Tuesday, October 31, 2023

 Into the Deep 

   “After he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, ‘Put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch.’” (Luke 5: 4) 

   Here we have Jesus, a carpenter, telling Simon Peter, an experienced fisherman how to fish.  When I read scripture such as this I immediately understand that there is more than meets the eye in those words.

   Though Peter knew that what Jesus was asking of Him made no sense, He complied with Jesus’ request.  As a result, He gathered more fish than one boat could carry, so many that two boats were filled nearly to the point of sinking.  How did Jesus react?  “Do not be afraid; from now on it is men you will catch.” (Luke 5: 10).

   Jesus is telling me the same thing every day of my life, “Don’t stand on the shore and watch, enter the deep water; follow my will.”  Christianity is not a spectator sport; we are meant to get involved and committed.  If we refuse, we will never get the “catch,” the blessings, that God wants to give us.  If we invest little, we will receive little.

   He calls each of us and, if we answer His call, great things will happen.  By casting our nets in shallow water will never get a great catch of fish.  If we want to catch the big ones and lots of them we must put out into the deep waters.  We must trust in Jesus even when we can’t see the logic for what He asks; we must follow His will.

Monday, October 30, 2023

 When Christians Sin 

   “When we Christians behave badly, or fail to behave well, we are making Christianity unbelievable to the outside world.” (C. S. Lewis) 

   We are all sinners.  Christians know and recognize this fact, even though they wish it were not true.  However, those who do not believe look at the sins of Christians not as a failing that is within everyone, but as proof that Christianity is not believable and that those who claim to be Christians are hypocrites.

   Sadly, in some cases, they are right; some who profess Christianity are hypocrites.  They may be in church singing hymns on Sunday morning, but the rest of the week, there is not even a hint of their faith.  The life they live outside the doors of the church show no evidence of Christianity.  These people are not only lying to themselves but to Jesus Christ Himself.

   St. John Chrysostom said that Gentiles who saw Christians sinning thought they were either liars or fools, saying, “If you don’t believe what you say you believe, you are liars; if you believe in eternity and still sin, you are fools.”  In the words of today, they were talking the talk, but not walking the walk.  We face the same problem today, those who attack Christianity miss no opportunity to dismiss it as lies, hypocrisy and superstition.  It’s up to us to refrain from giving them additional evidence and ammunition to us against us.

   We can never be completely free from sin, but there are things that can help us avoid it as much as possible.  Prayer is first on the list; seek the strength and help of God.  We also need to avoid those activities, places, and even people who draw us into sin.  Most of all, we can commit our lives to the will of God, submitting our own will to His.

Saturday, October 28, 2023

 The Monastic Life 

   “I am the brother of the monks; I belong to the monastic Order; I am no longer of the world.” 

   Each morning I recite the above to remind myself that I have been accepted into the Benedictine family of Our Lady of Clear Creek Abbey.  It’s important for me to keep this thought in mind as I go through the day; to remind myself of the promises I made when I became a Benedictine Oblate.

   I don’t live at the Abbey, and I am not cloistered.   Therefore, I must strive to live the monastic life as best I can though still living in the secular world.  If you asked my brothers at the Abbey they would tell you that I am a “monk apart;” one who is endeavoring to live by the Rule of St. Benedict in the world at large.

   My home has, in many ways, become my “Abbey” and my bedroom my “cell.”  In my home I can live in the silence and solitude that drew me to the monastic life.  I can shut out the world and focus on my life with God.  It’s important that I be able to separate myself from the daily distractions of the world if I am to live in search of a stronger and more personal relationship with my Lord.

   The Rule of Saint Benedict teaches that I am to pursue Christian perfection in all I do.  Of course, there is no way for an imperfect man to achieve Christian perfection in an imperfect world.  This means that I must focus on the pursuit, understanding that I cannot reach the goal in this lifetime.  But the effort to do so brings me closer to God and His will for me.

   This life is not for everyone, but it has brought great peace and joy to me.  Have I progressed in my efforts?  I hope so, though I can never allow my pride to tell me that I’m doing well; I must continue the struggle and wait for the Lord to tell if I am succeeding.  Realistically I know that I will fail at times, and I always will.  Someone once said, “It’s not how often you fall, it’s how often you get back up and try again.”  I pray that the Lord will always give me the strength to get back up and continue the journey.

Friday, October 27, 2023

 Heavenly Thoughts 

   “I can only imagine what it will be like when I walk by your side.  I can only imagine what my eyes would see when your face is before me.  I can only imagine.”  (“I Can Only Imagine” by MercyMe, lyrics by Bart Millard) 

   MercyMe’s song speaks to my heart; it challenges me to imagine what heaven will be like.  It also reminds me that all I can do is imagine; the reality is beyond my comprehension.  But I love considering the possibilities.

   Will we talk in heaven?  Will there be any sound at all?  Or will all simply be known within our hearts with no need for words?  Some say heaven is a place of silence, that there will be no need of communication as we know it in this world.  Drawn to silence and solitude as I am, this is an interesting concept.

   Are there holidays to celebrate, or will every day be a holiday?  The origin of the word holiday is Holy Day; in heaven every day will be a Holy Day, every day a day of celebration.

   Will there be family gatherings of those we love?  Maybe we will all be family, the family of God, living in the joy and happiness He has prepared for us.

   Will I be able to hold my wife’s hand?  In this life we held hands at every opportunity.  We loved to just sit hand in hand, feeling the love God has blessed us with coursing through our hands.  Of all the things I miss since she has been gone from me, I think holding her hand is the one I miss most of all.  In my human thoughts and wishes I hope to again be able to sit and hold her hand through all eternity.

   St. Paul tells us that we cannot know heaven in this lifetime, “What no eye has seen, nor ear has heard, nor the human heart conceived, what God has prepared for those who love him.” (1 Cor 2: 9).  I accept and understand that I cannot understand heaven in this life.  But it brings me great peace and joy to sit in silence with my God and contemplate the possibilities.


Thursday, October 26, 2023

 In the Hands of God 

   “Be at peace; what God has started, He will finish.” (St. Faustina) 

   There are many things in this world that make it hard to find peace of mind and, more importantly, peace of soul.  At times it’s difficult to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but never doubt that it is there and shining brightly.

   It’s of no use for me to be overly concerned with the world situation.  There is nothing that I can do to change it or even improve it.  To allow myself to become despondent and in despair makes no sense.

   This doesn’t mean that I am not aware that the world is in terrible shape; sin and wickedness is everywhere I look.  I wish it were different and if there were something I could do to change it, I would.  But only God can do that.

   In my own life I’ve done things I wish could be undone, but that isn’t possible.  To obsess over them, continually full of regret would be a waste of my life.  I can only strive to do better going forward and pray for God’s help, trusting always in His mercy and love.

   I’ve known pain and sorrow in the past and I have no doubt that I will again in the future.  Life will always have some pain and sorrow along with the joys and happiness.  I often consider that the hard times help me better appreciate the good times, and the good times help me accept and survive the hard times.

   There is One who can change everything and has changed me in so many ways.  He created this world, and all is in His hands.  The peace I know, the reason the world doesn’t drive me to distraction, is the fact that He is God, and in the end good wins out over evil.


Wednesday, October 25, 2023

 Random Thoughts 

   Sometimes my mind goes into what I would call random mode.  Things just pop in and pop out of my mind for no apparent reason.  It can be frustrating but at the same time enlightening.  What do these unrelated, sometimes confused thoughts mean?  I don’t always know but sometimes it seems as if it is a way that God speaks to me.

   As an example, sometimes out of nowhere comes the question, “Why does God love me?”  There is nothing I have done or could ever do to make me worthy of the love of the Almighty God.  But, even in my weakness and imperfection He loves me.

   Along those same lines, why does He offer me forgiveness for my sins and a pathway to heaven?  Surely the sins I have committed warrant hell, but instead He sent His only Son to die for me so that I might have forgiveness and redemption.   He doesn’t want me in hell, He wants me with Him in His kingdom.  His forgiveness and mercy know no bounds.

   Why is there so much sin and evil in the world?  This one is perplexing to me.  In a world created by an all-loving God how did we become a world where evil sometimes appears to be winning?  Shouldn’t we be appreciative of all God has given us?  Shouldn’t we be trying to do all we can to live in harmony with one another?  Of course!  So, why don’t we?

   If God’s love is all-encompassing, where does suffering and pain come from?  This one I think drives a lot of people away from God; they simply can’t accept a God who would allow these things.  And yet, our Lord willingly accepted pain and suffering for us when He died on the cross for our sins.  If the Son of God endured pain and sorrow for me, why shouldn’t I endure some for Him?

   Maybe God poses these random thoughts and questions in my mind so that I will spend more time striving to know Him and love Him better.  If so, it works.  The time I spend considering why God does what He does brings me closer to Him, even when I have no clue what the answers may be.  It’s a faith thing, you see.  I trust Him even when I don’t understand, never doubting the truth and love He has for me.

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

 The Time Will Come 

   At some point my life on this earth will come to an end.  I don’t know how it will occur and I don’t know when, but it is certain to come.  It will come on a day that was determined even before I was born, a day known only to God.  So, the question is, what am I doing about it?

   Death doesn’t scare me or cause anxiety within me.  It’s coming and there is nothing that can change that fact, so, it makes no sense to fret and worry over it.  I see death as a door between this life and the next, a path that I must walk.  What’s important, however, is being ready for it; not to be taken by surprise at what I know must come.

   But how do I prepare for the end of this life?  I must place all my trust in God and have absolute confidence in Him, knowing that He wants only what is best for me.  I must turn from the selfishness and wickedness of a world whose entire focus is solely on self, and instead focus on the love of God.  I must give myself entirely to Him.

   Today, tomorrow, next week, twenty years from now.  I don’t know when it will come, and it really doesn’t matter if I live my life in preparation for it.  I must run the good race all the way to the end, trusting in the love and mercy of my Lord.  Jesus said “Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life. – Whoever conquers will not be harmed by the second death).” (Rev 2: 10, 11). 

Monday, October 23, 2023

 The Miracle of Love 

   “Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; and whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me.” (Matt 10: 37 – 38) 

   People have often struggled with this scripture and its meaning.  It appears to be telling us that our love for Jesus must take precedence, even  over our own family, that our greatest love must be for Jesus, above all others.  And that is exactly what it tells us.

   But there’s an interesting truth that comes from obeying this teaching about loving Jesus above all.  A truth that makes this scripture far more meaningful and easily accepted.  That truth is simple; if we love Christ first and foremost our love will be returned to us thirty-fold, or sixty-fold, or a hundred-fold.  And that love ,coming from the One we love best, enables us to love all those we should love in this world with an even greater love.

   Love is a miracle, it can’t be fully explained or comprehended in human terms; it is of God and what is of God is often beyond our full understanding.  Love defies logic; when we give it away it comes back multiplied.  When we withhold it, we lose it.  We are even told to love those who hate us.

   All I know is this; when I sit in the silence alone with my God in prayer offering all my love to Him, I experience the warmth of His love returning to me; far more love than I am able to offer Him.  It is then up to me to share the miracle of His love with others.


Sunday, October 22, 2023


   “For now we see as in a mirror, dimly, but then we will see face to face.  Now I know only in part; then I will know fully, even as I have been fully known.” (1 Cor 13: 12) 

   We live in a world of shadows.  We think we see clearly, but much is hidden from our human eyes.  We may see the effect, but we do not see or understand the cause in many cases.  Our ways are not the ways of God and we can never fully understand His reasonings.

   Truth and honesty can easily be disguised by flowery words and thoughts.  We see and hear the message, but we don’t notice the demon that has originated the thought.  What may sound right to us may, in fact, be a creation of Satan designed to fool the easily swayed and those who are afraid to challenge what may not seem quite right.

   We seek peace and often think we’ve found it, but the peace of this world is not the peace of God.  The peace Jesus gives is a peace that can never be taken from us and knows no end.  The peace offered by this world is frequently a façade, a fake hiding a shabby reality.

   The joy and happiness we find in this world is fickle and short-lived at best, and, at worse, a lie.  We do not understand what the joy and happiness of God’s kingdom will provide; happiness far greater than we’ve ever known and joy without end.

   To catch even a glimpse of what is real we must look and listen through the eyes and ears of faith.  We must test the spirits and look for the fruits they produce.  If we give our love, trust, and faith to God, we will come to what is true and what is right; He will lead us to His kingdom where we will know what we cannot know, see what we cannot see and hear what we cannot hear.


Saturday, October 21, 2023

 Written On Our Hearts 

   “Here I am; in the scroll of the book it is written of me.  I delight to do your will O God; your law is written within my heart.” (Psalm 40: 7 – 8) 

   I believe that deep down inside each of us we know God’s will and His laws.  Whether we choose to obey or ignore them determines many things in our life, including where we will spend eternity.

   When I look at the evil of the world, the hate, the wars, the wanton destruction of people and of God’s creation I see those who chose to ignore God and go the way of self-interest and willfulness.  Their attitude is “all for me” and if that involves the destruction of others lives and well-being so be it.

   I see it in the continual wars of the world, including the most recent upheaval in the middle east.  There is no hope of compromise or reconciliation, it is quite literally, “my way or the highway”.  Wars and rumors of wars are to be expected, but they are not the will of God.

   It’s apparent in the governments which refuse to do what is right but only what benefits those in power.  Nothing matters except remaining in power regardless of the harm they may do to those they are sworn to serve.

   Worst of all, I see it in the horror of abortion and euthanasia, the murder of the most innocent and helpless of all.  Only God can give life; to willfully and arrogantly take such a life is an abomination before Him.  There will be a reckoning before God for such evil.

   At times I wonder if those who choose to ignore God’s laws suffer within themselves.  I suspect at some level they recognize that something is not right, something has gone amiss in their life.  How I wish that the world could take a few minutes in quiet communion with God and at least begin to understand the love He has for all His children. 

“Happy are those who make the Lord their trust, who do not turn to the proud, to those who go after false gods.” (Psalm 40: 4)


Friday, October 20, 2023

 For the Love of God 

   “My dear people, since God has loved us so much, we too should love one another.” (1 John 4: 11) 

   I’ve come to believe that we do not understand what love is at all.  I’m sick of people saying they “love” their new car, or the latest cellphone.  How can you “love” your favorite meal?  How does an inanimate object, such a car or the newest electronic equipment warrant love?  They can’t.

   What we should be saying is we “like” these things. which is a whole different concept.  I believe that by liking and enjoying the blessings God has given we are also showing love to Him, we recognize that all we have has been given us by our Lord.  When we love what does not warrant love we are robbing God of the love He deserves.

   Jesus didn’t come to love objects but people, the people He gave His life to save.  His love was such that nothing, pain, rejection, humiliation, betrayal and even death on the cross could lessen the love He has for each of us.

   Let’s quit offering our pathetic idea of love to anything and everything.  Let’s fully understand what love is, the conscious desire for the good of the other even in the face of extreme hardship and denial of ourselves.  This is the love that Christ gave to us, and this is the love others deserve from us.  No matter how much we may say we “love” our car we would never consider giving up our life for it.  But that is exactly what Christ did out of His love for us.  That is the love of God, the kind of love we are to have for Him and for our neighbors.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

 The Ways of the Wicked 

   “Do not fret because of the wicked; do not be envious of wrongdoers, for they will soon fade like the grass, and wither like the green herb.” (Psalm 37: 1 – 2) 

   Through lies, cheating, and taking advantage of others, there are many who become very wealthy and influential in this life.  People look to them as the model for earthly success.  What they don’t realize and understand is that none of the treasures of this world last; they have no eternal value.

   I look at the ways of the world and I can easily see why God sometimes punishes those who ignore Him and His ways.  He doesn’t discipline them out of hate but because of His love.  Just as loving parents chastise their children in hopes of helping them understand right from wrong, so does God punish His children who stray in an effort to return them to the right path.

   The Lord’s desire is for the conversion of the wicked, but they must choose sanctification.  He will not deny us our free will, even to save our eternal soul.  He continues to call the wicked, but He will never demand that they answer His call.  The sinners, the wicked ones, must accept God’s forgiveness by coming to Him in repentance and sorrow, desiring to sin no more.

   God condemns no one to hell.  When the wicked choose evil, refusing God’s love and mercy they are making the choice of eternal damnation, rejecting the paradise that awaits the repentant.


Wednesday, October 18, 2023

 Wait for the Lord 

   “Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!” (Psalm 27: 24) 

   It can be difficult to understand why people of God are so often subjected to the hatred and persecution of those who do not believe.  We tend to think that those who believe in and have faith in God should lead a trouble free life, but it doesn’t happen that way.  In many instances it is their very faith that causes the strife and pains they endure.

   “In the world you face persecution.  But take courage; I have overcome the world.” (John 16: 33)  These words of Jesus seem to tell us quite clearly that the people of God will not have an easy life; there will be times of trial and suffering.  But He has overcome the world, and we are to trust that all will be well in the end.

   I think we get hung up on our concept of time.  We can deal with difficulties for a few hours or even a couple of days but when they last or keep recurring we get frustrated.  Time is not of God; it is a human thing.  “But do not ignore this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like one day.” (2 Peter 3: 8)  Eternity is beyond comprehension to us and each day seems like forever when things are not going well.

   We are tested and it is a test we must pass.  If we allow ourselves to lose faith because things are not going as we wished we will have lost the battle.  From the moment He began His ministry until the moment He died on the cross Jesus lived a life of disappointment, sorrow, and rejection.  Can we not share at least a small portion of what He endured for us in return for eternal life?  “…let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!” (Psalm 27: 24)

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

 To Be Holy 

   “I don’t pray because I am holy, but because I want to become holy and I need Jesus to teach me.”  (Briege McKenna O.S.C.) 

   The only way to get into heaven is to become holy.  But I can’t make myself holy, only God can do that.  So, each day I ask God to make me Holy, to make me the man He created me to be.

   St. Augustine wrote, “He who created us without our help will not save us without our consent.”  I had no part in my creation, but I must take part in becoming holy.  I must consent to God’s will and allow Him to do whatever it takes to bring holiness to me.  I must be willing to accept whatever comes if I am to become the man I am meant to be.  There may be pain and sorrow and there will be joy and happiness along the way.  But in either case I will accept it as the will of God and give Him thanks for all things.

   The Archangel Gabriel, when the Blessed Mother asked how she could become the mother of our Savior answered, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you;" (Luke 1: 35).  The same must happen to me if I am to become holy, and I, like Mary, must reply, “…let it be with me according to your word.” (Luke 1: 38)

   Amen Lord, make me holy!

Monday, October 16, 2023

 The Language of God 

   “Silence is the language of God.  All else is a poor translation.” (Rumi) 

   There are plenty of people who are always ready to tell you what God says, but there’s a fundamental problem with that.  If all these people, including the leaders of our churches, know what He is saying why do so many disagree with each other?

   God does not lie; He does not tell one person one thing and another something else.  Scripture is the inspired word of God, how can it be so terribly misinterpreted and misunderstood by those who should know better?  Either they are not listening, or they are listening to someone other than God.

   How am I, a simple man, to know what God says when theologians and our spiritual leaders seem so confused and in conflict with each other?  I must shut out the exterior and go inside myself.  I must seek silence and solitude; I must spend time alone with my Lord.  That is where I will find God and that is where He will speak to me.

   God speaks to the heart, too many listen with their biases and opinions.  Our Lord speaks of eternal truths, not the whims of a fallen society.  The languages of the world are full of hatred, and prejudice; the silent language of God is one of love and forgiveness.  I choose to listen to the silent voice of God speaking to my heart.


Sunday, October 15, 2023

 Trust in the Lord 

   I am at the edge of a great river, the river of life.  I can barely make out the other shore; it’s so far away and seems wrapped in a cloud, all that is there is unknown.  Yet I know that is where I belong, that is the kingdom of God.

   In this river are all the trials and tribulations of this life.  In these waters there is lust, hatred, pride, and every evil sin the world would press upon me.  The current is strong and could carry me far from where I wish to go.  I want to cross to the other side, I want to go the paradise God has prepared for those who believe and love Him.  But I’m scared, unsure of whether I have the strength to make the crossing.

   A voice inside me says, “You can safely cross this river, but only if you place your trust in Me and have faith in My love for you.  No matter the challenges I will help you overcome them.  I’m calling you to my kingdom, will you come?.”

   I place myself in the hands of the Lord and enter the dark waters. With His help I can make it to the other side; I can enter His kingdom.  With God, all things are possible.

Saturday, October 14, 2023

 Who Am I? 

   “I show God and the world who I am in the quality and integrity of my moral acts.” (Bishop Robert Barron) 

   Jesus asked His apostles, “Who do people say that I am?”  I wonder what the answer would be if I asked the same question.  Would people know that I am a Christian and that I’ve given my life to God or would that come as a surprise to them.

   Jesus also said, “You will know them by their fruits.” (Matt 7: 16).  Do my actions and way of life produce the fruits of Christianity and faith in God?  These are questions that I must answer.

   Would the person I “flip off” for pulling out in front of me in their car see me as a Christian or a jerk?  Would the unkindly eye roll toward the elderly woman struggling to find her checkbook in her purse to pay for her groceries recognize Christ within me?  How about the server at the restaurant who I berated for not keeping my coffee cup full and then undertipped?  Would they see me as one full of love for others or a demanding pain in the butt?

   Christianity is not a private matter; it is a way of life.  Anyone who knew Jesus well knew exactly who He was, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” (Matt 16: 16).  Would anyone say of me, “He is a Christian, you can tell by the way he loves and treats others?”  Perhaps, but only if I live my life in the love of God, sharing that love with all.

Friday, October 13, 2023

 A Jealous God 

   “For the Lord your God is a devouring flame, a jealous God.” (Deuteronomy 4: 24) 

   I’ve known people who have welcomed God into their lives, seemingly full of faith and love of the Lord.  Yet, after a while, maybe a few years, it’s as if they had never heard of God.  They have returned to the sinful ways of the past.  What happened, how did they lose what they had so happily found?  They failed to fill their lives with God, so Satan found an emptiness that was all too easy to fill.

   I’ve known others who do a lot of good in the world.  They give of their time and talents to help other people.  They treat others with respect and acceptance, never questioning what their lifestyle might entail; after all, we all have to live as we deem appropriate.  They are “good people”, but the good they do is done for earthly reasons, God rarely, if ever, enters the picture.  Not only are they not full of God, but He is also pretty much irrelevant to them.  Their heart and soul is fertile ground for the evil one.

   Our God is a jealous God.  He does not want and will not accept a piece of our heart and soul; He wants it all.  If we are not willing to fill ourselves with Him and His will, we are not worthy of His love.  The good we do in this world is of no eternal value unless it is done out of love for God, giving Him all the glory.  The meditation prayer of St. Francis of Assisi is quite simple; “My God and my all!”  If we are to belong fully to God, we must join Francis in that refrain. 

Thursday, October 12, 2023


   “If we say, ‘We are without sin,’ we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.” (1 John 1: 8) 

   We hear very little about sin these days.  Even in our churches it is rarely the topic of a sermon.  We would rather hear our pastors emphasize inclusiveness and unity even though neither of those can exist where sin abides.

   Some rarely consider the sinfulness of their acts, but demand and cherish their right to “choose”.  They feel we have the right to choose for themselves, never considering whether the choice is in union with the will of God.  In their arrogance, they have decided God isn’t needed to define what is good and what is evil; they can do it for themselves.

   Pride, lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, anger (or wrath), and envy; these are the seven deadly sins.  In my opinion pride is the root cause of all the others for it is in pride that we place ourselves above the good of others and the will of God.  But when is the last time your pastor reminded you of these sins and where they will lead?

   To battle the deadly sins there are seven holy virtues; faith, hope, and charity (the Spiritual or Theological virtues), and prudence, temperance, fortitude, and justice (the Cardinal virtues).  These, as well, are rarely mentioned in our churches these days though they are our weapons to combat sin in this fallen world.

   “Happy are those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or take the path that sinners tread, or sit in the seat of scoffers; but their delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law they meditate day and night.” (Psalm 1: 1 – 2).  Until we begin to take the words of this Psalm into our hearts and live by them, we will never overcome the sinfulness that lies within each of us.  Only through God and His truths can we overcome the lies and temptations of Satan.


Wednesday, October 11, 2023

 The Story of Jonah 

   “But to you who hear, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you.” (Luke 6:27) 

   The book of Jonah is one of the shortest books in the bible, just three short chapters.  It can be read in its entirety in about twenty minutes or less.  But Jonah gives us a lesson that all of us need to contemplate; to love our enemies.

   The Ninevites were the hated enemies of the Israelites and yet God told Jonah to go to Nineveh and warn them of the wrath that was to come if they didn’t change their ways.

   Jonah first tried to run from God, refusing to do as He commanded.  As a result, he was thrown overboard during a storm at sea and ended up in the belly of the big fish.  After three days the fish spit Jonah up on the shore and God once again told Jonah to go to Nineveh: this time he listened and obeyed God’s word.  Much to his chagrin, the Ninevites repented upon hearing Jonah’s warning avoiding the coming destruction.

   All's well that ends well, right?  Not so much.  Jonah became angry with God for sparing the Ninevites.  So much so that he asked to die.  His anger and his hatred of his enemies would not allow him to rejoice in their salvation.

   Pope St. John Paul II went to the prison and forgave the man who had tried to assassinate him.   As she lay dying from the many stab wounds inflicted on her during an attempted rape, St. Maria Goretti forgave her attacker, saying she wanted to see him in heaven.  On the cross, Jesus prayed, “Father, forgive them, they know what they do.” (Luke 23: 34). This is what “loving your enemies" means; to forgive and pray for them though they have caused great harm and even taken your life.

   Could I do as our Lord and these two saints did in forgiving and loving their enemies, or would I, like Jonah be angered at their repentance and salvation?  I pray that I would have the love to forgive, but vengeance is a terrible master.  May God give me the strength to love rather than hate.

Tuesday, October 10, 2023


   “O Lord, we beseech you, give us success!” (Ps 118: 25) 

   From an early age we are taught to seek success in life.  Our lives are defined by the success we have achieved.  But what truly constitutes success in life?

   Success in this world can be a fickle thing.  When the market crashed in the great depression many who had gained great financial success took their own lives when their fortune was wiped out.  Those in professional sports can have tremendous success and then lose it all in the blink of an eye because of serious injury.  Those who are on top of the world today can lose everything and be forgotten tomorrow.

   It’s natural and good to strive to do our best in life, but true success has little to do with our financial or professional status.  The success that matters is becoming nearer and nearer to God, becoming one with our Creator.  Worldly success can be fleeting, but spiritual growth is everlasting.

   If I have faith and trust in God I am successful regardless of my status in the world.  Some of the happiest people in the world are poor by worldly standards but rich in the love of God.  On the other hand, some of the most successful people are miserable, fearing the loss of their worldly success.  Only through God can real success be realized.

   When we stand before Jesus at our judgement, He won’t ask about our financial success but whether we helped those who needed help.  He won’t care how many trophies we won but if we loved God and neighbor.

Monday, October 9, 2023

 Defining Myself 

   I’ve considered this question many times.  How do I define myself; who am I?  I suppose there could be many answers to the question but there’s only one that really matters.

   I could say that I am widowed, yet still madly in love with my wife.  In my heart I am still married and simply waiting to be reunited with her when my life on this earth is over.  I am a man, a father, a brother, an uncle, and a grandfather.  I am a retired Navy Master Chief Petty Officer.  But I’m not sure any of these are important for eternal life.

   Over the years I’ve lived, at least for some time, in nine states and two foreign countries and have visited many others.  I’ve tried, though I’m sure I’ve failed many times, to do the best I could in all that I’ve done.  Yet none of this matters in the world to come.

   Who am I?  The right answer, the only answer that really matters, is I am a child of God.  My life is His, He gave it and in His own time, He will take it.  All I am and all I will ever be was written in His book before time began.

   My hope, my salvation, can only come from God.  He sent His son to pay the price for my sins, opening the doors to heaven if I choose to follow Him.  I have chosen to follow.  I will, to the best of my ability, follow His will, seeking His mercy and forgiveness when I fail.

   So, who am I?  I am a child of God.


Sunday, October 8, 2023

The Love of God 

   It’s about 3:30 in the morning and I’ve been lying awake for over an hour.  Sleep would not come, and my thoughts turned to God and His incredible love for me.  The undeniable fact that God loves me is beyond all understanding, it is overwhelming to me.

   We refer to God in many ways; the Almighty, the Supreme Being, the Creator, to name a few.  These are not names so much as they are descriptions; they tell me a little about this God who loves me.  However, they give me no clue as to why He loves me.  And yet I know beyond all doubt that He does.

   What value do I have in the eyes of the Almighty?  He does not need me; He is complete within Himself and needs nothing.  So why does He create; why does the universe exist; why do you and I exist?  I believe He created all that there is, the universe in all its majesty, our little speck in the universe and all that exists upon it, including you and me, out of a desire to share His love.

   Of all the creations of this world, humanity is the only one granted the gift of free will.  Why?  Because love can only come from free will.  He wants us to love Him not because He needs our love but to give us the joy that comes from loving another, a desire for the good of another over and above self.

   I can’t imagine the horror of living in a world where love did not exist.  I do not believe there could be such a world because God created all and God is love.  I look with sorrow on those who don’t know how to love and I pray that they will come to know God so that they too can know the happiness that loving brings.

   My thoughts and contemplation of God and His love this night have been of far more value than could ever come from sleep; it has brought me a bit closer to the One whose love is the very reason for my existence.


Saturday, October 7, 2023

 Without Love 

   “If I have all the eloquence of men or of angels, but speak without love, I am simply a gong booming or  a cymbal clashing.  If I have the gift of prophecy, understanding all the mysteries there are, and knowing everything, and if I have faith in all its fullness, to move mountains, but without love, then I am nothing at all.  If I give away all that I possess, piece by piece, and if I even let them take my body to burn it, but am without love, it will do me no good whatever.” (1 Cor 13: 1 – 3) 

   It's so simple and yet so difficult.  If I do not have the love of God in my heart and share that love with all, nothing I can do will truly please God.  The world may see me as a holy man because of the good I do, but if I do it without love, it is not of God, but of man.  Without love, I cannot do the will of God.

   Jesus said, “But I say this to you who are listening: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who treat you badly.” (Luke 6: 27 – 28).  It's hard to love someone who molests and harms children; one who abuses their spouse and others.  To love a leader who uses his position for his own gain rather than those he is supposed to care for is a difficult calling.  To love someone who hates me and all I believe in is nearly impossible.  And yet, this is what my Lord calls me to do and if I ignore Him how can I say I love Him?

   If I am to love as Jesus tells me to love I must look beyond appearances and seek the presence of Christ in everyone.  He is there, even in those whose actions would lead me to believe otherwise.  Still, Christ loves them, and it is His will that they will turn to Him and seek His mercy and forgiveness.  If I am to share His desire for the good of others, I too must love them and pray for the redemption of their eternal souls.

   St. Paul sums it up quite nicely, “In short, there are three things that last, faith, hope, and love; and the greatest of these is love.” (1 Cor 13: 13)


Friday, October 6, 2023

 One With God 

   “Dear Lord, when shall I be completely one with You and entirely forgetful of myself?  You in me and I in You; grant that we may be always so and remain as one forever.  Amen” 

   I recite this prayer every morning.  It is what I desire more than anything; to be one with my God.  To let this world slip away and be totally with Him in all things.

   I wonder if it is possible to be totally one with God in this lifetime; can a mere man hope to achieve such a thing?  This is something I must strive for each day though fully aware that it will most likely not come to fruition until I have left this life behind.

   Still, it is a worthy prayer, a desire that I believe all Christians should have.  If more of us sought to forget the “me” things in life and concentrated more on the “God” things, it would be a better world.

   However, if oneness with God is our goal we must understand that it comes with a price.  We can’t grow closer to God unless we grow away from ourselves and our earthly wants and desires.  We must come to believe and trust that, should we lose all we have in this world but still have the love of God, then we are rich in what truly matters.

   On the cross, Jesus cried out, “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.” (Luke 23: 46).  When we open our hearts; when we open our souls; when we commend our spirit to our heavenly Father, we are becoming more and more one with Him.

Thursday, October 5, 2023

 God’s Plan 

   “Even the hairs of your head have all been counted.”(Luke 12: 7) 

   We belong to God, He created us, we live only because He wills it to be so.  He has a plan for us and has written that plan on our soul.  But that plan is different for each of us.  We were created as individuals and God’s plan recognizes our uniqueness.

   We cannot know His plan if we do not seek it, “For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”  (Matt 7: 8).  But what if we don’t get the answer we want or get it when we want it?  That doesn’t mean God is ignoring us, He never ignores His children.  The answer may be “no”, or “not yet”, but our prayers never go unheard.

   But if we trust in Him, He will lead us according to His plan.  We may not recognize it and He may lead us where we do not want to go.  Whether it be joy and happiness or pain and sorrow, it is all part of His will; the will that leads us to His heavenly kingdom.

   There is a plan for each of us, decided before time began.  It is up to us to seek it with all our heart and soul and to follow it wherever it may lead, even when the road is difficult and the journey hard.

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

 Society in Decay 

   “It has always been the characteristic of a generation in decay to paint the gates of Hell with the gold of Paradise.”  (Fulton Sheen) 

   We live in a society in decay, destroying itself from within.  Everything held dear by those who believe in God is under attack.  Even in the churches, abominations before the Lord are commonplace.  Morality has taken a second, or even third, place to the desires of a sinful society.

   A review of history will show that numerous societies have come and gone over the years.  Many had turned from any worship of God to the worship of earthly joys and pleasures as a prelude to their demise.  God will tolerate blatant wickedness for only so long. 

   Sodom and Gomorrah had become so perverse that it was beyond reclamation, a society that had become an abomination before God.  As a result, it was destroyed, never to rise again.

   Our society today is not much different than that of Sodom and Gomorrah.  Spiritual truths and wisdom have been rejected to satisfy the whims of evil people.  Those who resist are attacked verbally, and even physically, to shut them up.  Even our government has become a persecutor of the faithful.

   Are we, like past societies, on the verge of destruction?  If history is any example we may well be.  I pray it’s not too late, but it’s getting very close.  I believe that we have precious little time left to return to morality and civility in our society if we are to survive.  If not, this nation, like many before it, will disappear into history, another great society destroyed by the evil within it.


Tuesday, October 3, 2023

 Come Away and Rest 

   “Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.” (Mark 6: 31) 

   These words of Christ to His apostles are as relevant to me and you today as it was to them when He said them.  We need time to rest a while in the company of God.

   There is little opportunity to find a deserted place in the world today.  Everywhere we go there is noise, activity bordering on chaos, and never any silence.  Our spirit can’t flourish in such a world.  We need to get away from time to time and spend quiet time with the Lord; to find that deserted place where we can rest.

   However, finding a quiet place is almost impossible these days.  There are still a few places where we can find solitude, away from the hustle and bustle of the world, but there seems to be fewer and fewer of them.  Even Jesus had difficulty getting away from the crowds at times and had to retreat to the mountains to commune with the Father.

   “In yourself right now is all the place you’ve got.” (Flannery O’Conner).  Since finding a deserted place is harder and harder to do, we must create our own deserted place.  We must find solitude; learning to love solitude is learning to love God more.  In solitude we can let the world slip away and discover the beauty of silence.  In solitude we can learn to know ourselves.

   Find a place to shut out the world and its distractions for a time.  If possible, designate a place in your home that is your “quiet place.”  In solitude, in the silent depths of your soul, is where you can best hear the quiet voice of God.


Monday, October 2, 2023

 Christian Perfection 

   As a Benedictine Oblate I made certain promises.  I am to live according to the Rule of St. Benedict as closely as possible in the secular world, letting it guide me in spirit in all that I do.  I am also to strive for Christian perfection in a world where perfection does not exist.

   Scripture also calls me to perfection.  During the Sermon on the Mount (Matt, chapter 5) Jesus tells me, “You must therefore be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect.” (Matt 5: 48).

   How can this be possible for a sinner who is not capable of perfection?  I don’t know and I’ve given up trying to understand.  “For human beings this is impossible, but for God all things are possible” (Matt 19:26).  His will be done.

   So, each day I ask the Lord to give me the wisdom to know His will, and the strength and perseverance to live accordingly.  I know and God knows that I will at times fail in that endeavor.  However, I believe that my sincerity and desire to do so keeps me on the path that will lead me to Him.

   Perfection is unattainable, but the pursuit of perfection is not.  As St. Paul wrote, “I am racing for the finish, for the prize to which God calls us upwards to receive in Christ Jesus.” (Phil 3: 14).

Sunday, October 1, 2023

 The Peace of God 

   “We are not at peace with others because we are not at peace with ourselves, and we are not at peace with ourselves because we are not at peace with God.”  (Thomas Merton) 

   The peace that God has given me is one of my greatest blessings.  It is a peace that cannot be taken from me but can be lost through my own failings.

   God’s peace brings a perspective to life that can’t be found in the world.  It allows me to look at the world as it is, fallen and in need of salvation while at the same time not wallowing in hate or despair because of its wickedness.

   “Peace I bequeath to you, my own peace I give you, a peace the world cannot give, this is my gift to you.  Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.” (John 14: 27).  These words strengthen me, they give me hope, they allow me to preserve my inner peace in a world that is fallen and wicked in many ways.

   With the peace of God within me I can see the world as it is, but always keep in mind the words of Fulton Sheen, “In the end, God wins.”