Monday, September 30, 2019

The Weight of the Cross

   “So they took Jesus, and he went out, bearing his own cross, to the place called the place of the skull, which is called in Hebrew, Golgotha.” (John 19: 17).

   As I contemplate the passion and death of Christ I envision Him, beaten and bloody with a crown of thorns on His head, carrying the cross upon which He would die for my sins.

   Through the streets of Jerusalem the soldiers pushed and prodded Him, cursing and swearing at Him.  The crowds lining the streets jeered Him seeing nothing more than another criminal on the way to His execution.  Few within the crown recognized Him and of those who did it seems most were women. St. Luke tells of the daughters of Jerusalem who followed Him wailing and lamenting Him.  Tradition tells of Veronica who gave Jesus her veil to wipe His face.  The veil was returned to her with the Image of His face permanently imprinted upon it.  Of course, the Blessed Mother was among those following, her heart pierced by the sword as Simeon had foretold at the presentation of our Lord in the temple.  (See Luke 2: 22 – 35).

   He bore the sins of the world upon His shoulders.  When I consider the weight of His cross I am sadden because I realize that my sins contribute to that weight.  I believe that my sins committed today somehow continue to add to the burden He had to bear to pay the price for my redemption.  Though I can never be sinless, I pray for the strength to sin less, adding as little weight as possible to the cross of my Savior.

Jesus, you bore the cross of my sins.
You paid the price for my redemption.
You still pay for the sins I commit.
Help me to avoid sin and burden you less.


Saturday, September 28, 2019


   “Come, O blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world;” (Matt 25: 34)

   How I long to hear those words when I stand before my Lord on judgement day.  But what comes next?  Exactly what is the kingdom prepared for me?  What is heaven?

   Everyone seems to have an image of heavenly life in their mind.  I think most of us believe it will be a place of happiness and joy, but we can’t understand the full depth of these blessings.  I’m convinced that total happiness and joy isn’t possible in this world, so we have no way of knowing.  There are times when we are happy, occasionally very happy.  But it is fleeting; it doesn’t last.  The trials and tribulations of this sinful world won’t allow it to be permanent.

   Maybe heaven will be a bit different for each of us.  There will be some commonality for all.  For instance, there will be no pain, no sorrow and death will no longer exist.  But what makes one person happy may not be the same for another.  If we are to experience the level of joy and contentment we expect in heaven I think there must be some variations for each individual.

   For me total happiness means reuniting with my wife and other loved ones; the beauty of existence as God intended when He created us; worshiping Him, giving Him praise and glory throughout eternity.  So many things to contemplate but no way of knowing in this life.  There’s an old gospel song that says, “Some sweet morning when this life is o’er, I’ll fly away.”  I suppose I’ll have to wait for that sweet morning to know what heaven holds for me.

Lord, You promise eternal joy to those who believe.
I pray that I may be numbered among them.
Though I can’t know what is to come,
I long to join You in Your heavenly home.


Friday, September 27, 2019

The Prodigal

   Each Saturday morning a group of four or five of us meet at Mass.  We then go to breakfast for fellowship and just good company.  Our discussions vary widely but always have at least some spiritual element to them.  These men, their friendship and support, are a very important part of my life.

   On more than one occasion our conversation has turned to the parable of the prodigal son (see Luke 15: 11 – 32).  We all agree that within us there is some of the son, some of the father, and some of the older brother.

   As the son I have received so many blessings from the Lord and have squandered them.  I’ve taken them for granted and failed to give God proper thanks.  Like the son of the parable I have wasted God’s gifts and used them for my own pleasure.  God has given me the grace to realize that I must return to the Father, begging forgiveness.  Though I am not worthy, He waits for me in love and mercy.

   I wish there were more of the father in me.  He gave his son all he asked and watched as he walked away in selfishness.  He most probably heard about the life of debauchery his son was living.  Still he loved him and watched for his return.  When he saw his son coming home he met him, hugged and kissed him and welcomed him home.  He put the best clothes on him and had a party celebrating his return.  This is the way of God when a repentant sinner returns.

   There is also some of the elder brother in me although I wish there weren’t.  He is like the Pharisees, living his live according to the law.  Yet he doesn’t really see that the heart of the law is love of God and neighbor.  He sees those who aren’t perfect in the law as unclean and unworthy of his love, respect and forgiveness.

These three persons are in each of us.  We sin and need God’s forgiveness; we need to recognize that He is always there in mercy and love to welcome us home.  As children of God we need to emulate God’s feelings toward others.  When our children or friends or neighbors stray, we need to pray for them and, when they come home, welcome them back with open arms filled with love.  We all have a bit of Pharisee in us; we tend to judge others too much.  Jesus told the Pharisees, “Go and learn what this means, ‘I desire mercy, and not sacrifice.”  For I came not to call the righteous, but sinners. (Matt 9: 13).  He says the same to us.

Lord You have blessed me in so many ways.
For this I give You thanks.
I have squandered Your gifts so many times.
For this I beg Your mercy and forgiveness.


Wednesday, September 25, 2019

A Life of Surrender

   “Our Lady was so holy, so full of grace because she lived her surrender, ‘Be it done unto me according to your word’”. (Saint Mother Teresa, “Thirsting for God: Daily Meditations)

   Our Blessed Mother is the perfect example of how we should live our faith life.  She did not question Gabriel when He told her she would be the Mother of God, she simply asked how it could be since she was a virgin.  Gabriel’s explanation satisfied her.  In faith she readily accepted God’s will for her and conceived the Savior of the world.

   She endured the journey to Bethlehem with Joseph and gave birth to our Lord in a cave.  My priest likes to remind us that placing Him in a trough meant for the feeding of animals perhaps spoke to the fact of His real presence in Eucharist; truly the food from heaven.

   With Joseph and the newborn King she became a refugee in Egypt, escaping Herod’s plans to kill Jesus.  She returned to Nazareth and lived an obscure life for the first thirty years of Jesus’ life.

   When the wine ran out at the wedding at Cana she voiced her concern to Jesus and directed the stewards to do whatever He told them.  Jesus performed His first public miracle; the water became wine.
   Mary stood in the shadows as her Son lived His ministry.  She was the first Christian; she lived her live for Jesus.  She was there as He suffered His passion and death.  She stood at the foot of the cross as He died and held His dead, bloodied body in her arms of love.  She saw Him ascend into Heaven to take His rightful place beside the Father.

   I look to Mary as the perfect example of what I wish to become.  I pray that I may have a love of God and depth of faith such as she had.  I ask the Father to make me strong in my devotion as Mary was strong in hers.  I pray that I may be made holy and full of grace as she was.

Father You chose Mary to become the Mother of God.
Through her the Word became flesh.
Help me follow her example in my life.
Make me holy as she was holy.


Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Forsaking All

   “Forsake all, and you will find all; relinquish all desire, and you will find rest.”  (“The Imitation of Christ”, Thomas รก Kempis)

   To be strong in faith requires us to forsake worldly riches and desires.  They are of no use in eternity and often confuse us in this world.  Faith tells us that we must focus on the things of God, but the world tells us we need a new car or a bigger house. We must make the choice; God or earthly riches.  If we choose God we have to be willing to give up all worldly goods if called to do so.  Choose the ways of the flesh and we can’t follow God as He desires.

   We are typically not expected to walk away from everything and live a life of abject poverty, though some have.  We must, however, be willing to make that sacrifice should it be required of us.  Without sacrifice, there is no salvation.  Unless we are willing to forsake everything for God we are not worthy of Him.

   Our earthly desires are very much the same.  Satan places many temptations before us in his efforts to win our souls.  He will tell us that we can desire earthly fame, fortune and happiness and still serve God.  But he is a liar and the father of all liars.  Our desire is to be that of serving God in whatever way He asks. 

   Everything depends upon our attitude toward God and His gifts.  They are blessings meant to lead us closer to Him.  By misusing them they become the false gods we worship.  By giving all to His will we recognize that all belongs to God.  We are simply the steward of the many gifts He bestows upon us.

We thank You for Your many blessings.
We offer all to You and Your will.
Make us worthy stewards.


Monday, September 23, 2019

Faith and Responsibility

   It’s so easy to think we have some responsibility for the faith life of others.  In fact our only role in helping others in their faith life is one of prayer and support.  We need to pray for them, give them a Christian example by our lives and be there for them when they struggle.  But we can’t give them faith, only God can do that.

   I know parents who seem tortured because their children no longer practice their faith; they seem to have lost it somewhere.  Those parents think it is somehow their fault.  They feel that they must have done something wrong.  Yet it is every individual’s responsibility to attend to their soul and its’ eternal destination.  No one can do that for them.

   It is the Holy Spirit who gives faith and nurtures it.  If one does not wish to follow the Spirit within, there is very little we can do.  Faith isn’t something we can demand of another; it is a gift of the Spirit.  Like most gifts it can be refused.  Only the one who rejected it can return and accept it.

   Pray for your children who have left the faith and for all who have lost or never found faith.  Not just occasionally, but daily, even many times daily.  Prayer is the most powerful tool we have in matters of faith.  The rest is up to God and the Holy Spirit.  But always remember, God works in His own time, not ours.  Our prayers of today may take years to produce the fruits of faith in another.

Holy Spirit, we pray to You for those without faith.
Open their hearts to the love of God.
Give them the faith that leads to salvation.


Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Bridegroom and the Bride

   “Go, take yourself a wife of harlotry and have children of harlotry, for the land commits great harlotry by forsaking the Lord.” (Hosea 1: 2)

   The first three chapters of the prophet Hosea is the story of his marriage to the harlot Gomer.  Throughout their marriage Gomer was repeatedly unfaithful, committing adultery with many men.  Each time Hosea would seek her out, forgive her and welcome her back into his home.

   The symbolism is unmistakable.  Hosea represents God.  Gomer represents the Israelites.  Their marriage is the image of God’s covenant with His people.  As Gomer repeated betrayed Hosea through adultery, the Israelites betrayed God, committing adultery in worshiping other gods.  As Hosea repeated forgave Gomer, so God repeatedly forgave the Israelites, welcoming them back into His family.

   Our relationship with God is that of a marriage covenant; He is the Bridegroom and we are the bride.  This imagery is evident throughout the Bible.  Covenants are forever, they do not expire and do not require renewal.  God’s covenant with us is forever just as the marriage covenant between man and woman is intended to be forever.  It is based on an everlasting, forgiving love.  Love that always seeks to heal, never to destroy.

   We are harlots just as Gomer was.  We may not worship the pagan god Baal as many did in the time of Hosea but still we serve pagan gods.  When we hold anything in life above the one true God we are worshiping a pagan god.  Whether it be money, position or self it becomes our god.

   God will forgive.  Just as Hosea did, He will seek us out to reclaim us if we are willing.  He will forgive our adultery with other gods and welcome us back into His family and His home.  This is what a covenant means; to be always willing to forgive and reconcile.

   God is our Bridegroom and we are His bride.  Let us not be like Gomer but like our Blessed Mother who lived her life in total devotion and commitment to the Bridegroom.

Lord, teach us to love as You love.
Teach us to forgive as You forgive.
Help us remain true to our covenant with You.


Saturday, September 21, 2019


   I have been very blessed.  I have so much to be thankful for.  I have the love and support of four wonderful children.  I have the love and joy of grandkids.  I have friends who love and care about me.  I was blessed to share my life with a wonderful woman for over forty-eight years, sharing the incredible love God blessed us with.  Most of all I am blessed that God loves me and wants me as part of His family.

   Have there been struggles?  Of course, there are always struggles in this world.  Some are more difficult than others.  Most difficult of all is living my life alone since Karen is no longer with me.  She remains in my heart and will forever, but the loneliness can be overwhelming at times.  I am blessed even in this by the knowledge that I will be reunited with her when this life is over.  We will continue to share the eternal love God has given us and spend eternity praising Him.  Our love will never die.

   There will continue to be difficulties until this life is over and I truly rest in the peace of my Lord.  The problem arises when I begin to think I can deal with them without the help of God.  I’ve learned that only with Him can I truly move forward with life.  I knew it all along but now it is the life-raft I cling to each day.  He is with me, giving me comfort and peace.

   My life continues and the blessings continue as well.  I thank God for all He has given me and for the blessings I know He will continue to give.  I know I will continue to struggle but with His help I will endure.  It is only through His love, mercy and grace that I continue.  He is my rock and my salvation.

Lord, life is hard at times.
We suffer pain and loss.
Thank you for always being there.
Thank You for Your many blessings.


Friday, September 20, 2019

Change of Seasons

   I live in north central Florida.  Far enough south that I don’t have to worry about snowy roads, bur far enough north that I still enjoy some change of season.

   I find great comfort in the transition of seasons.  Regardless of how hot the summer has been, it will cool down.  For my friends in Michigan and other northern places cool down means mid 70’s or 60's during the day and mid 50's or 40's at night.  Sometimes we even get down to freezing for a few minutes at night (For those northerners laughing right now think about this when you’re shoveling three feet of snow from your driveway knowing that you’ll have do it again tomorrow).

   After the coolness of Florida’s version of winter I can look forward to the heat of summer returning.  And there are always the beautiful sunrises and sunsets I am blessed to see.  God’s world is so marvelous to observe.

   I look at my life in very much the same way.  In seasons of difficulty God will give me the strength to endure.  In seasons of peace and comfort I know that Satan will come calling trying to cause trouble, temptations and sins.  Still God will provide; he will help me reject Satan and his temptations and I will remain in the grace of God.  There is nothing that can’t be overcome with His help.

   Occasionally there may be storms, even hurricanes.  If I realize they will come and properly prepare they are no real problem.  In fact I see the majesty of God in the storms and do not fear them.  I prepare just like I do for temptations from the evil one.  I make sure I have what is needed to see me through them; for Satan’s calling I make sure I am safe in the arms of my Lord, for the hurricane I make sure I have needed supplies.  In either case God is in charge.  

   I look forward to the greatest of all change of season; that of transitioning from this world to eternity.  He calls me, He urges me to follow Him; I am one of His children.  He has prepared a place for me; it is up to me to live in such a way as to go that wonderful place.

Father, my life’s seasons change.
You strengthen me in times of trial.
You bless me with happiness and joy.
May I always live in Your will.


Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Holy Spirit

   “The earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the Spirit of God was moving over the face of the waters.” (Gen 1: 2).  Over the void and darkness of the world God’s Spirit was moving, creating in the will of God.  The Spirit will move within us as well if we allow.  He will lead us on the path of God’s will.

   “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to be born will be called holy, the Son of God.” (Luke 1: 35).  The Spirit created in Mary the child who would be the savior of the world.  The word become man to save the world from itself.  The sins of man had closed the doors to heaven; Christ came to reopen them.  Through the work of the Holy Spirit Mary conceived.

   “And when Jesus was baptized, he went up immediately from the water, and behold, the heavens were opened and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and alighting on him; and behold, a voice from heaven, saying, ‘This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased’”.  (Matt 3: 16 – 17).  The Spirit descended upon us at baptism as well.  He will instruct us, lead us, comfort us and show us the way to our heavenly home.  All we need to do is reach out to Him in faith and love.

   “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor, to be with you for ever,” (John 14: 16).  Jesus promised the apostles that the Holy Spirit would come.  On Pentecost that promise was fulfilled.  The Spirit comes to us as well.  He is our Counselor and our guide.  He will lead us on the path to salvation.

   How sad that so many reject the Spirit that dwells within them.  Whether they wish to acknowledge His presence doesn’t change the fact that He is there, waiting to help them in this life.  We need to look to Him; he will lead us.  We need to accept His counsel; He will show us God’s ways.  The Holy Spirit will lead us to the home God has prepared for us.

Father Your Spirit dwells within me.
May I look to Him in all things.
I seek His guidance.
I seek Your will in all things.


Tuesday, September 17, 2019


   “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give it to you.  Let not your hearts be troubled; neither let them be afraid.” (John 14: 27)

   Sometimes it seems my life is on a roller coaster.  One day I’m at the top of the hill, the next I’m at the bottom of the sudden drop.  Then there are the days when I feel upside down and spinning like a corkscrew.  I suspect those who read this blog regularly have seen indications of this in my writings.

   What I need to do is allow Jesus to take control.  On the days when I make a conscious decision to give all to Him, good or bad, the roller coaster ride is smoother and more fun.  It’s the days that I try to do it on my own that the ride gets really rough and scary.  Some days I question if I will make it through the day.

   I know in my heart that the solution lies in my Lord and my faith in Him so why do I even attempt to go it alone?  It’s always a mistake, some days a worse blunder than others.  I suppose it goes back to the cause for most sins and errors; pride.  Even though I know that I am nothing without God I still try to be independent and take care of things myself.  My Lord will let me do this if I please even though He knows it’s not best for me.  Thankfully He is waiting when I come to my senses and turn to Him.  He wraps me in His love and His mercy.  He brings the peace that the world can never provide.

   I suppose I will continue to make the mistake of trying to rely upon myself more than I should.  That’s one of Satan’s favorite ploys; let me believe I can do it on my own.  He knows I will fail every time and takes great delight in my failure.  And yet God still waits for me to return to Him and rest in His comfort.

Lord, I am nothing without You.
My life is utter confusion.
Help me to always turn to You.
To trust in Your love and mercy.


Monday, September 16, 2019

Pain and Suffering

   Why must those who trust in God experience pain and suffering?  One might expect that those who are faithful would be saved from such distress.  And yet it seems that they are sometimes the ones who suffer the most.

   “And to keep me from being too elated by the abundance of revelations, a thorn was given me, a messenger of Satan, to keep me from being too elated.  Three times I begged the Lord about this, that it should leave me; but he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’” (2 Cor 12: 7 – 9).  When we are at our weakest is when we most recognize and acknowledge the power of God.  We must remember that He will never test us beyond our abilities, but will help us through any storm, any trial.  His power conquers all.

   “He who loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; and he who loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; and he who does not take up his cross and follow me is not worthy of me.” (Matt 10: 37 – 38).  On many occasions Jesus told His followers to expect persecution, trials and tribulations.  If we refuse or reject them we are not worthy of Him.  He also promised that those who suffer for His sake will be rewarded, that they will be with Him in paradise.

   To me the bottom line is quite simple; He suffered for me, why should I not suffer for Him?  The pain my Lord suffered in His passion and death is beyond my comprehension.  He withstood beatings, the crown of thorns, carrying of His cross and a horrible death on that cross.  All for my benefit.  He paid the price I could not pay; the price of my sins.

   So yes, I will suffer.  Sometimes greatly sometimes not so terribly.  Sometimes in such anguish that I am uncertain of whether I can continue.  I will turn to the Lord and beg His help and strength and He will give it.  As with Paul, in my weakness is His power perfected.  I offer it all to Him.

Lord, You told us that we would suffer for Your sake.
Strengthen us in times of trial.
In our weakness, give us Your strength.


Sunday, September 15, 2019


   As a young man I’m not sure I ever considered eternity.  If so, it was a fleeting thought and I paid little attention to it.  In our youth I suspect most of us were somewhat indifferent to the concept of anything that was never ending.  We had more important things to occupy our time.

   Age brings change and at some point in my life eternity began to hold some importance to me.  At least I wanted to better understand the implications of being eternal.  Still I didn’t make it a focus of my life.  I had a family to support and care for; eternity could wait.

   Even after the kids were grown and gone the everlasting was not one the topics I spent most of my time considering.  Though it was just my wife and I, eternity wasn’t imminent so not enough thought was given to how my life should reflect a respect for my immortal soul.  Death and eternity remained a far-off dilemma that could be dealt with at the “proper” time.

   Since my wife has left this life eternity has become the most important focus of my life.  It is no longer a concept to consider; it is a reality that I feel deeply.  My spiritual health has taken on a new importance; I need to ensure that my eternity is spent in the presence of my Lord.  I need to know that I will be reunited with my wife when the time comes; together we will love and give all praise to our Lord.

   Everything else now takes a back seat to my concern for my eternal destination.  My prayer life has changed and deepened; my faith has grown stronger and more dominant in the way I approach daily life.  I feel God leading me in a new direction in my spiritual life.  I will follow where it leads.

   It many ways I no longer have much interest in this world; at some point it will pass away.  I don’t neglect the things I need to do for my well-being; I am not isolated from others.  In fact the love and support of family and friends is more important than ever before.  I pray that they recognize the great love I have for them.

   Eternity will come.  I will do all in my power to ensure my eternity is in the presence of my God and Father.  Amen!  Come Lord Jesus!

Lord, our life is short.
Eternity is forever.
May I always seek eternity in Your presence.


Saturday, September 14, 2019

The Power of Love

   Everything exists because of God’s will.  The earth was created because He said so.  All life, plant and animal came into to being because God willed it so.  Man and woman were created in the image of God because that was His desire.

   I exist because He says so; I came into being because He desired it.  By His will I live; by His will I shall die.  It is His will that, though my body dies, my soul is immortal.  It is eternal, never ending.  Everything that is came into existence because God said so.  His power is without end, nothing can be except by His will.

   We do not understand such power.  World leaders see power as a means to an end.  They seek it for their own their own benefit rather than that of those who are subject to their power.  Sadly, it seems many spiritual leaders see power in much the same way.  They are more concerned with their position, power and the honor they seek rather that the good of the flock under their charge.  Earthly power causes greed, hatred and war.  Earthly power corrupts.

   God uses His power for the good of mankind; for creation.  World leaders too often use their power to destroy rather than create.  Power becomes a means to control others, even if that control is gained by force.  God has all power but shares that power with those He wishes to follow Him.  He gives the power of free will; a choice rather than a demand.  God’s power offers salvation and freedom.

   Those in power believe they are powerful because that can force others to submit to them.  God knows that true power lies in love.  His power encourages others to freely choose to submit to Him because of that love.

Lord, all power is from You.
Give us the wisdom to use power for the good of all.
Teach us that love is the greatest of all powers.


Thursday, September 12, 2019

Love and Intimacy

   Our language has become sexualized.  Words that should not infer sex are now loaded with underlying sexual implications.  When I was young if someone were to say they were having a “gay old time” it meant they were having fun, enjoying themselves.  Today such an expression would imply homosexuality for many.  It’s the same word but the commonly understood definition has changed over the years.

   Even the word love gets confused with sexual relations rather than a giving of one to another; it suggests a physical relationship that may not exist.  We talk of “making love” when what we really mean is having sexual relations.  The meanings have become blurred.  Because of the blurring the beauty of true love is sometimes lost in the physical.

 If one says they are intimate with another it usually is understood that they have a sexual relationship with that person.  But intimacy really has no sexual inference; it is an extremely close relationship, not necessarily a physical one.  Once again, a beautiful relationship has become sexualized.

   The love and intimacy we should be searching for is that between us and our God.  Forget the physical and sexual connotations and seek love on the deeply spiritual level.  It is there that true love can be found.  Not only with our Lord but with each other.  The love of a husband and wife is to be a love of total giving of one to the other.  The love of family is a love of forgiveness and intimacy beyond the physical.

   Spiritual love of one another and of God is so much more intense and overwhelming that any physical act.  The love of God and of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit is a love that saves; a love that never ends; a love for all eternity.  This is the love our hearts and souls truly yearn for.

Father teach us to love.
A love of self-sacrifice.
A love of total commitment.
A love eternal and everlasting.


Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Bold Catholicism

   “So, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of my mouth.” (Rev 3:16)

   I am Catholic.  I will boldly proclaim my Catholicism to others when appropriate.  My faith tells me to do less is to endanger my soul.  The message of Jesus to the church at Laodicea clearly says I must not be lukewarm in my faith.  In some translations this warning proclaims, “I will VOMIT you out of my mouth”.  I think I prefer it that way; somehow to vomit seems more forceful than to spew.

   Being bold in my faith does not mean that I will be disrespectful of others.  It does not mean that I will try to convert everyone to Catholicism.  What it does mean, however, is that I will never water down my faith and belief to appease someone who disagrees.  I will state my case boldly but politely.  I will discuss differences but never argue about them.

   There is no circumstance that would cause me to deny the Doctrine of the Church.  The Trinity, One God in three distinct persons, is real; Mary is the Mother of God, was protected from sin by God and was assumed into heaven.  The Eucharist is the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of my Lord, Jesus Christ.  Abortion is wrong and always will be.  Sexual relations outside of a sacramental marriage is adultery and/or fornication.  A sacramental marriage involves one man and one woman, no more and no less.  The Ten Commandments are not suggestions they are the pathway to heaven.

   If those who claim the Christian faith, Catholic or otherwise, would take more of this bold attitude we could change the world.  Rather, I fear we are letting the world change us.

Father give me boldness in my faith.
Let me always stand for You and Your word.
Never let me weaken.
Make me strong in faith


Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Art and Artists

   I have been blessed by having the opportunity to spend two days in the Louvre in Paris.  It was a moving experience that remains with me to this day.  For a simple man from small-town Kentucky the Louvre was an awakening.  My heart was touched by the beauty of what I saw.

   I saw the Mono Lisa, the paintings of Rembrandt, Reuben and others.  Sculptures such as the Venus de Milo.  Works of art that have influenced so many people through the centuries.

   Yet, all that is on the canvas is just paint.  The sculptures are just pieces of stone.  In and of themselves they are nothing.  The beauty was in the artists who put the paint to canvas; the sculptors who saw the beauty hidden in the stone.  Without their vision and abilities there would be no masterpiece of art.

   The Mona Lisa is simply a small painting of a not so beautiful woman; it was the vision of Da Vinci that makes it an eternal thing of beauty.  Have you ever heard of Alexandro of Antioch?  He is the sculpture who carved the Venus de Milo.  His vision is what makes it a timeless treasure.

   I look at the beauty of the world and am in awe.  The colors in the sunrise, the majesty of a starry night or the power in the thunderstorm are incredible works of art.  The simple daisy or the majestic redwoods; all of nature is part of the artistry that is our world.  Can a person stand at the edge of the Grand Canyon and not be in awe?  Can we sail the oceans and not be humbled by the vastness?  All is beauty, all is glory.

   Just as art is the result of an artist and their vision, so too is the world and its’ beauty.  God created all and it is good.  It is from His palette that the beauty of sunrise is created.  It is His hand that carved the Grand Canyon.  Art does not create itself; it needs a creator.  The Mona Lisa had Da Vinci.  The Venus de Milo had Alexandro.  Our world, our universe and all the beauty and majesty within has God, the creator of all.

Father we marvel at the works of great artists.
Yet we take Your world for granted.
Help us to recognize Your glory and majesty.
Show us the eternal artistry of Your creation.


Monday, September 9, 2019

Prayers for the Will of God

   Each morning I say a short prayer thanking God for bringing me safely through the night.  I also offer Him the new day and ask that He guide me in His will.  I pray for the strength to follow His will for me regardless of what it may be.

   In some ways I think that prayer is a bit scary.  Do I really desire His will, or would I prefer a voice in what that might be?  Our Lord, on the night before His sacrifice on the cross, asked the Father to let the cup pass Him by, but subjected His own desire to the will of the Father.  Is this what I’m asking God; to allow me to suffer and perhaps die in His will?  Yes, I suppose that is exactly what I’m asking.

   I guess the point is that I need to be careful what I ask of the Lord; He might just answer me.  I pray that He will make me holy so I must be willing to allow Him to do whatever is needed to create holiness in me.  If I wish to be a saint, am I willing to undergo whatever cross, trial, or tribulation that may be necessary to achieve that end?

   It’s easy to say the prayer but understanding and accepting the possible consequences is perhaps a bit harder.  Saints are the ones who get rejected, scorned and sometimes martyred for the faith.  Holy men and women have been persecuted and tortured for their faith.  By these prayers I am effectively saying that I am willing to join them in their suffering and even death if that is His will.

   I believe that should such things be asked of me God will be there to strengthen me just as He has for others throughout the ages.  He will never abandon me but will help me bear whatever trial I may have to withstand.  Just before being stoned to death St. Stephen, the first Christian martyr, said, “Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing at the right hand of God.” (Acts 7:56).  This is the faith I pray for; this is the promise of the prayers I say; this is why I submit my will to that of God.

Father, my trust in You is complete.
You will never abandon me.
May Your will be fulfilled in me.


Sunday, September 8, 2019

Try, Try, and Try Again

   I was talking with a friend a while ago and she said how great it would be if God would just stop us before we sin.  I agreed but I also realize that is not the way it works.  God does not desire a world full of automatons who simply respond to His directives.  If we refuse to participate with His plan He will not drag us kicking and screaming to heaven.  He gave us free will because He wants us to voluntarily choose to follow Him.

   God will guide us, strengthen us and help us to avoid sin.  However, it takes our initiative to make it happen.  We must seek His help, ask for His guidance and pray for His strength.  It’s our responsibility to do those things that will lead us to God.  We have the choice of whether or not we will follow Him and try our best to avoid sin.

   Yet, no matter how hard we try we will continue to sin.  It’s in our DNA and has been since the fall in the Garden of Eden.  No matter how much we want to avoid sin we will still fail at times.  But by the grace of God and the mercy of Jesus we can be forgiven our sins.  No matter the sin, no matter how often, God will forgive if we truly repent and are sorrowful.  If we are willing to do all in our power to avoid sin, God will help us and again forgive us when we fail.

   It comes down to our effort and desire.  If we sincerely want to serve God and avoid sin we will be forgiven each time we fail.  If we do all in our power to follow His will He will help us.  God’s love is a love unknown to this world.  No matter how much we love another we can never even begin to understand the depth of God’s love for us.  This is the love that is our salvation.

   So try, try, and try again.  God knows our weakness and will help us if we sincerely try to walk His path in our life.

I’ve failed You many times I know
But when tonight I rest,
I hope that I can kneel and say,
Dear God, I’ve tried my best.


Saturday, September 7, 2019

Called to Silence

   “Heaven and earth are full of Thy glory.  Full of Thy mercy.  And I who am nothing have been placed here in silence to behold it and to praise Thee!”  (Thomas Merton, “A Year with Thomas Merton: Daily Meditations from His Journals”)

   As I sit in my kitchen eating breakfast I can watch the squirrels playing and the birds eating at the bird feeders.  Sometimes there are butterflies and hummingbirds feeding at the flowering bushes I’ve planted.  To me this is a beautiful part of the glory of God and His creation.  A wonderful gift He has given me to enjoy, it is a veiled glance at His true majesty.  A gift best enjoyed in silence.

   Though I am not prepared to enter the seclusion of the monastery as Thomas Merton did, I seek silence in my spiritual life.  In quiet prayer and contemplation I find a closer relationship with my Lord.  In the stillness I better feel His presence within me.  Though I will never experience the life of a hermit and would not want to, the silent times are very important to me.  In quiet prayer and meditation I close my eyes, open my heart and experience the joy of having God in my life.  In the quiet I commune with the Lord.

   The sunrise, the sunset, the gentle rain showers and even the occasional thunderstorm speaks to His majesty.  In silence I dream of the glory to come in His heavenly kingdom.

Lord, You give us a mere glance at Your glory.
And still I am in awe of the splendor I see.
The true extent of Your majesty remains hidden.
I pray for the day it will be revealed.