Sunday, October 31, 2021

 Love Is the Answer 

   “Light of the world, shine on me, love is the answer.  Shine on us all, set us free, love is the answer.” (Love is the Answer, lyrics by Todd Rundgren, John Wilcox, Roger Powell) 

   Throughout virtually all aspects of life there is a consistent thread.  That thread is love.  It may be misunderstood, misplaced, or even abused, but it seems that everyone knows that love is somehow the one constant that is necessary in life.  If we could learn to love as God loves the world would be at peace.

   As I read scripture I find love everywhere.  God created all that is out of love, He created men and women out of love.  His only Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, became man so that He could show the love of God in the flesh.  In love He gave His life that we might have eternal life with Him.

   When asked which is the greatest commandment Jesus replied, “You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.  This is the greatest and first commandment.  The second is like it; you shall love your neighbor as yourself.  The whole law and the prophets depend on these two commandments.”  (Matt 22: 37 – 40).

   It’s so easy to look at the evil in the world and hate, to despise those who propagate evil, caring for nothing but themselves.  Jesus never hesitated to call out evil and condemn it, but He never hated anyone.  He only offered forgiveness and salvation to those who would follow Him.

   There are many things we can do to serve God, but unless we do them with love, they are lacking what God asks of us.  God is love and He wants us to love, both Him and all His children. 

Father, You are love.

Teach us to love.

Take hatred from us.

Give us a loving heart. 


Saturday, October 30, 2021

 Communion With God 

   “Can you imagine any greater thing than to have communion with God himself and to be wholly absorbed by Him?” (Evagrios of Pontus, “The Book of Mystical Chapters, Meditations on the Souls Ascent”) 

   I can’t conceive of any greater blessing that to be totally and completely absorbed in God, living His will in all things.  Sadly, I’m not at all certain that such an experience is possible in this life.  However, it is certainly something to strive for and to look forward to in eternity.

    “You inspire us to take delight in praising you, for you have made us for yourself, and our hearts are restless until we rest in you.” (St. Augustine, “Confessions”).  We were created to be one with God and until we become one with Him, we can never be satisfied or truly happy.  It is that communion with God that I seek.  It is that communion with God that I believe everyone seeks even though they may not know it. 

   Peace of heart comes with peace with God.  When I am seeking His will I am at peace even though I sometimes fail in my efforts.  When I feel restlessness within, I understand that I have somehow strayed and need to return to the path He has established for me.  There is no peace without God in my heart.

   This world can never give me what I want; it can never provide true peace and happiness.  Only when I can be fully in communion with Him, totally absorbed into His being, can there be the peace that each of us was created to know. 

Take me unto Yourself Lord.

Let me become one with You.

Take from me the desires of this world.

Let me desire only You. 


Friday, October 29, 2021

 God In All Things 

   “When you are walking alone listen to the sermon preached to you by the flowers, the trees, the shrubs, the sky, the sun and the whole world.  Notice how they preach to you a sermon full of love, of praise of God, and how they invite you to proclaim the greatness of the one who has given them being.” (St. Paul of the Cross) 

   Too many people seem to want to isolate God to church, as if His presence is restricted to a building.  Jesus not only taught in the synagogues, but also walked with His followers, speaking to them not only in the things He said, but in His actions.  God speaks to us in much the same way.  We have His word in scripture, but we also have His creation everywhere we look.  There is nowhere we can go that God is not already there.

   There are also those who say they don’t need church, that the “world” is their church.  In some ways they are right, but a gathering of God’s people to give communal praise to the Lord and to listen to His word is a precept that is older than Christianity itself.  God established a covenant with His chosen people, the Israelites, calling them to be His family, to be a part of Him, to gather with Him.

   We need to see God in His creation, walk with Him, enjoying the beauty of all He has given us, giving Him thanks.  The splendor of His creation gives us visible evidence of His presence. 

   Then we must gather with others to give Him all glory and praise, receiving His word and the sacraments.  Gathering with others brings us closer together with the family of God and with God himself.  

You are everywhere Lord.

I see You in all things.

Open my heart to Your presence.

Let me walk with You always. 


Thursday, October 28, 2021

 Loving God 

   “The point is to love God a great deal.  How do we love God a great deal?  By loving Him little by little.” (Dom Prosper GuĂ©ranger, “The Spirit of Solesmes”). 

   Have you ever noticed that sometimes the simplest thing we may do for another is received with the greatest gratitude?  Especially between a husband and wife, it is so often the little things of daily life, the continuous giving of each other, that bind the two and make them one.

   I think my relationship with God is very much the same.  He knows that I cannot love Him as He loves me, but He knows too that I want to love Him more, and I believe that my efforts to do so please Him.  Children give so much to their parents in the little things they do each day.  If I am to be a child of God, I must try to please Him in the same ways.

   It’s become quite common in my daily life to say a simple prayer as the day progresses.  Nothing long, nothing detailed, just a quick, “Thanks Lord” or “Help me with this one please”.  One of my favorites is, “Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, pray for me.”

   Many saints have mentioned that simple, quick prayers throughout the day are beneficial in building a relationship with God.  In these simple prayers, offered throughout the day I communicate with Him; they bring me closer to Him.

   There are great things that can be done in service to God, but I will most likely never have the opportunity to do them.  Instead, I’ll continue loving Him to the best of my ability, always wanting to love Him more.  I will offer the simple things, the small, quiet prayers throughout the day.  I will give Him as much as I can in the knowledge that in His love He will accept my efforts. 

I wish I could do more.

In my weakness I struggle.

I offer the best I have.

Help me to offer better. 


Wednesday, October 27, 2021

 How Am I To Pray? 

   “For me, prayer is a surge of the heart; it is a simple look turned toward heaven, it is a cry of recognition and of love, embracing both trial and joy.” (St. Therese of Lisieux) 

   To me St. Therese has most perfectly described the essence of prayer.  It’s beauty lies in it’s simplicity.  How much more can I do than to turn my eyes and my heart to God?

   Some seem to think the more words used the better the prayer.  Their prayers go on and on usually praying for the same things over and over.  As if the number of times they ask increases the chances of the answer they want.  Rather, simply pray that God’s will be done.

   Others never approach God in prayer.  They simply ignore Him and go about their lives wondering why they are never truly happy.  They strive for satisfaction in their life but never realize that only in God can true satisfaction and happiness be found.  There are earthly pleasures and joys, but none that will lead to eternal life.

   St. Paul says we don’t know how to pray, “The Spirit comes to the aid of our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes with inexpressible groanings.” (Romans 8: 36).  If we are still, if we listen, if we open our hearts and our minds, I believe the Spirit will teach us how we are to pray.

   I would never consider trying to tell someone how to pray.  I would only suggest spending sufficient quiet time with the Lord, asking Him how you are to pray. Then be still and listen with your heart. 

My prayer is a simple one.

I am Yours.

Use me as You please.

Your will, not mine, be done. 


Tuesday, October 26, 2021

 The Winds of the World 

   “I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.” (Jimmy Dean) 

   Winds change; a northerly wind may shift to the northeast, a southerly wind to the southwest.  Sometimes the wind simply ceases.  If I am to reach my destination in a world tossed about by the winds of sin and evil, I must learn to overcome the wind regardless the direction in which it may blow.

   Each day I am buffeted by sinful winds.  The winds generated by Satan and his temptations.  Each day requires at least a slight adjustment in my sails to remain on course to God.  I can’t rely on the wind to guide me home, so I must rely on God, seeking His direction.  I must give Him the helm of my little boat and allow Him to bring me to safe harbor.

   “He woke up, rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, ‘Quiet! Be still!’  The wind ceased and there was great calm.” (Mark 4: 39).  When I feel my ship is about to be swamped I trust that Jesus can calm the violent seas and quiet the wind.  Though I may not even know that He has acted, He watches over me in times of rough seas and troubles.

   Only the coming of Jesus in His glory can change the sinful winds of the world.  Until then I must trust myself to Him, assured of His love and mercy, knowing that he will guide me safely home. 

The winds of sin are everywhere.

But you calm them.

Temptations abound.

Give me the strength to reject them. 


Monday, October 25, 2021

 In The Silence 

   Silence has become a friend to me.  A safe place far from the world and it’s problems.  A place where I can be at peace with my Lord and simply be.

   I’ve gone on many silent retreats in my life and they have always been spiritually refreshing.  I sometimes feel as if I am now on a continuous silent retreat.  There is no one in the house but me, the television is rarely on, and if it is it is usually tuned to some relaxing music.

   Of course, I still interact with others at various times.  I very much enjoy the company of my family and friends; they are a blessing in so many ways.  The meals we share, the conversations we have bring me great joy.  Companionship is necessary; God said, “It is not good for man to be alone.” (Gen 2: 18). 

   However, most of my time is in silence in my own personal monastery here in Ocala.  Unless I am at a dinner with friends or family all sources of noise or distractions in my home are in most cases ignored or silenced by no later than six o’clock.  The rest of the evening belongs to me and God.  I read, I pray, I listen; I grow closer to God in these quiet times.

   Silence is probably not for everyone, but I have found great peace and joy in my quiet times with the Lord.  The hours I spend in quiet communion with Him as some of the best hours of my life. 

There’s too much noise in the world.

Silence is hard to find.

I need the quiet to be with You.

To come to know you better. 


Sunday, October 24, 2021


   The older I get the more my past comes to mind.  I’m retired and no longer in the day to day rat-race of life.  My only concern now is to be able to say with Paul, “I have competed well; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith.” (2 Tim 4: 7)

   In my mind I relive the joys of my life.  The night my wife accepted my proposal and the day we became one in marriage.  The time I held our first child, a new life created by God and the love between us.  The time I first held each of our other children, more lives to love and try to properly raise, four in all.

   I recall the Sunday afternoons on the Bell family farm.  The great food I can still almost taste and the beauty of just sitting and enjoying a quiet day in the country.  One of my fondness memories is of Christmas at my grandmother’s house, visiting with cousins I rarely saw otherwise.

   I remember my wife walking into my office one morning and asking, “How would you like to go to Paris this weekend?”  She had found a special deal and wanted to go, so we did.  I remember our visit to Italy; Rome, and the papal mass celebrated by Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter’s Basilica.  So many wonderful memories of our life together.

There are also the memories of the sins I have committed over the years.  Sins forgiven by a merciful God but still called to mind to remind me that I must always be on guard against Satan.  Sins forgiven to remind me of the love of a forgiving God, a Savior who died on the cross for me.

   These memories allow me to quietly bask in the good times, the many blessings God has bestowed upon me.  They also remind me of how easy it can be to slip away from God, following the path Satan would have me follow.  They were all part of God’s plan for me.  A plan that I don’t fully understand but one that will lead me to Him in the next world. 

I thank You for the many blessings.

I sorrow for the many sins.

May Your plan be fulfilled in me.

May I enjoy enteral life with You. 


Saturday, October 23, 2021

 Be Joyful 

   It takes so little to bring joy to a child.  A new toy, regardless of cost; a hug from a loving parent; watching a worm wriggle across the sidewalk; all these things can give boundless joy to a youngster.

   How wonderful it would be if we could hold onto that ease of being joyful as we mature.  Sometimes I wonder if the innocent child is not far more mature than the so-called adults.  They understand how to enjoy the simple things in life.  They are amazed at each new discovery they make.

   Children usually have two speeds, full speed ahead or full stop.  They play as long as they have the energy, then crash once their energy is spent.  Adult’s, on the other hand, work long hours to obtain things of little lasting value in search of the joy a child finds in the simplest of pleasures.  New cars, new houses, more money mean little to our children, but many adults work themselves into ill health to get more of things that will belong to someone else once they are gone.

   There is so much joy to be had in this world if we take the time to notice it.  In our efforts to obtain more earthly pleasures and treasures we overlook the simple things that can bring the greatest joy.  The true treasure is the love of God and love for one another.  Nothing else really matters and nothing other than this love will bring true joy into our lives.

   Children know how to be joyful; we need to learn from them.  Jesus said, “Let the children come to me and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matt 19: 14).  If the kingdom belongs to the children, let us become more childlike in our love, our faith, and in our trust in God. 

You said we are to be like a child.

Give us a childlike trust.

Help us to see the joys of this world.

That we may find greater joy in knowing You. 


Friday, October 22, 2021

 True Love 

   “But God proves his love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8) 

   This morning I spent some time on my knees before the crucifix, looking up at my Lord nailed to the cross.  I am always both thankful and sorrowful when I consider the sacrifice He made for me.  I know it should have been me who was nailed to the cross, it was my sins that needed atonement.  Yet only a perfect sacrifice could atone, and perfection isn’t part of humanity.  Out of His great love, Jesus paid the price for my sins with His life, offering me eternal life.

   I wish there were a way for me to repay Him but it simply isn’t possible.  Everything that exists was created by Him and belongs to Him; what could I give Him?  Then it occurred to me that true love is unconditional.  It is not given as a means of gaining repayment or favors from another, but only for the good of the other.

   I can’t repay, but I can give thanks to Jesus for opening the door to heaven, for offering me redemption and the forgiveness of my sins.  I can do this by offering Him my life; He lived for me, let me live for Him.  I can offer Him my joys and happiness; it all comes from Him.  I can give Him thanks even for my pain and sorrows, they are a sharing in His pain and sorrow, they bring me closer to Him.  I can offer Him my death; He died for me, let me die for Him.  Most of all I can give Him my love, even though I can never love as He loves.

   Jesus does not expect repayment, His gifts are from His perfect love.  He demands nothing of me and yet still loves me.  He gave His all to offer me salvation and eternal life with Him.  It is up to me to give my all to Him.


Your love has no strings.

You give it freely.

Take my love I pray.

Let me give myself to You.



Thursday, October 21, 2021


   When I think of the house I lived in when I was a small child, just beginning grade school, I picture the rooms as quite large, the house sitting on a good sized lot.  However, when I’ve gone back and looked at the house I see it was very small house on a tiny lot.  Things appear very different from a child’s perspective.

   My perspective about many things has changed over the years, about love, about God, about eternal life.  I was raised with little to no religious experience, it was simply something we didn’t do.  My childhood was essentially absent God and any knowledge of Him.  Without God I don’t believe I could really know about love and certainly had no concept of eternal life or the plans He had for me.

   It took marriage to a faithful Catholic woman to bring God into my life and I am so grateful.  I often tell people that I thank God for bringing Karen into my life and I thank Karen for bringing God into my life.  Without her and her influence I fear to think what my life might have become.  I have no doubt that she was instrumental in God’s plan to save my soul.

   As I grow nearer the end of his earthly life I look back on many things with a different perspective.  I used to want to shame my parents for the lack of God in my early life, but now I realize that I have no understanding of why it was that way, of what influences may have affected their lives.  My prayer is that they found God in this world and are now with Him in the next.  There are many parts of my childhood that are better left forgotten but I have to believe that they were part of God’s plan for me.


   “For I know well the plans I have in mind for you….plans for your welfare and not for woe, so as to give you a future of hope.” (Jeremiah 29: 11). 

I see things from a human perspective.

I can’t know You plans for me.

I trust myself totally to Your will.

Lead me where You choose. 


Wednesday, October 20, 2021

 He Will Come Again 

   “You must also be prepared, for at an hour you do not expect, the Son of Man will come.”  (Luke 12: 40) 

   Behind the altar at my parish is a very large stained glass crucifix.  Just below the feet of our Lord an hourglass is present.  It is there to remind us that the sands of time are constantly growing less and less.  At some point the final grain will drop and time will come to an end.

   The end of time can refer not only to the end of the world, but also to the end of my life on this earth.  In either case I need to live my life as if it may come at any moment, which in fact it may.  I can’t delay, I can’t postpone that day, so I must be ready for it’s coming.

   Only God knows when the last day will come, for me or for the world.  Many people try to read the signs, hoping to determine if the end is near. However, Jesus said, “But of that day or hour, no one knows, neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” (Mark 13: 32).  If even the angels in heaven and the Son do not know when the end will come, how came mere humans expect to know?

   Even though I can't know when the end will come, it really doesn’t matter if I am ready for it.  The end, either of my life or of the world will usher in the peace, joy, and happiness God has intended for us since before time began.  Assuming, of course, that we are prepared. 

“The one who gives this testimony says, ‘Yes, I am coming soon.’  Amen!  Come, Lord Jesus!” 

I don’t know the day Lord.

Help me to be ready.

Lead me on the right path.

When You come, take me to Yourself. 


Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Hope for Victory 

   “Have a firm hope that you will attain the victory; but do not presume on this, for then there is danger of your becoming careless and proud.” (Thomas Ă  Kempis, “The Imitation of Christ”) 

   Arrogance and pride destroys any hope of victory in achieving holiness and salvation.  When we become convinced that we have reached our goal, we risk becoming complacent, believing that we have done all that is necessary.

   Jesus said, “If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” (Luke 9: 23).  To follow Jesus is a continuing journey, it doesn’t end with baptism, or confession of our prior sins.  It is a daily effort to continue to live by our baptismal promises and to always seek the Lord’s forgiveness for our sins.

   “If we say, ‘We are without sin,’ we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.) (1 John 1: 8).  There is not a day that passes when we do not sin.  If we don’t recognize this truth and continue to seek forgiveness our sins will multiply and grow in seriousness.  Satan will tempt us in minor ways initially, hoping that we will grow accustomed to them and consider them as unimportant.  Once that is done, it is an easy step from our minor failings to more serious sins, destroying our relationship with God.

   If we are to hope for victory over sin, for holiness and salvation, we must remain vigilant, never letting our guard down.  We must call on the Lord to strengthen us and to forgive us for our failures.  Only in this way can we hope to achieve the victory; to gain holiness and salvation. 

We are a sinful people.

Our sins are many and often.

Strengthen us to avoid sin.

In Your mercy forgive us when we fail. 




Monday, October 18, 2021

 God Is With Us 

   “Wherever I am, God is with me, even on a chaise lounge.  I believe, I hope, I love.  I am and I do what I am supposed to be and do.”  (Dom Paul DeLatte, “The Spirit of Solesmes”) 

   I think some people believe they can escape from God’s presence.  They want to visit Him in church on Sundays but live the rest of their life as if He isn’t there.  However, there is not a day, or an hour, or a minute when God is not with us.

   God’s presence brings me comfort and strength.  Regardless the difficulties I may have to face, I know that He is there to encourage me and give me the strength needed to overcome any hardship.  “God is faithful and will not let you be tried beyond your strength; but with the trial he will also provide a way out, so that you will be able to bear it.” (1 Cor 10: 13).

   His presence reminds me that I am His and am to follow the path He sets before me.  There is never a time that I am away from Him and there is nothing I can hide from Him.  Just as a child is more likely to behave properly when their parents are with them, God's presence encourages me to live according to His will as best I can.  Even when I sin, He is still with me; I can go to Him in sorrow, and he will forgive me for my failures.

   Life is difficult at times, God's constant presence eases those difficult times.  In joyful times, His spirit increases the joy, reminding me that all joy and happiness is from Him.  I fear I would be lost if He were to abandon me for even a second. 

   “Behold, God’s dwelling is with the human race.  He will dwell with them and they will be his people and God himself will always be with them.” (Rev 21: 3).

Sunday, October 17, 2021

 Give Thanks to the Lord 

   “Give thanks to the Lord, who is good, whose mercy endures forever.” (Psalm 106: 1) 

   The United States is one of the wealthiest nations in the world.  Even the poorest among us would seem rich to many of the people in this world.  And yet there is so much griping and complaining and so little thanks given to the Lord who has blessed this nation so greatly.

   In my travels in the Navy I visited places where people truly hungered.  Not because they didn’t have the great variety of food available to us, but because they didn’t have enough food of any kind.  A cup of rice was a meal, a small piece of meat or fish a blessing.  We think we have been wronged if our T-bone steak isn’t prepared exactly to our liking.

   Abundance can sometimes be a curse.  It causes unsustainable expectations and when those expectations fall short people think they have been wronged in some way.  Times of need and sacrifice are necessary to help us appreciate all the Lord has done for us.

   Each day we are blessed in so many ways.  We have come to consider them our due, our right.  We think we deserve the better things in life, never considering that we would have nothing if not for the grace of God.  Our very existence is a gift of the Lord.

  We would be much happier and better satisified if we would keep in mind that it is the Lord who has blessed us so greatly and give Him the thanks that He is due. 

“It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praises to your name, O Most High; to proclaim your steadfast love in the morning, and your faithfulness by night…” (Psalm 92: 1 -2),

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Learned Ignorance 

   “Be still and know that I am God!”  (Psalm 46: 11) 

   I have spent a lot of time over the years in trying to better know my faith, researching the beginnings and growth of the Church.  I’ve researched the doctrines, dogmas, and practices to better understand where and why they originated.  I continue to study and learn but have come to realize that I will never know all there is to know.

   What I have learned is that I am not capable of, nor am I intended to know and understand everything of God’s will.  As God told Isaiah, “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, my thoughts higher than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55: 9).  Isaiah is considered one of the greatest prophets of the Lord.  If even he could not fully understand the ways of God, I certainly have no hope of understanding all.

   I am at a distinct disadvantage when it comes to knowing the ways of God; He is perfect, and I am far from it.  How can I expect to understand the One who created this universe and all that is in it?  I can’t!  I can try to better understand but I must recognize that much of it is far beyond my ability to comprehend.  Perhaps I will fully understand in the next life, but never in this one.

   I will continue to study and learn more about my God and my faith.  I believe I have a responsibility to understand as best I can so that I can serve Him better.  However, I will also remember that He is God, and I am not; His ways are far beyond my simple understanding. 

I want to know You better.

I want to understand.

But I am a simple man.

Teach me Lord. 


Friday, October 15, 2021


   “Never be idle: read, write, meditate, pray, or work for the good of the community.” (Thomas Ă  Kempis, “The Imitation of Christ”) 

   There’s an old saying about idle hands being the devil’s workshop.  Like many old sayings, there is a lot of truth in this one.  When I am just sitting around, not involved in something either mentally or physically I find that thoughts better left unthought come to mind.

   It is rare that there is a time when there isn’t something productive that I could be doing.  Housework is a never-ceasing need, as is taking care of the yard, the car, and various other things in life.  So why it is that I find myself sitting in front of the television watching something of no value, calling it entertainment?  Why am I not at least reading something worthwhile or watching a move or television shows with a decent message?

   I know full well the value of having some “down time” occasionally.  We all need it to simply rest and relax.  However, it’s so easy to allow these idle times to become dominant, a habit that can be hard to break.  Sometimes I sit down to watch one show on television and before I know it, I’ve spent the whole afternoon with the television rather than with God.

   I suppose it’s not possible to avoid idleness completely.  As I said, a certain amount of it is necessary to avoid burn-out which would result in even more idleness.  To me the important thing is to be aware of my idleness and not let it become a problem.  Idleness is, indeed, the workshop of Satan; avoiding it helps me come closer to God. 

Father, I can’t be busy all the time.

There is a time for rest and relaxation.

Even at rest, let me keep You in mind.

Let me relax in Your love and mercy. 


Thursday, October 14, 2021

 Living Day to Day with God 

   Every day is a new beginning, every night is, in a sense, a new end.  I go about the day trying to live in God’s will even though I often fail.  In the evening I pause in recollection of the day, thanking Him for His blessings and seeking forgiveness for any sins I may have committed during the day.  Then I go to bed, never knowing if there will be a new beginning in the morning.

   There is much beauty and so many blessings to be had in this world.  God wants me to be happy in this life and if I am not happy it can only be my own fault.  In His blessings there are many reasons to be happy.  I must always focus on those blessings, remembering that there will also be times of trial and difficulty.

   I do not expect that this life will be one joy and happiness, never to experience pain and sorrow.  Jesus made it very clear that I will face trials and misfortunes in this life.  But He also promised that He will be there to help me carry any cross that I may to called to bear.  Nothing is impossible with the help of God.

   I often think about which is more desirable, to begin another day in this confused, sinful world or to leave this world for the world to come.  In my heart I know I prefer eternity with God, but it’s not up to me.  Only God knows when the end will come.  Until then, I will try to live by the words of St. Paul, “For to me life is Christ, and death is gain.” (Phil 1: 21). 

Each day is a new beginning.

Let me live every day for You.

I yearn to be with You eternally.

Help me live to make that wish reality. 


Wednesday, October 13, 2021

 God’s Plan 

   “For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.” (Jerimiah 29: 11) 

   I don’t question that God has a marvelous plan in mind for me.  One that will lead me through this life to eternal life with Him.  I just wish He would be a bit clearer in sharing that plan with me.

   I try to live for God but find myself living for myself.  It’s hard to submit all to His will, but that is what I’m called to do.  Each morning I ask Him for the wisdom to better know His will and for the strength to follow it.  I do try throughout the day, but I still fail at times.  When I review the day, thanking God for His blessings and searching for those times when I have failed Him there are always instances when I did what I should not have and didn’t do what I should have.

   God is a merciful and forgiving God, and I draw my strength from that truth.  He knows I am a weak man, a man conflicted and torn by the evils and temptations of this world.  He also knows that I want to follow His will even though I fail at times.  Perhaps part of His plan is to help me better know His love and mercy by showing me how much He still loves me, even though I have failed Him so many times.

   I will continue to try, and I know there will always be failures.  But I trust in God and His merciful love to save me from myself.   His plan is to lead me to Him, and He will do it. 

You know me better than I know myself.

You know my sins before I do.

Still, You love me and forgive me.

Help me to love and serve You more completely. 


Tuesday, October 12, 2021

 Pearls of Great Value 

   “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant searching for fine pearls.  When he finds a pearl of great value, he goes and sells all that he has and buys it.” (Matt 13: 46 – 46) 

   The pearl spoken of by Jesus in this parable is not one of great monetary value.  We can’t place a value on heaven, on the salvation of our soul.  The greatest pearl is the love and mercy of God.

   I was eighteen years old and had been in the Navy less than a year when I asked my wife to marry me.  To my great joy she said yes!  Since money was very tight, the engagement rink she accepted was quite inexpensive, a small diamond in a simple setting. 

   Over the years, as finances improved, I tried many times to replace that ring with one with a larger diamond and nicer setting.  Each time she refused, saying that she had accepted my proposal and my love with that ring and that was the most valuable ring she would ever own.

   During our marriage I bought many pieces of jewelry for my wife, some quite expensive, but she clung to that cheap engagement ring.  I finally came to realize that the cost of the ring was not what she prized but the love it represented.  I continued to buy nice things for her but never again tried to replace her “pearl of great value”.

   If we could grasp the true value of the things in our life rather than how much they cost, I think we would be much more satisfied with what we have.  If we can envision heaven as our pearl of great value, knowing that all in this life will pass away, I know we can grow closer to our Lord. 

Father, money cannot buy the pearl of great value.

You offer it freely by Your love and mercy.

May I always seek that pearl.

May I always remain in Your love. 


Monday, October 11, 2021

 Rest in God's Peace 

   “My soul rests in God alone, from whom comes my salvation.  God alone is my rock and salvation, my fortress; I shall never fail.” (Psalm 62: 2 – 3) 

   Everywhere I go I hear complaints; complaints about the political environment in the nation; criticism of our political leaders on both ends of the spectrum for not doing enough or for doing too much.  Even in the Church there is unrest and concern over the actions of some of our church leaders.

   Rarely do I hear anyone thanking God for those blessings that He has bestowed on us, and for the blessings He continues to bestow on us.  It seems everyone is so pre-occupied with earthy things that there is no room for the spiritual.  We seem to forget that everything we are concerned with in this world will pass away.  Only eternity is forever.

   There are times when I get caught up in this lose-lose trap of placing too much attention and concern on worldly matters.  I sometimes feel my peace slipping away and it scares me.  Satan attacks from all directions, but if I allow the evils of this world to distract me from God I am playing directly into his hands.

   When I feel myself becoming agitated by earthly events, I try to stop and turn my thoughts to God.  By thanking Him for the blessings He has given me and for the blessings He continues to give I can regain my peace of mind, and more importantly, my peace of soul.

   “The one who gives this testimony says, ‘Yes, I am coming soon.’  Amen!  Come, Lord Jesus!” (Revelations 22: 20).  The world, as wonderful or as messed up as we may consider it, will pass away.  Eternal life with God never ends. 

Our hearts are meant to rest in You.

But Satan intervenes, bringing evil.

Help us reject the evil, and rest in You.

Let us look to You as our rock of peace. 


Sunday, October 10, 2021

Asking God 

   “Whatever you ask for in prayer with faith, you will receive.” (Matt 21: 22) 

   Jesus spoke those words to His disciples and His words apply to us as well.  But it’s important to be certain that what we ask is what we truly want.

   What am I to ask of God?  What is truly worth asking of God?  I ask so many things but am I asking the right things?  These questions haunt me at times.

   Am I asking with proper faith?  Jesus told His disciples “Amen, I say to you if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move.” (Matt 17: 20).  Do I have faith the size of a mustard seed?  I would like to think so, but am I really confident that He will do what I ask or is there some small question in the back of my mind?

   And then there’s the question of what I should ask.  I’m not too concerned with moving mountains, but there are things I ask for that I believe are important and proper.  But does my understanding of important agree with God’s?  Is what I think proper, truly proper in God’s eyes?  How am I to know?

   I’ve concluded that the one thing I want more than anything else is for Him to make me holy.  And I’ve also decided that it’s not up to me to tell Him how, but simply accept the holiness He wishes to bestow upon me.  If I ask sincerely, with no question that He will grant my prayer, leaving the details to Him, I am confident that He will lead me to the holiness He desires for me. 

Father, I ask for so much.

But only one thing really matters.

I ask You to make me holy.

And entrust myself to Your will. 


Saturday, October 9, 2021

 What Have I Done? 

   “On the day of judgement we will not be asked what we have read, but what we have done; neither will we be asked how well we have spoken, but how devoutly we have lived.” (Thomas Ă  Kempis – “The Imitation of Christ”) 

   I have spent a lot of time reading about and studying my faith.  I think it is very important that we all know our faith as well as possible.  If not, we can easily be taken in by false prophets and wolves in sheep’s clothing.  A good knowledge of God and our faith is vital if we are to lead a fully Christian life.

   But it doesn’t matter how much I know about my faith if I don’t put it into practice.  I can know all the doctrines and dogmas and be able to quote scripture on many subjects.  I may be a great orator, impressing all who hear me speak.  But if I have not lived my life for God, I’ve done nothing.

   The priests, scribes, and Pharisees of Jesus’ time were very knowledgeable in the Torah, and its laws.  They knew the prophets and their prophecies.  And yet they could not see the completion of those laws and the fulfillment of those prophecies in Jesus.  As a result, they failed to recognize the one who could offer them eternal life.

   Jesus said, “And the king will say to them in reply, ‘Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.” (Matt 25: 40).  When I stand before the Lord at my judgement, He will not review my diplomas or educational accomplishments; He won’t analyze the words I’ve spoken or written.  I will be judged on how I lived my life. 

Father, help me to better know You.

Help me to better know my faith.

Above all, help me to live my life for You.

Loving You and all your children. 


Friday, October 8, 2021

 There Is Still Time 

   “There is still time for endurance, time for patience, time for healing, time for change.  Have you slipped?  Rise up.  Have you sinned?  Cease.  Do not stand among sinners, but leap aside.” (St. Basil the Great) 

   Our God is patient, He allows us time to reconsider our lives and make changes.  Until we draw our last breath there is still time to turn to Him in sorrow for our sins and save our souls.

   However, we are procrastinators, we tend to put things off.  We often wait until something easily resolved becomes an emergency before acting.  If we do the same with our immortal soul, we may wait too late.  There is a limit to the time we have on this earth.  Once our mortal life is over, we no longer have the option of turning to God; our destiny is decided.

   Our mortality has a habit of sneaking up on us.  A car wreck, a serious injury or illness can end this life in a moment, leaving no time to rethink the decisions we’ve made or to seek forgiveness for the sins we’ve committed.  Now is the time to act, now is the time to seek God’s forgiveness.

   “If we say, ‘We are without sin,’ we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.” (1 John: 18).  Each day we sin in some way, in ways we may not even be conscious of.  Each evening, and even throughout the day, it’s good to take a minute to thank the Lord for His blessings and to express our sorrow for those sins, even the ones we may not be aware of.

   There is still time, time to confess and be forgiven, time to change and live for God rather than self, time to write our name in the book of life.  But life is short, don’t waste what time we have. 

You are a loving and compassionate God.

You are patient with Your children.

You give us time turn to You.

Let us not waste the time You give us. 


Thursday, October 7, 2021

 Overshadowing God 

   “I do not know you God, because I am in the way.  Please help me to push myself aside.” (Flannery O’Conner, “A Prayer Journal”) 

   I sometimes feel like Flannery O’Conner, that I am letting my wants and desires get in the way of knowing Him as I should.  I focus on my own concerns when I should be seeking His will and following it.

   We are a self-important people.  We tend to look at ourselves as the gold standard and everyone else as a cheap imitation.  Our thoughts, our ideas are more important, our troubles are more bothersome, our sorrows deeper than anyone else’s.  Others, including God, come second in our thoughts, we are always first.

   Humility is considered weakness rather than strength, our ego recoils at the thought of being humble and meek.  We insist on standing on our own two feet even when we are standing in quicksand.  In our arrogance we refuse to seek the help of God, though that is what we need most.

   God’s light is always shining upon us.  But like the moon sometimes eclipses the light of the sun, our ego sometimes eclipses the light of God.  We need to get out of the way and bask in His light. 

Father, shine Your light upon me.

Let my selfishness not overshadow You.

Let me die to self.

Let me live in the light of Your love. 


Wednesday, October 6, 2021

 A Morning Walk 

   It’s usually dark when I take my morning walk, I’m out and back before the sun comes up.  But I slept a bit later than normal this morning.  Because of that, I was blessed with seeing an exceptionally beautiful sunrise; God’s majesty on full display.

   The beauty of this world God has created is incredible and so many people simply take it for granted.  All that He has done for us is lost on so many who think this is just the way it is, no big deal.  But it is a big deal!

   God had no need of this world and all that is in it.  He created it and everything in it out of love.  I’ve come to believe that all good things come from the love God has placed within us.  But we must open ourselves to that love and willingly and generously share it with others.  Love is not meant to be held onto but to be given away.  And the beautiful part is that the more we give away we more we are given.

   Love between a husband and wife in a sacramental marriage is, I think, as close as we will come in this world to loving as God loves.  Think of the beauty that comes from such a union.  The giving of one to another both physically and spiritually is what causes the two to become one.  From that love new life may come, a new soul.  A completely new human being created in the image of God.  From such a love also comes community with others; love shared not just within the family but with all.

   Sunrises, sunsets, new life, sharing the love of God; that’s what He intended for us.  A life that is not selfish nor full of ego, but one of giving ourselves to others in so many ways.  Life properly lived is a beautiful thing, a life of unending love, truly a blessing from God. 

In Your love is our happiness.

The beauty of creation is beyond compare.

Let us always recognize that beauty.

Giving praise and thanksgiving to You.



Tuesday, October 5, 2021

 Society in Decay 

   “It has always been the characteristic of a society in decay to paint the gates of hell with the gold of Paradise.” (Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, “The Wisdom of Fulton Sheen: 365 Days of Inspiration”) 

   A society that is in moral decay will try to create the impression that all is well.  It may take the form of political actions, the depiction of immorality as moral, and/or distractions to take the peoples mind off the fact that their society is faltering and in danger of falling.

   As the Roman empire began to fall the rulers blamed many things for the decline rather than recognize that they were the fault of immoral and sinful actions.  Some distraced the people with so-called games pitting gladiators in a fight to the death or human beings against wild animals.  Some looked to blame others for their decline, such as Nero did in blaming Christians for the great fire of Rome.

   I fear that our society is in decay and in danger of falling.  We see some of the same actions trying to shift blame or distract the citizenry from the truth.  We have glorified the slaughter of innocent babies in the womb in the name of women’s rights; sexual excess and deviancy is common, any mention of its immorality met with accusations and attacks.  What has always been seen as truth is now considered opinion.

   The entertainment industry glorifies all that is evil, making it seem to be a normal state of being.  Rarely is a loving, faithful marriage depicted, rather we see adultery, cheating and lying.  Violence is a mainstay and the more brutal, the better.  In movies, television, and music, it's all the same.

   As individuals we can hardly effect change on a large scale and those opposing us are many and powerful.  It sometimes seems like a lost cause.  So what are we to do?  We can do what Jesus taught, we can love, pray and live our lives for God.  We may not save our society, but we can save our immortal soul. 

There are many evils Lord.

They seem to be multiplying.

Help us to live as You wish.

Praying for renewal in society.  


Monday, October 4, 2021

 The Enemy of Prayer 

   “There is nothing the devil fears so much, or so much tries to hinder, as prayer.” (St. Philip Neri) 

   In my book “The Narrow Gate” I wrote, “When we pray, Satan cringes”.  Prayer is the most powerful weapon we have in our battle against the evil one.  He will do most anything to interfere with it.  Wild thoughts come to mind; insignificant ideas abound; unimportant concerns suddenly seem important, needing immediate attention.  Satan will use any means possible to attack us when we are in prayer.  It’s a struggle, but one that must be overcome if we are to pray as we should.

   During my prayer time, I turn off the television, the radio, and I silence my phone.  Still Satan, that enemy of prayer, pushes into my mind.  He reminds me of something I meant to do and forgot or raises other thoughts or concerns in his efforts to draw me from my prayer.  It seems he never gives up.

   Thankfully, I’ve found an answer that most usually works for me.  I quietly and firmly demand he leave me and invoke Jesus, Mary, and Joseph as my defenders.  Satan flees at the sound of their names.

   I know that no matter what I do, the devil will always try to stop prayer in any way possible.  It’s up to me to take control and reject his efforts. 

Satan hates it when I pray.

Defend me Lord.

Give me the strength to turn Him away.

To remain in union with You. 
