Saturday, September 29, 2018


   “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.  Not as the world gives do I give it to you.  Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.”  (John 14: 27)

   I sometimes wonder if we truly believe what Jesus told His apostles.  It seems we have a hard time accepting the peace He promises in our lives.  We look for ways to achieve peace ourselves rather than looking to Him.

  “Not as the world gives do I give it to you.”  I think this is the point we miss when looking for peace.  We are looking for peace in a world that has never known peace.  A world where peace only means the absence of war.  This is not the peace Jesus gives.  The peace He gives is beyond anything the world can offer.  It is a peace born of absolute love.

   As I’ve tried to better understand the scripture I’ve found that we often miss the important parts such as the kind of peace Jesus gives.  The true meaning escapes us because we read scripture as we would any other book.  We don’t read it with the eyes and mind of faith but with worldly thoughts and values.  Jesus’ teaching needs to be read with a prayer in our hearts and a willingness to look beyond our earthly understanding to the divine will of Christ.

   When we give our worries and concerns to the Lord and trust that He can take care of things in our life we take a tremendous weight from ourselves.  A weight that can blind us to the love and real peace that is offered if we will only accept it.  Things we used to obsess over can become minor issues that can be dealt with through prayer and faith.  Uncertainties can be relieved when we place them in Jesus’ hands.  In His perfect love He offers the help we need to deal with our worst fears and doubts.

   This doesn’t mean that we are to just throw everything to Jesus and forget about it.  We are a part of the solution.  Our efforts are vital to resolving our uncertainties and qualms, but we have a most powerful partner helping us.  By working hand-in-hand with Jesus we can overcome anything the world has to throw at us.

   The next time worries are getting you down turn to the Lord.  Ask for His help and advice.  Seek to know His plan and accept what He asks of you with the certainty that you, with His help, can handle whatever trials the world gives you.

   “Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God.  Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” (Phil 4: 6-7)

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