Friday, July 13, 2018

False Altars

   The books of the Old Testament document many altars to false gods that the Israelites wrongfully worshipped.  As soon as they were freed from the slavery of Egypt they grew impatient with God, created a golden calf, and worshipped it.  They worshipped the pagan god Baal and others.  Each time God punished them for their infidelity and forgave them when they returned to Him.

   We also bow to false gods at manmade altars.  There is an argument to be made that society is in the shape it’s in today because of our false worship.  Just as the Israelites turned from God we also have turned to the gods of our times rather than the one true God.

   The false god where most worship is found at the altar of “me”.  We worship what we want with no regard to the value of our desire or the consequences of receiving what we worship.

   The god of pride causes us to believe we have the answers.  We can determine what is good for ourselves.  Our first parents worshipped at this altar and found themselves banned from the Garden of Eden.

   We worship at the altar of freedom, falsely believing that there can be freedom without responsibility.  We take the great gift of free will and turn it against the One who gave it to us.

   We bow to the god of money.  We forget that nothing of this world is of lasting value, selling our souls cheaply to obtain earthly wealth.

   The god of self-image calls us to it’s altar.  We worship youth, beauty, sexuality and health.  Those who don’t meet the desired image are shunned and turned away.  Jesus turned no one away.

   We all worship false gods at their altars in some areas of our lives.  They are easy to recognize if look closely; they have no lasting peace or joy.  They can be avoided through prayer and love of God.

   “Their idols are silver and gold, the work of human hands.  They have mouths, but do not speak; eyes, but do not see.  They have ears, but do not hear; noses, but do not smell.  They have hands, but do not feel; feet, but do not walk; and they do not make a sound in their throat.  Those who make them are like them; so are all who trust in them.  (Psalm 115: 4-8)

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