Friday, July 5, 2024


   Prophets are not seers or predictors of future events.  Prophets are those who speak the word of God.  Sometimes the word of God may include a statement of what is to come, however, even then it is not the word of the prophet but the word of God.

   Prophets have routinely been hated for the word spoken through them.  Some have been killed and some fled to avoid being killed.  Yet they did not cease to speak for God; they did not deny their calling as a prophet of the Lord.

   What many Christians don’t realize is that we are all to be prophets of the Lord.  We are to speak the word of the Lord to those who do not know Him, both in our words and in our actions.  We are unlikely to be killed as were many of the prophets, but our words will not always be welcome, and we may suffer persecution because of them.

   Our priests and pastors are also to be prophets.  They should never shy away from speaking the word of God to their flock, especially when addressing the wages of sin.  They will anger some and some may leave their church, but it is their role to warn of the consequence of sin even if some reject the warnings.

   There have always been and always will be prophets.  Those chosen by God to speak His word to others.  We are honored and blessed if we are so called.  Let us never refuse God’s call, standing firm in His word and sharing that word with all.


Wednesday, July 3, 2024

 Courage in Faith 

   “The greatest obstacle in the apostolate of the Church is the timidity or rather the cowardice of the faithful.  (St. Pope Pius X) 

   Those words of Saint Pope Pius X are from over one-hundred years ago.  Even then the Church was faced with a laity that was less than courageous in faith.  It has gotten even worse in today’s Church.  Cardinal Ratzinger, before he became Pope Benedict XVI said that the Church will become smaller and more faithful.

   I believe the exodus from the Church and from Christianity, as a whole, will continue because I see little courage in faith.  Rather, it seems more and more of those who are in the pews on Sunday never display their faith once they leave the pews.  An hour or so a week does not demonstrate a devotion to God and all that such a devotion should include.  The word “lukewarm” comes to mind, and lukewarm is a poor excuse for courage in faith.

   There is a crisis in Christianity.  It’s not the first time and most likely won’t be the last.  Fewer and fewer Catholics attend Mass on a regular basis and the number who believe and accept the teachings of Christ continues to decrease.  Many now claim to be “nones,” those who have no religious preference.  In other words, they are atheist.

   Let’s call it like it is.  We are either a child of God or a child of Satan.  There really is no in-between.  We must choose who we will follow, and that choice will determine whether we spend eternity full of joy and love or full of pain and regret.


Monday, July 1, 2024

 The Battle for Our Soul 

   “Put on the armor of God so that you may be able to stand firm against the tactics of the devil. (Eph 6: 11) 

   There is a battle waging that we cannot see, a battle between good and evil.  The prize is our soul for all eternity, whether it be consigned to hell or welcomed into God’s kingdom.

   The battle has been won if we will but stand in the breach with God and reject the evil Satan would impose upon us.  Christ said, “I have conquered the world.” (John 16: 33).  On a cross on Calvary Jesus won the battle for us, only if we withdraw from the field can the battle be lost.

   Yet, in many ways and for many people the battle has become lost.  The family, the primary building block of all society and of the Church is crumbling.  Traditional two-parent families have become the exception rather than the rule.

   Many seek to serve their own personal desires rather than the will of God even though it is only through His will that we can enter heaven.  Society says money, fame, sex, and so many other false gods are of greater value than the one true God, and those who follow those false gods will be lost.

   The saddest part is that the battle is won, but still can be lost by our own actions or inactions.  God loves us so much that He sent Christ to die for us (John 3: 16).  And yet, just two verses further the reality of the battle is seen: “Whoever believes in Him will not be condemned, but whoever does not believe has already been condemned, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God.  And this is the verdict, that the light came into the world, but the people preferred darkness to light, because their works were evil.” (John 3: 18 – 19).

   When we turn from the light we will stumble in the darkness and the battle for our soul will be forfeited to the evil one.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

 The Father’s Will 

   “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my heavenly Father.” (Matt 7: 21) 

   Jesus said that He had come, not to do His will, but the will of the Father.  Consider that for a moment.  The Son of God, the second person of the Trinity, God Himself, chose to become obedient to the will of the Father.  Obedient even to death on a cross.  If our Lord and Savior chose to serve the Father’s will so completely, how can we expect a heavenly reward if we do less?

   When I consider what it means to do the will of the Father, the first thing I realize is that I must give up my will.  I must join Jesus in saying, “Not my will but yours be done.” (Matt 26: 39).  This means that I must accept whatever comes willingly and patiently, always trusting that God’s will is the path to Heaven though I may not understand how.

   Jesus also said that I must love my neighbor as myself.  That too is the will of the Father.  If I do not have love, not just for those who love me but even for those I might consider my enemies I will not pass through those pearly gates.  Christ is in each of us; if I refuse to love my neighbor I am refusing to love Jesus.

   I must also deny myself, pick up my cross daily and follow Christ if I am to do the will of the Father. (Mark 8: 34).  The crosses I bear will never be more difficult than those carried by Jesus.  His whole life was one of carrying crosses.  The cross of rejection, betrayal, abuse, and finally the horrible death of the cross on Calvary.

   Following the will of God will not always be easy, but I do not bear my crosses alone.  God’s desire is that no one be lost and, when I am overwhelmed by life, unable to carry on, He gives me peace, comfort, hope, and the strength to continue.  The path may be difficult at times, but the destination is worth any price I may be asked to pay.


Saturday, June 29, 2024


   “The moment we open ourselves up to God’s plans is the moment miracles begin to happen in our lives.” (Matthew Kelly, “Resisting Happiness”) 

   Those who do not know God never see the many miracles that occur each and every day.  They see what they call coincidences and simple acts of nature.  They never stop to ask why a coincidence occurs sometimes and not others or who created the nature that causes all those simple acts of nature.

   On the other hand, those who believe and trust in God see His hand in so many things.  A grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, but from that simple fact a new plant is born, producing thousands of new grains of wheat.  I'm sure biologists can explain all the science that goes into that fact, but they can never explain who created that science.

   A single male sperm joins with a single female egg cell and a new human being is created.  Not a mass of cells, but a human being.  From the very instant of conception a new human genome is created.  One that has never existed before and will never be repeated.

   I was once in a discussion with a self-proclaimed atheist who was touting the “big bang theory” as if it negated intelligent creation by an all-knowing, all powerful Creator.  I reminded them that it was a Catholic priest in Germany who first proposed the big bang.  When I told them that I have no problem with the big bang theory, but I would like for them to tell me who lit the fuse that set it off, they were speechless.

   Miracles are a part of life.  They can be denied, they can be misunderstood, but they are reality.  Every day, in every walk of life, a loving, caring, merciful God causes miracles to occur.  Sometimes in the most unexpected places, like the heart of an atheist who finally accepts the truth that is God.



Friday, June 28, 2024

 The Journey’s End 

   “Even the hairs on your head have all been counted.” (Luke 12: 7) 

   I am now seventy-three years old and well aware that my journey in this life is nearing its end.  Only God knows when that day will come, but common sense tells me most of my life on this earth is behind me.

   This knowledge has an impact upon me.  It causes me to pause, remembering the many blessings God has bestowed upon me as well as the many times I have offended Him by my sins.  I find myself considering whether I am ready for the judgement that is to come.  It is a sobering thought.

   In my youth I pretty much ignored my mortality.  As the saying goes, I was ”ten foot tall and bulletproof.”  That foolish thought has been proven wrong so many times.  Few are concerned about preparing spiritually for death in their youth, but death sometimes comes in youth with little or no warning.

   When I am judged I believe it will be not by any good I may have done but by the love with which it was done.  I can give thousands to charity, doing much good for many, but if my intent is not to share the love of God it is of no use.  Charity and donations simply to increase tax deductions or gain recognition are of no use to my spiritual well-being.

   “Amen I say to you, whatever you did for one of the least brethren of mine, you did for me.” (Matt 25: 40).  Judgement will come and my eternal dwelling place will be determined.  If I have loved others, I have loved my Lord; if not, I have not loved my Lord.  Jesus, I love you, help me to love you more.


Thursday, June 27, 2024

 Pray Always 

   “Whatever you ask for in faith-filled prayer, you will receive.” (Matt 21:22) 

   St. Monica is a beautiful example of how to place all in the hands of God.  She prayed for many years for the conversion of her wayward son.  She never pushed or prodded, she simply placed him in the hands of God.  Her prayers were answered and her son, St. Augustine, not only came to God but became one of the greatest Saints of the Church.

   I take heart in St. Monica and her persistence in prayer.  I too pray for the souls of my children, and grandchildren as well as friends.  God listened to St. Monica, and I know He listens to me.  I may not see the answer to my prayers in this lifetime, but I know they will not go unanswered.

   I have concluded that this is the same path I need to take in all that is wrong in the world.  I can do virtually nothing to change the world, this nation, or society as a whole.  So I’ve decided to quit complaining about how things are and will instead pray, placing it all in God’s hands.  I can think of no better way to address the evils of the world than trusting in God.

   I will do what little I can, like trying to vote wisely even though I fear it is a matter of voting for the lesser of two evils.  I will not shy away from speaking up when the opportunity to defend God and His ways arise.  I will try to live my life so that my faith is evident in all I do and in the way I treat everyone I meet.

   But above all, I will persist in prayer.  I will pray “Hear my prayer, O God; give ear to the words of my mouth.” (Psalm 54: 4).  I will not insist on the answer I may think is right but accept the will of God in all things.  Above all I will trust in God’s love and providence in all things, knowing that, in the end, God wins.