Sunday, April 29, 2018

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

   Change happens each moment of each day.  We are physically not the same as we were just a few moments ago.  In that short time our bodies have cast off dying cells and produced new ones.  In some instances a new life has begun; in some a life has ended.  We sometimes have difficulty adapting to these changes but we have no choice in their occurrence.

   The trip from the east coast to the west coast of the United States used to take several months in a horse-drawn covered wagon.  Today we make the trip in just a few hours.  We’ve put men on the moon and into the depths of the ocean.  The average life span from the 1500’s to the 1800’s was thirty to forty years.  Today we expect to live an average of seventy-five years.

   Heraclitus was a Greek philosopher who lived about five hundred years before Christ.  He stated, “The only thing that is constant is change.”  The truth of his statement is demonstrated in the fact that it is just as accurate today.  Yet, it can only apply to earthly matters.  There are some things that are unchanging.  Those are the things of God.

   While many things change in our world, some will remain the same.  There are those who would try to redefine right and wrong.  They tell us it is acceptable to kill an unborn child in the womb.  Euthanasia is proclaimed to be a way to respect life yet it destroys life.  Marriage is expendable if inconvenient.  

   God determines right and wrong, not man.  Bishop Fulton Sheen stated, “Moral principles do not depend on a majority vote.  Wrong is wrong, even if everybody is wrong.  Right is right, even if nobody is right.”  Laws can be passed that seem to make evil good but man’s laws do not supersede God’s.

   If we need something to help us understand these things just look to the cross.  Jesus is constant, God never changes, good remains good and evil remains evil.  No laws, no opinions, no arguments can change these truths.

“While the world changes, the cross stands firm.”  St. Bruno

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