Saturday, September 30, 2023

 Fullness of Faith 

   “Why do you recite my commandments and profess my covenant with your mouth?  You hate discipline; you cast my words behind you.” (Ps 50: 16 – 17) 

   Unless our faith is the driving force of our life, the one thing above all else that guides us, we are floundering as Christians.

   Atheists often accuse Christians of being hypocrites.  They say we talk the talk but don’t walk the walk.  This is one of their main arguments against Christianity.  Sadly, in many cases they are correct.

   There is no such thing as a “part-time” Christian.  God does not want an hour or so of our time on Sunday mornings, He wants all of us, all day, every day.  In “Mere Christianity” C. S. Lewis wrote, “If you are thinking of becoming a Christian, I warn you, you are embarking on something which is going to take the whole of you, brains and all.”

   If there is one reason above all others that Christianity is suffering a loss in faithfulness and in numbers it is, in my opinion, because of the hypocrisy so many of us practice.  Our days are filled with earthly matters, while we limit God and His will to the little bit of time we spend with Him on Sundays.

   Jesus warned us very clearly, “Not everyone who says to me ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven.” (Matt 7: 21).  If there is to be a revival of Christianity it must begin with Christians becoming a living proof of their faith, all day, every day.


Friday, September 29, 2023

 Angels Among Us 

   Angels are the messengers of God, and they appear throughout scripture.  Though many seem to ignore them, they exist.  In fact, there are nine choirs, or types, of angels:  Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions, Virtues, Powers, Archangels, Principalities and Angels.

   Probably the most well known are the Archangels.  We know the names of only three Archangels.  Michael, whose name means “who is like God”; Gabriel, whose name means “messenger of God”; and Raphael, whose names means “God heals".

   It was Michael who battled with Lucifer when he rebelled against God.  A battle that resulted in Satan and his followers being expelled from heaven.  (Rev 12: 7 -8).

   Gabriel appeared to the Blessed Virgin Mary to announce that she was to become the mother of Christ, the Son of God, through the Holy Spirit.  (Luke 1: 26 – 38).  Gabriel had also appeared to Zachariah to announce the birth of John the Baptist (Luke 1: 12 – 14).

   Raphael is the one who accompanied Tobit to find his wife and gave Tobit the ointment to cure his father’s blindness.  (Tobit 3: 17)

   Angels are another mystery that we can’t fully grasp in this life, but faith and scripture assures us that they are with us.  Over the years there have been many documented accounts of events that could only have occurred with the assistance of the angels. 

   God blesses us in many ways, and one of those ways is our guardian angel.  Take some time in your prayers to thank your guardian angel and to ask for guidance and help for each day's challenges.  It would be foolish to not call upon one God has given us to help us through this earthly life. 

Thursday, September 28, 2023

 Life is From the Spirit 

   “An unspiritual person is one who does not accept anything of the Spirit of God: he sees it all as nonsense; it is beyond his understanding because it can only be understood by means of  the Spirit.” (1 Cor 2: 14). 

   To have a better knowledge of God through study of scripture and theology is a good thing, but such academic learning without faith in God and a willing submission to His will cannot lead us to heaven.

   A person who may have extensive scholarly knowledge of God but who does not know Him spiritually will never see His heavenly kingdom.  To reach heaven they must have faith and faith is a gift from God through the Holy Spirit.  Without the Spirit they are lost even with all their study and learning.

   On the other hand, those who may have little academic knowledge of God, but who know the Holy Spirit within them will understand that God is all, in all, and that all exists because of Him.  They can grow in love and devotion to God; they can recognize Christ as their savior and mediator; they can experience the strength and understanding brought by the Holy Spirit.  They can look forward to eternity in His kingdom.

   A lifelong study of theology will not open the gates to heaven.  We must know and experience the presence of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit  within us.  It is the spirit that gives life, the flesh has nothing to offer.  The words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life.” (John 6: 63). 

Tuesday, September 26, 2023


The Simple Things 

   The world would have us believe that we need the biggest, the brightest, and the newest of everything if we are to be happy in this life.  Our cars, houses, clothes, electronics; all must be what those who produce them tell us they should be.  They are liars; these things are not what bring happiness in life.

   Happiness is in the simple things, the things that are not controlled by big industry and government.  Happiness is holding the hand of your spouse whenever you have the chance.  It is the look in their eye that tells you their love for you is as strong as your love for them and that nothing will ever change that.  It’s someone to share all the joys but also the sorrows that come with life.

   Joy is in the laughter and glee of a baby when Mom or Day comes into view.  We glory in each accomplishment, from the smile to the first words, to the first steps.  We look at them with wonder at all they accomplish and the beautiful person they become.

   This is what God gives; He gives us happiness in those things that matter and helps us see the shallowness of what the world seeks.  Even our Lord, Jesus Christ, was a simple man.  He spoke truth and only truth, there were no obstacles or mysteries to His teaching.  He said “I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except by me.” (John 14:6).  True happiness can only be found through Him.

   There’s nothing wrong having nice things in this world, they can be a blessing from God.  But when they become the focus of life, they become a curse, drawing us away from Him.  If we seek the simple truths of God in life we will find, and never lose, the happiness we are searching for.

Monday, September 25, 2023

 Through the Eyes of Faith 

   “I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen – not only because I see it, but by it I see everything else.” (C. S. Lewis) 

   When we look at the world through the eyes of faith it changes our outlook on all things.  We can no longer harbor feelings of hatred or bias, or even complacency.  Through the eyes of faith we see God in all things.

   Pain becomes more bearable, sorrow less devastating.  Loneliness becomes solitude with the Lord, for when we are with God we are never alone.  He helps us see all things in His light even though we sometimes are at a loss to understand.  However, understanding God is not necessary to have faith and confidence in His love.

   Even the mess our society is in can become less frustrating and irritating when seen through the eyes of faith.  We recognize that what now exists will cease to exist at some point, so we place our hopes not on this world but the world to come.  This world is transitory, eternity is forever.

   Turn off the news; shut down the internet; silence the phone and spend time with God.  Read scripture, study the lives of the saints.  Gain a deeper insight on faith by reading authors of faith and spiritual learning; there are a great many available.  More than anything else pray, pray, and then pray some more.  When we take some time each day to do these things we can see through the eyes of faith and the world becomes a far less scary place.

   Our faith is not in the world or its politics and practices.  Our faith is in the one who chose to become a man and sacrifice His life for our salvation.  Our faith is in the risen Lord, Jesus Christ.  He will come again, perhaps sooner than we know.

Sunday, September 24, 2023

 Wars and Rumors of Wars 

   “You will hear of wars and reports of wars; see that you are not alarmed, for these things must happen, but it will not yet be the end.” (Matt 24: 6) 

   After Mass and breakfast this morning I went to nearby Shalom Park to walk among the trees and bushes.  The park lives up to its name; it is a peaceful place to spend some time in contemplation of God and His creation.

   As I walked a man I didn’t know came alongside and we struck up a bit of a conversation.  He started by saying that there are many people in history who knew that peace is what is needed, but the world has been at war practically since its beginning.  He expressed his doubt that wars will ever cease and that our wars will eventually destroy the world.

   While I agree with his premise that wars will continue, I disagree that they will destroy the world.  I firmly believe that the world can only be destroyed by God.  Some may disagree, but my faith tells me that God created it and only He will determine how and when it will be destroyed.

   People have often tried to determine when the end will come, but to no avail.  “But of that day and hour no one knows, neither the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone.  For as it was in the day of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.” (Matt 24: 36 – 37)

   The destruction of the world will come, of that there is no question.  However, instead of worrying about how or when, we need to accept the fact and prepare our souls for that great and glorious day when our Lord will come again in glory.  “He has a name written on his cloak and on his thigh, “King of kings and Lord of lords.’” (Rev 19: 16)

Saturday, September 23, 2023

 Children of God 

   “See what love the Father has bestowed on us that we may be called the children of God.” (1 John 3: 1) 

   We, the believers, are the children of God, the adopted brothers and sisters of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

   As an adoptive father this has a special meaning for me.  Adoption is the total acceptance of a child as one’s own.  When my wife and I adopted our twin boys our love for them was no different than our love for our natural daughters.  Even though we are not their biological parents we are and always will be their Mom and Dad.

   I think of St. Joseph who was the “adoptive” father of our Lord, Jesus Christ.  I feel a special closeness to Him in the love and care He provided our Lord.  Though things were not as he would have expected, he submitted himself wholeheartedly to the will of God, lovingly raising Jesus as his own son.

   When Nicodemus asked Jesus how one can be born again, He replied, “Amen, amen, I say to you, no one can enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and the Spirit.  What is born of flesh is flesh and what is spirit is spirit.” (John 3: 5 – 6).  By our baptism we were adopted into the family of God, the brothers and sisters of Christ. 

Friday, September 22, 2023

 Past Sins 

   “As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our sins from us.” (Psalm 103:12) 

   From time to time I am reminded of my past sins.  Those sins that, had I died at that time, would have condemned me to hell.  But those sins are forgiven and through the grace of God are as far from me as the east is from the west.

   I suspect these reminders of my sins are a ploy of Satan.  An effort to make me question if those sins were really forgiven, or far too evil to ever be forgiven.  But then I remember that “he is a liar and the father of lies.” (John 8: 44).

   I’ve come to believe that remembering past sins is, in fact, a blessing.  I know without doubt that they are forgiven because to think otherwise would be to bring into question the promises of Christ.  However, they remind me of how easy it is to slip into sin and to separate myself from God. They give me determination to try even harder to never offend my Lord and, if I should fail, to go to Him immediately in sorrow, seeking His forgiveness once again.

   I am human and I know that sin is part of humanity.  St. John wrote, “If we say, ‘We are without sin,’ we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.” (1 John 8”)  And yet, God continues to love us, to reach out to us in mercy, willing to forgive us when we repent.

   I thank God for having forgiven my sins and never want to sin against Him again.  Though I know that in my weakness I will fail in those efforts, I believe my sincere desire to avoid sin is pleasing to God.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

 The Call of Matthew 

   “As Jesus passed on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the customs post.  He said to him, ‘Follow me.’  And he got up and followed him.” (Matt 9: 9 – 9) 

   Today the Church celebrates the feast day of St. Matthew.  He was a tax collector, a Jew who many Jews hated even more than they did the Romans.  He was a traitor, working for those who were oppressing Israel.  He would not have been allowed to enter the temple and his only friends would have been other tax collectors and sinners.

   Why would Jesus choose such a man to become one of His apostles?  He knew that this would be seen as an insult to all Jewish people, including the other apostles He had called to follow Him.  Yet, He chose to do so, and Matthew followed.

   There is a valuable lesson to be learned from Jesus’ calling of Matthew; no one is so vile, so hated, even so full of sin that they can’t be called by our Lord.  The call of Christ is more than words, it’s a call to the heart and soul.  As St. Augustine wrote, “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in you.”  Our soul longs for the call of the Lord even when our humanity is in the depths of sin and depravity.

   When criticized for associating with tax collectors and sinners, Jesus said, “Those who are well do not need a physician, but the sick do.” (Matt 9: 12).  There is no sin so terrible, no act such an abomination that we cannot receive forgiveness when we turn to Christ in sorrow and repentance.  When we think we are beyond saving we need to remember the call of Matthew.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

 Christianity In Action 

   “Be doers of the word and not hearers only, deluding yourself.” (James 1: 22) 

   The world is in dire need of a spiritual revival.  Complacency is common in our society, our nation and, even in some within the churches.  There is a lukewarmness in faith, a lack of sincerity in living as Christians.  Jesus’ warning to the church at Laodicea is as relevant today as it was when He spoke it; “So, because you are lukewarm, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.” (Rev 3: 16).

   If there is to be such a spiritual revival, I believe it must begin with the laity.  We are the ones who must stand against the lessening and abandonment of faith.  I see evidence that some are beginning the battle, confronting the wickedness in society, and even calling religious leaders to task for not doing the same.  These are the ones who will revive Christianity and we must join them in their efforts.

   However, most of us do not have the knowledge or training for serious evangelization.  There is always the danger of sharing our own preferences, biases, or even our own misunderstandings brought about by poor catechesis.  It’s better to say nothing than to say what is in error.

   My pastor often says that he would much prefer to see a homily than to hear one.  The way we live our lives is our homily to those we meet, to our family, our friends, and perhaps most importantly, to strangers.  I believe this is the best way we can become the “doers” St. James spoke of in his letter. 

   Pope Benedict XVI wrote of the Church, “She will become small and have to start afresh more or less from the beginning.”   We can be a part of that new beginning, but it takes sincerity, devotion, and the willingness to preach our faith by the way we live it.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

 Changing the World 

   “If the world hates you, remember that it hated me before you.” (John 15:18) 

   I’m sometimes amazed that Christians think they can change the entire world.  Even the Son of God did not gain the acceptance of most of those He came to save, but we seem to think we can do better than Him.  The world has always hated those who believe in Christ and always will.

   However, that doesn’t mean we can’t change ourselves.  The changes we need to make in ourselves are exemplified in the life of Christ.  We must model the love and caring for all that He had.  We must live our life for God, rejecting the so-called joys and pleasures of this world.  Most of all we must practice what we preach.  The way we live our life is our most effective means of evangelization.

   If we do all those things, we can even create change in others.  The pagans said of the early Christians, “See how they love one another.”  Love is contagious, it can spread to the hearts of others and begin the process of change in their heart.  The love we show to others, even our enemies, can play a part in that change.

   We live in a sinful world, but so did Christ.  The few who believed in Him, through their actions and their words, spread His gospel to the entire world, bringing untold millions to believe.  When we live as they lived, devoted to sharing the truth and the love of God, we too can help spread His word in this wicked world and maybe, just maybe, bring some change to our little corner of the world.


Monday, September 18, 2023


   “In those days he departed to the mountain to pray, and spent the night in prayer to God.” (Luke 6: 12) 

   Over and over in scripture we see reference to Jesus going to the mountain to pray.  He did so before selecting His twelve apostles and at many other times during His ministry.  He sought solitude so that He could better commune with the Father.

   In Jesus’ world there was no mass media, no internet, no television, no radio.  There was little in the way of distractions in daily life, not the chaos we know today.  Still, our Lord went to be alone with God.  This is a lesson for each of us, we too need to be alone with God at times.

   Today there is rarely a time when we are not bombarded by distractions.  24/7 news, mass media everywhere we look, the internet, and so much more intrude into our lives every day.  We desperately need to get away and just be with the Lord from time to time; in quiet, meditative prayer with God.

   St. Alphonsus Liguori, in his book “Attaining Salvation; Devout Reflections and Meditations”, wrote “God does not speak to us in the midst of the tumult and business of the world, knowing that if He speaks, He will not be heard.”  We must take time to “depart to the mountain”, find solitude, and spend time in prayer with God.

Sunday, September 17, 2023

 Keep Holy the Sabbath 

   “Remember the sabbath day – keep it holy. (Ex 20: 8) 

   How are we to keep the Sabbath holy?  What should and what shouldn't we do on the Lord's Day?  It's an age old question and the answers have often changed over the years.

   The Scribes and Pharisees of Jesus’ time had created 613 laws that Jews were to obey, many of them listing what could and could not be done on the Sabbath.  They grew angry at Jesus and accused Him of blasphemy because He called those laws into question. “Which of you who has a sheep that falls into a pit on the sabbath will not take hold of it and pull it out?  How much more valuable a person is than a sheep.  So it is lawful to do good on the sabbath." (Matt 12: 11 - 12)

   The Sabbath is to be a day of rest, but what constitutes an acceptable activity on the Sabbath?  Is working in a soup kitchen to feed the hungry a violation?  What about working in a hospital, caring for the sick?  Does helping a friend or even a stranger who desperately needs our help violate the Sabbath?  I believe Jesus would happily join us in such efforts.

   So, how are we to keep the Sabbath holy?  Perhaps, after prayerful consideration, we should ask ourselves, “Am I doing what is good, giving glory to God or am I just satisfying my own selfish wants and desires?”

Saturday, September 16, 2023

 Loving God Above All 

   “Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.” (Matt 10: 37) 

   This scripture has been difficult for many, including myself.  It seems to imply that we should have a lesser love of father or mother, son or daughter, or even for our spouse.

   I have come to understand that what it means is not that we should have less love for those in our lives but that we must love God above all else, even including our loved ones in this world.  But it doesn’t detract from the fact that we can and should love them dearly.

   By loving God first and foremost it enables me to love the people in my life even more.  When I offer my greatest love to Him, He returns that love with interest, which enables me to love father or mother, son or daughter, or my spouse with an even greater love.

   God is love and He desires that we love all of our family and neighbors.  By always offering our greatest love to God we are able to love others with a greater love as well.

Friday, September 15, 2023

 Follow Me 

   “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven.” (Matt 7: 21) 

   “Follow me.”  Jesus used these words to call His disciples and His followers.  Most didn’t know Him before they were called, but they responded to his call to follow.  Imagine for a moment a stranger approaching you and saying, “Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.” (Matt 4: 19).  Would you respond to His call and follow Him?

   He is still calling his disciples to follow Him and He wants all of us as His disciples.  Some will respond to His call and many will ignore it.  Some will give up little while others may take His advice to the rich man, “If you wish to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give it to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven.  Then come, follow me.” (Matt 19:21).

   In my mind following Jesus is far more than just believing in Him as the Son of God, the Messiah.  Following Christ is a way of life that must change me.  I must desire what He desires, the will of God.  I must forego the sinful desires of a wicked world and look to Jesus as the example I am to emulate in life.  Just saying I believe means nothing if that belief doesn’t change my life.

   Jesus lived His life to follow the will of the Father all the way to Calvary.  If I am to follow Jesus, I must model my life after His, I must strive always to follow the will of God regardless of where it may lead.

Thursday, September 14, 2023

 The Unknowable 

   “Faith reveals to us God’s incomprehensibility; when we arrive at seeing that God infinitely surpasses all our conceptions, then we have arrived at the point where we begin to understand what God is.”  (Blessed Columba Marmion, “Christ, the Life of the Soul”) 

   As much as I want to come to know God better and better I must admit and accept the fact that He is beyond my human understanding.  I can grow in love of Him, I can strive to serve Him more completely, I can even give my life to Him, but I can never know Him as He is.  As much as I want to know Him completely it’s simply not possible in this lifetime.

   Even the Apostles, who had walked with Christ throughout His ministry, didn’t fully comprehend who He was.  Much of what He had said to them remained a mystery even after His crucifixion, resurrection and ascension into heaven.  If those who knew the Son of God best during His life on this earth didn’t fully know Him, how can I expect to fully know God?

   In so many ways I know about God.  I know He is love and that His love is the reason for all of creation.  He didn’t need the universe or humankind to be complete, but He created in order love His creations.  I see a glimmer of His beauty and majesty in His creation, but I can’t see Him as He is.  I know that He is within me, I feel His presence within me.  Still there is so much I will never fully grasp in this lifetime.

   St. Thomas Aquinas said that God is not a being, but is being itself, He simply is, always has been, and always will be.  He is the unknowable, so far beyond human understanding as to be a near complete mystery.  I know His words as recorded in scripture, I know His works as I see His creation and all that is in it, but I will never fully know Him until this life is over and I am in His eternal presence.

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

 Children of Satan 

   “The devil is your father, and you do what your father wants.” (John 8: 44) 

   We talk a lot about those who are the children of God, but we rarely consider that Satan has children on this earth as well.  It is likely that the devil’s children far outnumber God’s children; those who follow God have always been in the minority.

   Who are the children of Satan?  Jesus described Satan in these words, “When he lies he speaks according to his own nature, for he is a liar, and the father of lies.” (John 8: 44).  His children are those who follow his evil ways, living a life of lies and wickedness.

   People lie to us every day.  Not to pick on politicians, but how many promises have they made to get elected and then promptly forgotten them once in office?  They bring up the same promises to get re-elected and the voting public seems unable to recognize the same lies they’ve told over and over, so they vote for them again.

   Even worse is the fact that many who claim to be faithful leaders of the church lie and twist the teachings of Christ in their efforts to change what is unchangeable, the Word of God.  They are the ones whom Jesus warned, “Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.” (Matt 18: 6).

   Satan, the father of lies, leads his children to eternal destruction.  Jesus, the way, the truth, and the life, leads His children to paradise.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

 Cafeteria Christians 

   Christianity is not a smorgasbord where we can select and reject the truths of God.  It’s not up to me to second guess the wisdom of God in His laws, but to obey those laws, even when they are hard.  Yet there are those who seem to want to define Christianity for themselves, who believe they are better than God at determining what is good or evil.  That didn’t work out very well for our first parents and it still doesn’t work out well today.

   If I am to be a Christian there are rules and doctrines that must be accepted.  There are things in the teachings of Christ that are difficult.  Loving one’s enemies is not an easy thing, yet Jesus said, “But I say to you, love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you. (Matt 5: 44).  It’s not up to me to question His teachings, but to follow them.

   It doesn’t matter whether I can explain the truths of God or if I find them hard to live by them, what matters is that I accept them and do my best to follow His will in my life.  If I start picking and choosing which I will accept and which I will not I am then rejecting the wisdom and omniscience of God.

   Maybe in the next life I will be able to see clearly what is now clouded and unclear and will understand what cannot now be understood.  Until then, I will continue to believe and accept the truths of God even when they are hard or difficult to understand.

Monday, September 11, 2023

 September 11th 

   I will never forget sitting in my living room and watching as an airplane piloted by those who hate America flew into the twin towers in New York.  If there was ever a doubt in anyone’s mind that evil existed, that act and those that accompanied it should have removed that doubt forever.

   While the attacks of 9/11 were purely evil, they were only one in the long list of terrible evils that have occurred throughout history.  Think of the massacre of the innocents when Herod had all the boys in Bethlehem who were under two years old slaughtered in his attempt to kill the Christ child.

   The early Christians were persecuted, brutally tortured and killed by various Roman emperors, some fed to the lions in packed public arenas.  Nero had many Christians drenched in oil, hung on lamp posts and set afire to light the streets of Rome.  Hitler had the holocaust; Rwanda and others had their genocides.  The genocide of unborn babies in the womb continues through abortion.  The list could go on for pages.

   Evil continues in the world, but only for a while.  At some point, maybe tomorrow, maybe a thousand years from now, this world and all the evil within it will disappear in a flash.  The Lord will come in glory and make all things new.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

 In the Eyes of the World 

   In the eyes of many in the world Christians are fools.  We believe in superstition, rumor and age old tales that are no different than the fairy tales and folk lore of old.

   Some not only consider us fools, but dangerous fools.  They say our beliefs and our creeds are repressive and infringe upon the personal rites of others.  I suspect many of them would be quite pleased if all Christians and any mention of God simply disappeared, never to be heard of again.

   They say our trust and our hopes are based on a little known itinerant preacher in a nothing little corner of the world.  Someone few knew, and few believed in.  A failure who ended up dying on a cross, the punishment reserved for the worst of criminals.

   As Christians we believe that He was the Son of God, the Messiah.  He cured the sick, healed the lame, drove out demons and even brought the dead back to life.  The unbelievers look at us in wonder, unable to understand how we could fall for such wild, impossible stories.  They put their faith in self and their own misguided justification of right and wrong.  For them there is no need of a God.

   For the record, I am one of those “fools” who believe and do not hesitate to share my belief in Jesus Christ my Lord.  I believe that God created the universe and all that is in it, including me and everyone else who exists or has, or will exist in this world.  I believe that He sent His only Son to die for my sins so that I might have forgiveness and a path to Heaven.  I believe that when this life is over He will come and take me to Himself.

   In short, I place all my faith and hopes in all those things that the world finds so foolish and unbelievable.  I look forward with great joy to eternity in God’s heavenly Kingdom.  I pray that those who do not believe may come to find faith and hope in God while there is still time.

Saturday, September 9, 2023

 Be A Saint 

   “I want to become a saint; it will not be easy at all.  I have a lot of wood to chop, and it is hard as stone.  I should have started sooner, while it was not so difficult; but, in any case; better late than never. (St. Zellie Martin) 

   Sainthood is our destiny; it is God’s will for us.  Why would we not want to pursue such a glorious end to this life and beginning of eternal life?  Yet many do not choose sainthood or put it off, sometime until it is too late.

   I think people are afraid of wanting to become a saint because they read or hear of the lives’ of the saints and see a lot of  hardship and even martyrdom.  They do not feel they are worthy or capable of such a life.

   But sainthood does not always mean such things.  The saints we read of are those who have been recognized by the Church due to the life they led and of substantiated miracles attributed to prayers for their intercessions.  Few have or will receive such recognition.

   To be a saint is to be in heaven; to have lived in such a way that eternity will be spent in God’s kingdom.  All who have died in the grace of God will know the glory of heaven and thus are saints.  Though most will never be known in this world, they have achieved sainthood.    

   As Christians our goal is to become a saint, to “chop the wood”, to carry the cross, and to live for God and His will.  God wants all of us to be saints; why wait, start becoming one today.

Friday, September 8, 2023

 God’s Will 

   “Teach me to do your will, for you are my God.  Let your good spirit lead me on a level path.” (Psalm 143:10) 

   The way to heaven is via God’s will, there is no other path that will take me there.  But how am I to know God’s will in my life?  If I don’t know His will, how can I follow it?

   I’ve come to believe that knowing the will of God in my life is accepting what comes, believing that God sends me nothing that is not for my benefit.  I may not understand, I may wish to choose a different way, but there is no other way.  Only by my acceptance and obedience to His will can I find the road that leads to His kingdom.

   At times it can be easy to begin to wonder why.  I don’t understand why something has happened or how it can possibly be God’s will for me.  When I was going through the hardest struggle of my life I told my priest that I didn’t know what God wanted of me. I couldn't grasp why this tragedy had happened.  He answered very simply, “Sometimes God just wants you to endure.”

   Those words have come back to me many times when I’ve been confused or troubled about God’s will.  In one sense I believe it is a test; am I willing to trust God no matter what?  Do I have the faith to accept the hardships in life, believing that all will be known and understood when this life is over.  I’ve found that prayer, offering my confusion and uncertainty to the Lord is the way to overcome those times that are simply beyond my understanding.

    “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways, says the Lord.”  (Isaiah 55: 8).  It is not for me to question the ways of God, but to accept them.  It is not for me to question His ways, but to obey them.  He is God, and I am not.


Thursday, September 7, 2023

 Take Time for God 

   People rush here, hurry there and have less and less time for what is important.  Our lives can become one crisis after another if we allow it.

   On any Sunday sit in one of the back pews at Church.  You will see people rushing into Mass at the last minute and heading for the doors before the last prayer and blessing.  I’ve wondered what could be so important that the extra few minutes they gain are worth the lack of respect shown to God by their actions.  At times I’ve seen these very same people sitting in a restaurant eating breakfast when I arrive.  Did they leave the table of God in such a hurry just to get to the table of a restaurant?

   Even in retirement I see people who are rushing from place to place.  For what purpose?  The habits we form in our earlier life are difficult to change in retirement.  We still act as though we need to be in a hurry for everything.  At a time when we should be taking more time for God and family we are still in a hurry to go nowhere.

   We need to slow down and take the time to enjoy life and get to know our God.  We need to become a real family instead of a bunch of individuals whose paths sometimes cross.  Priorities need to be revisited, we need to pay far more attention to the health of our spiritual and family life.

   Jesus told a parable about a rich man who could not seem to rest.  “And he said, ‘I will do this: I will pull down my barns and build larger ones; and there I will store all my grain and my goods.  And I will say to my soul, Soul, you have ample goods laid up for many years; take your ease, eat, drink, be merry.’  But God said to him, ‘Fool!  This night your soul is required of you; and the things you have prepared, whose will they be?” (Luke 12: 18-20).  It is appropriately called "The Parable of the Rich Fool."

   We have a choice.  We can live our lives chasing worldly goods or we can live them seeking God.  Make the right choice.  Don’t ignore the daily needs but focus on the eternal ones.  What you have today can be gone tomorrow; the treasures you store up in heaven are everlasting.

Wednesday, September 6, 2023


   What is prayer?  How do we approach it and what do we expect to achieve by our prayers?  Do we expect that our prayers will be answered quickly and with the answer we desire?  Are we willing to accept “no” or “not yet” in answer to our prayers or do we insist that “Yes” is the only acceptable answer?

   Prayer comes in many forms and people pray in many ways.  Some love the traditional written prayers; others are more comfortable with an unscripted personal conversation with our Lord.  To me prayer is often a time to sit quietly in silence, spending time alone with the Lord in solitude, locking the world outside and being alone with God.

   St. Therese of Lisieux said, “For me prayer is a surge of the heart; it is a simple look turned toward heaven, it is a cry of recognition and love, embracing both trial and joy.”  The “Little Flower” as she is called knew the secret to prayer.  It is not a laundry list of things we want God to do for us.  It is not a complaint line demanding God fix what we want fixed.  It is above all a heart to heart experience with the God who loves us and wants nothing more than to have a sincere loving relationship with each of us.

   Prayer is also a powerful weapon.  In my book “Thoughts of God” I wrote that when we pray, Satan cringes.  I believe our prayers are the most effective and sure way to thwart the evil that Satan wants to bring upon us and on this world.  The distractions and disruptions we so often experience during prayer is the devil doing his best to interfere with our communion with God.

   Finally, prayer is, in my opinion, the most important and effective way to grow closer to God, to become more attuned to His will in my life and to seek the strength and perseverance to follow Him wherever He chooses to lead me.  Without prayer I would be lost with no way to find my home.

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

 Changes in Attitudes 

   Very early in life I did not know God, my ideas and attitudes were driven by the world around me.  With no spiritual guidance I, like many others, looked to the lures and pleasures of the world to find the enjoyment and happiness I sought.  What I found was that these things, while they did provide some moments of what I considered joy, were very fragile.  They did not last and did not bring what I somehow knew I was seeking.

   At eighteen I joined the Navy and left home.  In Boot Camp attendance at Sunday services was strongly encouraged almost to the point of being an order to attend.  I followed the rules and attended, but mainly dozed during the service.  However, at least I had begun to be introduced to the God of scripture, though it had very little impact at that time.

   I have often said and firmly believe that God brought my wife to me so that she could bring me to Him.  A faithful Catholic, she married and loved this pagan of a man.  Since I didn’t have religion I went to Mass with her each week.  I suspect that at the time it had more to do with being with her than any real interest in God.

   However, as I experienced the faith she had and saw the peace she received from that faith, I became more and more certain that I needed such faith in my life.  So, at the Easter Vigil Mass in 1971 I was baptized into the Catholic Church.

   Over the years my faith has grown and, sadly, ebbed at times.  At this time in my life, my faith is my all.  It is what gives me the strength to face each day regardless of what may come.  It is my hope for the future, and it is the driving force of my life.  I wish my faith had always been as it is now, but God has been patient with me, slowly but surely bringing me closer to Him.

   Now I am in what some would call the “twilight of my years”.  The years past will undoubtedly far outnumber the years to come, and I’m fine with that.  My life has had its ups and downs, but with God the ups far outweigh the downs and with His help the downs aren't nearly as hard.  I look forward to finishing whatever God has in mind for me in this life and joining Him and the wife who brought me to Him in His heavenly kingdom.

Monday, September 4, 2023

 Faith In A Troubled World 

   The world can be a scary and evil place.  Wickedness seems to be growing even more prevalent in this day and time.  Things that were considered unthinkable just a few years ago are now becoming the “new norm” of a confused, broken society.  Jesus and His blessings are pushed aside and forgotten by a society that doesn’t care.

   All of this can have an impact on our faith and especially on the peace God wishes us to have within.  We sometimes become fearful of publicly expressing and living our faith.  Fearful of the attacks and hatred of those who hate not only God but anyone who believes in God.

   As Christians we are to be joyful, full of hope, and seeking happiness with God.  Sometimes it can become difficult to keep in mind when God and all He stands for is being attacked more and more by an evil culture that would eliminate all things Godly.

   Jesus said, “In the world you face persecution.  But take courage; I have conquered the world.” (John 16: 33).  These are the words and the promise we must cling to in troubled times.  No matter what awaits us each day in this lifetime, we can take comfort in the peace and joy that awaits us in God’s kingdom.

   Satan would have us afraid and in despair, stealing our peace and the certainty of our faith.  But Christ gives us relief from our fears, increases our hope in the world to come, and restores the peace within.

Sunday, September 3, 2023

 Carrying the Cross 

   “Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross and follow me.” (Matt 16: 24) 

   Many people try to run away from it, many deny it, and many ignore it,  but there will be crosses that we must bear.  Some are heavier than others and some are nearly impossible.  Still if we are to follow Christ to paradise we must carry the crosses we are given.

   When I look at my Lord hanging on the cross I’m reminded that the cross on which He died was just the last cross of many that He had borne during His life.

   From His birth in a stable, placed in a manger for a crib, to His exile to Egypt to avoid Herod’s efforts to kill Him, throughout His ministry, all the way to Calvary crosses were a constant part of His life.

   The Son of God came to offer redemption, the forgiveness of sins and a path to God’s heavenly kingdom.  Yet, He was rejected, misunderstood, and finally hung on a cross to die by those He had come to save.

   His chosen apostles included Judas Iscariot who would betray Him for thirty pieces of silver.  Peter, the rock upon who Christ would build His church, three times denied that he even knew Jesus.  All of them ran and hid in fear for their lives; only John returned and stood at the foot of the cross.  Many were the crosses He bore willingly and lovingly for us.

   The life and ministry of Christ was considered by many as a failure.  Few could or would accept a Messiah whose message was ignored, one who was vilified by the religious leaders, and ended up dying a horrible death on a cross.  Yet, faith in that so-called “failure” remains in every corner of the world still today. 

   Could I carry the many crosses that my Lord carried for me?  Could I remain true to my faith when it meant rejection, hatred and certain death?  I pray that it be so, but without the help of God I know it would not.  Still, the scripture reminds me that I must pick up my cross and carry it if I am to follow Jesus.  And so, I will continue to accept my cross and carry it to the best of my ability, trusting always in the strength and mercy of God.

Saturday, September 2, 2023

 The Will of God 

   “Yet the world and its enticement are passing away.  But whoever does the will of God remains forever.” (1 John 2: 17) 

   Pick a book of the Bible, any book.  What you will find is the guidance to live according to the will of God, to serve Him in all you do.  I call it guidance because we can refuse if we so choose, and many do.  However, unless we follow this guidance we will never see the promised land, God’s heavenly kingdom.

   But what does it mean to do the will of God?  In one way it’s quite simple, the will of God is to love.  Love, when understood properly, encompasses all that is contained in the will of God.  He is Love, He created the world and all that is in it, including you and me because of His love,  He sent His Son to die for our sins because of His love.  We are forgiven and the gates to the kingdom opened to us because of His great love for us.

   If He is love, what more can we do to follow His will than to love; both Him and all His children, sinners as well as the righteous.  And if you question whether or not sinners are also His children read the parable of the prodigal son. (Luke 15: 11 – 32).

   When Jesus was asked which commandment of the law was the greatest He replied, “You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.  This is the greatest  and the first commandment.  The second is like it.  You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matt 25: 37 – 39).  At the heart of all the commandments is love, love of God and love of neighbor.

   You can do all the good things possible but if they are not done with love they are of little value.  St. Paul said that no matter the good we may do, if we do not have love, we gain nothing.  (1 Cor 1 - 3).  When love we will come to know God and His will.

Friday, September 1, 2023

 Seeking Good in the World 

   There are two forces at work in the world: good and evil.  It is up to each of us to choose which will rule our life.  Of all the decisions we make in life there are none more important than this.

   Throughout history there has never been a time when evil has not held a strong hand in the world.  As early as 90 AD a volume known as the Didache was written to help educate those new to the Christian faith.  "What has been, that will be; what has been done, that will be done.  Nothing is new under the sun.” (Eccl 1: 9)

   But there is also good to be found in this world.  People helping others, giving of themselves in an effort to ease the pains and difficulties of those suffering in the world represent the good.  Charity is not just the giving of money and material things to others but is loving them and praying for them, helping them find God in their lives.

   The vast majority of Priests and Pastors devote their lives to others through their ministry and their prayers.  The same is true of teachers who spend their lives striving to help those in their care to learn and grow.  Are there some who are evil and do harm to those they should be protecting?  Yes, and sadly they get all the publicity.  But there are far more doing wonderful things, good people who receive little if any recognition.

   Mothers and Fathers who love and respect each other and teach those values to their children bring so much good to the world, yet they never receive the credit due.  Only the depraved and the abusers make the news.

   Society seems to love what is evil and despise what is good.  If we allow our culture to overwhelm us with evil we despair and lose hope.  When we turn to God we can again see the good in the world.  We can begin to understand that evil in all its forms will pass away and all will be made new when Jesus comes again in glory.