Tuesday, May 31, 2022

 The Answer 

   I am full of questions, but short on answers.  There is so much more I would like to know about God, but so much of God remains unknown.

   Scripture is much the same.  There is great wisdom to be had but I must know how to find it.  The answer is there to any problem or difficulty I may face, but it is rarely easy to find.  It takes time, it takes effort. Most of all it takes prayer and contemplation.  Even then, however, the answer is not always, or even usually, forthcoming.

   I’ve found that I was not reading scripture as it was intended to be read.  I used to read it as a I would any other book  I would mark the chapters and books to track what I had read, as if it would never need to be read it again.  But scripture isn’t a school lesson to be learned, it is a life to be lived.

   Gone are the days of looking to finish this chapter so I can move on to the next.  There are times when I read only a few words and then stop because those few words hold the answer to something I have been looking for or perhaps a lesson I need to consider at length.  What’s truly amazing is that I may get an entirely different message the next time I read those same words.

   Though written thousands of years ago, scripture is as new today as the day it was written.  I believe this is what is meant by the fact that scripture is divinely inspired.  I am convinced that scripture lives, it blesses those who read it prayerfully in one way today and another tomorrow.  It never changes but is never the same.

   Scripture was written by humans but authored by God.  He has given us the answers, but it’s up to us to find them.  When I approach scripture prayerfully, with an open heart, the answers can be found. God hides nothing from us, but He wants us to come to Him and to scripture in prayer, seeking the answers.

Monday, May 30, 2022


Memorial Day 2022


While enjoying our hotdogs and apple pie today, whining and complaining because the country doesn’t meet all our desires, let’s pause for a moment to consider those brave men and women who have given life, limb, and mind to protect this nation so that we can have the right to whine and complain.

Then take a moment to pray for those who still believe this nation is worth defending and are willing to join those who have sacrificed so much.  Pray that the Lord will protect them and watch over them.  Pray that you never know the tragedy of losing a son, daughter, husband, or wife in war.

On this Memorial Day let’s lift a glass to those who have bravely fought for this nation and pray there will always be those who are willing to give their all to protect this nation and the rights of all Americans.


“All gave some; some gave all”


Sunday, May 29, 2022

 The Symphony of Life 

   I’ve come to believe that my life can be compared to a symphony.  It is a masterpiece written by the Heavenly Maestro, God.  He also desires to conduct the symphony, but I must participate if it is to be complete.

   The concept of my life as a classical piece of music surprised me since I have no musical talent beyond playing a stereo.  I have often wished to become proficient in playing an instrument, any instrument, but it just isn’t what God had in mind for me.  To consider my life a symphony is a stretch but somehow it appeals to me.

   Not only is my life a musical score written by God, but I am to play first chair; to study closely the music as it has been written and to play my part with the greatest skill I can muster.  I must believe that my Maker will give me the grace to play my part as He has written it if I will trust in Him.

   But my symphony can be a disaster as well.  Should I decide that I am simply not good enough to play the music and refuse to try, the melody cannot be played.  I may also just choose not to join the orchestra at all; to sit it out and let them go on without me.  Of course, should I choose either of these options the symphony of my life will become chaotic and without purpose.

   God will give me the talent needed to play in my symphony even though I may be unaware.  He will teach me what is needed to complete the work.  But He will never force me to listen or to learn; He will only teach if I will listen.

   I love music even though I’m not musically talented.  I want to play first chair in the symphony God has written as my life so I will listen, I will learn, and I will follow the guidance of the Divine Maestro as He leads me through the opus of my life.

Saturday, May 28, 2022


   “I can only imagine when all I will do is forever, forever worship you.  (“I Can Only Imagine”, Lyrics by Bart Millard) 

   I spend a lot of time imagining and contemplating what heaven will be like.  I can never fully grasp what heaven is going to be until I get there, but I find peace and comfort in considering all that it might be.

   I imagine a love that knows no beginning and no end.  A joy that is eternal with never a sad moment.  A time with no pain, no disease, no trials or crosses to bear.  A place of pure happiness with my Lord.

   Ah, but the details are the problem.  Will I rejoin my wife?  If not how will I know happiness?  Will the things I’ve considered and thought about in this life even matter?  Is heaven perhaps a totally new beginning, a fresh start where all the thoughts and concerns of this world no longer exist, even in memory?  Will I even have memory of this life?  I don’t know, but I try my best to live my life so that I will know this new experience when my time on earth is done.

   Jesus has promised that He will come and take those who love Him to Himself when this life is over.  Until then I will continue to imagine, longing to see and to know “What eye has not seen, and ear has not heard, and what has not entered into the human heart, what God has prepared for those who love him. (1 Cor 2: 9)”.


   “The one who guarantees these revelations repeats his promise:  I shall indeed be with you soon.  Amen; come Lord Jesus.” (Rev 22: 20)

Friday, May 27, 2022

 Beyond Understanding 

   “How rich are the depths of God – how deep his wisdom and knowledge – and how impossible to penetrate his motives or understand his methods! (Isaiah 11: 33) 

   Over the years I studied quite a lot to learn more about God and about my faith.  The knowledge is good, but what it has taught me is that no matter how much I may learn I will never understand the ways and purposes of God.  His ways are so far above mine, they are far beyond my understanding.

   So much about religion and devotion to God is based on faith and faith alone.  I trust in Him even though I can’t even prove He exists by human standards.  There is ample evidence of His presence, but many refuse to see it.  They want proof and the proof they want is not readily available.  We can be certain that two plus two equals four, but how do we give proof of the fact that God is within each of us?

   I have absolutely no doubt that when the priest performs the act of consecration Jesus becomes truly present in that little wafer of unleavened bread and in the wine.  I can’t provide the proof others may seek, but my faith tells me that proof is very clearly provided in the words of Jesus. (See John 6: 26 – 70).  If I believe scripture is divinely inspired, which I do, how can I not believe in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist and all the other truths of the Lord.

   There are so many things that I can’t “prove” about God and my faith, but I accept that they are true.  How can I accept these things that I cannot prove?  By faith in my Lord and my God.  Without such faith Christianity does not exist.


   “Who could ever know the mind of the Lord?  Who could ever be his counselor?  Who could ever give him anything or lend him anything?  All that exists comes from him, all is by him and for him.  To him be glory for ever!  Amen.  (Isaiah 11: 34 – 36)

Thursday, May 26, 2022

 Blue Skies and Cloudy Days 

   On a clear day we see the sun quite clearly.  We can feel it’s heat on our skin, we can watch as it makes its course from sunrise to sunset.  When it’s cloudy the sun is hidden from view.  We may catch a glimpse of it through the clouds occasionally but maybe not even that.  And yet the sun is always there whether we can see it or not.  Brightly shining on a clear day or hidden by the clouds, its presence is always with us.

   I find my relationship with Jesus to be somewhat similar.  There are days we His light shines so brightly in my life while on other the light is muted as if by clouds.  But just as the sun remains whether I can see it or not, the Son of God remains, even on the days when I feel I’m living in cloudy mist of confusion.

   I love the bright days with my Lord.  It’s so wonderful to clearly recognize Him in my life and to bask in the glow of His love and mercy.  Everything seems to be right with the world and any crosses I may need to bear are lighter.  These days are filled with thanksgiving and wonder at all God has done for me.

   The cloudy days are a tremendous blessing as well.  Those are the days when I open the scripture or a good book and spend more quiet time with the Lord.  When His light isn’t shining as brightly I find myself searching for Him, which is a good thing.  He is always there and will always remain.

   The sun is constant.  Whether I can see it or not, whether it is day or night, it is always there.  Jesus also is constant.  When I feel apart from Him, it is my weaknesses that have brought the clouds and it is my search for Him that brings the Light of God.


Wednesday, May 25, 2022

 His Presence 

   “If anyone loves me he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we shall come to him and make our home with him.” (John 14: 23) 

   If I am to believe Jesus, He and the Father have come and made their home with me.  He testifies that if I love Him, God will live within me.  I do love Him, and I absolutely believe my Lord.  Therefore, I believe that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit dwells within me.

   While I am confident of this truth, I must admit that I’ve never physically “felt” this indwelling within me.  Some of the saints have spoken of knowing and feeling His presence within them.  Some Christians I've known speak of it as well.  I’m not sure how this occurs, but I would never doubt them; God gives His gifts to whom He will, when He will.  Not all receive the same gifts.

   Some of the saints have also written of a dryness of spirit when they no longer felt God’s presence within them.  They recognize that He has not deserted them, and it is in those times that they say prayer and trust in God is most important.  Saint Teresa of Calcutta wrote of the spiritual dryness she experienced for many years, but never doubted His presence within her.

   Just as I’ve often wished that God would just speak plainly to me and tell me what I need to do to please Him, I also wish He would somehow assure me of His presence within me.  But faith doesn’t depend on physical evidence or challenging God to prove Himself.  It rests on trust and confidence in Him and His word.

   Jesus said, “You shall not put the Lord, your God, to the test.” (Matt 4: 7).  To have a “physical” aware of God’s presence within me is not necessary; He is with me and will remain with me throughout this life.  He has said so, and He is truth.

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

 Another Day 

   Days come and days go.  Mostly they pass with little notice.  I am conscious of the fact that I’ve seen far more days go than I can expect to see come.  Mortal life is temporary, some live longer than other, but none continue forever.

   Each day also presents new challenges and new opportunities.  Sometimes the trials can be difficult, but with the trial comes the prospect of growing in faith.  Because faith and trust in God is often the only thing that makes surviving them possible.  If I were never tested, how would I continue to grow in my faith in God.  So even the challenges can be a blessing.

   I often consider how much longer the Lord will leave me in this world.  My greatest desire is to go to Him and spend eternity with Him, but I believe there are things He wishes for me to do or experience before that can be realized.  Perhaps I’m not a “ready” as I think, so God allows me to remain here a while longer to better prepare myself for the next life.

   Eternity is one of those things that I can’t understand and yet it is what I wish for.  Forever is a concept that just isn’t a reality in this life.  We speak of it as if we understand, but we really don’t.  Eternity is of God and, like so many things of God, it cannot be understood in this life.  That's why I need faith, to accept those things I can't understand, always trusting in God.

   Each day I reflect on my mortality.  Not because I look forward to or seek death, but to remind myself that it is inevitable, and I need to be ready for it.  Delay could be catastrophic; death can come at any moment.  So, I talk with my Lord many times each day.  I offer myself to Him, asking Him to give me the strength to be the man He created me to be.  I ask that He make me holy that I might spend this thing called eternity with Him.

   As I re-read this blog it seems to be somewhat rambling and maybe even a bit confusing, but then sometimes my life is like that.  It will all make sense when I am finally with my Lord in His heavenly kingdom…..I hope.

Monday, May 23, 2022

 What’s Next? 

“I am going now to prepare a place for you, and after I have gone and prepared you a place, I shall return to take you with me; so that where I am you may be also.” (John 14: 3) 

   Christianity is based on hope; the hope that Jesus gives when He tells us He is preparing a place for us and will come and take us to Himself.  Without this hope I wonder what meaning can be found in life.

   Many who claim there is no God seem to believe that we simply cease to exist when this life is over.  No heaven, no hell, we just are no more.  I find that concept extremely depressing.

   I’ve asked atheists to explain to me why we should not be totally immoral if there is no God and no punishment for our wrong-doings.  If my neighbor has a better car, why not just take it?  And if they resist, simply kill them.  Why should I remain faithful to my spouse when sexual relations with many could be so enjoyable?  I could be certain that my spouse would not mind, because they would be doing the same.  They usually don’t have an answer but reply with some incoherent statement about innate knowledge of right and wrong.

   But if there is no God there is no right or wrong, no good or evil.  If we are only slightly different from every other animal, why do we concern ourselves with right or wrong?  Shouldn’t we just live by our instincts like all the rest?  If we are merely a higher level animal, why do we care for some and hate and mistreat others?  Animals don’t act in that manner, why should we?

   Belief in God and His promises, teaches us that there is a right and wrong, good and evil do exist.  Christianity urges us to overcome our base desires and live not just for self but for others, for God and our neighbor.  We are convinced there is a better life to come if we live this one properly.

   What’s next, oblivion or eternity?  Some say they believe there is nothing after death; I sorrow for their loss.  I choose to believe and hope for eternal joy in the presence of my Lord.  In fact, I’m betting my life on it.

Sunday, May 22, 2022

 The Sabbath 

   “Remember the sabbath day and keep it holy. (Ex 20: 8) 

   It seems Sunday, the sabbath day for Christians, is no different that any other day of the week.  There is no rest or remembrance of the Lord, only our own self-interest, our personal wants and desires.  Oh, we may give an hour of “our” time to God and go to church, but we certainly aren’t going to let Him dominate our whole day. 

   God does not limit His love for us to one hour a week, spending the rest of the week doing other things.  He does not ignore us except for a short while on Sunday.  And yet we, who exist only because of His will, find it acceptable to refuse Him even one day a week.

   I grew up in the 1950’s and early 60’s when very few businesses were open on Sunday and even those that were usually didn’t open until after noon to avoid interfering with church and their employees opportunity to attend.  Today it’s 24/7 for most everything.  If I want to buy a car or furniture or virtually anything else on Sunday I can.  Even the postal service now delivers Amazon Prime orders on Sundays.  There is practically nothing that is not readily available on the sabbath.

   Would it be so difficult to plan ahead so that Sunday’s could truly be a day of rest, a day to honor God and all He’s done for us?  I think not.  But as long as we live for convenience and our own self-interest, I doubt that will ever happen.

Saturday, May 21, 2022

 In Disguise 

   As I sat meditating before the Blessed Sacrament this morning a thought came to mind; wherever I may be Jesus is there.  He, and the angels, sometimes come to us in disguise.

   Once, when driving home from work in a pouring rain, I saw a middle-aged man walking along the road.  He was wearing a lightweight jacket and getting soaking wet in the cold rain.  I usually don’t pick up strangers on the road, but something told me I should make an exception this time.

   I pulled over and rolled down the window, offering him a ride.  He smiled and got in the car.  When I tried to talk to him he indicated that he was unable to hear or speak, so we drove on in silence for several miles.

   When I came to an intersection I let him know that I was going straight, and he signaled that he would get out and go on his way.  He silently thanked me, got out of the car and started walking away.  Thankfully the rain had let up by this time.

   I glanced back up at the traffic light to see if was still red and then looked in the direction the man had been going.  He was nowhere in sight even though it had only been a few seconds since He had gotten out of my car.

   This happened nearly twenty years ago, but it still comes to mind every now and then.  I am reminded of what Saint Paul wrote, “Do not neglect hospitality, for through it some have unknowingly entertained angels.” (Hebrews 13: 2).  Was the gentleman I picked up an angel, or even Jesus Himself?  I’ll never know but I still think of that day and wonder.

   Truly, Jesus and angels sometimes come to us in disguise.  If we approach the strangers we meet with this thought in mind, maybe we will begin to treat everyone with the respect they are due as children of God.

Friday, May 20, 2022


   “You are my friends if you do what I command you.” (John 15: 14) 

   I cannot be a friend of Jesus unless I do what He has commanded me.  The “if” in His statement puts the responsibility on me to become His friend by doing what He asks of me.  He wants to be my friend and will be “if” I will do what He commands.

   And what does He command?  “This is my commandment: love one another as I have loved you?” (John 15: 12).  Sounds simple but it is not.  When I consider the love He is asking of me it is far above the love we normally experience in this life.  His love is a total love, a self-giving love that cares only for the well-being of the loved one.

   I can go to Mass every day of my life but if I don’t follow His command I am not a friend of Jesus.  This means that I must love not only those I find to be lovable but also those I would prefer to hate.  There is no place for hate in the love of Jesus.  I may abhor the sins or the actions of some, but I must never hate them as a person.

   Like most everyone I find it hard not to despise those who commit heinous sins.  I find it tempting to hate the doctor who makes his living by destroying innocent life in the womb.  It’s easy to consider hating a child molester or one who abuses children or spouses.  Yet, Jesus insists that I love them.

   This is only possible if I can look past their actions and see Jesus within them.  They may not be aware of it, and they may deny it, but Jesus is there in all of us.  This is how I can love the sinner while hating the sin.  The sin is reprehensible, but the sinner is a child of God.  I am called to love them and pray for them in the hope that somehow they will come to recognize Jesus within them and turn to Him.

   It seems to me that all scripture, all commandments, and salvation itself rests upon the command to love one another.  If I can do that, all else will fall in place.

Thursday, May 19, 2022


   If I am to serve God as I should, I must do so from a place of humility.  I must realize that I am dust and to dust I shall return, as I am reminded each Ash Wednesday.  I have to admit that on my own I can never attain holiness, only through God’s grace is it possible.

   I look to Saint Joseph as the example of how I am to serve my Lord.  Not a word of his is recorded in scripture, but his actions speak volumes.  When he was told that Mary was pregnant by the Holy Spirit and that he should not be afraid to take her as his wife he didn’t question, he did as he was told.  I’m certain that he did not understand how something such as this could happen, but he trusted in God and did as he was asked.

   After the birth of Jesus an angel appeared to him in the middle of the night telling him to take Mary and Jesus and flee, Herod was looking to kill the newborn Savior.  Joseph at once got up and took his family into exile in Egypt, staying there until an angel told him it was safe to return home.

   Throughout Jesus’ childhood, Joseph was a father to Him.  Helping Him learn to walk and talk, teaching Him the Torah, and training him as a carpenter.  How hard it must have been to know that he was fathering the Savior of the world and never say a word about it.  He didn’t seek glory for what he was doing, only to serve Jesus and the Father.

   Saint Joseph obeyed God’s word without question or doubt.  He humbly and quietly served Him without seeking recognition or self-glory.  I must try to follow his example and I pray for the grace to live as Joseph did, in humility before my God.

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

 His Will 

   As a Christian I want to live my life according to the will of God.  I want to become the man he created me to be.  I want to be made holy, a saint.  If I am to be successful it is necessary to live for Him, not for me.

   Yet, I’m never quite confident of whether I’m following His will.  I think so, I try to, but I still wonder sometimes if I am truly doing as He would have me do.  I really wish He would just tell me exactly what I am to do.  But that isn’t going to happen.

   It seems to me that I am more conscious of His will when I stray than when I feel I am walking the right path.  I feel a discomfort or lack of peace when I sense that I am somehow not on the right path.  This is a blessing because it makes me sit down and take stock of where I am and what I’m doing in my walk of faith.  It forces me to look deep inside to see what is amiss. 

  I find it easier to see God’s will in my life by looking back and seeing the times His hand has been upon me, guiding me in the decisions I’ve made, even though I didn’t know it at the time.  Decisions I thought were mine alone were clearly influenced by the will of God.

   Each evening I try to take a few minutes to look back over the day to acknowledge the many blessings He has given me that day.  I’m amazed at the number of blessings I take for granted, never really taking the time to acknowledge God’s great love for me.

   I also consider the times that I may have failed to follow His will as I should.  The failures are what drive me to try to do better tomorrow.  Knowing that I can never avoid sin completely reminds me again of His great love and mercy.  Even in my sinfulness He loves me and will forgive.

   I will continue to try my best to live for God rather than self.  My desire is to be His and His alone.  I know I will sometimes fail but I trust that God is pleased by my efforts and will forgive and strengthen me to do better.

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

 Growing in Faith 

   “If  you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” (Martin Luther King, Jr.) 

   If I am not moving forward in my spiritual life I am falling behind.  God did not create me to be complacent and just get by, but to grow in faith and love of Him and my neighbor.

   There are so many ways to continue to grow in faith.  First and foremost is an active life in the Church.  By this I don’t mean getting up each Sunday to go to Mass because is it an “obligation” but waking up joyfully anticipating Mass and continuing to live in that spirit throughout the week.  Daily Mass, although difficult for some is another exceptional way to continue growing in faith.  Just an hour spent before the Blessed Sacrament in adoration can do wonders.

   Thousands of books have been written over the years to share personal experiences in faith development.  Many saints have written of their journey, providing encouragement and hope to those who may be struggling.  Of course, the best of all books is the bible; the path to salvation is in scripture.  As many times as I read the bible I never fail to find new and different ways to grow.

   Christian fellowship is vital to growth in faith.  I am blessed to have some of the best friends a man could wish for who support me in my faith as I try to support them in theirs.  We gather for dinner each month and spend time enjoying a great meal, great company, and the love of God.  The company of like people helps everyone grow and provides support during difficult times.  Together and with God, we can overcome any obstacle.

   Even though it sometimes seems as if I am at a stalemate, no longer growing as I would wish, I know that God is with me always and will lead me to Himself.  Quiet, unhurried times, just enjoying the presence of God, are a tremendous means of growth as well.  Like a garden, our faith will continue to grow as long as it is properly tended and cared for, producing good works.

Monday, May 16, 2022

 Trust in His Mercy 

   “No one was ever lost because their sin was too great, but because his trust was too small.” (Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos) 

   I believe there are some who do not turn to our Lord because they think their sins are too great or too many for Him to forgive.  They want to limit His love and mercy and in doing so, are lost.

   I suspect there is no one among us who has not committed sins that we consider heinous, sins that we remember with great sorrow, sins we wish with all our heart that we could go back an undo.  Of course, what’s done is done and can’t be changed, but it can and will be forgiven if we turn to God in true sorrow and repentance.

   Satan wants to convince us that we are unredeemable.  He will tell us that our sins are too awful to expect God to forgive.  He will remind us that we will sin again, and again, and ask us how long can we expect God to keep forgiving?  Sadly, some come to believe his lies and turn from God; not because they don’t believe but because they don’t trust in His infinite mercy.

   As I read the gospels I find many instances of Christ rebuking His apostles for their lack of faith.  When He called Peter to walk to Him on the water and Peter got scared and began to sink, Jesus said, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?”(Matt 14: 31).  Even His apostles, those who knew Him best sometimes doubted and questioned, just as we do today.

   If we believe and trust in the love and mercy of Our Lord, trusting Him and His promises we can always come to Him in repentance seeking forgiveness and He will never refuse.  However, if we come to Him in doubt, not certain that He will forgive, He will say to us as well, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?”

Sunday, May 15, 2022

 Confronting Evil


   “Just as you do not know how the life breath enters the human frame in the mother’s womb, so you do not know the work of God, who is working in everything.” (Eccl 11: 5) 

   I’ve watched over the last days as the pro-abortionists have demonstrated over their belief that the Supreme Court is about to overturn Roe vs Wade and abolish abortion.  First the opinion leaked does nothing the abolish abortion, it returns the decision to the states.  Second, it sickens me that these people are so adamant that they be allowed to kill unborn babies for their own convenience and try to call it a right.

   More and more it is becoming vital that those of us who support the unborn, who believe all life is sacred from conception to natural death, become more vocal, more public in our beliefs.  I’m not encouraging anyone to protest anywhere, but to openly support life as they claim to.  The struggle can’t just remain in the churches, it must be public.

   Will this bring condemnation of pro-lifers?  Probably, but we already considered backward, racist, homophobic, xenophobic and most any other derogatory term you can think of, so one more won’t hurt.  Perhaps they will come up with a new label just for pro-lifers; I welcome it.

   These days society is very quickly destroying any semblance of morality or humanity.  Nothing matters but the misguided so-called freedoms being demand.  The blessing of human sexuality has been perverted beyond recognition; death is the answer for unexpected pregnancy and for the elderly who have become a “burden” on society.  The right to do whatever one desires to do, regardless of God or anyone's moral objections has become the new norm.

   The time has come, and in fact is past, for Christians to stand in the breach against evil.  Not violently, not with name-calling and insults, but with the love of God and prayer, never backing down from our beliefs. 

   “To ignore evil is to become an accomplice to it.” Martin Luther King, Jr.

Saturday, May 14, 2022

 Love One Another 

   “This I command you: love one another.” (John 15: 17) 

   If we are to ever to have a positive impact on the world around us we must follow Jesus’ command; we must love one another.  This was not a suggestion, or simply something we should do, it was a command.  A command to be obeyed if we are to be His children.

   During the plagues in Rome even the emperor who had been persecuting Christians commented that the Christians not only cared for their own poor but also for the poor of Rome.  The Greek historian Eusebius often commented on the love evident in the early Christians and all they did.

   Saint Mother Teresa lived for years in Calcutta, India.  She cared for all who needed it, no matter their religion.  At first the Indian officials were concerned that she would try to convert their people to Christianity but soon discovered that she saw Jesus in everyone and attended to everyone just as she would attend to Jesus.

   The command to love one another is quite simple, but also quite hard.  It is difficult to love those who hate us, those who would persecute us for our faith, but that is what we are called to do.  Jesus’ entire ministry revolved around love, His love for the Father, the Father’s love for Him and for the love of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit for all of God’s children.

   A ragtag group of uneducated followers of a Messiah that very few accepted changed the world by following His command to love one another.  If we will strive to love one another as they did, maybe we too can make a difference in this world.

Friday, May 13, 2022

God Wins 

   “Remember this and never forget it:  Even if it should seem at times that everything is collapsing, nothing is collapsing at all, because God doesn’t lose battles.” (Saint Josemaria Escriva) 

   When the world seems about to destroy itself, take heart.  God made the world and when it is destroyed, it will be God who destroys it.  There are many battles being fought in the world, but the ultimate battle was won on a cross on Calvary nearly two thousand years ago.

   It’s so easy to fall into Satan’s trap of despondency and even depression because of the evil in the world.  Satan sometimes seems to be winning the battle, but it’s a lie.  He can cause a lot of trouble and heartache for those who listen to his lies, but he cannot overcome.  The world is in the hands of Our Lord and Satan can never win.

   Since the time when Jesus walked among us up until this very day, Christians have been in a battle, a battle of good against evil.  Sometimes the battle seems to be going our way and at other times we may seem to be losing.  However, as long as we trust in God and His plan the battle is ours to win.

   Our problem is we concern ourselves far too much with the condition of society and where it is going rather than with ourselves and where we are going.  Society changes its mores and standards on a nearly daily basis.  The trust in God is not there and without that there is no firm direction to life.  But we can’t let society be our guide, and we can’t allow society to lessen our faith.

   Our destiny is to be with God for eternity.  That is why we were created.  If we cooperate with Him, God will lead us to our destiny even though we may not always know it.  We alone can change that destiny by choosing to reject God.  Satan cannot steal us; he can only tempt us.  We must decide who we will follow, God or Satan.

   The battle is not always easy, but it is always winnable.  God doesn’t lose and as long as we cling to Him, neither can we.


Thursday, May 12, 2022

 Judging Others 

   “Do not judge, and you will not be judged; because the judgements you give are the judgements you will get, and the amount you measure out is the amount you will be given.” (Matt 7: 1 – 2) 

   Every now and then Facebook can be beneficial to our spiritual life.  I saw a post a few days ago that went something like this, “When you are finished pointing out all my sins please pray for me so that I can become perfect like you.”  How accurately this applies to some who can always see the splinter in another’s eye but never notice the log in in their own.

   When the prostitute was brought before Jesus to be stoned he told the crowd that whoever was without sin should throw the first stone. (John 8: 1 – 11).  They all quietly walked away.  Jesus did not condemn her, but instead cautioned her to sin no more.  There are some among us who are so self-righteous that they would have gladly thrown the first stone.

   This does not mean that we are to ignore sinfulness.  As Christians we must stand for truth and reject sin at every opportunity.  It is our duty to spread the gospel, and this includes recognizing the sinfulness in the world.  Our priests and our pastors are failing in their vocation if they do not warn us of the consequences of our sins.  We are failing if we do not protest the government sanctioning sinful acts and expecting us to approve and support them.  But it is the sin we must judge, not the sinner; that is the sole purview of God.

   I find that when I look in the mirror there are more than enough sins for me to judge within myself.  When I look at others it’s important to remember that none of us are free from sin, and yet God loves us and wants to call us home.

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

 Finding Truth 

   “If you make my word your home you will indeed by my disciples, you will learn the truth and the truth will make you free.” (John 8: 31 – 32) 

   People are always seeking the truth.  They look for it science, in technology, in psychology, medicine, and many other places.  The problem is they rarely look for it where it can actually be found, the words of Christ.

   No matter how much some want to rewrite the rule book, the rules for eternal life remain the same.  Truth doesn’t change based on the whims of the people.  What was true yesterday is true today and what was not is still not the truth.  Society, however, wants to define truth for itself and as long as it continues the truth will not be known to them.

   The truth is not found in the mixed up crazy ideas that many people have.  Their attempts to rewrite truth to their own liking is not only a waste of time but dangerous.  In teaching false truths, they lead others astray.

   It is also not found in the White House or the Senate or the House of Representatives, the courts or any other governmental body.  All of these institutions would like to believe they have the truth, but they are mistaken.  Congress has passed many laws only to overturn them once they were discovered to be wrong.  The Supreme Court once told a slave living in as state where slavery was prohibited that African Americans were not and could never be citizens of the United States. Therefore, he had no constitutional rights.

   Truth is not of human making; it is of God.  When we try to determine truth from falsehood, right from wrong, good from evil, we inevitably mess it up.  Adam and Eve learned that lesson the hard way and we continue to make the same mistake they did in the Garden of Eden.

   The truth is in God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  When we look for truth elsewhere we far too often fall victim to the lies of Satan.  As intelligent as we believe ourselves to be, we are not now, nor will we ever be able to know what truth really is without the guidance of our Lord.


Tuesday, May 10, 2022

 The Presence of God 

   “How high you are in the heights of heaven, how deep you are in the depths.  From no place are you absent.” (St. Augustine, “Confessions”) 

   There is no place I can go where the Lord is not.  The heavens are His, the depths of the ocean are His.  On the highest mountains, in the lowest valley His presence is ever there.

   All the creatures of the earth belong to Him, He created them.  The birds of the air, the fish of the sea, the serpents that slither on the earth and all the animals in this world are by His design.  He created them; they belong to Him.

   I look at the sky and I see the clouds that bring the rain needed for crops to grow.  At night the glory of God is on full display in the stars and galaxies visible to the naked eye.  As technology improves we are seeing more and more of God’s creation farther and farther away.  And yet some would credit chance for all that exists.

  Though many try to deny it, He is ever present within us as well.  We are His, created in His image.  We are the caretakers of all He has created.  Sometimes we forget and begin to think we are in charge.  The foolishness of that thought is clear in how messed up the world has been and remains.  If we would turn to God and give Him the reins, the world could be renewed. 

“Where could I go to escape your spirit?  Where could I flee from your presence?  If I climb the heavens, you are there, there too, if I lie in Sheol.  If I flew to the point of sunrise or westward across the sea, your hand would still be guiding me, your right hand holding me.  If I asked the darkness to cover me, and light to become night around me, that darkness would not be dark to you, night would be as light as day.” (Psalm 139: 7- 12).

Monday, May 9, 2022

 An Empty Heart 

   “Saint Gertrude one day asked Our Lord to make known to her what He desired of her.  Jesus answered, “I desire nothing from you but a heart that is empty.” (Alphonsus Liguori, “Attaining Salvation: Devout Reflections and Meditations.”) 

   Jesus wants to fill our hearts with His love, His mercy, and His charity.  But if we have filled it with other desires and wants there is no room for Him and the blessings He wishes to bestow on us.

   He asks not only and empty heart, but a mind willing to accept the words and the truths of God.  Not only an empty heart, but a desire and determination to follow the path He puts before us.

   Our life is filled with choices; we make many decisions each day.  Some of are of little consequence, but the choice of how we will follow the Lord is of the utmost importance.  We can’t take from Him what pleases us and reject what we may find hard to accept.  When Jesus insisted that we must eat His body and drink His blood if we are to have life within us, many of His disciples walked away.  They could not accept this teaching. (See John 6: 22 – 71).

   If our heart is empty and we are willing, Jesus will fill it with the truth.  If we cannot accept His teachings we may walk away, just as some of His disciples did.  We must look into a mirror and decide: Is my heart ready to receive my Lord?  Am I willing to accept His teachings, even the ones I may not fully understand?  Do I trust in Him even when the teachings are hard?

Sunday, May 8, 2022

 A Place For Us 

   “I am going to prepare a place for you, and after I have gone and prepared  you a place, I shall return to take you with me; so that where I am you may be too.” (John 14: 2 – 3). 

   Jesus has gone to prepare a place for us in the Father’s house.  He will come for us and take us to Himself if we will allow it to be so.  However, He will not kidnap us or take us against our will.  If we choose to turn from Him our free will allows us to do so.  He will never quit reaching out to us, but whether to answer His call or ignore Him is our decision alone.

   There is, however, only one way to get to our place in the Father’s house.  “Enter by the narrow gate, since the road that leads to perdition is wide and spacious, and many take it; but it is a narrow gate that leads to life, and only a few find it.”  (Matt 7: 13 – 14). 

   These words of Jesus tell us that the path to the Father’s house will not be an easy one.  It won’t be found among the things of this world.  We can’t get there by the highway, only by the narrow dirt road that is sometimes difficult to travel.  They are also a warning to those who want to choose their own path.  Jesus clearly says that only a few will find the right road, and many will not.  We must be careful when we choose the way that we will follow.

   There is a place for each of us in heaven, but we must choose the right path.  If we accept God and His truths and live our lives for Him rather than for self, we will find the narrow gate and enter into God’s kingdom.  But if we travel the wide road of worldly desires and pleasures, we will find that we are on the path to hell.

Saturday, May 7, 2022

 The Death of A Nation 

   I usually try to keep politics out my blogs, but I fear that we are on a steep downhill race to self-destruction.  There is no longer any compromise or “coming together” of the left and the right.  In some cases, it borders on open warfare between the political parties and their followers.

   It seems that more and more people in this country believe that violence is the proper means to get what they want.  Whether it be what they believe to be justice, or to secure some supposed rights they think they should have, protests and violence have increased greatly in the last few years.

   We are guaranteed the right to peaceful assembly by our constitution but the key to that right is the word “peaceful”.  There is nothing peaceful about arson, looting, damaging personal property or attacking those who are of a different opinion.  And yet, I recall hearing a news broadcaster calling a protest “peaceful” while standing in front of a huge fire set by the protesters.  There is nothing peaceful in such an act.

   Now there are those suggesting that Catholic Churches should be the object of protest over the leaked preliminary opinion of one Supreme Court justice concerning abortion.  In addition, protesters are expected to go to the homes of several of the Supreme Court justices to protest.  Does anyone doubt that at least some, if not many of these protests will turn violent?  Yet I hear no one in authority, the President, the Attorney General or anyone else speaking out against such actions and asking for calm and reason.

   We are a nation that has been greatly blessed by God, but we have become a nation that rejects God, and faith, and religion.  Believers are scorned, denigrated, and persecuted in many ways.  Murder of innocent babies in the womb and of our elderly is commonplace; anyone can claim to be whatever sex they chose on any given day; sexual promiscuity of all kinds is touted as the new “norm”.  And we are told these are the things our nation must not only tolerate but accept and support.  

   If we are to save this nation, we must stop the hatred and come together as a nation.  We must recognize that we will not always agree but that violence is never the answer.  Please pray for our country.

Friday, May 6, 2022

 The Right to be Faithful 

   I hear many people taking about the situation in this nation and around the world and I hear very little hope in their voices.  Most seem to think it is worse than it has been in a very long time and getting even more so.  I hear very little optimism or hope for our future.

   The very first words of the first amendment to the U.S. Constitution are, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;”.  These words are being ignored or, at best, politically “shaded” to achieve a desired suppression of religion.

   I have no intention of demanding that anyone join a church or practice religion of any kind.  All I ask is that I am afforded the right guaranteed in the Constitution to the free practice of my religion.  Unfortunately, most of those who are against religion are also against those who practice it.

   A nation that turns it’s back on God will not long survive.  They should never demand anyone follow any religion.  But neither should anyone who believes be subjected to reprisals and persecutions because of their faith.

   I pray that this nation and many others in the world learn this lesson before it is too late.

Thursday, May 5, 2022

 Faith Is Strengthened by Testing 

   We are tested throughout our lives.  From the time we first enter school until we graduate there will hundreds of tests to evaluate our progress and whether we are ready to move on to the next level.

   Athletes continually test themselves to improve their abilities.  Boxers have sparring partners who help them perfect their stance, their punches and defenses in the ring.  Runners compete against other runners to challenge each other to rise to the next level of performance.  Regardless the sport, tests and challenges help us grow and develop our skills.

   The challenges we face in life are what urge us to do better, to learn more, and to hone our skills.  When we are no longer challenged we begin to fall back; we no longer strive quite so hard in our efforts.  We become self-satisfied.

   Our faith life is no different.  A faith that is never tested will atrophy from lack of use and begin to fade.  We need the daily challenges, the trials, and tribulations of life; they encourage us to turn to God.  When they are the most difficult, they are the most beneficial to growing our faith.  In faith, like everything else in life, it’s far too easy to become complacent, to be lukewarm.  Jesus’ warning to the church at Laodicea serves as a warning to us as well, “So, because you are lukewarm, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.” (Rev 3: 16)

   When the Israelites lost faith and turned from God, they suffered greatly.  The pagans asked, “Where is their God?”  When Christians lose faith because of some trial or tragedy, non-believers again ask, “Where is their God?”  When we accept the challenges that come our way with hope and trust in God, keeping, and even strengthening our faith, we can answer their question with, “He’s right here beside me.”

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

 Think Eternally 

   “But do not ignore this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years and a thousand years like one day.” (2 Peter: 3:8) 

   As creatures ruled by time we have a hard time considering eternity.  In fact, it is something that I don’t believe can ever understood in this lifetime.  However, eternity should always be on our mind.

   Our day to day life is filled with the business of getting on with our daily life.  Just taking care of the many things we find necessary in daily life seem to take up the whole day.  For many year we work a full time job to supply the money we need.  Then we must do all the other “to-dos” that dominate our life.  By the time the day is done, we are exhausted and just want to fall into bed and rest.  We find it hard to find time to even consider eternity, nevertheless, prepare ourselves for it.

   But our days are nothing when we consider eternity.  When we begin to think eternally we reject the limits of time.  We come to realize that time is a construct of man, not God.  We count the days by the number of times the sun rises while God does not count time at all.  For Him, and for us in the next life, time does not exist; all is now.

   Once we begin to grasp how short human life is, we can begin to consider eternity.  Once we begin to consider eternity the trials and woes of this world fade and the urgency of living to ensure eternal life with the Lord occupy more and more of our day.

   We are eternal and even though we can’t fully understand what that means, our eternal life depends on the amount of earthly “time” we devote to ensuring we are prepared for eternity.

Monday, May 2, 2022

 Accepting Our Weaknesses 

   I recently spoke with someone who has battled alcohol and drug addiction for most of her life.  She is once again newly clean and says she will stay with the AA/NA program that has helped so many.  I pray that she will follow through.

   I was concerned when she expressed her anger that some at the meeting tried to explain to her that she was an addict and would be an addict for the rest of her life.  Their intent was to help her understand that there is no cure, only abstinence.  She was insulted that they had tried to “label” her.  I tried to explain that they weren’t belittling her but trying to help her understand that this would be a life-long battle.

   Our weaknesses may also be a gift from God.  As odd as that sounds I believe God sometimes uses our weaknesses to bring us closer to Him; to trust in Him rather than self.  St. Paul expressed this beautifully when he wrote, “Therefore, that I might not become too elated, a thorn in the flesh was given to me, an angel of Satan, to beat me, to keep me from being too elated.  Three times I begged the Lord about this, that it might leave me, but he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness.’” (2 Cor 12: 7 – 9).

   We often face problems that we cannot solve on our own.  As long as we continue to fight the battle alone, we will fail.  When we turn to the Lord and trust in Him, He will not allow us to be overcome by our weakness.


Sunday, May 1, 2022

  Asking Why 

   In most cases asking why can be a good thing.  If no one asked why infections were causing more deaths from surgery that the surgery itself, we would never have learned about antibiotics and their ability to prevent or stop infections.

   If Orville and Wilber Wright hadn’t persisted in the questioning of why man could not fly, there might never have been air travel.  For centuries people asked numerous whys about the moon.  Eventually we sent men there to answer some of the questions.  The asking of why, and the efforts to find the answers has helped humanity in so many ways.

   Even in our spiritual life why is a valid question in many ways.  There are so many things to learn of our Lord and our God simply by asking why some things occurred.  We ask why Jesus had to die on the cross, and we learn that only an unblemished Lamb could atone for the sins of mankind.  There has only been one unblemished Lamb and that was Christ, the Son of God.  Asking why when there is an answer to be found is beneficial and helps us grow in our spiritual life.

   However, some things are simply as they are, and no amount of asking why will resolve them.  Why do some people age gracefully and die a peaceful death while others suffer greatly and die in great pain and agony?  Why do some couples share many years of joyful marriage while others are separated by death far too soon?  There simply is no answer to be had.

   God’s plans are His alone.  Sometimes He shares them with us and other times we will never know in this lifetime.  When we question His ways  we question Him as well.  We are far better off to remember that He is God, and we are not.  We can either trust in Him or frustrate our lives with the “whys” that have no answer.