Thursday, November 30, 2023

 The End 

   “But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, and then the heavens will pass away in a mighty roar, and the elements will be dissolved by fire, and the earth and everything done on it will be found out.” (2 Peter 3: 10) 

   Every story has an end, and the story of this world is no exception.  Just so, every life has an end.  In both cases the time of the end is unknown except to God.

   When His disciples asked Jesus when the end would come He replied, “As for the exact day and hour, no one knows, neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” (Matt 24: 36).  Again, as with the end of the world, the day and hour of our death is unknown to us.

   Over and over in scripture Jesus warned that we must be prepared for the end.  In parables He spoke often of the master going away for a lengthy period and returning at a time unknown; therefore, his servants must be prepared at all times for Jesus’ return.  If we are found unprepared, woe be to us.

   Since the time of Jesus’ resurrection and ascension into heaven people have been trying to determine when the end will come.  The early apostles thought it would be very soon, but it has now been nearly two thousand years.  Various groups, both religious and others have tried to “do the math” or read the signs to determine the time of the end.  Many predictions have been made; obviously all were wrong.

   It isn’t up to us to concern ourselves with the day and time of the end, either of the world or our own life.  It is up to us to be prepared for both as though today is that day and this hour is that hour.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

 The Greatest Mystery 

   I’ve always been a huge fan of mystery novels.  I’ve probably read every Hardy Boys mystery ever written along with several Nancy Drew mysteries.  I’ve read Sherlock Holmes, Agatha Christie, and even most of the Edgar Allen Poe mysteries.  But the greatest mystery I’ve ever read is the bible.

   Mystery novels mostly tend to be a “who done it”.  The object is to figure out who did what and to whom.  The clues are there, but often difficult to see.  The author presents them in such a way as to make it even harder to find the villain.  Often it seems that the most logical answer points to the wrong person.  I guess that’s why they are called mysteries.

   In the bible there is no doubt about who the heroes are and who the villains are.  God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are the heroes, Satan and his followers are the bad guys.  The mystery is not who did what, but why?

   Why did God create?  He is complete and needs nothing so why make a universe and fill it with people who would reject Him?  Why would Christ choose to come into the world as a helpless infant rather than a king?  Why would He choose to die on the cross for those who had rejected Him and for all those that continue to reject Him today?

   I suppose the Bible isn’t really a mystery after all; it is a love story.  God did what He did and does all that He continues to do because God is love.   He reaches out to us in love in the desire that we will return that love.  There is a heavenly kingdom that awaits those who love Him and hell for those who reject Him. 

   The real mystery is why so many refuse to love a God who loves them so devotedly.


Tuesday, November 28, 2023


   From time to time it’s good for me to just sit and reflect on my life.  To remember the good times and the bad as well.  Both have had a great impact on me so both have been important parts of my life.  Sometimes it’s difficult to see which has benefited me most.

   The good times would seem to be the easy answer, but I’m not sure.  The periods of my life where everything was going well sometimes brought satisfaction and complacency.  Things were good so I just kind of drifted along.  Maybe I thought they would stay that way, but they never do.

    During difficult times I was forced to take action to overcome them.  It’s good to have a challenge that requires effort to resolve; it causes me to reach out with more urgency to my Lord.  I am ashamed that I seem to seek Him more in the hard times, often failing to give Him thanks for the good times, the many blessings He has given me and continues to give me.

   As I reflect on my life I see that the times that I thought were the worst were the ones that brought me closer to God.  Does that mean that the hard times were good?  Makes no sense but it is, in some strange way, true.  I honestly believe that I would not have grown closer to Christ if there had not been suffering and pain at times in my life.

   All in all, it comes down to a very basic truth.  God has a plan for me, and that plan is for my eternal salvation.  The trials as well as the joys are a part of that plan and must be seen in that light.  Therefore, I must give thanks not just for the good times but also for those that were difficult; both are God's will for me, and both have enabled me to grow closer to Him.

Monday, November 27, 2023

 Christian Apathy 

   “But when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?” (Luke 18: 8) 

   I believe that Jesus, the Son of Man, will find faith on earth when he comes.  But it will in large part be faith in all the wrong things.

   There will be faith in community and getting along with others, even to the point of hiding one’s faith in God, afraid to take a stand for Christ.  People have become more concerned with offending their neighbor than with offending God.

   Some who call themselves Christians are failing God; they are allowing evil to abound in society rather than speak up in truth, warning of the dangers of sin and the fact of eternal hell.  When was the last time you heard anyone even mention hell?  No one wants to talk about it because it isn’t “polite” conversation.  By ignoring it people are condemning themselves and others to eternal damnation.

   Jesus wrote to the church at Laodicea, “So, because you are lukewarm, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.” (Rev 3: 16)  Many Christians are far beyond lukewarm.  Jesus doesn’t mention the fate of those who are cold, but if He rejects those who are lukewarm, what will be the punishment for those who are cold?

   Many times Jesus told those whom He healed that their faith had healed them.  He told the disciples that, with faith, they could tell a tree to be uprooted and planted in the sea and it would be done.  The good news of the Gospel is based on such faith.  As long as we are more concerned with offending others rather than offending God, we will never have that kind of faith.

   If we want to know God's kingdom we must decide; will we be lukewarm, even cold, in our faith, or will we be on fire for the love of Christ?  Our eternal future depends on which we choose.


Sunday, November 26, 2023

 The Bread of Life 

   “I am the living bread that came down from heaven.  Whoever eats this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh, for the life of the world.” (John 6: 54) 

   “My Lord, my God, my Savior.  I come before you on my knees in thanksgiving for the gift of your Body and Blood in the Blessed Sacrament.  I come before you in sorrow for my many sins, the sins that nailed you to that cross.  Forgive me I pray, and never allow me to sin against you again.”

   I always say the above prayer when I go before Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament whether in the adoration chapel or in the Church.  Nothing strengthens me in faith more than the fact that the Son of God loves me so much that He would humble Himself to be present in what appears to be just a simple piece of unleavened bread.  I am in awe of such love.  I wish I could love Him with the same perfect love with which He loves me; but that is not possible due to my human imperfections.  But I can and do love Him to the best of my ability.

   When I serve at the Altar during Mass and have the honor and blessing of assisting the priest in the consecration of the bread and wine, the miracle of the Holy Eucharist, I am overwhelmed with love for Him, and I recognize how unworthy I am to receive Him in the Eucharist. 

   There is not the least doubt within me that the Blessed Sacrament is, in truth, the glorified Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of my Lord, Jesus Christ.  I need no proof other than His word, “Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you do not have life within you.” (John 6: 50)

    My Lord, forgive my sins, make me yours and yours alone.  Feed me with your Body and Blood until I leave this world and come to you in God’s eternal kingdom.


Saturday, November 25, 2023

 Who Will You Serve? 

   “If it seems wrong to you to serve the Lord, then today you must choose whom you will serve, whether it will be the gods that your fathers served on the other side of the river, or the gods of the Amorites who dwell in the land.  As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24: 15) 

   The choice Joshua put before the people as they were about to enter the promised land is a choice that we must also make.’

   We must decide if we will serve the one true God or one of the many false gods of this world.  Make no mistake, we will serve one or the other and the choice we make will determine where we will spend eternity.

   Will you serve the god of money, striving to become more and more wealthy?  Many choose this god and worship it faithfully, but this is not the one true God that can bring us to salvation and His heavenly kingdom.  The richer we become the harder it can become to understand that money will not open those pearly gates.  Jesus said, “Amen, I say to you, it will be difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.” (Matt 19: 23).

   Maybe fame and recognition will be the god you worship.  Especially if  your profession is one that puts you in the public’s eye, it’s easy to become convinced that you deserve the praise and honor given you for  your achievements.  And yet when you die, you will be quickly forgotten by all those who fed your pride and your ego.

   Sex is a popular god; there are many who are throwing away eternity in heaven for the physical pleasures available.  Marriage is becoming more and more rare while simply living together or promiscuity with multiple partners is increasing.  In old age, when both the beauty and stamina is gone, this god will be of little use, and you know the foolishness of having worshipped it.

   Whom we will worship; the God who promises eternal happiness and joy of heaven or one of the false gods who can only promise the path to hell?  The choice is ours but never forget that the choice is not only for this lifetime but for all eternity.

Thursday, November 23, 2023

A Thanksgiving Prayer 

Father, each year we set aside a day for thanksgiving.

We take this day to thank you for our many blessings.

We give you thanks for our family and friends.

We give thanks for the foods that we share on this day.


Why do we only have one day a year set aside?

Why aren’t we thankful every day for your many blessings?

Every day is filled with Your love and mercy.

Every day is filled with Your blessings.


May we take this one day and live it every day.

May we awake giving thanks for the day to come.

May we go to sleep giving thanks for your many blessings.

May we give You thanks every day of the year.




May each of you know the many blessings of God on this day.  I pray that your life will be filled with happiness,  joy, and the love of our Lord Jesus Christ. 



Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

 Be At Peace 

   “And let the peace of Christ reign in your hearts, because it was for this that you were called together in one body.  Always be thankful.” (Col 3: 15) 

   If I do not have the peace of Christ in my heart I am failing as a Christian.  Jesus brought peace, He brought forgiveness and salvation.  If I can’t find peace in His gifts I have a serious problem in faith.

   We all know the world is a mess, but we can’t let it take away the peace Christ brings.  We must remember that the world has been a mess since the fall in the Garden of Eden.  With the disobedience of Adam and Eve came sin, and with sin, death.  But our Lord came to restore the life God has intended for us; a life of communion with Him, trusting completely in His will.

   No matter what our vocation or calling, we will know difficult times.  We must accept those times as the cross we are called to bear and get on with life.  Christ said, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you.  Not as the world gives do I give it to you.  Do not let your hearts be troubled; be not afraid.” (John 14: 27)  If we have the peace that Christ has given us in our hearts nothing Satan can do will be able to take away that peace.

   When things get hard, when the troubles are about to overwhelm us and our peace is fading, we must turn to Christ and remember, “In the world you will endure suffering.  But take courage!  I have overcome the world.” (John 16: 33). We must never, ever, let the world and its problems steal our peace in Christ.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023


   In most instances anger is a dreadful thing.  However, there is a time for righteous anger, which is anger not against the person but toward the acts of that person.  Even Jesus knew this type of anger.  Seeing the money changers and those selling sacrifices in the temple He made a whip of cords and chased them out of the temple proclaiming, “Take them out of here!  Stop turning my Father’s house into a marketplace.” (John 2: 16)

   But what are we to be angry about?  What actions of today’s world should cause righteous outrage in our hearts?  It’s not hard to think of some, but what is hard is to not focus our anger on the person who is sinning, but for the sinful and offensive actions they commit.

   God gave us the marital act, which is intended for procreation, to participate with God in creating new life.  When engaged in as it should be it also strengthens and supports the blessedness of a sacramental marriage.  It is not and should never become just a means of earthly pleasure.  Even the new life that may be created is rejected by much of society who considers the baby as nothing more than an inconvenience who can be killed and discarded at will.  How can there not be anger at such atrocities? 

   Religious leaders who would attempt to redefine and water down God’s word to placate an evil society are certainly worthy of Holy anger.  They are failing their flocks with their misguided teachings.  Christ himself had devastating words for those who would do such things, “If anyone causes one of the little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him if a great millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea.” (Mark 9: 42).

   There are plenty of things in the brokenness of our world that can cause anger in our hearts for the offense they bring to God that should rightly be denounced.  However, if we allow our anger to become judgement of the person rather than just the act committed, we ourselves are guilty of sin.  For Jesus said, “Anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgement….” (Matt 5: 22).


Monday, November 20, 2023


   “Though we speak much we cannot reach the end, and the sum of our words is: “He is all’”. (Sir 43: 27) 

   We are at a disadvantage when trying to speak or think about the spiritual.  We are restricted by the words we use.  Words that cannot explain the unexplainable, that cannot find a so-called “proof” for the mysteries of God.  For the things of the spirit and miracles are mysteries and mysteries can rarely be explained in words.

   Imagine trying to have a meaningful conversation with someone who speaks a language we do not understand and who does not understand our language.  That is our dilemma when we attempt to commune with God.  Words simply aren’t enough.  We need to approach the almighty in His own language, the language of silence, listening for the still, quiet voice that is the voice of our Lord.

   Our prayers often end up being little more than a long-winded laundry list of wants and desires rather than the gratitude and love we should be offering to God.  We far too often pray not for His will, but for our own.  St. Paul wrote, “For we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with sighs that cannot be put into words.” (Romans 8: 26)

   This is not to say that verbal prayers should be abandoned, but we also need to seek God through mental prayers, prayers of silence and times of contemplation.  St. Therese of Lisieux said, “For me, prayer is a surge of the heart; it is a simple look turned toward heaven, it is a cry of recognition and of love, embracing both trial and joy.” 

   When we pray with not only our words, but with our heart and soul seeking the wisdom and the will of God He will do the rest.  He will come to us in love, showing us the way and helping us to better know and love Him.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

 Happy Places 

   “As for me, my happiness is to be near God, and I have made the Lord God my refuge.”  (Psalm 73: 28) 

   I was always a fan of Peter Pan.  The concept of being like a child forever was enticing and seemed like a lot of fun.  And, according to the story, all it took was to think of one’s happy place.

   Of course it doesn’t work like that in real life, even in our most happy of places reality intrudes and robs us of the child-like thrills we would like to enjoy.  Try as we may, happy places are hard to find and even harder to stay in.  But there is one happy place that will never disappoint: to be with God.

   The happiest of all my happy places is with my Lord.  When I am with Him I shut out the evil and hatred of the world and bask in His truth and love.  I can put the world on hold, reject the insanity, and calmly, lovingly enjoy my time with God.

   However, when I sit before the Crucifix looking at my Lord nailed to that horrible cross, my happiness turns to sadness and sorrow.  My sins, both past and present, are what nailed Him to the tree, it was for my sins that He suffered and died.  And yet there is happiness there as well; the Son of God loves me so much that He would sacrifice everything to offer me redemption and salvation.  How could that not be a happy thought?

   There is a lot of unhappiness in the world and that makes it even more important to remember the happy places and thoughts.  Whenever the chaos has gotten even worse, when it seems evil is winning, my happy thought is, “God is in control, all will be well.”  Nothing else truly matters, and there is nothing else that could make me happier.

Saturday, November 18, 2023

 Why I Am Catholic 

   “Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life within you.  Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day.  For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink.” (John 6: 53 – 55) 

   There is turmoil within the Church; people who would trade the truth of Christ for the whims and desires of a sinful society.  This isn’t the first time the Church has dealt with such issues, and it will most likely not be the last.  The laity seeks and deserves the truth and teachings of Christ.  Any less only causes confusion and difficulty for the faithful.

   Many heresies have arisen throughout the history of the Church.  Those who mistakenly, though perhaps sincerely, believed what they were teaching.  Each has been overcome and any new ones that may arise will also be overcome by the power of the Holy Spirit.

   Humans have sometimes failed in their understanding of the faith, but the Holy Spirit is the protector and defender of the faith, and the Spirit will never fail.  “The Advocate, the holy Spirit that the Father will send in my name – he will teach you everything and remind you of all that I told you.” (John 14: 26).

   So, why am I Catholic?  I’m not Catholic because of the Pope, or Cardinals, or Bishops, or Priests.  I’m Catholic because my Lord gave up His life on the cross to offer me redemption and the forgiveness of my sins.  I am Catholic because, through the miracle of the Eucharist, I am fed with the Glorified Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ, the Bread of Life come down from heaven.

Friday, November 17, 2023

 Jesus In the Temple 

   For a moment put yourself in the place of Mary and Joseph as they searched for Jesus for three days, not knowing if He was lost, or injured and even if he was alive.  When they finally found Him in the temple, imagine their amazement as they heard Jesus debating the laws and Jewish faith with the leaders of the temple.

   When told they had been searching anxiously for Him, He replied, “Why were you looking for me?  Did you not know that I must be in my Father’s house?” (Luke 2: 49).  Though His ministry would not begin in earnest for several years, He was already busy preparing for it.

   As an adoptive father, I can imagine the heartache of Joseph when Jesus said that He must be in His “Father’s” house.  Though Joseph knew he was not truly the father of Christ, it must have been devastating to hear Jesus state it so very clearly.

   In the same way Mary had to recognize that He was no longer the baby she had nursed, the little child she loved and cared for.  Perhaps she remembered the words of Simeon when he said to her, “…a sword will pierce your own soul too…” (Luke 2: 35).  This would be the first of many such swords our Blessed Mother would suffer.

   Every parent must come to the day when their children leave the nest, praying that they have prepared their son or daughter well.  Joseph and Mary were no different even though their Child was the Son of God.  The pain of recognizing that He was reaching maturity and would leave them at some point was made very clear that day in Jerusalem.  But they also knew that He was the Messiah, the Chosen One who would give His life for the redemption of our sins.  And in that truth I’m sure they found joy and great peace in their hearts.


Thursday, November 16, 2023

 God’s Plan 

   “You had scrutinized my every action, all were recorded in your book, my days listed and determined even before the first of them occurred.” (Psalm 139: 16) 

   The God who saw our every action and determined all our days before even one came to be, has a plan for us.  His plan is for our good, to lead us to His heavenly kingdom.  We will be tested, we will be tried in this plan of His, but He will give us the courage and the strength to overcome all tests and trials.  Our part is to agree to follow the plan He has for us.

   Too many times we become convinced that we know God’s plan when it is really our plan, not God’s, that we want to follow.  We grow frustrated because God isn’t allowing us to follow His plan; but it’s not His plan, it’s ours.  So how do we know God’s plan for us?

   Many think they can teach us how to know God’s will.  There are hundreds of books telling us how we can know His will for us.  I’m sure there are some that are of some help, but I suspect most of them are of value only to the author’s bank account; there is no foolproof way of understanding God and His will.

   What is needed is humility, the recognition that we are clay, and He is the potter.  We did not make ourselves, God did.  And He did so with a purpose.  If we listen He will share that purpose with us.  But beware, it may be far different from what you might wish it to be.

   The other thing we must remember is that God’s plans do not change.  Like Him, they are eternal and unchangeable.  We can’t bargain, we can’t exchange one plan for another.  We can only accept or reject the plan He has for us.  There are no other options.

   So again, the question is, “How am I to know God’s will for me?”  In my mind, the answer is inner peace and contentment.  If my life is one of constant frustration and anxiety I am most likely far from His will.  When I accept what each day brings, both the good and the bad, with thanksgiving, offering all to Him with love, I am following His plan for me.  When I can weather the storms that may come, always keeping the peace of God within me, I am following His will. 

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

 What’s In A Name? 

   “I am who I am.’ Then he added, ‘This is what you will tell the Israelites: I AM has sent me to you.”” (Ex 3: 14). 

   I have often read the Exodus story but, when reading it again recently, God’s answer of “I AM” when Moses asked His name, made me stop and consider.  What does I AM mean?  It’s not really a name and it has far more meaning than just the two words “I AM.”  It means that God is all.  He is not only I AM, but he is also I WAS, and I WILL BE.  There is no beginning and there is no end to God, He is, He always has been, and He always will be.

   Eternity is not something that we can ever understand in this lifetime.  We are bound and, in many ways, ruled by time.  We can’t fully comprehend the permanent “now” of eternity.  We see a beginning and an end to all things, but those words don’t apply to eternity.

   When we consider God, we think as humans think.  But God is beyond human understanding.  We want, like Moses, to know who God is.  But He is forever, without beginning and without end.  St. Thomas Aquinas said that God is not a being but is “BEING” itself and all else has being because of God.

   Try as we may, the full knowledge of God is and will remain a mystery in this mortal life.  God truly has no name as we think of names and that makes me wonder; will we have names in heaven?

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

 Nourish the Soul 

   “You will not see anyone who is truly striving after his spiritual advancement who is not given to spiritual reading.”  (St. Athanasius of Alexandria)


   There is an adage that says you are what you eat.  As with many of these old sayings there is some truth in this one.  If we eat healthy foods and avoid those which are not so good for us, we are more likely to be healthy ourselves.  A well-balanced sensible diet can do much to help us maintain our health.


   The same principle applies to our spiritual health.  If we fill our minds and hearts with the wrong things it can harm our spiritual health just as the wrong foods harm the physical.  Proper nourishment is needed if we are to develop and maintain a proper relationship with our Lord


   Is your bookshelf filled with fiction, glorifying sex, and violence?  Do the television shows you watch provide healthy nourishment for the soul or the sinful joys and pleasures of a fallen world?  Is there a Bible on your nightstand or beside your favorite chair?  What of the writings of the saints; are they part of your reading material?  Do you pray?  Is God first in your life; above all else?


   We go to great lengths in our efforts to keep our body healthy.  If we want to reach God’s heavenly kingdom we must put the same or even greater effort into our spiritual well-being.  Our earthly bodies, regardless of their health, will pass away.  Our soul lives forever.  By properly feeding the spirit we can all be saints.


“Jesus said to them, ‘My food is to do the will of the one who sent me.”  (John 4: 34)

Monday, November 13, 2023

 Am I Ready? 

   “I must one day die.” (St. Alphonsus Liguori 

   St. Liquor's statement would probably get the response common in our language today, “Well, DUH!”  But I’m willing to bet that most people reading this rarely, if ever, consider the fact that their life will end someday. 

   We all make plans far into the future for our earthly well-being.  We strive to be successful in our professional endeavors, to have a happy, loving marriage, and to raise our children in the light of God’s truth.  Well, at least those who believe in God do these things.

   Others, who do not have God in their lives, also plan for many things, but often for far different reasons.  Their goal is more likely to get as much as they can, to live for self and self-aggrandizement.  Their belief is that he who dies with the most toys wins.  They never stop to consider what happens next; they don’t believe there is a “next.”

   But even those who have faith in God are very reticent to consider their own death.  I used to be the same, but I’ve come to understand that the end of my earthly life is unavoidable and how well I prepare myself for that day is the most important planning that I will ever do.  It doesn’t matter how many “toys” I have, only whether I will leave this world in the friendship of my Lord.

   In his rule for the monastic life St. Benedict tells his monks and by extension, his oblates; “Consider each day your mortality.”  This doesn’t mean we should sit around dreading it and become depressed and despondent.  It simply emphasizes the fact that death will come at a time we do not know.  All the worldly preparations will not matter then, only how well we have prepared our soul for that final journey.

Sunday, November 12, 2023

 False Prophets 

   “Beware of false prophets, who come among you in sheep’s clothing, but underneath are ravenous wolves.  By their fruits you will know them.” (Matt 7: 15) 

   When we hear religious leaders speaking of changing the word of God to accommodate man’s propensity to sin, we are hearing false prophets.  God’s word is unchangeable, what was a sin from the beginning remains a sin today.  Redefining sin to placate a sick and sinful society is an abomination.

   But what can the average Christian do to identify and confront such false prophets?  As the scripture says, “by their fruits you will know them.”  If what they are saying and doing conflicts with the word of God we must reject them and their teachings.  We must pray that they will experience a spiritual renewal and return to the truth.

   Jesus said, “The scribes and the Pharisees occupy the chair of Moses.  You must, therefore, do what they tell you and listen to what they say, but do not be guided by what they do; since they do not practice what they preach.” (Matt 23: 2 – 3).  We are to listen to church leaders and prayerfully consider what they say,  However, if they are not teaching and living the world of God they are pawns of Satan and must be ignored.

   To the false prophets I would say Beware!  Remember the words of our Lord concerning you, “Things that cause sin will inevitably occur, but woe to the person through whom they occur.  It would be better for him if a millstone were put around his neck and he be thrown into the sea than for him to cause one of these little ones to sin.” (Luke 17: 1 – 2)

Saturday, November 11, 2023

 The Power of Love 

   “The power of love is a curious thing.  Makes one man weep and another man sing.  Change a hawk to a little white dove.  More than a feeling, that’s the power of love.’ (The Power of Love by Huey Lewis, lyrics by Huey Lewis, John Victor Colia, Christopher John Hayes.) 

   There is nothing in this world that is more powerful than love.  And the most powerful love of all is the love of God.  Love is unique in that the more we give away we the more we receive.  And when we love God above all else the return of love is boundless, allowing us to love others with an even greater love.

   Sometimes we get confused about what love is; we think it is just a feeling.  Love can produce some of the strongest feelings we will ever know but love itself is not a feeling.  It is a conscious decision to love another more than self, to desire their well-being and happiness above our own.  We will give up things we love for the love of another and never expect return.

   St. Paul’s description of love is a beautiful statement of what true love is; “Love is patient, love is kind.  It is not jealous, is not pompous, it is not inflated, it is not rude, it does not seek its own interests, it is not quick-tempered, it does not brood over injury, it does not rejoice over wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth.  It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.”  1 Cor 13: 4 – 7).

   When we offer all our love to God we receive far more in return than we can ever give.  When we freely give our love to God and to one another, we will begin to understand why love is the greatest power in the world.

Thursday, November 9, 2023


   “Have courage and do not fear the assaults of the devil.  Remember this forever – it is a healthy sign if the devil shouts and roars around your conscience, since this shows that he is not inside your will.” St. Padre Pio 

   As hard as we try to live our life for God there will be temptations. We need not worry if we, with the help of God, resist those temptations,  Even when, in our weakness, we fall to Satan’s urges there is the recourse of confession to restore our relationship with the Lord.  The time to worry is when we are no longer tempted; Satan has no need to continue tempting those who belong to him.

   I’ve often read that the saints were pleased when Satan attacked them more forcefully for it said to them that they were close to God; only those close to God are so tempted.  They knew that, with God’s help, Satan could be defeated.

   Though we are all tempted, those temptations are not the same for each of us.  Satan knows our weaknesses and will focus on those things most likely to overcome our resistance.  We need to consider what our weaknesses are, and where Satan’s attacks may focus.  In this way we can better prepare ourselves for the battle.

   “No trial has come to you but what is human, God is faithful and will not let you be tried beyond your strength, but with the trial he will also provide a way out, so that you may be able to bear it.” (1 Cor 10: 13).  We are no match for the lies and wiles of Satan, our weakness is no match for his strength.  We must turn to God, and seek His help to resist those temptations that are more than we can overcome.  With God on our side we can triumph over Satan and all his evil ways.   

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

 Of Faith and Knowledge 

   “Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.” (Matt 18: 3) 

   Which is more important, faith or learning?  Both have great value but without faith all the learning in the world will not open the doors to the kingdom of God.

   Children have an innocent faith, a faith that is not based on wisdom but on trust.  They trust that their parents love them and will properly care for them.  This is the faith we need if we are to know and come to have faith in God; as innocent and trusting as the faith of a child.

   Adults, on the other hand, have a difficult time with unquestioning faith.  They find it  hard to have faith in something they can’t understand and that no one can fully explain.  And yet that is the faith that is required; one that places trust in God even when we don’t understand.

   “Blessed is he who knows God, even if he knows nothing else.” (St. Augustine).  To know God is to know love, forgiveness, and mercy.  We can have all the wisdom of the world but if we don’t know God it is of no use, it will not get us to heaven.  God isn’t concerned with our knowledge but of our faith, even if we don’t know the answer to the simplest math questions it is of no consequence to our soul.

   There is nothing wrong with education and learning, it is a good thing and should be sought.  However, if the choice is a brilliant education or complete trust and faith in the God who loves us, choose God.  “I give you praise, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for although you have hidden these things from the wise and learned you have revealed them to the childlike.” (Luke 10:21). 

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

 To Serve God 

   Every day of my life is a gift from God.  I live solely because of His love and His will.  Should He forget me I would no longer exist.

   How am I to give Him proper thanks for the gift of life and all that comes with it?  There is nothing He needs, and I have nothing worthy of Him to offer.  All I can give Him is my heart, mind, and soul; to live as He would have me live and to serve Him as best I can.

   It’s easy to see the times I have failed to honor God in my life, the sins I’ve committed.  But sometimes it seems hard to find those times when I have served Him as He deserves.  Humanity is weak and weakness is inherent in me.  Though I desire to serve Him I sometimes find myself slipping into complacency, becoming lukewarm and even sloppy in my spiritual life.

   Satan will try to convince me that I am doing well in serving my Lord, to believe I am offering Him my best efforts.  I know very well that I fail at times due to my own fault, but the devil would have me believe it’s OK, I’m still doing pretty good.  I can’t allow such lies to take root in my heart.  If I do, I am lost.

   I give thanks to God each morning for His love and the gifts He gives to me.  I commit to doing my best to follow His will in all things.  Some days I do better at keeping that promise, on others not so much.  All I can do is keep praying, keep trying, and submit my will to His in all things; to die to self so that He can live in me.  May God help me!

Monday, November 6, 2023

 The Will of God 

   “Then he withdrew from them, about a stone’s throw away, and knelt down and prayed.  ‘Father,’ he said, ‘if you are willing, take this cup away from me.  Nevertheless, let your will be done, not mine.’” (Luke 22: 41 – 42) 

   There are some passages of scripture that are so full of meaning that it takes time and meditation to fully appreciate what is being said to us.  For me, the verse above is one of those.

   I see two things that are very important to me as a Christian in these words of Jesus.  First, it’s OK to ask the Father to take away a tremendous hurt or fear.  Our Lord gives us the perfect example when He asks the Father to take the cup of His death and crucifixion from Him.  The humanity of our Lord dreaded the pain and suffering that was to come.

   If we are diagnosed with a serious illness or even a terminal disease that would end in a painful, suffering death, we should pray for a cure.  If our spouse or children are suffering in some way, we can ask for relief, both for them, and for the pain we suffer because of their suffering.  Think of our Blessed Mother as she watched her son being brutalized and crucified, dying on that cross.  I often wonder if she asked God for relief from such agony.  Jesus shows us in these few words that it is perfectly okay to seek such favors from God.

   However, we must never forget the second part of this scripture.  It’s fine to ask for relief from a terrible ordeal, but we must also be willing to accept the will of God regardless of the pain and sorrow it may bring.  We must trust in His wisdom and His love, with faith that all things from God will work out for the good, even when we can’t possibly understand how that could be.

   We are tested in our faith throughout our journey home, but some tests are far more difficult than others.  We must follow the example of Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane; pray for relief but submit to the will of the Father.

Sunday, November 5, 2023

 No Compromise with Evil 

   “We do not want a Church that will move with the world.  We want a Church that will move the world.  G. K. Chesterton 

   When our Lord came into the world He didn’t come to work within the corrupt rules and ways of the world but to rewrite the rules and change the world.  He said, “I have come to set the earth on fire, and how I wish it were already blazing!” (Luke 12: 49).  After Christ, the world could never be the same again.

   We need leadership in our churches that follow the example of Jesus, leaders who do not bend to the ways of the world but fight to change the ways of the world.  Christianity cannot flourish by accepting the ever-changing morals of society, it must establish not new ways, but the old ways, the ways of Christ.

   To follow Jesus requires us to swim against the tide of evil in the world.  We cannot ignore or give the sins of the world a pass, saying “Well, they aren’t so bad, maybe the rules need to be updated and revised.”  We must instead insist on the teaching of Christ who warned us, “Do not think that I have come to bring peace upon the earth.  I have come to bring not peace, but a sword.” (Matt 10:34). 

   There can be no compromise with evil, it must be defeated.  There is only one road to heaven and it goes through Christ; all others lead only to hell.

Saturday, November 4, 2023

 Christian Fellowship 

   “God is faithful, and by him you were called to fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.” (1 Cor 1: 9) 

   There have been many things that have helped me on my spiritual journey.  It has been a blessing to have the privilege to study my faith in depth to learn more about it and its history.  The Sacraments of the Church, especially Holy Eucharist and Confession have taught me humility before the Lord.  The blessings of a sacramental marriage with God as our partner brought me great joy and helped me become closer to my Lord and my wife.

   But what helps me so much in my day to day life is Christian fellowship; the opportunity to share my faith, my questions and my hopes with others who share my faith in God.  It is a strengthening, a pleasure, and a tremendous blessing in my life.  I’m not sure how some seem to grow in faith without the support and love of a solid friendship with other Christians.

   A few of us men meet each Saturday morning for breakfast.  The conversations are varied at times, but always turn to faith and serving our Lord.  We don’t solve the problems of the world, but we strengthen each other in maintaining our joy and peace in God.

   There are also times when I meet with others for dinner.  We enjoy each other’s company, share a great meal, and rejoice in the God who has brought us together in this life.  These gatherings also help me on my spiritual journey.  It is such a joy to gather with those whose love of God is great and whose lives reflect that love.

   There are many ways to grow in faith and love of God, but without friends and family who share that love and faith it can be much harder.  We need the support and love of other Christians to face the challenges life throws at us, and to increase in faith and trust in God.


Friday, November 3, 2023

 We Are Called 

   When we turn to Christ and repent for our sins, begging for His forgiveness and love, He never turns us away.  He welcomes us with open arms and rejoices that one more sinner has been saved.

   But that’s just the beginning.  Once we call on God, we also accept that He will call on us from time to time.  Maybe not often, but most of us will be called to serve Him in some way.  I don’t think anyone who has accepted God will go through life without a mission of some sort.

   Some are called to the priesthood or religious life.  Others are called to become theologians helping others to better understand their faith.  Catechists are called to help teach those who already believe but want a greater understanding.  We don’t hear much of missionaries these days, but they exist all over the world to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ.

   However, no matter what other calling we may have, I believe all of us are called to be His witnesses, to live our life as a testimony to our faith and trust in a loving God. 

   Being a witness means allowing others to see God within us by our words and our actions.  Witnessing to those who do not know God and hoping they see something that encourages them to ask “why” we are as we are.  We then have the chance to tell them what God has done in our life; the peace and joy that comes from knowing Him.  We can share how loved we are and how God’s love has helped us love others.

   There are many ways to serve our Lord, and all are of great value, but we are all called to witness to our faith, to let the light of Christ shine through in all we do.  I guarantee others will notice,  and with God’s grace they may themselves feel the call to turn to God.


Thursday, November 2, 2023

 All Soul’s Day 

   “In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places.  If there were not, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you?  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back again and take you to myself, so that where I am you also may be.” (John 14: 2 – 3) 

   Today is All Souls Day, a special day of remembrance and prayer for our loved ones who have gone before us.  It can be a difficult day for many, a day when their loss weighs heavily upon them.

   However, it should not be a day of sorrow if we believe the words of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Death is not the end but the beginning.  The faithfully departed are with the Lord; they no longer know the pains and sorrows of this world, but only the joy of the next. 

   We linger in this exile, mourning the loss of our loved ones, but even a bit envious of the peace and happiness they know in God’s kingdom.  But our time will come.  Jesus has prepared a place for us as well and will come and take us to Himself when this life is over.

   Take some time this day, and every day, to quietly sit and remember our loved ones who are with the Lord.  Give thanks for the joy and happiness they know in their heavenly mansion.  Pray and live life that we may join them when our time on this earth is done. 

“Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.  May all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.”  Amen

Wednesday, November 1, 2023


   “Faith is the realization of what is hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen.” (Heb 11: 1) 

   How can we explain faith to one who does not have it?  It is a concept alien to a world that seeks certifiable proof in all things.  And yet, as Christians all our hopes rest on faith.

   People base the “fact” that the sun will rise in the east tomorrow on faith, though they would never admit it.  There is no proof to support that assumption; a cataclysmic event could occur overnight which could change the entire universe making the sun now rise in the south or maybe not at all. 

   People assume many things based on so-called “proofs”, but what was proof yesterday may be a misconception today.  At one time science was confident that the world was flat and that the sun revolved around the earth rather than the earth around the sun.  Science was wrong on that account and on many others throughout history.  But the people believed them and their proof, which wasn't fact after all.    

   Can anyone prove the existence of love?  You can’t see it, touch it, or move it from one place to another.  Still, those who will readily accept the concept of human love refuse to believe in the love of a God who would send His only Son to die for them.

   I place my faith in many things that I cannot physically prove.  My faith tells me there is a heaven and a hell, though I can’t prove their existence except by faith.  There is a God in heaven who loves and cherishes of us, but no one has seen Him, and I can’t tell you where He is, except my faith tells me He exists, and He is present within me.

   My faith is a fact; it can’t be proven except in my heart and soul, it can’t be seen except in the way I live my life, but it is what drives me, what makes each day worth living.  It is the faith in Someone far greater than I who loves me and has paradise waiting for me when this life is over.