Saturday, April 11, 2020

Between the Cross and the Resurrection

Can you hear it?  The silence is almost deafening.
Can you feel it?  The quiet is overwhelming.
Even the angels are silent, mourning the death.
The universe is in shock at the loss.

Can you feel it?  The fear of the disciples.
Hiding behind locked doors, afraid for their lives.
Their faith in tatters, shaken to the core.
Their hopes, their dreams nailed to a cross.

Can you hear her?  His mother sobs in her sorrow.
Can you feel it?  The sword piercing her heart.
His heart had beat with hers for nine months.
He was bone of her bone, flesh of her flesh.

Can you feel it?  The joy of those Jesus saved.
In the tomb but not in the tomb.
He visited the faithful dead, fulfilling their hopes.
Giving them the path to eternal happiness.

Can you hear it?  The wails of Satan.
Defeated, destined to failure.
His best laid plans in ruins.
Condemned to darkness and eternal pain.

Can you feel it?  The anticipation.
The knowledge that all is well.
He will arise; He has won the war.
He has brought death to death.

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