Monday, May 28, 2018

Politics of Satan

   Ireland has voted to allow abortion.  I had hoped that Ireland would remain a place where babies where considered to be more than just an inconvenience to be disposed of at will.  Even though the vote eliminated the ban on abortion and unborn babies are no longer protected in Ireland I believe that at some point everyone will come to understand the horror of abortion.  I have confidence that God will, in His perfect time, stop the destruction of the most innocent of all peoples.  I am also confident that each baby murdered through abortion is received with loving mercy into the arms or our Savior.

   I couldn’t help but see the evil in the Irish Prime Minister’s statement, “Today I believe we have voted for the next generation.”  In fact they voted for the slaughter of the next generation.  I was disgusted by the photo accompanying the story showing crowds of people obviously pleased that they could now murder their own children without consequence.

   In the United States over 3500 babies are murdered each and every day through abortion.  The population of Dublin, Ireland’s capital is just under two million.  We, in this country, will kill more babies in less than two years than the entire metro population of Dublin.  How can this possibly be a vote for the next generation?

   For too long we have sat on the side lines, complaining and talking about the horror of abortion.  When we will we take action and demand this atrocity be stopped?  When we will make it clear to our legislators that we will no longer tolerate talk but no action?  We must choose to reject politicians who support or allow abortion.  We must speak up for those babies in the womb who have no voice.

   “And people were bringing children to him that he might touch them, but the disciples rebuked them.  When Jesus saw this he became indignant and said to them, ‘Let the children come to me; do not prevent them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.  (Mark 10: 13-14)

I ask that each of you reading this say a prayer for the souls of those innocent children who will be murdered in the womb.  Pray also for the men and women who believe abortion is an acceptable option.  Pray that our Lord will touch their hearts and minds and create a change within them.  And let that change encompass the world.

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