Saturday, September 15, 2018

Highs and Lows

   At times I wonder where God is.  In my heart and soul I know He is with me always but sometimes I can’t find Him.  I search for Him, but He seems to be hidden from me for some reason.  I struggle because I need His presence in my life.

   Others have had the same experience.  Times when their faith seemed to be of no avail in finding God in their lives.  They write that these times are important because they test our faith.  By stubbornly telling ourselves that He is with us even when we don’t feel His presence our faith is strengthened by these low periods.  I believe that and have experienced it but still I dread the feeling of aloneness during these times.

   I look to God’s creation and see the same pattern in many things.  The tide rises and ebbs; the sun rises and sets.  During the winter plants may go dormant but they return to full bloom in the spring.  All of these things are part of the cycles of life in God’s plans.  I am no different; just a creature of God dependent upon the cycles of His will.

   So when these times occur I read more scripture looking for God.  I study the lives of the saints, many of whom talk of dark times when He seemed far away.  In this way I believe my faith grows stronger while I search.  Convinced that God is there I never give up seeking Him.

   When the low times have passed and I again know and feel the presence of God within me I am elated and thankful.  I am elated that I have come through the night to the dawn of God’s love and thankful that He gave me the strength to rely upon His certainty in my life.

Lord, thank You for your presence in my life.
Even when I feel alone I know that you are there.
Once the darkness passes I again glory in your presence.
You give me strength and certainty in Your unending Love.


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