Saturday, June 29, 2024


   “The moment we open ourselves up to God’s plans is the moment miracles begin to happen in our lives.” (Matthew Kelly, “Resisting Happiness”) 

   Those who do not know God never see the many miracles that occur each and every day.  They see what they call coincidences and simple acts of nature.  They never stop to ask why a coincidence occurs sometimes and not others or who created the nature that causes all those simple acts of nature.

   On the other hand, those who believe and trust in God see His hand in so many things.  A grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, but from that simple fact a new plant is born, producing thousands of new grains of wheat.  I'm sure biologists can explain all the science that goes into that fact, but they can never explain who created that science.

   A single male sperm joins with a single female egg cell and a new human being is created.  Not a mass of cells, but a human being.  From the very instant of conception a new human genome is created.  One that has never existed before and will never be repeated.

   I was once in a discussion with a self-proclaimed atheist who was touting the “big bang theory” as if it negated intelligent creation by an all-knowing, all powerful Creator.  I reminded them that it was a Catholic priest in Germany who first proposed the big bang.  When I told them that I have no problem with the big bang theory, but I would like for them to tell me who lit the fuse that set it off, they were speechless.

   Miracles are a part of life.  They can be denied, they can be misunderstood, but they are reality.  Every day, in every walk of life, a loving, caring, merciful God causes miracles to occur.  Sometimes in the most unexpected places, like the heart of an atheist who finally accepts the truth that is God.



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