What Really Matters
Once again I'm reminded that most of what we worry and concern ourselves about is not nearly as important as we may think.
As I sit here with the love of my life lying in a bed in ICU I realize how trivial most things really are. I wish I could always remember this truth; I don't like the reminders.
I thank God and give Him all praise and glory for the fact that we will get through this crisis. She will be fine and our life together will go on.
This is what truly matters. All else is smoke and mirrors. Love of family, love of God and love of others is what we should be most concerned with. The rest may need our attention from time to time but should never take the focus from our love and our faith in our Lord and His love for us.
Many prayers have been and continue to be offered for my wife's recovery. God hears them all and I know she is safe in His hands. Nothing else really matters.
I place her in your care Lord.
I know you love and care for her.
Thank You for the many blessings we have been given.
Thank You for the blessings yet to come.