Thursday, August 31, 2023

 Belief in God 

   “A man can no more diminish God’s glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word “darkness” on the walls of his cell.”  (C. S. Lewis) 

   More and more people identify themselves as “none” when asked their religion.  They call themselves atheists or agnostics, but what they truly are is lost.

   Did you ever notice that many atheists go out of their way to debate Christians and those who believe in Christ.  Why should they care what anyone else believes so long as they are left alone in their unbelief?  I think at least some of them want to continue the debate because deep within they question their own argument.

   Christians enter the debate in the hopes of saving the souls of others by helping them find God in their lives, but what does the atheist hope to do?  Do they believe that faith in God is harmful and, therefore, the public should be warned?  I would suggest to those who do not believe in God to ask themselves a simple question, “What if I’m wrong?” 

   If I, as a Christian, am wrong and there is no God what has my faith cost me….nothing.  I have lived a life trying to love others and help those in need.  I’ve tried to control my earthly desires and wants and to serve my God in the hopes of spending eternity in God’s Kingdom.  If I am wrong and death is the end, so what.  I will simply cease to exist.  There will be no regrets or sorrows, just nothingness.

   However, if the atheist is wrong, they have lost eternal happiness and joys for the fleeting pleasures of the world.  For their prideful certainty that there is no God who made and guides this world and all that is in it, they have condemned themselves to an eternity of misery and sorrow with no hope of correcting their mistake.

   Christianity is a fact; it is the path to heaven and there is no other.  That is my belief, and I will live my life accordingly.  If some believe this makes me a fool, so be it.  I am not concerned with the so-called wisdom of this world, but with the reality of the next.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

 The Repentant Thief 

   “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” (Luke 23: 42) 

   Sometimes it seems to me that the thief on the cross, who barely knew Jesus at all, was the one who first fully understood who He was.  “Then he said, ‘Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.’  He answered him, ‘Amen, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise.’” (Luke 23: 42 – 43)  A death row criminal was the first to enter the kingdom of God.

   The apostles ran away when Jesus was arrested, Peter denied he even knew Him.  They seemed defeated and confused by His death even though He had told them that He must die and would be raised up on the third day.  Only John returned and was with the Blessed Mother at the foot of His cross.

   Thomas had lived and walked with Jesus throughout His ministry, but when told that Jesus had risen he said, “Unless I see the mark of the nails in his hands and put my finger into the nailmarks and put my hand into his side, I will not believe.” (John 20: 25).

   Perhaps it’s a lesson for those of us who will never have the opportunity to see and hear our Lord in this world.  The thief on the cross most likely had no idea of who Christ was before that day.  But seeing Him on the cross, praying for those who put Him there, he understood that He was the Messiah and turned to Him for mercy and forgiveness.

   When Jesus gave him the chance to examine His wounds Thomas replied, “My Lord and my God” (John 20: 28).  Jesus answered, “Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed.” (John 20: 29).  We, who have not seen, must still believe and say, “My Lord and my God.”

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

 The Right Road 

   “Thus says the Lord: ‘Stand at the crossroads, and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way lies; and walk in it, and find rest for your souls.’” (Jeremiah 6: 16) 

   There are many roads we can choose to walk.  We can even change our mind and choose a different path when we are satisfied with the one we are on.  If the interstate highway is too hectic we can take the back roads.  The trip might take a little longer, but we may arrive less aggravated and frustrated.

   However, one thing is certain whenever we go on a journey, if we take the wrong road we will never reach our destination.  We can’t arrive in Chicago if we head south from Indianapolis.  If our destination is San Diego, we will have a hard time getting there if we drive east from Phoenix.

   The one destination we should all be hoping to reach is heaven, God’s kingdom where those who love Him will know paradise.  There are maps that will lead us there as well.  The primary map to heaven is scripture but reading and learning of the saints and their way of life can give added help in our travels.  Joining others who are seriously seeking God gives us support on the journey, making the road a bit easier.

   But we must never expect to arrive in heaven if we choose the wide super-highway.  We must travel the far less crowded, more difficult way if we are to reach our destination.  Jesus warned us very clearly, “Enter by the narrow gate, since the road that leads to perdition is wide and spacious, and many take it; but it is a narrow gate and a hard road that leads to life, and only a few will find it.” (Matt 7: 13- 14).

   There are many roads but only one that leads to the kingdom of God.  Consider the last few words of the above scripture, “only a few will find it.”  Be one of the few who find the right road.

Sunday, August 27, 2023

 The Eternal Choice 

   “Choose, my soul, to which of the two you will go.  If you desire heaven, then you must walk in the way which leads to heaven.  If you should walk in the way that leads to hell, you will one day unhappily find yourself there.” (St. Alphonsus Liguori) 

   We are a people who have free will which means we can make our own choices in life.  We can choose what is wise and good or we can choose what is evil.  We take great pride in making choices even though we often don’t consider the lasting effects of those choices.

   Some believe any choice is valid so long as it harms no one, but every action we take has some effect on others as well as ourself.  Whether that effect is harmful or not we have no way of knowing.  But we tell ourselves, it’s still our choice and no one has the right to interfere.  Everyone else should just mind their own business.

   Of all the choices we make in life the one that seems to get most often overlooked is the choice of where we will spend eternity.  When this life is over that is really the only choice that matters.  None of the other choices we’ve made in life matters once we leave this world.

   We probably make millions of choices during our life, but only the choice of our eternal destiny goes with us when we die.  If we have walked the path that leads to heaven that will be our destiny.  If we have walked the path of sin and evil, we will spend eternity regretting that we made the wrong choice, with no way to correct it.

Saturday, August 26, 2023

 Believe and Follow 

   Jesus tells us, “Believe in God, believe in me also.” (John 14: 1).  He doesn’t say believe those teachings that we may find easy, but in all of His teachings.  Some are difficult to understand but that doesn’t lessen the truth of them.

   Even some of His disciples walked away from Him saying, “This teaching is difficult; who can accept it?” (John 6: 60).  Jesus did not call them back to explain the teaching, He had said exactly what He meant.  He let them walk away if they could not accept it.  It’s not up to us to choose which of His teachings suit us and are easy, but to believe every word that came from the mouth of the Son of God.  Nothing less is acceptable.

   Not only are we to believe but we are to follow, “Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross and follow me.” (Matt 16: 24).  If we truly believe in Jesus we must follow Him, carrying whatever cross we are called to bear.  It’s not enough to say “I believe” if that belief doesn’t lead to following.  Christ endured terrible pain and suffering for us.  He died a horrible death on the cross to pay the price of our redemption.  If we are not willing to follow Him, even all the way to the cross if necessary, we can’t honestly say we believe.

   Some of Jesus’ teachings are difficult and hard to understand.  But that doesn’t excuse us from believing and acting upon the truths He taught.  Through prayer and trust in God we can accept what we can’t understand and do what we may think impossible, all through the grace of God.

Friday, August 25, 2023

 A Cluttered Soul 

   I am doing some major cleaning and de-cluttering in my home.  I am  emptying drawers, shelves, and some cabinets to see what all I have that I never use.  It seemed to me that keeping things I never use is not only ridiculous, but selfish; giving those things to others makes so much more sense than allowing them to sit out of sight, out of mind and never used.

   What I have found has brought both joy and sadness.  There were photos that brought fond memories, some bringing tears. I’ve found all sorts of bric-a-brac that hadn’t seen the light of day for years.  There have been some things that I have just sat down and held for a while before putting them someplace safe.  I hope that when I’m gone they might mean something to my children, perhaps giving them a happy memory.

   It occurs to me that this is something that I need to do not only in my home but in my heart and soul.  Clutter is not good for the soul; that is where God is to dwell within me.  Archbishop Fulton Sheen wrote, “God writes His name on the soul of every man.”  When we write our name on something, we claim ownership.  If God writes His name on my soul He is claiming it for Himself, and I must allow nothing else to reside there.

   Hiding in the darkness of the soul there may be unholy desires, evil thoughts, maybe a grudge against someone who has harmed me in the past.  God will not stay in a soul that is cluttered with such as these.  I must remove them, offering to God a soul that desires nothing but Him.

   “Whoever loves me will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our dwelling with him.” (John 14: 23)  Life is full of clutter, things that leave no room for God.  When we clear out such clutter and keep the word of Christ, He will come and dwell within us. 

Thursday, August 24, 2023

 Happiness in God 

   "God has determined, unless I interfere with his plan, that I should reach that which will be my greatest happiness." (St. John Henry Newman) 

   In a world created by God you would think happiness would be easy to find, and yet it is quite elusive.  People search and search but rarely find true happiness.  Not because it isn't there but because they are searching in all the wrong places.

   C.S. Lewis wrote, “Human history is the long terrible story of man trying to find something other than God to make them happy.”  We have tried to find happiness in money, fame, sex, and in many other ways.  What these things all have in common is power, which is what drives these futile attempts to find happiness.  We believe power is the source of happiness, but God is the way to find joy in life.

   God gave us and continues to give us all we need to be happy.  If we turn to Him and offer ourselves to His will we will find happiness.  Perhaps not in this life but in eternal life.  Christians recognize that the happiness that awaits far outweighs any happiness the world might offer.

   For those who do not believe in God, waiting for happiness is a problem.  Rather, they try to find happiness in this world; they want it their way and they want it NOW!  A few moments of happiness in this world often robs them of eternal happiness in God’s kingdom.

   Look to God and you will find happiness.  He created us to be happy, He wants us to be happy, and He will give us eternal happiness.  He will lead us to eternal joy, but we must follow and quit second-guessing His plans for us.

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

 Personal Choice 

   Atheists and those who do not believe in God often try to support their apostasy by saying, “I can’t believe in a God who would send a person to hell for all eternity.”  If that was a valid statement it might have some merit, but it is not a valid statement.

   The reality is that God sends no one to hell.  We each make the personal choice of whether we will spend eternity in hell or in heaven.  The proper statement is, “I can’t believe that anyone who is loved unreservedly by God, whose only Son willingly gave His life for their redemption, would choose to go to hell.”

   If I want to belong to an organization I must accept the rules and bylaws of that organization.  If I don’t want to do so, I will not be admitted and rightly so.  If even earthly groups demand that their rules be obeyed why is God considered vengeful and unfair when He expects His rules to be followed?

   Society has determined that obedience is a form of slavery, of being forced to do something that we wouldn’t choose to do.  Obedience is understanding and accepting that God’s rules are the only way to freedom from slavery, slavery to sin and eternal condemnation.

   Sinners cannot blame God for their sinfulness.  He will welcome them with open arms if they choose to repent and change their life.  And yet they obstinately refuse His mercy and His love, continuing their evil way of life, all the while blaming God for the eternal punishment they bring upon themselves.

   “In just the same way, I tell you, there will be rejoicing among the angels of God over one sinner who repents.” (Luke 10: 15).  If there is joy in heaven over one who repents, I believe there are tears in heaven over one sinner who refuses to repent.


Tuesday, August 22, 2023

 The Little Things 

   The little things in life very often go unnoticed.  Society has trained us to ignore them, seeing only the big events and happenings.  There’s even a saying for it; “Don’t sweat the small stuff”.  This is a huge mistake; the little things, the small stuff is primarily what life is all about.

   Anyone who has been blessed with a happy, loving marriage can tell you that the little things matter more than the big ones.  Celebrations of special days and events are important and a good thing, but they occur only a few times a year.  The day to day events in life are what makes a happy couple.  Holding hands whenever possible, saying “I love you” many times throughout the day.  Loving each as if there is no tomorrow, for there may not be.  These are the things that bring couples closer together.

   Our spiritual life is much the same, it’s the little things that keep us on track.  Rarely is there a major spiritual event in one’s life, but there are daily blessings that go unnoticed every day.  Simply waking up is taken for granted.  We often complain about our aches and pains but rarely give thanks for a day without them.  We don’t even notice the beauty and majesty of God’s creation as we go about our day.  God blesses us in so many ways but how often do we take the time to say “thank you”.

   Set aside a few minutes each evening to look back over the day and see the blessings God has given you this day.  Notice the little things in life and give thanks.  We should live our life trying to please our Lord and I believe giving thanks for those blessings we usually ignore is a wonderful way to please Him.

Sunday, August 20, 2023

 The River of Life 

   I grew up in a small town in western Kentucky.  Finding fun things to do can be a challenge in a small town, especially things that don’t involve getting into trouble.  I must admit that my friends and I did a bit of both.

   From time to time we would go to the nearby river to picnic and spend the day swimming.  I suppose today most kids would turn up their nose at swimming in a “nasty” river full of fish and who knows what else.  But we had a good time and never got any weird diseases or infections.

   Thinking back on those days I came to realize something that never occurred to me as a kid; every time I stepped into that river I was stepping into different water.  The water that was there only a few seconds ago was now down river, replaced by water coming from upstream.

   Life is a bit like that river, it goes where it flows, and the water never returns.  We enter that river never knowing where it might take us; but take us it will.  The river is the will of God, and we are a tiny vessel trying to navigate it to our final destination, His kingdom.

   There will be rough waters and dangers to face.  We can’t avoid them, we must instead endure and overcome them.  We will be tested and tried and tempted by Satan along the way, but if we place our trust in God and allow our vessel to be carried along on His will we will reach our goal of eternal life in His presence.

Saturday, August 19, 2023

 Past, Present, Future 

   “As to the past let us entrust it to God’s mercy, the future to Divine Providence.  Our task is to live holy the present moment.” (St. Gianna Molla) 

   The past is just that – past.  There is nothing I can do to change it.  I wish there were a way I could correct the mistakes of the past, but they are done, and nothing can change them.

   There is no benefit to be had in worrying about my past sins and failures, they are forgiven and are no longer of any consequence to my spiritual life.  It is good to remember them from time to time only to remind myself of how easy it is to slip into sin, destroying my relationship with God.

   Like most people I often consider the future, making plans and hoping that things go well.  It would be foolish to ignore reasonable preparation, but it’s important to remember that the future is uncertain and may not come at all.  There is only one thing that is certain; at some point I must depart this life.   Everything, including the day and time of my death, rests in the providence of God.  The future that I must plan for is not so much for this life, but for eternal life in His kingdom.

   The past is gone, and the future may never come.  Therefore, I must live this moment and every moment for God, placing all my hopes and trust in Him.

Thursday, August 17, 2023

 Worthy Confession 

   Call it spring cleaning, a deep cleaning or whatever, my house occasionally needs a major cleaning beyond what I normally do.  It needs the attention of a professional who has the right equipment to thoroughly clear away the dirt and grime that has collected in the corners and hidden areas.

   I see my soul in the same light.  Mortal sin stirs the consciousness because of its wickedness and evil, making it nearly impossible to go undetected.  But I, like all humanity, am sinful.  Not a day goes by that sin does not occur in my life.  I fear there are crevasses in my soul where the “small” sins, the venial, even unknown sins of day to day life hide, going unnoticed.  Unless these are confessed and forgiven they will continue to fester and grow, perhaps easing the way to mortal sin, destroying my relationship with God.

   There is only one who can completely cleanse the soul, forgiving all sin, Jesus Christ.  Confession of my sins is necessary for this cleaning to occur, but it must be one of sorrow and with a firm desire to amend my life, to avoid sin going forward.  If my only reason for confession is to avoid hell, I am being selfish, not truly repentant.  My confession must be one of sorrow for offending God who loves me and deserves all my love.

   God sees deeply into my soul, into the small cracks that I am not even aware of.  He sees the sins that I don’t even recognize as sin. I must come to Him in sorrow, seeking mercy and forgiveness with a sincere desire to amend my life.  When I do, He hears the words of Jesus as He was dying on the cross, “Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.” (Luke 23: 34).  And I am forgiven.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

 Peace Within 

   “Life with God is not immunity from difficulties, but peace within difficulties.”  (C.S. Lewis) 

   I’ve never understood why some Christians seem to think that all should be well in their life because of their Christianity.  I find nothing in scripture that says such a thing.  Rather, those who believe in God suffer just the same as those who do not believe, sometimes even more so.

   What I do find promised to believers is the help and strength of God to help them through the difficult times.  No matter how hard life may become the Father will never let us be tested beyond our means to overcome the hardships.  In Him is the strength we need to conquer our difficulties.

   Those who do not believe are on their own in battling the troubles that come to them during this life.  Their friends and families may be of some help, but that help can’t compare with the love and compassion of God.  And even family and friends are apt to turn away when the difficulties are too great; God will never turn away.

   The peace we know is the peace promised by the psalmist, “Indeed, goodness and mercy will pursue me all the days of my life; I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” (Psalm 23: 6)

Monday, August 14, 2023

 Time for Silence 

   “A time to keep silence, and a time to speak” (Eccl 3: 7) 

   Those who know me can tell you that I have a bad habit of starting to talk before others are finished.  It’s rude and disruptive, but difficult to tame.  I ask that God give me the grace to control my tongue.

   I also fear that I may not hear God if I am always talking in my prayers and not listening.  How can I hear what He has to say to me if I never shut up?  That is why I have become drawn to a more contemplative way of prayer.  A time of silence, just focusing on God and what He might want to tell me. Not speaking, simply listening to hear His word.

   This time of silent communion with the Lord has increased both the depth of my prayer life and my faith.  It is then that I am at peace with God, comfortable and at ease in His presence.  I know that if I listen, He will lead me home. 

   Prayer is my “happy place”; it’s where I spend more and more of my time.  In the past I prayed when I had the time, now I take the time to pray and other things can wait.  The cares and concerns of this world are not nearly as important as my time with God in prayer.

   Elijah found God in the “light silent sound.” (1 Kings 19: 12).  God does not yell, He whispers.  If I am not silent I will never hear what He wishes to tell me.

Sunday, August 13, 2023

 Keep Holy the Sabbath 

   “Remember the sabbath day – keep it holy.” (Ex 20: 8) 

   The Sabbath has become not much more than any other day off, a day to enjoy ourselves in whatever earthly pleasures we desire.

   Fewer and fewer attend church and even those who do seem to think that is what keeping the Sabbath holy means.  Sitting in a pew for an hour and then doing whatever comes to mind the rest of the day is not keeping the Sabbath holy.  One might call that doing the bare minimum and even that is questionable.

   What do we do after church, or before church if we go to a later Mass?  Do we watch the trash that passes for entertainment these days?  Do we plan the days activities as if it were just another day off, with no regard for living even one day a week for God?  If so, we are not keeping the Sabbath holy.

   The Sabbath is the perfect time to read scripture or other books that may increase our spirituality.  Forego the movie full of crude language, violence and sex.  Instead, go to a park for a picnic lunch.  Enjoy the beauty of God's creation, giving Him thanks for all He has done for us.  The options for keeping the Sabbath holy are many, choose one and come closer to God.

   Take time to have a family meal, tell them how important they are to you and how much you love them.  Especially if you have children who have drifted away from the church take a moment to pray for their return.  Family is the basis for society; when the family suffers, all of society suffers.  Keeping the Sabbath holy can make the family stronger and benefit society as a whole.

   Maybe, just maybe, if we keep the Sabbath holy, that holiness will spread to the rest of the week.  Perhaps it will change our lives for the better, bringing us closer to our Lord.

Saturday, August 12, 2023

 Heaven On My Mind 

   “What eye has not seen and ear has not heard, and what has not entered the human heart, what God has prepared for those who love him.” (1 Cor 2: 9) 

   From time to time my mind turns to heaven.  I don’t consciously decide to think about heaven, I simply find that heaven is on my mind.  Perhaps because entering those gates is my greatest desire, or maybe it’s because I have confidence that my wife is waiting for me there.  Whatever the reason I spend quite a bit of time contemplating heaven.

   When I think of heaven I sometimes feel like a young child who has just found out that they are going to a major theme park for the very first time.  I feel excited, anxious, and curious about how it will be when I get there.  There are many ways of finding out what to expect at the park, but not so much about what to expect in heaven.  Still, the excitement and anticipation is great.

   I know and understand what Paul was saying in the scripture above.  Heaven is so wonderful, so incredible, that the human mind cannot even begin to appreciate what awaits those who love God.  Happiness, peace, love beyond compare; of course.  But what else will there be?  It’s impossible to know but enticing to consider.

   However, contemplating heaven may also bring possible danger.  If I become so enamored with trying to figure out what heaven is, I could lose sight of how I must live my life to get there.  An obsession, even with heaven, is not a healthy thing.

   I’m certain that my thoughts will continue to turn to heaven many times before I leave this world.  As long as those thoughts inspire me to live in such a way as to always please God I believe those thoughts will help me along the way. 

Friday, August 11, 2023

 Learn Christ 

   “If you learn everything except Christ, you learn nothing.  If you learn nothing but Christ you have learned everything. (St. Bonaventure) 

   The Jewish leaders had spent most of their lives learning the Torah and studying the prophets.  Yet with all their knowledge they failed to know Christ when He stood before them.  They crucified the One they had waited for all their lives.

   Some spend hours studying their faith, learning as much as possible about why they believe what they believe and how to share that faith with others.  This learning is important and useful, but it will not get them into heaven if they don’t have Christ in their heart, seeking His will in all things.

   Those who are ignorant of all earthly knowledge and are not learned in their faith, but who know Christ in their heart and soul will enter the gates of heaven.  They know Christ, they know He is the way, the truth, and the life.  All other learning, though valuable, pales in comparison with knowing our Lord and living our life to serve Him.

   At the judgement, Jesus will not ask about the college degree we earned or the success we achieved in our career.  He won’t quiz us about our knowledge of our faith.  He will only ask about how we lived that faith, knowing Him and striving to follow His will in our life.

   I am one of those who has spent a lot of time learning about my faith and I’m glad that I did; knowledge is a good thing.  But what I learned above all is that none of it matters if I don’t know Christ in my heart and in my soul.

Thursday, August 10, 2023

 Loving God 

   “God does not think it too much that He should give Himself entirely to you. Live your life, therefore, entirely for Him. Give Him all and in Him you will find all.” (Alexander De Rouville, “The Imitation of Mary”) 

   When I look at Jesus hanging on the cross I see the love of God.  A love so strong that He would sacrifice His own Son to pay the price of my sins.  On that cross Christ opened the door to heaven for those who would believe, and He did so with the greatest love known to mankind.

   I look back over my life and see the many times I spurned that love by my sins.  Rather than seeking the will of God, I sought my own earthly desires and pleasures.  Even then God’s love for me remained, never growing cold, never weakening.

   He could have taken me from this life during those times, justly condemning me for all eternity.  Instead, He was patient, giving me time to come to know Him and love Him as I should.  I wish it was possible to go back and undo the evil I have done, but I can't.  I can, however, give Him the rest of my life, loving Him and seeking His will in all things.

   I have, in the past, done many things to offend God.  Now I would rather die the most painful death than to ever again sin against Him. I deserved condemnation and He gave me forgiveness and mercy.  I deserved eternity in hell and He has shown me the path to eternal happiness in His kingdom.

   I pray for the strength to love Him more and more each day, to never again offend Him.  I ask Him to make me holy, to make me totally and completely one with Him.

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

 Keeping the Peace 

   “Peace I bequeath to you, my own peace I give you, a peace the world cannot give, this is my gift to you.  Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.” (John 14: 27) 

   Sometimes the world can begin to affect the gift of Christ’s peace within me.  There is much evil and sinfulness in the world, but those things can only rob me of my peace if I allow it to be so.  Instead, I can choose to see the blessings and beauty that surround me and recognize that all will be well; God is in control.

   The problems of the world may be many, but they are temporary.  They will one day cease to exist.  The world and all that is in it will disappear in the blink of an eye.  Jesus said, “In the world you will have trouble, but take courage, I have conquered the world.” (John 16: 33).  When we trust in His word we will know His peace.

   I look at the world and I can’t help but see the evil that is there.  But there is so much beauty and so many blessings as well.  Take a walk at daybreak and witness the beauty and majesty of a sunrise.  Hear the birds singing their morning songs of praise to God.

   Hold a newborn in your arms and be amazed by the new life God has given.  Feel the tiny hand grasping your finger, see the smile and hear the chuckle of an infant;  these things can’t help but bring joy and peace to your heart.

   Yes, there are a lot of problems in the world.  No, we can’t fix them all.  What we can do is listen to Christ, trust in His word, and know that the peace He gives can’t be overcome by the world.

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

 Pleasing God 

   “Now, my children, I give you this command: serve God sincerely and do what is pleasing in His site;” (Tobit 14: 9) 

   To please God is the work of a Christian, it is our purpose in life; it leads us on the path to freedom and eternal life.

   Pleasing God isn’t hard although it takes resolve, especially in a society that seems determined to eliminate all things Godly.  When others seek only to please their own selfish desires it takes strength and courage to stand apart; to seek to please God rather than self.

   Sacrificing for others, showing them love and compassion, is pleasing to God.  By serving those in need we are serving Christ who said, “Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.” (Matt 25:40).

   Loving another for the good of the other, willing to sacrifice our own desires, is pleasing to God who sacrificed His own Son for our salvation.  How can we look upon Jesus hanging on the cross and not recognize the love he has shown us; how can we refuse to share that love with others?

   Satan has filled the world with desires and pleasures that lead us from God.  Society is replete with selfishness and disdain for sacrifice.  What the world calls love is far too often based on what can be gained by loving another rather than loving them as they deserve to be loved.  Freedom has become the license to do whatever we desire with no thought of the consequences to others or to our very soul.  True freedom is the opportunity to serve God and spend eternity in His presence.

   Pleasing God in a wicked world is not always easy, but no one ever said it would be easy.  Pleasing God means seeking His will in all things, even though I may not always understand the why, and even when it is difficult.  But the reward of eternal life in His heavenly kingdom far outweighs any difficulties I may be called to bear.

Monday, August 7, 2023

 Society in Decline 

   “The outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is so great and their sin so grave, that I must go down to see whether or not their actions are as bad as the cry against them that comes to me.  I mean to find out.” (Gen 18: 20 – 21) 

   For years I’ve heard people say, “society is going to hell in a handbasket” because of the growing wickedness in our nation.  Some of it was hyperbole but there was some truth to it as well.  History shows that when society deteriorates beyond a certain point, that society and the nation that supports it dies.

   God will only tolerate evil for so long.  I fear that our society, our nation, is  nearing the point of extinction, of going the same route as Sodom and Gomorrah.  What is evil is called good and those who disagree are subject being “cancelled” from public discourse.  Polite discussion and debate are dead, only acquiescence and acceptance of the evil is tolerated.  Our government bows to the whims of a wicked society and punishes those who would fight against it.

   I have no choice but to live in the world, but I do not have to allow the world to live in me.  For me this means more time at home, exposing myself to the world as little as possible.   I am not yet a hermit, but more and more I am withdrawing from society at large.  It’s painful to watch the nation I love, the nation I served for over twenty years in the Navy, speeding down the path of destruction. 

   My peace and comfort come only from faith in God and the knowledge that all will eventually conform to His will.  Perhaps the people will reach the point where they can no longer tolerate the evil and begin to push back, forcing it back into the darkness from where it comes.  If not, I fear this society, this nation, will be lost forever.

Sunday, August 6, 2023

 The Transfiguration 

   “Jesus took with him Peter and James and his brother John and led them up a high mountain where they could be alone.  There in their presence he was transfigured; his face shone like the sun and his clothes became as white as the light.” (Matt 17: 1 – 2) 

   I consider the transfiguration one of the most important events in the life of Christ.  Not because it was necessarily His greatest miracle or teaching but because it gives me tremendous hope.  I may not be blessed to have actually seen Jesus transfigured and glorified as Peter, James, and John did, but that doesn’t lessen my faith that it occurred just as scripture says.  As St. Paul said, “We walk by faith.” (2 Cor 5: 7).

   When the day of resurrection comes, my body will be transfigured and glorified just as Jesus’ was.  I believe Jesus chose to allow the three apostles to see this event to give them strength for the trials to come in life.  To give them hope and confidence in what is to come in the next life.  It gives me strength and as hope as well.

   Even in this life I must undergo a transfiguration of sorts.  My life must be conformed to the will of God.  I must live my life for Him to the best of my ability and with His loving help.  All else is to become secondary; worldly desires must give way to God’s plans for me.  I need to submit my will to God’s, never considering the consequences, for that is what will lead me to my own Mt. Tabor when this life is done.

   My life is to be a journey of change and spiritual growth, a transfiguration if you will.  Each day is a step either forward or backward.  If I am not moving forward I am falling behind in spirit.  I know that I can’t do it alone; I am weak and sinful by nature.  However, as Jesus said, “For human beings it is impossible, but not for God.  All things are possible for God.” (Mark 10: 27).

Saturday, August 5, 2023


   “When I found your words, I devoured them; your words were my joy, the happiness of my heart.” (Jeremiah 15: 16) 

   If my happiness is not in the Lord it will not last.  If my happiness is not in God and all His ways it is not true happiness.  Only in God is there happiness that is true and everlasting.

   Everyone wants to be happy.  But happiness is illusive in this world.  What we think brings us joy may bring sorrow instead and the earthly things we desire may be what sets us on the road to hell rather than the path to heaven.

   Even if I should find some happiness in worldly things it will be short-lived.  Though it may last a lifetime, if it is not the happiness that comes from knowing God it will die when I do.  There can be no eternal happiness derived from earthy things; this kind of happiness must come from the Lord.

   If I were asked to give up all happiness in this life to gain eternal happiness in God’s kingdom it would be well worth it.  If all I have was taken from me, if I still have the love and mercy of God I am rich beyond compare.  “ For what shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole world and suffer the loss of his soul?” (Mark 8: 36)

Friday, August 4, 2023

 Fitting In 

   “You must give up your old way of life; you must put aside your old self, which gets corrupted by following illusory desires.  Your mind must be renewed by a spiritual revolution so that you can put on the new self that has been created in God’s way, in the goodness and holiness of the truth.” (Eph 4: 22 – 24) 

   Christians never have and never will fit in with society at large.  Our goals and objectives are vastly different and in many ways completely incompatible.  We must quit trying to straddle the fence and choose a side.  Either we are on the side of God or the side of society and the evil which permeates it, we can’t have it both ways.

   Non-believers, even our family and friends, will not accept the Christian way of life we wish to live.  They don’t understand it and, in most cases, have no desire to even try.  Our beliefs and the way we live our life is an embarrassment for some; they want us to tone down our “religious fanaticism" and be more “normal”.  They want us to fit in.

   When I chose to become an Oblate of the order of St. Benedict it was in large part because I wanted to distance myself from society and its ways, to live for God as completely as possible.  Taped to my mirror is a sentiment that I renew in my heart each morning, “I am a brother of the monks; I belong to the monastic Order; I am no longer of the world.”

   To live a Christian life is to live differently, in the world but not of the world.  It takes courage and it takes prayer, faith, and trust in God.  When this life is over my hope is to be able to honestly say, “I have fought the good fight to the end; I have run the race to the finish; I have kept the faith…..” (2 Timothy 4: 7 – 8)

Thursday, August 3, 2023

 What’s In A Name? 

   Newborns are given their names for many reasons.  In biblical times a lot of thought and consideration was given to what a child should be named.  Today the importance of names has all but been forgotten.

   Some names have meanings beyond just something to call someone.  The Archangels, Michael, Gabriel and Raphael are good examples of this; Michael means “who is like God”, Gabriel means God is my strength, and Raphael means “God has healed”.

   Even place names have meanings.  Jerusalem means "city of peace", Bethel is “house of God”.  Jesus’ birthplace, Bethlehem, means “House of Bread”, perhaps foretelling that the body and blood of Christ would be given as the Bread of Life, true food and true drink

   Jesus changed Simon’s name to Peter (Rock) saying, “So I now say to you:  You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church.  And the gates of the underworld can never hold out against it.”  (Matt 16: 18).  Peter would become the first Pope of the Church.

   Saul of Tarsus became Paul after his conversion on the road to Damascus.  He would become the apostle to the Gentiles, one of the greatest evangelists of all time.

   Those entering religious communities choose a new name for themselves, usually that of a saint or a devotion that has special meaning to them.  When I made my promises as a Benedictine Oblate I chose the name Joseph, the earthly father of our Lord.  St. Joseph is a model of humility and obedience to the Lord, even when obedience was difficult.  I also want to live with such humility and obedience before God and ask St. Joseph to help me in those efforts..

   Names are important, they mean something.  I think it would be good to return to the practice of taking the time to choose a meaningful name for newborns rather than opting for the latest fad.  A child is far more important than whatever happens to be popular in society at the time.

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

 Be A Doer 

   “Be doers of the word and not hearers only, deluding  yourselves.” (James 1: 22) 

   I think most of us are much more comfortable being hearers of the word than being doers of the word.  After all, hearing the word just takes a little of our time.  It doesn’t interfere with our life except for the few minutes spent in church on Sunday.  Being a doer might mean that we know longer fit in with some of our friends.  We may become unwelcome, even in our own family for rejecting the ways of society and speaking up for the ways of God.

   Earlier in life I was more of a hearer than a doer.  I heard but I didn’t really allow the words to change my life. Over time I realized that to be the person God wants me to be I must not only hear His words, but act upon them.  They must become the driving force of my life.

   The word metanoia means a transformative change of heart, especially a spiritual conversion.  If I have not undergone such a change in my life I am deluding myself and endangering my eternal soul.  Unless I am willing to give all to God, trusting in Him and all His ways I have no right to call myself a Christian.

   Christianity is not a passive experience; it is all encompassing.  I must not only hear the word, but I must also act upon those words.  Otherwise, I cannot expect to hear the words, “Come, you who are blessed by my Father.  Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.” (Matt 25: 34).

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

 Good And Evil 

   "My God, enlighten me; give me to understand that my only evil is to offend You, and my only good to love You. Enable me to spend the remainder of my days in serving You." (St. Alphonsus De Liguori) 

   What is evil and from where does it come?  Some think they can define evil for themselves; others look to earthly authorities and society.  They are only fooling themselves, for Jesus said, “They are blind men leading blind men; and if one blind man leads another, both will fall into a pit” (Matt 15: 14).  Evil always has and always will come from offending God.

   When I turn from God and close the door to the Holy Spirit I open the door to Satan and the evil he would have me do.  Though I may not consciously seek to serve the devil, that is who I will serve if I am not serving God.  It began in the Garden of Eden, it continues today, and will continue until the Lord comes again in power.

   The same is true of the good that I may be able to do in this world.  Of my own accord I can do no good since all good comes from God.  Any good that I might do comes from my desire to love Him and follow His will rather than my own.  All that is good is from God and from Him alone.

   When I understand that all evil comes from offending God by my sins and that all good comes only from loving Him I must realign my thoughts, my ideas, and, indeed, my whole life.  If I am to inherit eternal life, I must do all in my power to never offend Him, and to seek the good that comes from loving Him.