Friday, July 20, 2018


   “Vanity of vanities, says the Preacher; vanity of vanities!  All is vanity.  (Ecclesiastes 1: 2)

   There have been numerous industries built around the fact that are a vain people.  Auto manufacturers take delight in convincing us that we must have the newest car with all the bells and whistles; vanity.  Clothing manufacturers show us the latest styles and fashions knowing we believe we must always be in style; vanity.  We want biggest, newest television, the fastest computer, the cell-phone of the day; more vanity.

   We want all the baubles money can buy.  We are convinced that we deserve them; we work hard for the ability to own the biggest home in the best neighborhood and send our kids to the best schools with the highest tuition.  While there is nothing wrong with wanting good things for us, our families and friends, there is a point where all becomes vanity.  If the good we work for becomes an obsession it is no longer a good.

   Our vanity affects our spiritual life as well.  We go to church on Sunday, say a few prayers and think that pays for our ticket to heaven.  The fact is that ticket can’t be purchased by us; Jesus died to give us that ticket.  Each moment of our life is a gift from God yet vanity says it is ours to use as we wish.  If we are told that our evil actions have consequences we want to rewrite the rules to fit our desires.  The height of vanity is for us to assume that we know what is good and evil when God alone makes that determination. 

   Our vanity, if unchecked, will ultimately condemn us.  Our humility before God can save us.

   “I have seen everything that is done under the sun; and behold, all is vanity and a striving after wind.  What is crooked cannot be made straight and what is lacking cannot be numbered.” (Ecclesiastes 1: 14-15)

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