.  We are to yearn for His will, not ours.

   The leper did not walk up to Jesus with certain expectation of being healed.  He didn’t seem to believe that he deserved to be healed or that it was his right.  When he approached Jesus he first did Him homage, most likely on his knees or prostrate before the Lord.  He didn’t demand that he be healed, he sought the will of God, “If you wish, you can make me clean.”   In other words, “If it is your will, make me clean.”

   Too many times we approach God like we would an ATM.  We put in our prayers, ask for what we want, and expect to get it.  If not, we wonder why God doesn’t answer our prayers.  We forget that He knows what is best for us and will never give us anything that is not helpful in our journey to Him.  If His answer to our prayer is no, it is because He has something better in mind.  If His answer is “not yet” it may be because our spiritual life is not ready for what we asked.

   We don’t know what to ask of our Lord; our expectations and desires are skewed by sin.  Our prayer should always be, “God, in all things, in all ways, at all times, Your will be done”.  In this way we may be made holy by seeking and following the will of God.

We pray for the wrong things.
We see things through sinful eyes.
Teach us to pray as we should.
Teach us to pray for Your will in all things.


Thursday, June 25, 2020

When We Turn From God

   The Israelites are the chosen people of God.  He brought them out of slavery in Egypt.  He fed them in the desert, brought water from a stone and led them to the promised land.

   Yet they repeatedly turned from God, worshipping false gods, and ignoring the ways of the Lord.  In punishment for their sins they suffered plagues, famines, droughts, and exile.  When things got really bad the people would repent and return to God, but as soon as things got better they went back to their sinful ways.

   As I look around today, I see the same pattern in our nation.  God has blessed us greatly, but we have chosen to ignore Him and reject Him.  Mentioning God in public is now considered inappropriate and some would have it be criminal.  Standing up for God’s word and His ways brings belittlement, condemnation, and hatred.

   Without God society decays.  Hatred, immorality, and sin reigns.  A nation built on religious freedom has become a nation that stifles religious freedom.  Stable, two-parent families are becoming a rarity.  Schools have expelled the Lord.  Prayer is forbidden and many refuse to allow Christian students the use of the same facilities that are freely offered to other student groups.  Politicians claim to be Christian, but their actions refute their claims.  They prefer political correctness to their faith.

   God will not long continue to bless a nation that rejects Him and His ways.  It seems we are becoming very much like the early Israelites.  We accept and take advantage of His many blessings but refuse to follow His way.  I fear that we are a nation at risk and the only solution is to return to God.

You have blessed us in so many ways.
Yet we ignore and reject You.
We are bringing about our own destruction.
Save us from ourselves.


Wednesday, June 24, 2020

One Day at a Time

   “Your eyes saw me unformed; in your book all are written down; my days were shaped, before one came into being.” (Psalm 139: 16)

   When people ask me how things are going I usually answer, “I take it one day at time.”  I sometimes get an unusual look, but those who know me understand what I mean.  Each day is a gift from God, and I am grateful for that gift.

   Some are easy, some are more difficult, a few seem impossible to get through.  The pleasant days, those that pass without struggle or trial, are a gift from God and I thank Him for them.  The challenge is to remember and accept that even in the difficult days God is there.  He may be teaching me or reminding me that without Him I am nothing, but He is there.  So, I thank Him even for the difficult days.  Even when they seem impossible, He is there; He will carry me if the burden is too much for me to bear.

   As I approach seventy years of age I’m more and more aware of the shortness of life.  Far more years have passed than remain.  Each day is truly a blessing from God and an opportunity to come closer to Him.  My health is good, and I try to keep it that way, but the fact remains that I am nearing the so-called average life expectancy.

   Some may become depressed and saddened as their life draws to a close.  Instead, I am pleased with what my life has brought me and look forward to rebirth into eternal life.  Whether it be one day or many years I will thank the Lord for all He’s done for me and I will do all in my power to live my life for Him.  I will continue to take it one day at a time until He calls me to my final home.

Life is short.
It is over in the blink of an eye.
Help me live for You.
Lead me to my heavenly home.


Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Finding Ourselves

   Many talk about “finding themselves”.  This search usually involves major life changes; relocations, changes in professions, marriages, and divorces.  It’s a search for happiness looking in all the wrong places and is doomed to failure.  Within a short period of time a new search will be needed, the happiness they thought they had found will have vanished.

   For some this searching continues for a lifetime with no effective result.  At the end they look back over their life and wonder what they missed.  A lifetime of seeking self has left them empty.  For their sake I pray they will finally realize that what they missed was God.

   The self we seek can never be found in earthly goods and pleasures, only in giving ourselves to God, inviting Him within us and seeking His will in our life.  The wealth and pleasure of this world are short-lived and will not follow us into the grave.  We take nothing with us but our soul.  The houses, cars, money, and fame will be gone and all that will be left is our relationship with God.

   In his autobiographical “Confessions” St. Augustine wrote, “You move us to delight in praising You; for you have made us for Yourself, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You.”  Many spend a lifetime searching for rest, but it cannot be found until they rest in God.

You created us to be happy.
 We seek happiness in all the wrong places.
Only in You can we be happy.
Only in You can we find our true self.


Monday, June 22, 2020

Accepting the Help of God

   “He came to what was his own, but his own people did not accept him.”  (John 1: 11)

   Have you ever tried to help someone who you knew desperately needed help, but were rejected?  This sometimes happens with those addicted to drugs or alcohol.  Family and friends do everything they can to convince them that they need help, but their efforts are turned away.  The person who most needs help is often the one most likely to turn away those who are trying to help.

   For generations God reached out to the Israelites to help them understand that without Him they were lost.  He sent prophets, priests, and kings to teach them and lead them; still they rejected God.  A people who had been saved many times by their God refused to accept Him.

   Finally, out of His great love, God sent His only Son to them.  Surely they would recognize Him and at last come to know their God.  All the prophets had foretold this, the evidence was in the Torah that was read in the temples.  Still, the people He came to save rejected Him, eventually nailing Him to a cross.

   God continues to reach out to His people, the people of the whole world.  He continues to love us and grant us great mercy and blessings.  We, like the Israelites, often reject Him.  There are some who follow, some who are faithful, just as there were in Jesus’ day, but they are far too few.  Most prefer earthly delights to heavenly promises, caring for the moment rather than eternity.

   Those who most need help are the ones who most often reject it.  Pride, selfishness, and Satan tells them they don’t need help, they can do it on their own.  Sadly, it is a lie.

We think we can do it.
It is a lie.
We need Your help.
We must come to You.


Sunday, June 21, 2020

Father’s Day

   “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.” (Matt 6: 9)

   Today is Father’s Day.  A day to recognize fathers everywhere, thanking them for their love and efforts in parenting us.  Many sacrificed greatly for our well-being, teaching us and guiding along our way.  Some did a better job than others, but all were doing God’s work.  They were part of His plan, participating in His power of creation.  They deserve our prayers and thanksgiving for these reasons if for no other.

   How many of us took the time to thank the priests we call Father?  Those men who have given their life to the service of God, foregoing natural fatherhood, striving to lead God’s people to know the one true Father.  They lead a sometimes very lonely life and difficult life.  They are to be, in effect, our fathers in faith, guiding us and teaching us the ways of the Lord.  As with all fathers there are some who fail, but the vast majority remain faithful to their vows, dedicating their life to God’s will, leading many souls to heaven.  They too, deserve our prayers and thanksgiving.

   Did you wish the One True God a happy Father’s Day?  He is truly our Father, the one who created us, the one who loves us no matter our faults.  He is the one whose love is so great that He sent His only Son to die for us that we might spend eternity with Him.  He is the one who forgives our sins and puts them as far away as the east is from the west.  God is the Father without whom nothing and no one can exist.

   Let us praise and thank our natural fathers.  Let us praise and thank the priests, our spiritual fathers.  But most of all let us give all praise and thanksgiving to our Eternal Father in heaven.

Father, we thank You for our life.
We thank You for Your many blessings.
We long to serve and please You.
You are our Eternal Father.


Saturday, June 20, 2020

Chose God, Not Self

   “What profit is there for one to gain the whole world and forfeit his life?  What could one give in exchange for his life?”  (Mark 8: 36 – 37)

    Seventy, eighty, even ninety years are but a blink of the eye when compared with eternity.  What does the world have to offer that would tempt one to throw away eternity?

   We strive to improve our life in this world and so we should.  God created us to be happy in this world and we are right to seek that happiness.  Trouble arises when we so focused on earthly happiness that it becomes more important than eternity and the love, joy, and happiness we are promised if we will serve our Lord.

   There is nothing wrong with working to achieve success in the world.  The problem occurs when that worldly success become more important than eternal success.  At our judgement we won’t be asked what car we drove or how big our house was.  We will be asked if we fed the hungry or clothed the naked.  If we ignore others only to benefit ourselves we will have traded eternal glory for passing fancy.

   Jesus said, “No one can serve two masters.  He will either hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other.  You cannot serve both God and mammon. (Matt 6: 24).  The pleasures of this world can become a false god, replacing the one true God in our lives.  The things of this world are fleeting and will pass away.  God is eternal, offering never-ending love and happiness.

There are many temptations.
We want the best of everything.
Teach us Your ways.
Only in You is there true happiness.


Friday, June 19, 2020

Sharing thoughts of God

   Sometimes I sit down to write the day’s blog and draw a blank.  Nothing comes to mind and I have no idea what I am to write about.  There are always plenty of things I could say, but I always pray for guidance from the Lord.  My desire is to share what He wants me to share rather than what I may think He wants me to share.

   In these times I sometimes just put the computer aside and go about other parts of the day.  Sometimes I will try to find a quote from scripture or a saint to light a spark.  But I’ve found that if I go searching I usually find nothing that I feel is right.

   What I’ve learned is to quit relying on myself and turn it over to God.  If nothing comes to mind it’s best to it to offer it to Him in prayer and ask His guidance.  I am often amazed at how the blank slate sometimes takes shape and words begin to flow.  There are times when I just start typing and just let it go where it will, trusting that God will keep me on track.

   In over two years of writing this blog I have yet to fail when I leave it to the Lord.  This is not a point of pride but of praise and thanksgiving to my loving God.  When I finish I offer it to Him before I post it.  Sometimes there is too much of myself and not enough of Him; times when editing or even a complete rewrite is necessary.

   I suppose today was one of those days.  I thought I had nothing to say and yet I’ve almost written today’s blog.  Rather, God has written today’s blog.  I believe this is the way it is supposed to be.  I am to share what God wants to share, say what He wants to say, always understanding that this blog is for His greater glory, not mine.

Father, sometimes I draw a blank.
It is then that You come to me.
I submit myself to You.
You help me share Your word.


Thursday, June 18, 2020

Letting God Lead

   “For you are my rock and my fortress; for your name’s sake lead me and guide me.”  (Psalm 31: 4)

   From time to time I make the mistake of trying to lead myself, thinking I know the way God has planned for me.  Sometimes I continue in this error for quite some time.  Thankfully, before I can mess things up too badly God comes to me and lets me know that I am on the wrong path.  I praise Him and thank Him for watching over me and correcting me.

   Sometimes it’s just a gently nudge, barely perceptible to me.  So gentle, in fact, that I ignore it and continue down the path I have chosen rather than realizing God is trying to urge me back to His chosen path.  At other times it’s almost painful when God finally makes me understand how far I’ve wandered from the path He wants me to follow.  He brings me to my knees in sorrow.

   I have complained at times that God doesn’t always tell me what He wants of me, but I’ve complained in error.  He may let me wander a bit, but He always brings me back.  If I listen closely I can hear the small uncertainties that come to mind.  If I would only pay more attention I would understand that God, in His love, is letting me know that I have strayed.

   The path God has chosen for me is one of prayer and devotion to Him.  Sadly, there are times when I find myself seeking the things of this world rather than those of God.  I wish I were stronger, better able to reject the temptations of Satan, but I’m not.  So God must correct me and guide me back to the path He has chosen.

   As He told St. Paul, God tells me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”  Amen Lord, use Your strength to save me from my weakness.

Sometimes I stumble.
Sometimes I am close to falling.
You come and show me the way.
In Your strength save me from my weakness.


Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Society in Freefall

   I suppose people could call me an old man out of touch with today’s society.  Rather than being offended, I am proud to agree.  Not only am I out of touch with society, I actively reject the reality of today’s society.

   I grew up in a time when there was still some respect left in our culture.  We might not like someone else’s opinions, but we honored their right to express those opinions.  Today, if someone disagrees they are vilified, condemned, and in some cases subject to legal action.  There are some opinions, and even truths, that are no longer allowed in public.

   For instance, I am no longer free to express my belief in God’s word if it isn’t what “polite society” wants to hear.  If I suggest that sex, any sex, outside of a sacramental marriage is a sin, I am considered homophobic, sexist, or a misogynist.  If I consider abortion an abomination, I am considered anti-woman, one who doesn’t care about the heath and well-being of women.  Why does no one defend the health and well-being of the female babies who aren't given the chance to become women due to abortion?

   Society never equates the evil with sin.  As death tolls soar in our major cities, they see no connection to immorality.  Killing the elderly who can no longer defend themselves is called mercy, not the taking of an innocent life.  Many consider the death penalty justice, even though it is unfairly imposed.  When evil rears it’s head society never sees Satan, they see “freedom” and “individual rights.”

   We say politics, the entertainment industry, news media, and even our Churches are responsible for society.  But the real responsibility resides with each of us.  We need to have the courage to confront sinfulness even when we know it is not the popular thing to do.

   Society needs God, it cannot long endure without Him.  It will deteriorate and fall apart as many have done in the past.  The truths of God’s word are not subject to change at the whim of society and society will not survive without them.

Society has become defective.
We have turned from Your ways.
Turn us back to You.
Teach us Your truths.


Tuesday, June 16, 2020

The Garden of Gethsemane

   I sometimes try to insert myself into Scripture, as if I were there as a witness.  In considering Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, I can envision the following encounter.

   "Jesus entered the garden knowing that it was to be His last night as the man He had chosen to become.  Tomorrow would be His passion, crucifixion, and death.  He was in deep sorrow, not for Himself but those He had come to save.  In their rejection of Him, they would reject God Himself.

   Still Satan would not give up; again he tempted the Lord.  “You can’t save these creatures.  They’re sinners and belong to me.  Even now they are plotting a most horrible death for you.  They don’t love you, or even want you, why should you suffer for them?

   Jesus lifted His head from prayer, “I will die for them.  They were created to be my brothers and sisters, my family.  My death and resurrection will be the greatest of all examples of my love and mercy.  Not all will accept but I will rejoice in those who do, and they will rejoice in me.  They will know eternal love and happiness.”

   “You would give your life knowing that most will still reject you?”  Satan was at a loss to understand.  “If you can’t have them all why die for a few?”

   Christ looked at the evil one and replied, “My sacrifice is for each one.  Their sins are personal and so is my sacrifice for them.  If only one will believe I will sacrifice my life for that one.”

   Satan, shook his head and left, confused, and frustrated."

   His gift is personal, His grace is offered to each of us. He gave His life for me and for you.

Lord, You died for my sins.
I believe in Your love and mercy.
Drive Satan from me.
Claim me as Your own.


Monday, June 15, 2020

Finding the Peace of God

   “In the world you will have trouble, but take courage, I have conquered the world.” (John 16: 33)

   There are days when my life is a mess.  Days when I feel as though I don’t know whether I’m coming or going.  I remember things better forgotten, bringing sorrow and pain.  I am reminded of past sins and feel the guilt all over again.  Satan is at work within me and I know it, but it is sometimes hard to push him and his evil from me.

   It is on these days that I find most comfort in the words of Jesus to His apostles.  Even they would experience trouble in the world, they would know the temptations of Satan.  Judas succumbed and betrayed Jesus.  Peter denied knowing Christ three times and sorrowed greatly.  Throughout their lives the apostles would suffer for the Lord as they spread His word far and wide.

   Jesus said to His apostles, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.  Not as the world gives do I give it to you.  Do not let your hearts be troubled.” (John 14: 27).  They accepted their troubles and trials in the certain hope of the peace to come.  I am to do the same.

Trouble and pain is a part of the world in which we live, only in God is there peace. When life is most difficult He comes to me, reminding me of His promise of peace, giving me strength and comfort.  He has conquered the world.

On my darkest days You bring light.
You replace my sorrow with joy.
My sadness with happiness.
In Your peace I comforted.


Saturday, June 13, 2020

Give all to the Lord

From morning until night I turn to You.
Lead me on the path You have chosen.
The road that will lead me home.

In joy I turn to You.
To give You thanks.
In sorrow I turn You.
Seeking Your love and comfort.

Without You I am lost.
I can’t find my way.
In You I find strength and direction.
You will guide me aright.

I give You my days.
I give You my nights.
I give You my joys.
I give You my sorrows.

I give You my heart and my soul.
I give You all I am, and all I will be.
Lord, I give You my all.
Take me and make me Yours.


Friday, June 12, 2020

The Tiny Whispering Sound of God

   “A strong and heavy wind was rending the mountains and crushing rocks before the Lord – but the Lord was not in the wind.  After the wind there was an earthquake – but the Lord was not in the earthquake.  After the earthquake there was fire – but the Lord was not in the fire.  After the fire there was a tiny whispering sound.  When he heard this, Elijah hid his face in his cloak and went and stood at the entrance of the cave.”  (1 Kings 19: 11 – 13)

   This is one of my favorite passages of scripture.  In a world that expects big miracles and indisputable evidence of the existence of God, the quietness of His presence can be a stumbling block.  They seek Him in the world rather than in their heart.  They ignore the calling within themselves.

   God is present everywhere in His creation.  But He also wants a presence within my heart.  A presence that is not loud or obvious but one of peace and a knowledge of His love and mercy.  A personal, one-on-one relationship with me.

   Ships in the Navy have no external lights at night in order to avoid detection.  When at sea I found peace from the day by going outside at night.  I would lie down on the deck in the darkness and gaze up at the magnificence of God’s creation.  The number of stars visible in complete darkness is incredible and speaks loudly to God’s presence.  But it was in the stillness, the quiet sound of the waves washing against the ship, the silence of the night that I found God in the depths of my heart and soul.

   For one who seeks God, His majesty and presence is everywhere.  In the universe He created, in the humanity He made in His image, in all things.  But it is in the quiet that I hear the tiny whispering sound of God and experience His presence within.

Your creation speaks to Your majesty.
All You have created testifies to You.
But it is in the quiet that I find You in my heart.
I come to You in silence and know Your presence.


Thursday, June 11, 2020

The Walk

   “Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.” (Matt 16:24)

   At first reading this scripture seems to say that following Christ will be a constant struggle, one cross to bear after another.  At times there will be crosses we must carry, some may seem unbearable.  But Jesus will help us carry those that are more than we can bear.  Just as Simeon helped Jesus carry His cross, Jesus will help us carry ours.

   But following Jesus is not just a matter of carrying crosses.  It is also sharing in the joy and happiness the Lord brings.  He fills our heart with His love and mercy and pleads with us to share it with others.  Great joy can be found in this sharing of Christ.  St. Teresa of Calcutta said, “Spread love everywhere you go.  Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.”  This is the heart of following Jesus, to share the love He has given us with our spouses, children, friends, strangers, and yes, even our enemies.

   Crosses will be a part of following Him.  Nothing of value comes without effort and hard work.  There may be times when the pain is so bad that we just want to give up.  Those are the times when we need His love most of all.  Those are the times when He will help us carry our cross.  Those are the times when it’s most important to share our pain with Christ and His love with others.

Lord, the road can be hard.
Great struggles sometimes come.
But it is the road to You.
Give us the strength to walk it.


Wednesday, June 10, 2020

A Day in the Life

   There are so many distractions in life.  The news is never good; the media seems to refuse to report anything but disaster, hatred, and violence.  To live my day closer to God I usually try to ignore it.  I don’t live in a vacuum and I do keep up on current events, but televised news has become far more of a lie or an opinion than a report.

   Even in the Church there is discord, shame, and scandal.  A small minority of those who have vowed devotion to God have become so self-interested that they are little less than the biased politicians and news media.  Again, for the sake of my inner peace, I relinquish those concerns to God.  There is little, if anything, I can do to change it, so I needn’t let it disturb me.  It saddens me, but it is in God’s hands.  The most helpful thing I can do is to pray for them.

   The world and all within it will pass away.  I don’t know when and I don’t know how, but it will be gone.  To allow worldly matters to interfere with my relationship with God simply makes no sense.  I am willing to do what I can to make things better, but I also understand that only God can truly make the difference.

   A day focused on God and serving Him brings peace.  Offering my day and all it will bring to Him brings comfort.  Knowing that all things will be made new when our Lord comes again brings hope.

All God created is good.
Evil entered the world through Satan.
Satan will be overcome; evil eliminated.
Jesus, I look for Your glorious return.


Tuesday, June 9, 2020

All Will Come To Light

   “For there is nothing hidden except to come to be made visible; nothing is secret except to come to light.”  (Mark 4: 22)

   In the darkness of our most secret places the light will shine.  The things we most want to remain hidden will come to light.  At the judgement there will be no secrets, no darkness to hide in.  Our lives will be an open book before us clearly showing the times we’ve failed and sinned against the Lord.

   For Christians, this is not so much a threat as an urging to do all that can be done to live according to God’s will.  Though we are all stained by sin, we desire to do better; we want to become holy; we want to become saints.  We take comfort in the knowledge that God is a loving God full of mercy and forgiveness.  We recognize that His only Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, willingly became man to pay the debt for our sins; to give us the opportunity for forgiveness and life eternal in His presence.

   I sorrow and pray for those who still believe that the darkness within them can remain hidden; that their secret hatreds, biases, and sins will never become know.  They may profit greatly in this world, earning titles, respect, fame, and fortune.  But those are doomed to pass away.  Nothing they have done will be hidden on judgement day.  May they turn to God and repent.

   “The one who sat on the throne said, ‘Behold, I make all things new.’” (Rev 21: 5)

The evil will be revealed.
The darkness will be overcome.
Come, Lord Jesus.


Monday, June 8, 2020

What’s Right in the World

   “You will hear of wars and reports of wars; see that you are not alarmed, for these things must happen, but it will not yet be the end.” (Matt 24: 6)

   We are bombarded day in and day out with news of wars and reports of wars.  The world seems to be in total disarray and getting worse.  News organization rarely, if ever, report factually anymore.  If it is bad they strive to make it appear even worse; if it is good it is ignored.  It seems to be a competition to see who can paint the most catastrophic image of events.

   How I wish every newscast would devote just a few minutes to highlighting something good.  Perhaps if the beauty and good that exists were better reported more people would practice it.

   I’ve seen people in a grocery store hand a few dollars to the person in front of them who didn’t have enough to pay for their food.  Food banks, shelters and many other charitable services routinely help those in need.  These are the things that need to be highlighted.  When we begin to see the good in others I believe it helps bring out the good in ourselves.

   Great good and beauty exists in the world, but we must look to see it.  Can anyone deny the miracle of a newborn baby?  How jaded must one be to not smile at the laugh of a youngster?  The love of a spouse brings great joy and happiness throughout a lifetime.  Friendships form bonds that last forever.  The love of God and our neighbors creates beauty in a sinful world.

   Will it fix the world?  No, the world is broken by sin and can’t be fixed until our Lord comes again.  Can it make society a little better and more humane?   Yes, it can.

Lord, it seems we only see the evil.
Help us to see the good in others.
Open our eyes to the beauty of Your creation.
Help us love one another.
