Friday, January 31, 2020

Transforming Prayer

   Prayer has transformed my life.  Prayer is where I meet God, it is where I give my heart, soul and all my love to Him.  It is where He listens and where I listen to Him.

   My prayer life has greatly changed over the years.  I used to pray for myself, my wants and desires.  Then I realized that when I pray the Our Father, that is all covered when I say “give us this day our daily bread”.  The daily bread is not just “bread” but the needs of this life.  It doesn’t mean I’ll get all that I want, but that God will provide what is needed.  There is a big difference in what is truly needed and my earthly wants and desires.

   I believe prayer should be more for others than for myself.  I have faith that God will care for me so I should be asking for His love and mercy for others, especially those who don’t yet know Him.  Maybe, just maybe, my prayers will help at least one person to recognize God in their life.  What a tremendous blessing!

   The hardest to pray for are those who are most difficult to like or who are causing great harm to others.  I am disappointed in some within the Church who want to bend the Church to conform to society rather than remain constant in the truth.  I can get angry with them, condemn them or pray for them.  Anger and condemnation belong to God, they can only lead me to sin.  Better to pray for them and let God’s will be done.

   I used to use words a lot in prayer, then recalled Psalm 46, verse ten, “Be still and know that I am God.”  Those who know me can confirm that I can be stubborn at times and need more direct guidance.  God was very polite in the Psalm, I needed to hear, “shut up and listen!”  Silence of heart, mind and soul has become the best part of my prayer life.

   I’m sure my prayer life will continue to grow and change.  The more I listen the more I learn.  The more I am quiet the more He can guide me.

Lord, I come to You in prayer.
Let it be in silence.
In prayer You guide and direct me.
Let me listen and learn.


Thursday, January 30, 2020

Stay the Course

   “In her voyage across the ocean of this world, the Church is like a great ship being pounded by the waves of life’s different stresses.  Our duty is not to abandon ship but to keep her on her course.” (St. Boniface)

   It seems to me that many want to change the course of the Church to follow the varying currents of society.  They want to argue that the truths of the Church are changeable based on the societal norms of the day.  Even some who should be most concerned with maintaining the truths take this attitude; some Bishops, Archbishops and Cardinals are among them.  They should recall Jesus’ words, “It would be better for you if a millstone were hung around your neck and you were thrown into the sea than for you to cause one of these little ones to stumble.” (Luke 17:2).  Please pray for them.

   It is our responsibility as Catholic Christians to stay on course.  The word of God does not change, and His truths remain true forever.  The whims and desires of society have changed repeatedly and will continue to change.  We are called to remember that we are in this world but not of it.  Our rules don’t change; right is always right and wrong is always wrong.

   Confronting the onslaught of the lies of Satan and those who have bought into those lies is never easy.  As their outrage at God continues there will be greater persecution of those who stand up for Him.  It is already evident in many parts of the world, including our own country; a country built on religious freedom.

   Jesus gave His life for us.  Though many abandon Him we are to remember that He is the way, the truth and the life.  We are to remain faithful and true to Him.

Lord it seems You are under attack.
Many refuse Your truths and ways.
May we always stand for You.
May we live in You forever.


Wednesday, January 29, 2020


   If I am to be a Christian I must accept that there are mysteries that I cannot understand.  Some can be quite difficult, but it is necessary for me to trust in God rather than question things I have no way of understanding.

Miracles, mysteries, occur each day.  As a Catholic I witness one of the greatest miracles each time I attend Mass.  A piece of unleavened bread and a cup of wine become the body, blood, soul and divinity of my Lord, Jesus Christ.  It looks no different and tastes no different, but I have no doubt that it has changed.  I trust in Christ when He said that I must eat His body and drink His blood if I am to have eternal life.  He doesn’t lie; it is as He said.

   At times accepting the mystery is extremely hard and painful.  When my wife passed away one of my grandsons kept asking why.  I didn’t have an answer for him just as I didn’t understand myself.  As difficult and heart-breaking as it was the only answer was trust in God.  He has sustained me, comforted me and been my rock.

   There are so many things that are beyond my understanding.  Eternal joy and happiness in the presence of God is one of those.  I can’t comprehend an existence that never ends and is not bound by time.  I can’t imagine a place of such joy and peace.  Yet I accept the mystery, giving my life to God, in the expectation of such an incredible, glorious existence.

   Miracles happen, mysteries exist.  I do not understand and will never do so in this life.  But I trust that God has all in hand and place all my faith in Him.

Lord there is so much I don’t understand.
Your mysteries are beyond my knowing.
I accept them because You are God.
I am at peace with the mysteries.


Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Give Up The Past

   “He does not deal with us according to our sins, nor repay us according to our inequities.  For as the heavens are high above the earth, so great is his steadfast love toward those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far he removes our transgressions from us.”  (Psalm 103: 10 – 12)

   I think the past is one of Satan’s favorite playgrounds.  We all have things in our past that we would rather forget; the sins we’ve committed, the hurt we’ve caused others and more.  By calling these things to mind the evil one tortures us, sometimes making us wonder if we are truly forgiven.

   If we have sincerely repented of our sins and our failings they are forgiven.  There may be lessons to be learned from them that can help us avoid sinfulness in the future, but they are no longer a threat to our soul.  To allow them to continue haunting us is to offend our Lord.  God does not recant His forgiveness of our sins and He does not hold them against us.

   Life is but today.  Yesterday is gone and we can’t change it.  Tomorrow may never come.  Satan torments us with the thoughts of things past and threatens us with the things to come.  God forgives us for our sins and wants only happiness for our future.

   When we live in God there is no room for Satan and his temptations in our life.  Filled with the Holy Spirit we are safe and secure in the arms of God.

Father You are mercy and love itself.
Only in You is there peace and comfort.
Give me the strength to live in You.
Fill me with Your spirit.


Monday, January 27, 2020

God Cares

   Each morning I sit at my breakfast table, looking out the window.  The community I live in is very quiet in the mornings, so the squirrels and birds are at ease and unafraid.  They go from yard to yard looking for their morning meal and seemingly playing and enjoying themselves.

   I get a lot of pleasure watching nature at work, especially in the change of the seasons when various birds show up either moving south for the winter or north for the summer.  There are a couple of pairs of Cardinals that show up every spring and nest in the trees.  Hummingbirds love some of the flowering plants I have which gives me the pleasure of watching them flit from bloom to bloom gathering the nectar.  Mockingbirds arrive along with blue jays and many others.  A few days ago there were at least forty to fifty robins in the yard searching for their breakfast.  I suppose they were on their way further north, stopping here to have a meal.

   I’m always amazed when I hear people say they see no evidence of God when it’s right before them in nature.  God sees to it that His creatures are cared for, giving them the instincts to do what is needed for survival.  They have no meetings to determine their next move or to decide who’s in charge.  God has given all they need.

   God will also give me all I need.  In Him is all that is truly necessary.  Though I know what He asks of me, I sometimes succumb to temptation.  Though I sin, He forgives me knowing that I will sin again and will again need His forgiveness.  He doesn’t direct my life with instinct such as the birds and animals, but guides me with His word, His love, mercy and forgiveness.  He fills my heart with His spirit which gives me strength and peace.

  The birds of the air and the beasts of the field have no worries.  God watches over them, providing for their needs.  In His everlasting love He provides for me as well.  He soothes my cares and eases my worries giving me peace and comfort.

Father all came into being because of Your will.
You care for everything and everyone You created.
I look to You for guidance, peace and love.
May I always live in Your will.


Saturday, January 25, 2020


   “But God said to him, ‘You fool!  This very night your life will be demanded of you.” (Luke 12: 20)

   Common sense tells us that proper preparation is vital to most any endeavor.  Whether it be a vacation trip, a college major, retirement, or even a simple shopping trip the better prepared we are the more likely we are to be successful.  Most people readily prepare for life events yet so many fail to properly prepare for the most important of all life events, passing from this world to the next.

   The length of our life isn’t up to us.  We have no way of knowing if we will see tomorrow or even tonight.  Before we know it, we may have missed the opportunity to prepare as we should.  There is no coming back to correct our lack of planning.

   Without being morbid, frequent remembrance that we are destined to die is a good thing.  It shouldn’t haunt us every minute of our life, but it should encourage us to do those things necessary to ensure joy and happiness in the next life.

   Several of the Saints suggest frequent meditation on the end times to inspire our preparation for what is an unavoidable event.  Through prayer, reading and knowledge of Holy Scripture and self-evaluation we can better accept the inevitable without fear.

   We should prepare for all things in life.  But most of all we need to prepare for its end.

Father, our days are numbered.
Only You know the time and day.
Give me the grace to accept Your will.
Give me the courage to prepare.


Friday, January 24, 2020


   “For I am the least of the apostles, unfit to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God.  But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace toward me has not been in vain.” (1 Cor 15: 8 – 9)

   No one is worthy of God’s blessings.  Just as no one can become holy without the grace of God, worthiness cannot be achieved unless God wills it. 

   Paul recognized that he was not worthy to be an apostle of God.  He understood that it was only by the grace of God that he became the apostle to the gentiles.  In describing the way Christ had worked in her soul, St. Therese of Lisieux said, “He does not call those who are worthy, but those whom he pleases.”

   As I look back over my life I see so many signs of my unworthiness.  The sins I’ve committed were the cause of the crucifixion of Christ.  I recognize that and try to avoid sin, but I fail and sin again.  Rather than the blessings of God I am worthy only for His disdain.  And yet He loves me, forgives me, and chooses me as one of His children.

   No matter how hard I try I remain a flawed man unworthy of Him.  I can’t earn holiness or worthiness; they are a gift of God.  I am not His because I am holy or worthy, but I desire to be made so.

Lord I am not worthy of Your love.
I am not holy, but You can make me so.
I am not worthy, but You can make me so.
I pray that You will make me so.


Thursday, January 23, 2020

The Safety of His Arms

   We seek safety.  The products we buy are inspected by numerous agencies to ensure they are safe.  Any hint of danger results in recall and reinspection.  Some are so concerned with safety that they become phobic in their worries.

   I also seek safety.  But I’ve found that the only true safety is in the arms of my Lord and Savior.  There will always be sorrows in life, some beyond my capability to withstand on my own.  There will always be trials and troubles in this world, many of which I can do nothing about except endure them.  Only in God is there safety and certainty.

   I can’t know from day to day, or even hour to hour, what Satan will throw at me to tempt or torment me.  It may be memories better left behind; it may be uncertainty in my relationship with God.  He may remind me of the most difficult things I’ve ever endured to bring great misery and sorrow.  Only by turning to God can I overcome Him.

   My rest and my comfort is in the Lord.  When troubles and sorrows arise I turn to Him.  “My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.” (Psalm 121: 2).  Without Him I am lost and there is no safety to be found.

Father this world is full of trials.
There is no peace except with You.
There is safety only in You.
I turn to You in all things for You are my Lord.


Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Protect Life

   This day has been designated as a day of prayer for the legal protection of unborn children.  It was on this day in 1973 that nine men sitting on the Supreme Court decided that human life in the womb is of no value and can be destroyed and thrown out with the trash.  Since then nearly 63 million babies have been murdered in their mother’s womb.  That’s about the same as the population of Texas and Florida combined.

   I usually try to stay away from political issues in this blog, but life is so much more than a political issue.  Only God can create life.  Men and women are blessed as the means God has chosen to continue to create life.  We can cooperate in God’s plan for life, but we can’t create life without Him.

   It’s time we stood for the rights of the lives of those in the womb.  It’s time we told our politicians of whatever party that we will no longer vote for someone who supports abortion.  It’s time to protect the babies in the womb!

   Consider the innocent lives lost through abortion.  We will stand by as another 63 million babies are slaughtered or will support the rights of the unborn?  Take a few minutes today and pray for an end to abortion.  Pray also, for those who have suffered and are suffering for their decision to abort.  May they find peace and forgiveness in our Lord.

Father, only You can give the gift of life.
Touch the hearts of those who support abortion.
Open their eyes to see the horror.
Protect those innocents to whom You have given life.


Tuesday, January 21, 2020

God With Us

   “Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1: 9)

   Joshua assured the Israelites that God was with them as they prepared to cross the Jordan river to the promised land.  A land filled with other nations and peoples.  The land God had promised the Israelites would be theirs.

   This is only one of the many times Holy Scripture tells me that God is with me regardless of where I go or what trials I am to face.  Whether in good times or bad He is there; He will never leave me alone.

   He has blessed me in so many ways.  I’ve known the love of a wonderful wife and the joy of children.  I’ve had the opportunity to travel and see many parts of the world.  But most of all He has filled my soul with His spirit.  Wherever I go, whatever I do, He is with me.

   I’ve also experienced loss and turmoil in my life.  Still He is there; he strengthens me in weakness and soothes the pains life sometimes bring.  In all things I turn to Him and He is there.

   Some say they don’t know God in their lives.  If true it’s not because He isn’t there, it’s because they’ve never introduced themselves to Him.  There is no one that God omits from His love and mercy.  He is there for each of us.  It’s up to us to reach out to Him in love and accept His presence in our lives.

Lord You are always with me.
You give me joy by your blessings.
You give me comfort in my sorrows.
My heart belongs to you.


Monday, January 20, 2020

Peace in the Unknowing

   For years I’ve read the lives of Saints and others who have heard the word of God.  The bible is full of examples of God speaking to those He chose.  I’ve never understood why He has yet to speak to me in the same way.  I’ve asked many times for His guidance and direction, but it seems He doesn’t wish to share His plans with me.

   I have finally realized that He is leading me even though I don’t clearly hear the voice of God.  He speaks to me in the peace He brings.  When there is peace in my life and with my Lord I believe I must be doing His will.  There have been times when I thought I should go in one direction but soon found that there was no peace for me there.  At other times I’ve wondered if I’m heading in the right direction and God tells me yes in the peace He brings to that effort.

   It would be much simpler if He would say what He wants but I’m comfortable with the way He is leading.  I take each day as it comes, seeking His will.

   Maybe some day I’ll hear the voice of God as others have.  If so, fine; if not, that’s OK too.  I’m comfortable following God in the unknowing; I’m confident that He will lead me where I need to go.

Father, I don’t always know Your plans,
But I accept them whatever they may be.
Your love and mercy guide me.
In You I find peace.


Saturday, January 18, 2020

Temple of the Holy Spirit

   “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God, and that you are not your own?  For you were bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body.” (1 Cor 6: 19)

   We are to be a temple of the Holy Spirit.  The Spirit wants to dwell within you and me even though we are sinners.  If the Holy Spirit is to live within me I have some work to do.

   I must cleanse myself of sin and immorality; my temple is full of earthly desires, wants and cravings.  These must be taken out with the trash and the whole of my being swept clean if I am to receive the Holy Spirit.  I would not expect Him to reside in place unworthy so I must try my best to become worthy.

   If He is to live within me I must welcome His arrival with praise and thanksgiving.  I do all I can to make a guest in my home feel welcome and I must do as much and more for the Holy Spirit.  I must greet Him with love; I must endeavor to make Him comfortable in this sad temple that is my body.

   Jesus cleansed the temple of Jerusalem of the money traders and those making it a marketplace (see Mark 11: 15).  If the Holy Spirit is to dwell within me I must allow Him to drive out the evil that all men have within; I must let Him make this temple Holy.

Lord You sent the Advocate to live within me.
I open my heart and my soul to the Spirit within.
May He cleanse this temple and make it His.
Come Holy Spirit, come!


Friday, January 17, 2020

Praising God

   Some praise God because He is the mighty God and they fear Him.  Others praise Him for His generosity.  They think if they praise Him they will receive greater blessings.  Then there are those who praise God solely because He is God.  They don’t fear Him, they don’t try to gain benefit by their praise, they simply praise God, who is goodness, love and mercy.

   Those who praise God out of fear are like slaves.  They praise the master because they are afraid he will punish them if they don’t.  They avoid sin only to avoid Hell, not because it is offensive to God.  Their praise is self-serving rather than from the pure love of Him.

   Praising God in hopes of getting a better job or more money or some other blessing that one desires is selfish.  Their prayers are for themselves and their own desires rather than in thanksgiving to the loving God who has already blessed them so greatly.

   To praise God simply because He is God is the praise of love.  There is no fear because we know of God’s mercy and seek it often.  Prayers of petition are for all of God’s children, not just our own concerns.  We must understand that God will provide and not concern ourselves with earthly desires.  Our love of God should be simply because He is God; He is everything good and right.

   If we truly love God because He is love and deserving of our love the needs of this world will be provided.  Jesus said, “For it is the nations that strive after all these things, and your Father knows you need them.  Instead, strive for his kingdom, and these things will be given you as well.” (Luke 12: 30 – 31)

Lord I praise You for You are God.
You are Love and Goodness.
You are all I will ever need.


Thursday, January 16, 2020

I Am Cleansed

   “A leper came to him begging him, and kneeling he said to him, ‘If you choose, you can make me clean.’  Moved with pity, Jesus stretched out his hand and touched him, and said to him, ‘I do choose.  Be made clean!’”  (Mark 1: 40 – 41)

   The gospel reading for today reminded me of the many conditions Jesus healed during His ministry, not just physical conditions but wounded souls.

   As a convert to Catholicism I was baptized as an adult.  My soul was very much deformed by sin, both original and personal.  I had lived a life in which God was virtually absent.  I never prayed, never read the bible, never even thought much about God.  As the priest poured the baptismal waters over me my soul was healed.  Just as He cleansed the leper, God had cleansed my soul and made it whole.

   I wish I could say that I’ve lived a pious life ever since but that would be a lie.  My soul, miraculously washed cleaned at baptism did not remain so.  Each sin I committed stained and diminished it.  The soul given me by God and cleansed by baptism suffered greatly by my sins.

   I still struggle and I still sin, but I’m at peace with God and what He is doing with me and my soul.  He strengthens my faith and forgives my sins, again cleansing my soul in confession.  Each time I seek reconciliation He is there welcoming me, forgiving me in His love and mercy.

   During Mass as we prepare to receive our Lord in Holy Eucharist a prayer is said, “Lord, I am not worthy that You should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul will be healed.”  Once again He heals my soul by His Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity.  All praise and thanksgiving to Him forever!

Lord, You heal my soul.
You forgive my sins and restore me.
I place myself totally in Your mercy.


Wednesday, January 15, 2020

What is Truth?

   It seems people want to make the truth what they think it should be rather than accept what is and always has been truth.  Society changes and many think the truth should change with it.  They don’t seem to understand that truth is eternal, it does not change; never has and never will.

   Jesus taught the truth and the truth he taught isn’t hard to understand.  When asked what the greatest commandment was He replied that it is to love the Lord God with all my heart, and with all my soul, and with all my mind.  It is my desire to live my life by this truth and all the truths Jesus taught.

   It’s not hard to understand, but it can sometimes be hard to live by.  Loving God during tragedy and loss is sometimes difficult.  When my wife passed away a priest told me that it was OK to be angry with God.  I thought about that a long time and decided that I didn’t think I could be mad at God and still love Him as I should.  Sometimes we must accept what we can’t understand and simply trust God, as difficult as that may be.  If I was angry, it was at Satan, not God.  It is by his temptations and our failure to resist them that death entered this world.

   Truth does not change.  What was true in Jesus’ time is true today and will be true a thousand years from now.  I choose to ignore society and its’ unrelenting attacks on truth.  They are wrong, I know it and I suspect somewhere deep inside, they do as well.  My prayers are with them; may they come to know and accept the truth.

Lord, You taught truth.
Your truth is eternal.
May I always live by that truth.


Tuesday, January 14, 2020

What Do You Want God?

   I sometimes wonder what God truly wants of me.  I know He loves me and wants me to love Him.  I try to do so to the best of my ability.  But what does He want my life to be?  I’m certain God knows the plan for the rest of my life, but I wish He would share that plan with me.  Then again, if He let me in on it, it’s quite likely I would do something to mess it up.  Perhaps it’s best that I just let it go.  God has everything in hand, I can add nothing except my willingness to follow.

   I’ve often prayed that God would let me in on His plan for me.  But, like I said, if He did I would probably complicate it with my own thoughts and ideas.  Pride is a terrible thing and I’m sure pride would try to tell me that I knew a better way.   How prideful is that; to suppose that I might know a better way than God.

   For these reasons, I’ve decided that my best course is to just listen and follow.  He will lead me where He desires and that is certainly where I want to go.  There is nothing I can add to make the plan better, I can only detract from it in my pride.  I understand that the path He puts before me may be hard.  There have been some terrible trials in the past, and there may be more to come.  Yet He has seen me through those difficult times and I’m certain He will never abandon me.

   And so my life is His, no longer mine.  My will is His, no longer mine.  I submit to whatever He desires and welcome whatever He sends my way.  I will do my best to accept the bad with the good and will remember that God always has my best interest at heart.  He created me, He loves me, He wants me love and be with Him.  So I will rely on His love and mercy to lead me to my heavenly home.

Do with me what You will Lord.
I may not know Your plan, but I trust in You.
I know You only want what’s best for me.
I lovingly accept whatever that may be.


Monday, January 13, 2020

Relying on the Lord

   We are, by nature, impatient.  We want it, we want our way and we want it now.  That doesn’t work well in our spiritual life.  What we want may not be what is best; we may not be ready for what we ask.  God alone knows how to give us what we truly need.

    “Is there anyone among you who, if your child asks for bread, will give a stone?  Or if the child asks for a fish, will give a snake?  If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask him!”  (Matt: 9 – 11).  These words of Jesus clearly tell me that God will give good things to me when I ask.  But He will never give bad things, even if I pray for them.  Sometimes I’m sure I pray for what I think is right and good for me when God knows better.  He answers my prayers but perhaps not in the way I expect.

   My relationship with God is a life-long learning experience.  I strive to listen and rely on Him and I learn of His eternal love and mercy.  I try my best to avoid sin and He forgives me when I fail.  I ask for what I think is best and He gives me what is truly best.  I think I can do it myself and He says, “Be still and know that I am God!” (Psalm 46: 10)

Father, You know what is best.
I submit my will to Yours.
My way is not always Yours.
May your will always be done.


Saturday, January 11, 2020

The Lamb of God

   “The next day he saw Jesus coming toward him and declared, ‘Here is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world!’” (John 1: 29).

   The Israelites gathered once a year on the Day of Atonement.  On that day an unblemished lamb, either a sheep or goat was brought before the High Priest.  The High Priest would ritually place all the sins of Israel on the head of the lamb.  The lamb would then be led out into the desert and released, taking with it the sins of Israel.  From this came our term “scapegoat”.  Yom Kippur, The Day of Atonement, remains the holiest day of the Jewish year.

   The lamb was brought before the High Priest; Jesus was brought before the High Priest before being sent to Pilate.  The lamb was led out of Jerusalem and abandoned in the desert;  Christ was driven out of Jerusalem carrying the cross upon which He would die.  Each year another lamb had to be sacrificed on the Day of Atonement; Jesus died once for all, offering forgiveness for our sins, now and forever.

   I give thanks that I no longer need to pretend that a goat or sheep can carry away my sins of the previous year.  I give thanks that my Lord sacrificed His life once for all.  A sacrifice that endures for eternity.

Lord, You are the Lamb of God.
You died to take away all sin.
You suffered and died for my sins.
I thank You for Your love and mercy.


Friday, January 10, 2020

The Wonder of God

   Last night before going to bed I walked outside for a few minutes.  The brilliance of the moon was incredible.  For a while I just stood there just looking at it.  It was a clear night; the craters and valleys of the moon were clearly visible.  What we used to call the “man in the moon” was on full display.

   Each time I see the moon, or a sunrise, or sunset I can’t help but think of God.  The fact that the moon and earth are just where they need to be to do what they are intended to do is such clear evidence of His hand.  The precise location, mass, speed and gravitational forces that keep both in place was designed by God.  The same God designed each of us.

   In some ways I am like the moon.  I have no light of my own, I can only receive and reflect the light of God.  I know of no real purpose served by the moon except to reflect the light of the sun.  My life has no true meaning unless I use it to reflect the light of the Son.  The moon shares its’ light with all just as I am to share the love of God with all.  Without the sun the moon would just be a dark mass with no reason to exist.  Without the Son of God I would have no reason to be.

Father, You created all.
You designed it perfectly.
You created me for a reason.
May my life fulfill Your purpose.


Thursday, January 9, 2020

Love One Another

   “Those who say, ‘I Love God,’ and hate their brothers or sisters, are liars; for those who do not love a brother or sister whom they have seen, cannot love God whom they have not seen.  The commandment we have from him is this:  those who love God must love their brothers and sisters also.” (1 John 4: 20 – 21)

   I am not given any exceptions to the command to love others.  There is no “unless” included.  I’m a liar if I say I love God but don’t love all His children.

   There is nothing here to say that I must approve of the actions or sinfulness of others.  We are told that love means we are to confront evil in an effort to change those who practice it.  However, even if that is impossible, we are still to love them and pray for them.  We are to pray that they will come to find God in their lives.

   Here again I am told that I must separate the sin from the sinner; abhor the sin, but love the sinner because they are a child of God just as I am.  I must always remember that I, too, am a sinner in need of the love of God and others.  If I deny my love to others how can I expect God to love me?

   God’s love is unlimited and unending for all His children.  If I deny them my love I am denying His will.

Lord, You love us all.
Your love is everlasting.
Help me to love Your children.
Especially those who are hardest to love.


Wednesday, January 8, 2020

God’s Artistry

   Everything is God’s creation.  From the smallest microbe to the immensity of the universe, all exists because He created it.  The beauty of a sunset speaks to His majesty; the ever-expanding universe tells of His glory.  A new life in the womb is evidence of His unending love.

   Creation is God's canvas, used to produce the most perfect of art.  Art that comes from His love for us and His desire to share His blessings with us.  I’ve been blessed to see many parts of the world and in each there is a beauty that exists.  The beauty of God is universal and shines even in the darkest of places. 

   No one can thwart the sunrise or silence the songs of the birds.  They are the paintings and music of God.  The simplest flower is an incredible work of art; no two are exactly the same.  Artists would give all they have to be able use God’s palette; musicians can’t compose the beauty of a child’s laughter.

   If God’s creation is a work of art I must ask myself, am I living my life in a way that adds to its’ beauty or a way that lessens it?

Lord, I look with amazement at Your creation.
The beauty is beyond description.
May my life be according to Your will.
May I add to the beauty.


Tuesday, January 7, 2020

The Lord’s Place

   “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, so that where I am, there you may be also.” (John 14: 3)

   We try so hard to define God, heaven and hell in terms we can understand.  In truth that is a futile effort.  As long as we remain in this world we can never truly know and understand what is to come.  I’ve finally decided that I don’t need to know; I just need to believe.

   Jesus promised that He would come and take me to Himself.  I used to think of heaven as a place.  That is all we know, a physical location bounded in size and shape.  And yet, eternity has no size, no shape, no physical location.  We are not going to a place as we understand that term, Jesus is taking us to Himself.  What that means is beyond all human understanding.  I must trust that it is what I was created for and is the finality for which I am to strive; to become one with Christ.

   Perhaps heaven is a unity with God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit and all those who have believed before us and who will believe after us.  I sometimes envision it as a oneness that can’t be imagined or explained in our limited understanding.  Something that must be experienced; something that can’t be experienced in this life.

   Jesus also tells us, “And you know the way to the place I am going.” (John 14: 4).  His disciples asked as we do today how can we know the way when we don’t know where He is going?  His answer was simple when you think about it, “I am the way, the truth and the life.” (John 14: 6).

   He is the way, Holy Scripture our guide.  Trust in Him; He has promised and He keeps His promises.  Amen, Come Lord Jesus!

Lord, You are the way.
Let me always look to You.
Let me give my life to You.
That You may bring me to Yourself.
