Tuesday, January 31, 2023


   “To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary.  To one without faith, no explanation is possible.” (St. Thomas Aquinas) 

   I believe in miracles.  They happen everyday but are most often written off as luck or coincidence or some other lame excuse to deny the power of God.

   I believe in the miracle of creation.  At God’s word all that is and ever will be was created.  A universe that continues to expand apparently to infinity came into being because He willed it so.  Scientists say new technology will eventually allow us to actually see the beginning of the universe.  I don’t think so; only God knows how the universe began.

   I believe in the miracle of life; that one sperm cell combines with one egg cell and a new human being is formed in the women’s womb.  I mourn for those millions of lives that have been destroyed through the horror of abortion.  I trust those innocent souls to the mercy of God.

   I believe there are people cured of terminal illnesses when no cure is medically possible, and that cure is a miracle.  Though the medical profession often balks at such things, there are many doctors who have seen things that cannot be explained by medical science.

   I believe in the miraculous appearances of our Blessed Mother over the centuries, at Fatima, Guadalupe, and Lourdes as well as many others.  The miracle of Fatima was witnessed by thousands, even by those with no faith and who had scoffed at the children to whom the Lady had appeared.  I believe Mary will continue to appear when needed in this world.

   I believe in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist.  A piece of unleavened bread and cup of wine miraculously become the body, blood, soul, and divinity of our Lord.

   I believe in the miracle of my redemption and the forgiveness of my many sins, allowing me the ability to spend eternity in God’s heavenly kingdom.  I believe in the miracle of a God who loves me so much that He would send His only Son to suffer and die that I might have redemption and forgiveness.

Monday, January 30, 2023

 Do Not Fear 

   “It is the Lord who goes before you; he will be with you and never fail you or forsake you.  So do not fear or be dismayed.” (Deuteronomy  31: 8) 

   These words from Moses were spoken to the Israelites as they were about to cross the Jordan into the promised land.  Throughout scripture those who believe in and trust in God are frequently reminded that they should not fear.

   But fear is a common feeling in our world.  We fear for ourselves, our families, our nation, and our way of life.  We fear illness and most certainly fear death.  But Jesus said, “Do not let your hearts be troubled.  You have faith in God; have faith in me also.” (John 14: 1).  If we trust in Him and have faith in His word then we should not fear the world and what it can do.  When we trust completely in Him there is no fear, not even of death.

   In a society that neither respects life or anyone who might disagree with them, putting fear aside and trusting in the promises of Christ can be difficult.  Even as believers we sometimes can’t see the glory that awaits us because of all the evil that surrounds us.  We want to fix what can’t be fixed and stop the insanity.

   The only way I can hope to follow Jesus’ advise and not let my heart be troubled it to trust in Him and His words, “In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places.  If there were not, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you?  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back again and take you to myself, so that where I am you also may be.” (John 14: 2 – 3).  Amen Lord, come soon!

Sunday, January 29, 2023

 The Sunday Obligation 

   The Catholic Church teaches that I have a moral obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days.  However, if that obligation is the only reason I attend Mass I am missing the point.

   I go to Mass because it is a privilege, an honor, and a blessing.  I can think of no better way to show my Lord how much I love Him, how much I worship Him, than to join with others in giving Him glory and praise at Mass.  It fills my soul and my heart with joy.

   I’ve heard people say that they don’t need church to worship God.  They say they can worship Him in the woods, in the beauty of nature and so on.  And they can certainly worship and give glory to God through His creations.  But in the commandments given to Moses on Mount Sinai God tells us to “Remember the sabbath day and keep it holy.” (Ex 20: 8).  This, to me, is God Himself telling me that I must join with other Christians to give praise and glory to God; to go to Mass, to keep the sabbath holy.

   A friend of mine recently posed the question, “If you never went to your best friend’s house and never visited with them, but assured them that you loved them and they were always on your mind, how long do you think you would keep their friendship?”  Jesus is the best friend I can have and I want to do everything I can to honor that friendship, to give Him glory in all that I do, both in how I live my life and by attending Mass as often as I can, on Sundays, Holy Days, and daily.

   Yes, I have an obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days.  But if that is the only reason I do so, I am insulting my best Friend, my Lord, Jesus Christ.

Saturday, January 28, 2023

 The Armor of God 

   “Therefore, put on the armor of God, that you may be able to resist on the evil day and, having done everything, to hold your ground.” (Eph 6: 13) 

   Anyone who does not believe we are at war with evil hasn’t been paying attention to the world around them.  Living with our head in the sand, ignoring all that is happening will not defeat the evil, but will even encourage it.

   The war cannot be won by our own strength and to think that we can overcome Satan on our own is a denial of fact that can only lead to frustration and even more evil in the world.  We need the armor of God if we are to fight this battle.

   But what is the armor of God.  St. Paul gives tells us in his letter to the Ephesians, “So stand fast with your loins girded in truth, clothed with the righteousness as a breastplate, and your feet shod in readiness for the gospel of peace.  In all circumstances, hold faith as a shield, to quench all the flaming arrows of the evil one.  And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. (Eph 6: 14 – 17).  These then are the armor of God in which we must fight the evil one and his followers.

   This world will never know true peace, will never eliminate evil, until the day our Lord Jesus Christ comes again in glory.  Until then, let us put on the armor of God and fight the good fight.

Friday, January 27, 2023

 Pride and Humility 

“Before disaster the heart is haughty, but before honor is humility.”  (Proverbs 18: 12) 

   We are prideful people; we look to receive credit for all we do.  And yet all we do is by the grace of God.  Pride says, “See what I did!” while humility says, “All by the grace of God.”

   Pride, as Proverbs reminds us, goes before the disaster.  Pride can only lead to sin because in pride we place ourselves above God, refusing to give credit to the one who has blessed us in our efforts.

   There is also false humility which is nothing more than a form of pride.  In false humility we belittle ourselves to others saying we are not worthy of their praise, while inside we are pleased with ourselves and loving the accolades.  We make it worse by saying to ourselves “see how humble I am” when in fact we have no humility at all.

   C. S. Lewis wrote, “True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less.”  When we give credit to God for whatever good we may do we are living in humility and humility is pleasing to God.  When we take full credit for whatever good we may have done, believing that we have done it solely on our own, we are prideful and headed for a great fall.

Thursday, January 26, 2023

 Give Thanks 

   “Give thanks to the Lord for he is good, his mercy endures forever.” (Psalm 107: 1) 

   Sometimes I get caught up in the turmoil of this world.  The evil that more and more seems to permeate virtually every aspect of society.  That is wrong; rather than complain about what is wrong I need to give thanks to God for all that is right.

   When reading the Acts of the Apostles I find that the early church didn’t  seem to be focused on the politics of the day as we are today.  They were focused on Christ and all He had done for them.  They gave thanks to God even when they were persecuted and even martyred by the prevailing powers.  Their life revolved around the blessings of God rather than the problems of a sinful, godless society.

   Today we face much the same.  The people, the governments, even some in the Church, are determined to destroy faith in God just as Saul was determined to destroy the early Christians.  The fact that Saul became Paul, one of the greatest evangelists who ever lived gives me hope.  If one who so hated the ways of Christ could be converted there is also hope for today.

   Trouble has always existed in the world and it will continue to exist until our Lord comes again in glory.  We can’t change it, but we don’t have to accept it.  We can reject the evil and praise the good, giving thanks to God in all things.  Societies and governments come and go, but the Lord remains forever.

   We must remember and place our trust in the words of Christ, “In the world you will have trouble, but take courage, I have conquered the world.” (John 16: 33).  Indeed, the war is won even though the battles continue.  Let us always look to the final victory to come and give all thanks and praise to God.

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

 The Anti-Christ 

   Various people have many ideas and concepts about who or what the anti-Christ is or will be.  I believe many anti-Christs have come in various shapes and forms since Christ formed His church and that there will be many more until He comes again in glory.

   In the United States our federal government as well as many state governments support the most heinous of abominations while proclaiming they are for the good of the people.  They say that Christians are outdated, stupid and unreasonable for believing and trusting in the truths of God.  Such views are the views of an anti-Christ.

   Our president loudly claims to be a devout Catholic and in the next breath supports the murder of babies in their mother’s wombs for any reason at any time.  There is even support for infanticide; refusing medical care for a baby who survived the abortion procedure.  They would demand that these poor infants die, alone and without care.

   In a recent speech in support of abortion our vice-president selectively quoted the Declaration of Independence.  She loudly proclaimed the right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness, but oddly omitted the right to life and the fact that the rights are endowed by our Creator.  There can be no right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness without the right to life.

   More and more those who believe in God are being subjected to what is referred to as “cancelled” by society and our government.  People of faith are silenced, persecuted and even prosecuted for practicing their faith.  Christian morals and ideals are rejected at every turn.  If such actions continue the faithful in this country will eventually be forced to go underground as the early Christians did during the persecutions of the Roman Empire.  In some countries Christians are already worshipping in secret in fear of their life.

   We elect our leaders.  If we continue to elect leaders who deny and pervert the words of our Lord we are contributing to the problem.  It’s time to stand up and refuse to support those who are serving the will of Satan.  It’s time to reclaim our nation.  If not, this nation will not long survive.


Tuesday, January 24, 2023

 In Silence 

   When I was at sea on Navy ships I often went outside during the night and found a spot to just lie down and look at the stars.  A Navy ship is dark at night; there are no external lights allowed.  In the nearly complete darkness a vast number of stars were visible,  appearing as jewels in the sky.  The stars, the Milky Way, and all of this vast universe spoke loudly of God’s creative glory.

   Just as important as the darkness was the silence.  The only sound would usually be just the sound of the waves washing along the sides of the ships.  Not an intrusive sound but a quiet, relaxing sound.  These times brought me closer to God.

   Back in the “real world” our eyes are used to the lights of the city, and we can’t see the stars as we can in a more complete darkness.  There is also very little chance of silence except perhaps very late at night and not even then in a larger city.  There are rarely, if ever, sounds that bring quiet and relaxation, only the noise of our busy society.

   External silence is important, but even more important is internal silence.  Even in the stillness my mind sometimes runs at full speed, thoughts of many things coming and going even as I’m trying to quiet myself.  It can often be more difficult to quiet my inner self than to find silence in our noisy world.

   But it is in silence that I am strengthened in faith and love of God.  When I can shut out the world and simply be in the presence of my Lord I am reminded that this world is not my home but only an exile until I can come to my true home in His kingdom.  My greatest peace is in the silence and I come closest to God in the serenity of those quiet times.

   Jesus told His disciples to “Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest.” (Mark 6: 31).  We all need to do the same from time to time; to block out the daily concerns, the noise and chaos of our world.  A time to sit in the silence and know that God is within us.

Monday, January 23, 2023



   “The more a man uses moderation in his life, the more he is at peace, for he is not full of cares for many things.” (St. Anthony the Great) 

   We chase so many things in life, always looking for more.  Moderation never enters our mind, only the next earthly desire.

   Having moderation in life doesn’t necessarily mean seeking less.  Lack of moderation may also be an excessive desire for the “better” things in life; not a lot of food for instance, but for only the costliest food from the best restaurants.  The same applies to virtually everything in life.  Wherever we unreasonably seek more and better, moderation is needed in our life.

   We are meant to enjoy life, but that doesn’t mean we should allow that enjoyment to become unreasonable.  A fine meal in a nice restaurant for a special occasion may be totally appropriate, but an undue “need” to always seek the best of everything, food or otherwise, can lead to a path away from God and toward the worldly.

   The many blessings we enjoy in life are the gifts of a loving and caring God.  We sometimes get so enamored with the gifts that we forget the One who gave them.

Sunday, January 22, 2023


   “What I do, I do not understand.  For I do not do what I want, but I do what I hate.” (Romans 7: 15) 

   Sometimes it seems I’m doing pretty good in living my life for God; that I’m serving Him well.  Then I find myself binge watching some stupid television series that contributes nothing of God to my day.  My weakness arises again.

   I believe that when I get a bit prideful, thinking how well my spiritual life is going because of my efforts the Lord shows me that it is all because of His spirit within me that I can do any good at all.  I don’t think He withdraws from me, just gives me enough rope to tie myself up in knots.

   I should know better by now; this is not a new occurrence.  Each time it happens I promise to do better and apologize to God for my weakness, asking for Him to strengthen me.  But I must accept the strength He offers, not expect Him to force it upon me.  It requires action on my part; acknowledging my weaknesses and focusing on dealing with them with His help.

   I have no doubt that these ups and downs will continue.  My prayer is that I can recognize the weaknesses sooner, turn to God more quickly and use the strength He brings to overcome them.

Saturday, January 21, 2023

 Life’s Mission 

   Why did God make you?  God made me to know Him, to love Him, to serve Him in this world and to be happy with Him forever in Heaven.  (Baltimore Catechism) 

   For many years the Baltimore Catechism was used to help children better understand their faith.  As in the quote above, it was in question and answer format and was quite basic since it was developed for youngsters just beginning to learn more about their faith.  Even for adults, however, it is good to get back to the basics from time to time.

   There are many “missions” in life and different people take different paths throughout their lives.  But the essential mission is to come to know and love our God.  It was He who made us, He loves us, and He wants us to spend eternity with Him in the heavenly home He has prepared for us.

   It is good to strive to be successful in this life if that success is properly used.  Wealth can be a good thing, especially if it is used to help those in need.  Fame can provide a voice to praise God for the blessings one has received.  But when these things become the primary desires of our life they can be turned to evil rather than good. 

   The danger arises when we let our mission in this life over-ride our mission for eternal life.  We cannot allow the riches, fame, or whatever else drives our life in this world to push aside what is waiting for us in the next life.  When this life is over our only treasure will be the treasures we have stored up in heaven.

   “What profit would there be for one to gain the whole world and forfeit his life?” (Matt 16: 26).

Friday, January 20, 2023

 Never Alone 

   “When you walk through a storm hold your head up high and don’t be afraid of the dark.  At the end of the storm there’s a golden sky and the sweet silver song of a lark. (“You’ll Never Walk Alone”, lyrics by Rogers and Hammerstein) 

   There are times when all seems dark.  Times when we’ve lost hope and see no way forward.  But hope is always there for us if we trust in the Lord.  If we lose that hope then we truly are lost in the darkness. 

   However, no matter what may come our way, we are never alone.  The Lord is with us always.  We get afraid, we feel as though we have been abandoned and we are all by ourselves; but it isn't true.  When we reach out to God, He will always be there to help us.

   Jesus promised us, “I am the light of the world.  Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.” (John 8: 12).  We all face times when it’s hard to find the light and we feel that we have no one to turn to, but the light is always there for us.  Even though we may not see it, the light of Christ is with us, the darkness cannot overcome Him.  If we trust the light, the light will lead us home though we may not even know the road we travel.

   So, as the song says, “Walk on, walk on with hope in your heart and you’ll never walk alone."

Thursday, January 19, 2023

 The Ways of God 

   “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways, says the Lord.  For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55: 8 – 9) 

   I struggled for years trying to understand the ways of God; trying to know His plans and His thoughts.  Such struggles are useless and serve no purpose except as a distraction from how I should approach my God.

   Finally I realized that is not up to me to know or understand His ways or His thoughts, it is up to me to submit myself to His will whether I understand or not. My place is not to question but to accept His will regardless of what it may bring.     

   “Be still and know that I am God!   I am exalted among the nations, I am exalted in the earth. (Psalm 46: 10).  These are the words I must live by; the words that will help me understand and accept that is not necessary that I understand, but to trust in Him in all things.

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

 Praise the Lord 

   “Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth; break forth into joyous song and sing praises.” (Psalm 98: 4) 

   We often go through life never taking the time to praise God for all of the blessings He bestows upon us.  We accept them as if they are what we deserve rather than the gift of a loving, caring God.

   When a tragedy arises many turn to God to pray for His assistance, but how many stop to give Him thanks and praise when their prayers are answered.  Again, it seems we only think of God when we want or need something.

   A family medical emergency has reminded me again of how lax we can become in giving all praise, thanks and glory to God.  A situation in which there seemed to be no hope for recovery has become a recovery beyond what anyone expected.

   When the event occurred prayer requests went out to all family, friends, and anyone else we could think of to storm heaven with prayer.  Now is the time to recognize that prayer is a powerful cure in any situation and to give God the glory and praise for answering our prayers.

   I give thanks and praise for the wisdom and knowledge of the medical personnel who worked so hard to turn this tragedy around and I give praise to God who blessed them with the intelligence and desire to become the fantastic caregivers that they are.

   But above all else I give praise and thanksgiving to God for what I consider the miracle He has performed.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

 Under the Wings of God 

   “O Lord our God, grant us to trust in Your overshadowing wings; protect us beneath them and bear us up.”  (St. Augustine) 

   Many times we go through life thinking we are sufficient unto ourselves.  We believe we have it under control, and all is well.  Then something happens to show us very clearly that nothing at all is really under our control.  Those are the times when God lifts us up and protects us under His wings.

   Our strength is often not enough; we find ourselves helpless, unable to endure.  The circumstances are such that we can see no clear way forward.  But no matter the problem, no matter how high the mountain we must climb our God is always there with us.  He will strengthen, He will comfort, He will help us through.  He will carry us in His arms and comfort us.

   As the psalmist says,  “Say to the Lord, ‘My refuge and fortress, my God in whom I trust.’  He will rescue you from the fowler’s snare, from the destroying plague.  He will shelter you with his pinions, and under his wings you may take refuge:  his faithfulness is a protecting shield.” (Psalm 91: 2 – 4).


Monday, January 16, 2023

 Finding Comfort in God 

“Remember your word to your servant by which you give me hope.  This is my comfort in affliction, your promise that gives me life.” (Psalm 119: 49 – 50)


Life is full of problems and trials, some trivial, some extremely difficult.  We need to find a source for comfort and strength in those times.  That comfort can be found in God.

Jesus brought healing and comfort to so many when He walked this earth.  He still brings that comfort to those who turn to Him in their suffering.  His mercy and His love is endless; no problem is so difficult that He cannot help.

In our humanity we cannot understand all the ways of God.  His plan is perfect even though we can’t fully know what His plan may be.  In prayer we can place our problems before Him in confidence.  He will not refuse our petitions, though His solution may not be the one we would have desired.  It is in those times that we must trust in Him and have faith that all is in His hands and will ultimately result in good.

When life becomes seems unbearable God is always there, reaching out to us.  He loves us, He cares for us; we are His children.  When we turn to Him in faith and trust His ways, we can bear whatever cross we may be called to carry.

Saturday, January 14, 2023

In Times of Turmoil 

   There are times in our lives when we must face extremely difficult circumstances.  Times we can see nothing that we can do to help resolve the situation and can’t understand why it has happened.  In those times of turmoil, the only real relief I have found is in prayer.

   I won’t say that prayer always fixes things as I would wish them to be fixed or that prayer always tells me why things happen and helps me understand.  But in prayer and with faith and trust in my Lord, all things can be endured.

   One of the places I find great comfort in those times is in the Psalms:


“For God alone my soul waits in silence,

   for my hope is from him,

He is my rock and my salvation,

   my fortress; I shall not be shaken.

On God rests my deliverance and my honor;

   my mighty rock, my refuge is God.


Trust in him at all times, O people;

   pour out your heart before him;

   God is a refuge for us.” 

   (Psalm 62: 5 – 8)

Friday, January 13, 2023

  Prepare for Eternity 

   I do not know on what day or what time the Lord will come to take me to Himself.  Therefore, I must consider that each day could very well be the last and always be prepared for eternity.

   While some may consider this line of thought morbid or depressing, it shouldn’t be; it is simply recognizing that death is a fact of life.  We need to live our lives always recognizing that fact and prepare ourselves for what comes after.  When I consider my mortality and live my life preparing for eternity there is no need to fear death whenever it may come.

   I believe that when this life is over Jesus will come for me and take me to Himself.  He promised as much when He told the apostles, “In my Father’s house there are many rooms; if it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?  And when I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also.” (John 14: 2 – 3). That promise gives me hope and tells me that I must prepare for His coming in all that I do.

   Life is an unknown in many ways and one of those unknowns is when it will end.  Eternity is ever lasting and never ends.  We prepare for so many things in life but are we prepared for eternity?


Thursday, January 12, 2023


   We live in a society that has forgotten the meaning of commitment.  It is not longer a solemn promise or vow, but simply a conditional offering that may be withdrawn whenever convenient.

   “Give me chastity and continence, but not yet.” (St. Augustine). He knew that he was not what he wanted to be unless he gave up those pleasures and desires that he so wanted to retain.  Once he made the commitment and gave all to the Lord, he became one of the greatest saints of the Church.

   Augustin knew that he could not be the man he was meant to be without total commitment; God will not accept a “Yes, but”, only a “Yes Lord, Your will be done.”  Anything less places God on the same level as all those earthly desires that we want to retain rather than offering all to God.  Our hearts must belong to Him, and we must let Him move out all that is not Him.

   Christian commitment is hard and the more sincere the commitment the more Satan will attack it.  The attacks may be subtle or blatant, but they will come.   I am not strong enough to fight Satan alone; I must have God on my side.  With Him to strengthen me I can fight the good fight and stay true to the commitment I have made to Him.

   Nothing in this life is more important than a commitment to God.  Nothing in this life will matter once our time on earth is done.  All will be gone except the treasure that we have gained in heaven through a life committed to serving Him.

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

 Do Not Fear 

   “Out of my distress I called on the Lord; the Lord answered me and set me free.  With the Lord on my side I do not fear.  What can man do to me?” (Psalm 118: 5 – 6) 

   There are some things that we should be afraid; a poisonous snake about to strike or a vicious dog preparing to attack for example.  What we should not fear is the future of this world; it is in God’s hands and all be done according to His will.

   That doesn’t mean that we should not do those things that make us good stewards of the creation God has entrusted to us, or to have no concern for those who need our assistance.  It is our responsibility to care for the many gifts God has given and to love our neighbor.

   The fear I’m talking about is the sometimes over-whelming despair about the evil in the world and the fact that it seems to be increasing daily.  These things have happened before and will happen again.  This kind of fear is a tool of Satan.  Fear of this sort encourages us to give up, to decide all is lost and there is nothing good to come.  In a such a demoralized state we become easy targets for the Devil’s evil temptations.

   “In the world you will have trouble; but be brave, I have conquered the world.” (John 16:33).  These words of our Lord to His apostles shortly before His passion and death bring great peace and hope.  No matter the evil the world may bring, evil has ultimately been defeated.  The battles will continue because Satan never gives up on bringing souls to his evil ways, but even he knows that his time is limited.

   Pope Benedict XVI said, “In the end, God wins.”  This is the source of my hope; this is what brings peace to my soul.  When the Lord comes again in glory all things will be made new.

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

 Abandoning Society 

   When I look around our nation today I can easily understand why the early Desert Fathers left the society in which they lived seeking God in solitude away from the overwhelming evil.

   In our nation today I see reports of people shoving people, even little children, into the path of subway trains; for no apparent reason a person is hit with a baseball bat while walking down the street, homeless people are beaten and stabbed to death by gangs of teenagers.  Children are killing children; millions of babies are being slaughtered in their mother’s womb.  Hatred and violence is everywhere and grows worse by the day.

   Even in the churches many religious leaders are failing in their mission to teach and spread the gospel of the Lord.  They are far too willing to bend to the whims of a sinful society rather than call out the evil pervading the nation and the world.  Many would fit right in with the Scribes and Pharisees who demanded our Lord’s crucifixion in order to save their own comfortable position in society.

   Is there an urge within me to follow the example of early Desert Fathers and just go away?  I suppose, but where could I go to get away from the evil that is everywhere?  I’ll just stay where I am, live my life for the Lord and pray for a revival of Christian faith and morality.  I sometimes think that I will be disappointed in that hope, but prayer is a powerful weapon against evil.  I am comforted by the fact that Christ has overcome the world.  Amen, come soon Lord.

Monday, January 9, 2023

 The Greatest Gift 

“So faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.” (1 Cor 13: 13) 

   Love originates in God; He is love itself.  All He does is done for love.  There was no need to create the universe and all that is in it.  He created because He loved and wanted to share that love.  Man and woman were not and are still not necessary to God, but He created them that they may share in His love.

   Within each of us there is a desire, a need to love others and to be loved by others.  The marital act strengthens that love and commitment to one another in a sacramental marriage.  “Therefore a man leaves his father and his mother and cleaves to his wife, and they become one flesh”. (Gen 2: 24).

   There will no need for faith in the next life; we will possess what our faith has promised.  Hope will cease to exist; all we have hoped for will be known.  But love, Gods greatest gift to us will remain through all eternity.  If our society, our culture is to continue, we must begin to love one another as God loves us. 

   “Love is patient, love is kind; love is not jealous or boastful; it is not arrogant or rude.  Love does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at the wrong, but rejoices in the right.  Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” (1 Cor 4 – 7). 


Sunday, January 8, 2023

 The Epiphany of the Lord 

   “Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold wise men from the East came to Jerusalem saying, where is he who has been born king of the Jews?  For we have seen his star in the East, and have come to worship Him.” (Matt 2: 1 – 2) 

   The long-waited Messiah had been born and yet it was foreigners who came to proclaim His birth and worship Him.  The Jews, who had all the prophecies and were supposedly anxiously waiting for the Christ had no idea that He had been born.  When told about His birth Herod was troubled and all Jerusalem with him (Matt 2: 3).

   The only Jews who celebrated the birth of our Lord were the shepherds, those considered among the lowest of people.  Angels proclaimed the birth of Jesus to them and they went to pay Him homage (Luke 2: 10 – 15).  Born into obscurity, our Lord would never gain the recognition of the majority of the Jewish people, God’s chosen ones.

   At the end of His life, it was the Jews who demanded His crucifixion.  He had healed the blind, cured the sick, gave the deaf their hearing, cast out demons, and even raised the dead.  I wonder which of these miracles they consider worthy of His death on the cross.  More likely they were concerned with their own place in society and the perks that came with it.  Like many in the Church today, they played to their own desires and the desires of a sick society who had rejected God.

   It was a pagan who announced to the world that Jesus was the King of the Jews.  Pontius Pilate had a plaque placed on Jesus’ cross that read, “Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews.” (John 19: 19).  It was written in Hebrew, Latin, and Greek, the three dominate languages of the time.

   Epiphany means “manifested” or recognized.  Jesus was manifested by foreigners at His birth and by a foreigner at His death.  He was never accepted by the majority of those He came to save.  The question we must ask ourselves is, has He been manifested in me?  Does He live within me?  Do I accept Him and worship Him as the savior of the world?

Saturday, January 7, 2023

 We Reap What We Sow 

   “For they sow the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind.” (Hosea 8: 7) 

    I look around at the world and this nation and it’s frightening; there seem to be fewer and fewer who look to God for His guidance and more and more who ignore Him and chase their own rainbow.  Maybe they think there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, but that has been disproven many times; there is no pot of gold.

   This nation used to have some semblance of kindness, of respect and concern for others.  In this day kindness is hard to find and respect for others has pretty much ceased to exist.  The only concern shown for others  is how they can best be used to our advantage.  Our misguided earthly desires and wants are all that seem to matter.

   What can the average Christian do to change a society which seems determined to condemn itself?  We can pray and we can trust in God.  We must pray for the conversion of those who have sown the wind, those who have lived a Godless life.  Our God is a forgiving God and will joyously welcome all who repent of their evil.

   Those who have sown only sin and evil will reap condemnation.  Let us sow the word of God in word and action and reap the paradise God has prepared for those who believe.

Friday, January 6, 2023

 The Holy Life 

   “Therefore gird up your minds, be sober, set your hope fully upon the grace that is coming to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.  As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of you former ignorance, but as he who called you is holy, be holy yourselves in all your conduct; since it is written, ‘You shall be holy, for I am holy.’” (1 Peter 1: 13 – 16) 

   We are called to be holy, to reject the lures and pretenses of this world and seek the will of the Father in our life.  We cannot do this on our own, by our works or desires or even our prayers.  Only God can make us Holy, it is up to us to submit ourselves to His will and seek the holiness He wants to bestow upon on.

   When I made my promises as a Benedictine Oblate one of the things I promised was to seek Christian perfection in my life.  Perfection is unattainable in this life but seeking it in all I do will bring me closer to God than most anything else that I can do.  Having such perfection as my goal encourages me to do all that I can to progress toward that goal.

   In the spiritual life we must continue to move forward, otherwise we fall back.  There can be no complacency, no thought that I’ve done all I need do and can now relax.  The holy life is exactly what the name implies, a way of life, not a part-time endeavor.  The journey may be difficult at times, but it is the only path to God’s heavenly kingdom.

   Holiness is our destiny; it is why we were created.  Though we cannot achieve holiness on our own, we must trust in the words of Christ, “What is impossible with men is possible with God.” (Luke 18: 27).  With His help we can do all things.

Thursday, January 5, 2023


   Some days I feel lost, like I’ve gone off the rails and am careening through life headed for disaster.  Some days I search for God but can’t seem to find Him even though I know He is there.

   Many have written of living for years wondering if God is still with them.  St John of the Cross wrote of the dark night of the soul.  St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta spoke of feeling that emptiness for many years  But they continued to live their life for God even though they may have felt empty inside.  They never lost their trust in God's presence remained within them.

   I would never compare myself to these great saints but in some small way I understand what they are speaking of.  There are days when I struggle in my relationship with God.  Days when Satan seems to have the upper hand no matter how I try to reject him.  And yet I know that God remains with me always.

   Thankfully, these times for me are rare and infrequent.  I suspect He knows that I do not have the strength of John of the Cross or Mother Teresa of Calcutta and therefore limits these times of testing.  He is right, in my weakness I fear I would fail if such times were longer.  But He doesn’t want me to fail, only to grow in trust, knowing that He is now and always will be with me in all things.

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

 Make the World Go Away 

   Some days are better than others.  Some days following the Lord is easier; these days are a gift from God for which I am very grateful.  Then there are the days when the world intervenes and takes me down a path that I don’t wish to travel.

   I get up in the morning expecting this day to be another day to love my Lord and obey His will in my life.  And even though I try there are days when without even realizing it I’ve gone down a rathole rather that offering all that I do for the glory of God.

   It’s frustrating when I allow the world to interfere with my relationship with God, but in a strange kind of way it is also a blessing.  Though I’m disappointed in myself when these days occur they very vividly remind that it is only through the grace of God that I can offer myself to Him; it is only with His help that I can live my life for Him as I should.

   I know that no matter how much I try there will be times when I will fail to be the faithful servant of God that I wish to be.  And yet once again He will forgive my failures; once again He will look upon me with love and mercy; once again He will remind me that I am His.

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

 Pray Constantly 

   “Rejoice always, pray constantly, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” (1 Thes 5: 16 – 18) 

   For many years I struggled with scriptures that exhorted me to pray constantly, to pray always.  I could never quite understand how I could pray all the time.  Even the monks and sisters in cloistered monasteries must eat and sleep.  They also must care for others who are in need as well as the day-to-day upkeep and care of the monastery,  If even cloistered religious are not constantly at prayer, how can I hope to pray always?

   Then I came to understand that prayer is not just words directed toward God; prayer is a way of life.  If I offer all that I do to God then all that I do becomes prayer.  Whether it be sitting quietly contemplating Him and His love for me or cleaning the house or even entertaining friends with a meal and fellowship, it is all prayer if it is done for the greater glory of God.

   There is another aspect to recognizing that all I do can be prayer when offered to God.  If I desire to please God in this way I must be sure to never offer anything evil, but only the good.  I can’t lose my temper and expect that to be an acceptable prayer.  I can’t allow the evils of the world to overcome my efforts to please my Lord.  I can’t hate my enemies and wish them evil but must love and pray for them.

   I still don’t believe that I am praying always.  In my weakness I sometimes fail and sin.  But even then I can offer my sorrow and regrets for those failings as prayer to God, seeking His mercy and forgiveness.  In His love He will forgive though we both know that I will fail again.

Monday, January 2, 2023

 Be With the Lord 

   “He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters.” (Matt 12: 30) 

   Am I gathering or scattering?  I need to ask myself this question often as a way of trying to keep myself on the path that Jesus sets before me.  Am I with Him or against Him?  A tree is known by its fruit; if I am not producing good fruit I am not with Him.

   The evidence the world sees concerning my Christianity is not so much in how often I go to Mass but how I life my life.  Going to Mass is a wonderful thing and gives strength to face the temptations and allurements of the world but if my day to day life doesn’t reflect Christian values then others will see me as a hypocrite; I will be scattering rather than gathering for the Lord.

   Temptations to sin, even in things I might consider insignificant. are everywhere. For instance, in restaurants with an “endless” salad bar sharing that salad is not allowed.  If I order it and then share it with others I am saying that I am a hypocrite, that the rules don’t apply to me.  Satan tempts me with these “little” wrongs telling me that they are no big deal, they don’t mean I am not a good Christian.  If I fall into that trap I weaken my resistance to sin, which may well lead to more and greater sin.

   I have to decide whether I am with the Lord or against Him; am I gathering with Him or scattering.  If I am to be with Him, to gather with Him,  I must live my life accordingly.

Sunday, January 1, 2023

New Year’s Day


On this New Year’s Day I offer the blessing that God gave Moses and Aaron to bless the Israelites after their exodus from Egypt.  For this nation and everyone it, I ask that the Lord will bless us all during the coming year.



“The Lord Bless you and keep you!  The Lord let his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you!  The Lord look upon you kindly and give you peace!” (Numbers 6: 24 – 26)




Happy New Year!