Thursday, April 19, 2018

I Come to You

My God I come to you in thanksgiving.
I have so much to thank you for. 
You have given me life.
You have given me love. 
You have given me forgiveness and mercy.
 My soul rests in you.

My God I come to you in praise.
The birds of the air sing their praise to you.
The winds sweep the earth with your blessings.
The mountains speak to your majesty.
I hear; I feel; I see.
Let me praise you in all that I do.

My God I come to you to offer you glory.
Nothing can be without you.
The earth and all within it are yours.
You made the stars of heaven and hold them in place.
The entire universe sings of your glory.
Let me join their song.

My God I come to you in love.
You are love and only from you can true love come.
I am not worthy, yet you love me still.
Let my life be one of love for others as you have loved me.

My God I come to you to offer myself.
Let all that I do be done for you.
Fill me with your spirit that I may be who you created me to be.
Let my life be a testament to you.

My God I come to offer you thanksgiving, praise, glory, love and myself through your Son Jesus Christ in union with the Holy Spirit.


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