Wednesday, July 3, 2024

 Courage in Faith 

   “The greatest obstacle in the apostolate of the Church is the timidity or rather the cowardice of the faithful.  (St. Pope Pius X) 

   Those words of Saint Pope Pius X are from over one-hundred years ago.  Even then the Church was faced with a laity that was less than courageous in faith.  It has gotten even worse in today’s Church.  Cardinal Ratzinger, before he became Pope Benedict XVI said that the Church will become smaller and more faithful.

   I believe the exodus from the Church and from Christianity, as a whole, will continue because I see little courage in faith.  Rather, it seems more and more of those who are in the pews on Sunday never display their faith once they leave the pews.  An hour or so a week does not demonstrate a devotion to God and all that such a devotion should include.  The word “lukewarm” comes to mind, and lukewarm is a poor excuse for courage in faith.

   There is a crisis in Christianity.  It’s not the first time and most likely won’t be the last.  Fewer and fewer Catholics attend Mass on a regular basis and the number who believe and accept the teachings of Christ continues to decrease.  Many now claim to be “nones,” those who have no religious preference.  In other words, they are atheist.

   Let’s call it like it is.  We are either a child of God or a child of Satan.  There really is no in-between.  We must choose who we will follow, and that choice will determine whether we spend eternity full of joy and love or full of pain and regret.


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