Thursday, June 27, 2024

 Pray Always 

   “Whatever you ask for in faith-filled prayer, you will receive.” (Matt 21:22) 

   St. Monica is a beautiful example of how to place all in the hands of God.  She prayed for many years for the conversion of her wayward son.  She never pushed or prodded, she simply placed him in the hands of God.  Her prayers were answered and her son, St. Augustine, not only came to God but became one of the greatest Saints of the Church.

   I take heart in St. Monica and her persistence in prayer.  I too pray for the souls of my children, and grandchildren as well as friends.  God listened to St. Monica, and I know He listens to me.  I may not see the answer to my prayers in this lifetime, but I know they will not go unanswered.

   I have concluded that this is the same path I need to take in all that is wrong in the world.  I can do virtually nothing to change the world, this nation, or society as a whole.  So I’ve decided to quit complaining about how things are and will instead pray, placing it all in God’s hands.  I can think of no better way to address the evils of the world than trusting in God.

   I will do what little I can, like trying to vote wisely even though I fear it is a matter of voting for the lesser of two evils.  I will not shy away from speaking up when the opportunity to defend God and His ways arise.  I will try to live my life so that my faith is evident in all I do and in the way I treat everyone I meet.

   But above all, I will persist in prayer.  I will pray “Hear my prayer, O God; give ear to the words of my mouth.” (Psalm 54: 4).  I will not insist on the answer I may think is right but accept the will of God in all things.  Above all I will trust in God’s love and providence in all things, knowing that, in the end, God wins.


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