Friday, June 28, 2024

 The Journey’s End 

   “Even the hairs on your head have all been counted.” (Luke 12: 7) 

   I am now seventy-three years old and well aware that my journey in this life is nearing its end.  Only God knows when that day will come, but common sense tells me most of my life on this earth is behind me.

   This knowledge has an impact upon me.  It causes me to pause, remembering the many blessings God has bestowed upon me as well as the many times I have offended Him by my sins.  I find myself considering whether I am ready for the judgement that is to come.  It is a sobering thought.

   In my youth I pretty much ignored my mortality.  As the saying goes, I was ”ten foot tall and bulletproof.”  That foolish thought has been proven wrong so many times.  Few are concerned about preparing spiritually for death in their youth, but death sometimes comes in youth with little or no warning.

   When I am judged I believe it will be not by any good I may have done but by the love with which it was done.  I can give thousands to charity, doing much good for many, but if my intent is not to share the love of God it is of no use.  Charity and donations simply to increase tax deductions or gain recognition are of no use to my spiritual well-being.

   “Amen I say to you, whatever you did for one of the least brethren of mine, you did for me.” (Matt 25: 40).  Judgement will come and my eternal dwelling place will be determined.  If I have loved others, I have loved my Lord; if not, I have not loved my Lord.  Jesus, I love you, help me to love you more.


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