Monday, September 24, 2018


   “Vanity of vanities, says Qoheleth, vanity of vanities!  All things are vanity!” (Eccl 1: 2)

   Of all of Satan’s temptations I think vanity is the most devious.  We are all vain in some ways and ready to take pride in what we have done.  Through vanity and our sinful pride we can destroy the good we may have done.

   Whenever we do something good, we are immediately tempted to pat ourselves on the back, or worse yet, ensure others know of what we did so that they can pat us on the back.  Satan tells us we should get recognition for our efforts.  Jesus warned of this attitude; “When you fast, do not look gloomy like the hypocrites.  They neglect their appearance, so that they may appear to others to be fasting.  Amen, I say to you, they have received their reward.”  (Matt 6: 16)

   A farmer may brag of the great crop he raised this year.  But what would that crop have been if the rain hadn’t come?  A major storm right before harvest could have destroyed his crop.  There’s no doubt that the farmer worked hard and did all he could to raise his crop, but without God the crop would not exist.  The same applies to all of us.  Whatever we’ve done that prompts our vanity is not something that occurred without God.

   Vanity is Satan’s way of turning what should be good into sin by appealing to our human pride.  It’s the perfect vehicle for him to employ against those he can’t tempt with serious sins; those who strive to do good and follow God’s will.  By urging their desire to have others know of the good they do, they destroy that good.  They have gotten their reward on earth rather than saving it up in heaven.

   Even within ourselves we damage our good intentions if we sit back and bask in what we’ve done, taking pride that we have served God so well.  Though we may not seek the praise of others, self-praise detracts from our good intentions and efforts.

  Recognize that it is only through the blessings and grace of God that we are capable of good.  Seek only to please God and let your rewards be given by Him in the next life.

“I have seen all things that are done under the sun, and behold, all is vanity and a chase after wind.  (Eccl: 1: 14)

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