Ash Wednesday
“For you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” (Gen 3: 19)
These words
to Adam and Eve after they had sinned in the garden of Eden apply equally to me
and to every human person. Life on this
earth will end for each of us. Ash Wednesday
is an important reminder of our mortality and urges us to consider whether we
are in a right relationship with our God.
Wednesday sometimes seems to be only a time when we give up something as a sacrifice. It is that but it is so much more. The sacrifice is not so much the sugar or coffee
or whatever we choose to give up, but it is intended to be a reminder and a
participation in the sacrifices Jesus Christ made for us to offer us redemption
and eternal life.
As we begin
this season of Lent I believe we should not only sacrifice something material
but also something more spiritual. Some
suggestions might be:
Pick up that
bible that has been gathering dust and read the gospels.
Give up that
grudge you’ve been holding against one who hurt you and try to reconcile.
Give up an additional
hour or so to attend daily Mass at least once a week.
Commit to
spend time in the adoration chapel before our Lord in the Eucharist. Contemplate the many sacrifices He made for
us and sorrow for the pain He endured.
Make a commitment
to spend more time in prayer. Not just
saying an extra rosary or Our Father, but to remove ourself from the distractions
of this world and spend quiet time with our Lord.
Whatever we
may sacrifice it should truly be a sacrifice.
It should be something that we will yearn for but refuse, offering it
instead to Christ who offered His life for us.
Beautifully said.