Sunday, September 30, 2018

Distractions and Obsessions

   Satan is called the great liar; the father of all lies.  And so he is.  But he is also the greatest source of distractions and obsessions in our lives.  These intrusions are usually of little if any importance, they are simply a means for the enemy to interfere with our relationship with God.

   I believe Satan assigns a demon to each of us to make the most of any opportunity to divert our attention away from God and to whatever can be forced into our conscious thoughts.

   Even in church we see those who are looking around to see who, in their opinion, is dressed correctly and who is not.  Those who give dirty looks to others whose singing they consider a travesty rather than a prayer.  Minds wander.  The homily is too long; it doesn’t apply to me anyway.  If you ask what scripture was read, you might get a blank look since they were more concerned with whether their team would win this afternoon than with the word of God.  Even when approaching the altar to receive the body, blood, soul and divinity of our Lord, Jesus Christ their focus isn’t on the incredible blessing they are to receive; they’re more concerned with speeding up the process so they can get out of church and to the restaurant for breakfast.

   These distractions can become obsessions if left to the workings of Satan.  At some point, football or baseball or golf or some other sport may displace God completely.  Rather than going to church one stays home to watch the game or to make that tee time at the golf course.

   I’ve been interested in politics for as long as I can remember.  Recently the vile evil I see in those in politics has become a distraction.  No slander is forbidden, lies are the norm.  Anything goes if it helps overcome an opponent and increase one’s own power.  I’m ashamed of it but it has become an obsession recently.  I dwell on the danger to our country because of the caustic political environment.  I’ve asked God to remove this fixation and I trust in His mercy, confidant that He will help me overcome this unhealthy attitude.

   God sends His angels to watch over us and help us.  If we call to them we can avert these disturbances in our life.  They will join the battle and help us defeat the demon’s sent to distract us.  Pray for their strength and aide in our efforts.  Call to God and reject Satan, the distractions and obsessions he brings to our life.

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