Wednesday, November 30, 2022

 The Right Path 

   “God, examine me and know my heart, probe me and know my thoughts; make sure I do not follow pernicious ways, and guide me in the way that is everlasting.” (Psalm 139: 23 – 24) 

   I am blessed to know that God is with me always.  In good times and bad He is there.  He lifts me up when the troubling times come and blesses me in so many ways.  But there is another reason that I treasure the knowledge that He is with me that is even more important.

   He knows me through and through, so He knows my weaknesses and my faults; He knows of my sins even before I have committed them.  I sometimes struggle to stay on the right path, but He is there to help me when I wander, in my thoughts or in my actions.

   There are times when I become aware that I have strayed in some way.  Perhaps nothing of real significance, but then anything that takes me away from God is significant, no matter how minor.  These are the times when I desperately need God too correct my course in life.  Always He is there, gently, or even not so gently, guiding me back to the path that will lead me home.

   Life is a mystery.  God gives me great blessings, but also crosses to bear.  I find myself straying though I want to remain on the right path.  I don't have the answers and never will, but I trust in God.  In the next life maybe the questions will be answered, but until then I will continue to rely on the Lord to guide me on the right path.

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

 Never Alone 

   “Remember that  you are never alone.  Christ is with you on your journey every day of your lives!” (Pope St. John Paul II) 

   I titled my blog “Journey of Faith” because I believe that life is a journey home to God.  It gives me great comfort to know that I don’t have to walk this journey alone, that Jesus is with me always.

   As with most people my life has been one of ups and downs.  Life is like that; everything seems to be going along fine and then tragedy strikes.  Or maybe times are hard and suddenly a great blessing comes my way.

   During some of the darkest times of my life, times when I felt I couldn’t go any further God has been there.  He lifts me up from the depths and gives me hope for the future.  I’ve come to see the hard times as something of a blessing, as strange as that sounds.  What I mean is, when I’m down, and God lifts me up it brings me closer to Him and helps me realize that He is with me always.

   I have no idea how much longer the Lord will leave me on this earth, but I am certain that it will continue to be somewhat like a roller-coaster, with all the ups and downs.  But with God I can do all things; enjoy the blessings and withstand the trials and tribulations.

   The key to happiness in this life is knowing that, whether in good times or bad, I am never alone, the Lord is with me always.  He has overcome the world and He will help me overcome whatever trials I must face in this life and, when it is over, He will take me home to Himself.

Monday, November 28, 2022

A Child is Born 

   “She wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger because there was no room for them in the inn.” (Luke 2: 7) 

   When I reflect on the birth of Christ there are so many things that come to mind.  First and foremost is that the Son of God deigned to become man, born of woman.  He willingly gave up His glory for a time to offer us salvation.

   I consider the infant Jesus born in a stable and placed in a manger, a feeding trough for animals.  I believe this was to be a foreshadowing that He would give to us His Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity in the Eucharist; the bread of life.

   Magi, wise men from the orient, came to worship the new-born King of the Jews, to offer Him homage and gifts.  This too is an indication of things to come.  Jesus came not just to the Israelites, but the whole world.  His truth would spread to the ends of the earth.  Salvation for all mankind.

   Shepherds who were tending their flock in the area came to see the infant Jesus, the one who would save the world.  Angels had appeared to them saying, “For today in the city of David a savior has been born for you who is Messiah and Lord.” (Luke 2: 11).  Jesus came not only to kings, shepherds, the rich and the poor, but to you and me as well.

   As we decorate our homes and plan our holiday festivities let’s keep in mind the real reason to celebrate Christmas.  It's not to get great deals on “Black Friday” or have outrageous parties and feasts.  It's not to put ourselves in debt to buy gifts we can’t afford because that is what is expected.  It is to welcome the birth of the new-born King and to make of ourselves a gift to Him.

Sunday, November 27, 2022


   “Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day.  Fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way.”  (“Time” by Pink Floyd) 

   The time we have is not ours, it belongs to God.  He has given it to us because there is a purpose to our life; one decided by God long before we were born.  He will help us understand that purpose and fulfill it if we ask.  But we must ask with the willingness to listen and to follow the way He puts before us.

   Far too often we waste the time God has given us.  We sit and do nothing or do nothing of value.  We spend hours in front of a television, soaking up the worthless drivel.  We read all the wrong books and go to see all the wrong movies.  We allot an hour or so to God on Sundays and go our own way the rest of the week, squandering the time He has given us.

   We could put our time to so much better use if we would look to God and ask for the wisdom to understand His purpose for us and the determination to achieve it.  We will at times fail in our efforts, but our efforts will be pleasing to God.

   Jesus told His disciples that, “Even all the hairs on your head are counted.” (Matt 10: 30).  The same is true of each of us.  There are a limited number of hours that have been allotted to us and we have a responsibility to use them wisely.  If not, we will truly “fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way.”

Saturday, November 26, 2022

 Love Is the Greatest Gift 

   “Remember that nothing is small in the eyes of God.  Do all that you do with love.”  (St. Therese of Lisieux) 

   St. Therese referred to herself as the “little flower”.  She considered herself to be too small to do great things for God but determined to do all things with love.  She knew that love makes even the smallest gift great in the eyes of God.

   Especially with Christmas coming soon many are occupied with finding just the right gift for that special person.  Many take great pride in giving costly gifts to family and friends.  There is nothing wrong with that, but I think it’s important to remember what really matters.  The size and the cost are not nearly as important as the love with which they are offered.

   Many make big donations to charities and churches at this time of year.  That is a wonderful thing and many benefit from their generosity.  However, it is the love with which they are given that pleases God.

   Newlyweds are many times on a tight budget and can’t afford the gifts they would like to give to each other, so they give what they can.  Those simple and often quite inexpensive gifts are some of the most treasured.  Not because of their worldly value but because they were given with great love.

   “It’s not the gift, but the thought that counts.”  There is great truth in that statement.  Even the smallest gift, when given with love becomes great.  It is not the size or cost of the gift that matters, but the love with which it is given.

Friday, November 25, 2022


   “Christianity, if false, is of no importance and, if true, is of infinite importance.  The one thing it cannot be is moderately important.” (C.S. Lewis) 

   I am either a Christian or I am not; there really is no in-between.  I can’t be one who picks and chooses what parts of Christianity pertain to me and which don’t.  I’m either all in or I’m wasting my time and insulting Christ.

   I’ve often written about those who claim to be Christian but don’t live the life of a Christian.  They might go to church on Sunday, but they show no evidence of their professed faith the rest of the week.  They are the like those of the church of Laodicea, they are lukewarm in their faith.  Jesus very clearly objects to such tepidness in Christians.  He told the church of Laodicea, “I know your works; you are neither cold nor hot.  How I wish that you were either cold or hot  So, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I am about to spit you out of my mouth.” (Rev 3: 15 – 16).

   Christianity is a choice; we can choose to believe, or we can choose not to believe.  What we can’t do is pick and choose which teachings we will believe based on our own preference or opinion.  Christianity teaches God’s truth and there is no lessor or greater truth.  When we begin picking and choosing which we will accept and which we will ignore we become hypocrites.

   Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14: 6).  There were no exceptions mentioned.

Thursday, November 24, 2022


   Today is Thanksgiving Day.  How I wish we could put aside all the politics and hatred and truly take this day to give thanks.  There is so much to be thankful for and we need to take time to thank God for all His many blessings.

   I have so much to be thankful for.  I’m thankful for the fact that I live in a country where people still have freedom, even when they use that freedom to try to destroy Thanksgiving.

   I am thankful for the many years of love and happiness with my wife.  I am thankful for the love God gave us to share; an eternal love that continues to grow stronger every day.  I pray that I may live this life for God and be reunited with her in the next.

   I am thankful for my children and grandchildren.  I pray daily that God will bless them and keep them safe.  I pray that the love of God will be in their lives and bring them to eternal happiness.

   I am thankful for wonderful friends, their caring and their love.  For them also I pray that they be greatly blessed by God in all they do.

   I am thankful for my parish; a church with priests who are not afraid to preach the truth of God rather than the whims of society.  It is far better for some to be offended than led astray by ignoring or even supporting the sins and evils of the world.

   Most of all I am thankful that God loves me so much that He would give His only Son, so that those who believe in Him might have eternal life.  Amen Jesus, I do believe.  When this life is over, come Lord and take me to yourself.

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

 Judging Others 

   “Stop judging, that you may not be judged.  For as you judge, so will you be judged, and the measure with which you measure will be measured out to you.” (Matt 7: 1) 

   One of the hardest things to do is separate the sin from the sinner.  Though we must never condemn the sinner, we must stand against the sins committed.

   Jesus often judged the sinfulness and the evil committed by some, but His judgement did not include the condemnation of the person, even when it was a woman caught in the act of adultery (John 8: 1 – 11)  We, however, are always ready to be the jury, and executioner of those we judge to be deserving of condemnation.

   When we judge others we do no harm to those we judge, but we do great harm to ourselves.  The judgement we use against others will be used against us if we believe the words of Christ.  If we condemn, we condemn ourselves.  If we judge others to be fools, we become fools ourselves.

   We must never hesitate to speak out against sin and the evil that seems to be growing stronger and stronger in the world, but we must never assume the authority of God by judging the sinner.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

 Human Sexuality 

   “If sex does not mount to heaven, it descends into hell.  There is no such thing as giving the body without giving the soul.” (Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen) 

   Sex has often been called the “marital act” and so it was intended to be.  It is one of the greatest gifts God has bestowed upon us when properly integrated into a sacramental marriage.  However, it is also one of the quickest ways to hell when used as it is often used in today’s society.

   The giving of one’s body to another is arguably the most intimate of all human interactions.  “That is why a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife, and the two become one body.” (Gen 2: 24).  Marital sex brings a husband and wife together in ways that nothing else can; the two, in fact, become one body as they give themselves totally to each other.  The two become one body in another sense as well, participating with God’s plan to create new life.  Sadly, in the view of many, that new life, that baby, is now considered an inconvenience, something to be destroyed at will; murder of the most innocent of all.

   There has always been pre-marital and extra-marital sex, as well as numerous perversions of the act.  However, these things were never seen as a moral good, but as sinful, a betrayal of it’s true purpose.  Regardless of what society would say, that fact hasn’t changed, even though it is now seen as nothing more than a pleasurable activity; just a means to satisfy one’s urges.

   When sex is taken out of the marital relationship it becomes something that it was never intended to be; it becomes sinful.  No amount of social acceptance, no claim to a “right” to free sex can change that fact. 

Monday, November 21, 2022

 Navigating the Confusion 

   “Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the sea.” (Matt 18: 6) 

   I would strongly encourage all the clergy, including the Pope, to reread this passage on a regular basis.  If they are preaching the gospel of society rather than the gospel and truth of the Lord it is speaking directly to them.

   Sadly, it is far too common that the truth of God is twisted in the most abominable ways in the effort to conform to the sinfulness and evil of the society in which we live.  We are faced on a daily basis with the confusion caused by such teaching.  It is up to us, the laity, to try to sort out the truth from the lies and deceptions.

   We must look to scripture and the catechism of the Church for guidance.  Scripture is never wrong, and the catechism contains the wisdom of over two thousand years of experience and faith.  When those who have been blessed with the vocation of the priesthood fail in their duty to correctly lead the flock, we must look to the sources that can be trusted.  We must, as St. Paul wrote, “Test everything, retain what is good.” (1 Thes 5: 21).

   Most of all we must trust in the Lord and His word.  Go to Him in prayer seeking guidance and He will guide us.  Those who would mislead we must not follow.  About them Jesus said, “Woe to you scholars of the law!  You have taken away the key of knowledge.  You yourself did not enter and you stopped those trying to enter." (Luke 11: 52).

Sunday, November 20, 2022


   “Settle yourself in solitude and you will come upon God in yourself.” St. Teresa of Avila 

   Had someone told me a few years ago that I would grow to love solitude I would not have believed them.  But they would have been prophetic; I now find solitude one of the greatest of graces that God has bestowed upon me.

   My home is mostly quiet these days.  I used to have the television on whether I was watching it or not, simply to have noise in the house.  Now I find the silence much more peaceful; the television is rarely even thought of these days.  I find that I miss it hardly at all.

   I enjoy the love and company of my family.  The love and fellowship of my friends is a tremendous blessing.  These things are and will remain some of the high points of my life.

   Still, in the quiet and solitude of my home is where I am closest to God in a way that is not possible anywhere else.  I converse with Him, share my joys and my sorrows with Him.  I seek His will and the strength to carry it out.  In the silence I listen though I rarely hear a word in response.  But in my heart and in my soul, He speaks to me in ways I do not understand.

Saturday, November 19, 2022

 Accepting Salvation 

   “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.” (John 3: 16) 

   The Son of God, became man, lived, was crucified, died, was buried, rose from the dead, and ascended into heaven for one purpose; to offer salvation to the world.  There is nothing I can do to obtain salvation for myself, it is a gift of God, paid for in the blood of Jesus Christ on the cross at Calvary.  What I must do is accept the gift, acknowledging Jesus as my Lord and Savior.  The gift will not be given unless it is sought and accepted.

   How am I to accept this marvelous gift?  First I must accept that Jesus Christ is, in fact, my savior, the only means of salvation.  What He did He did because He loves me and wants me to spend eternity in God’s heavenly kingdom.  What He suffered and what He did He did for me.

   I must also accept the forgiveness that Christ offers.  When I turn to Him in sorrow and repentance for my sins I must trust that my sins are absolved.  Many times Satan tempts me to wonder if my sins were truly forgiven; salvation means confidence that “As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our sins from us.” (Psalm 103: 12).  To do less is to deny the promises of Christ.

   Accepting salvation is not an event but a journey, a journey to the Lord.  It means a firm commitment to change my life and live for God.  There will be trials and difficulties along the way, but with God to strengthen me, I can overcome them.  I must say as St. Paul wrote, “I have been crucified with Christ; yet I live, no longer I, but Christ lives in me; insofar as I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God who has loved me and given himself up for me.” (Gal 2: 19 – 21)

Friday, November 18, 2022

 A Sinful Nation 

   “They have acted shamefully; they have done abominable things, yet they are not at all ashamed, they do not know how to blush.  Hence they shall be among those who fall; in the time of punishment they shall stumble, says the Lord.  (Jeremiah 8: 12) 

   God will allow a people to go their own way should they so choose, but there is a price to pay.  “So the Lord said: ‘The outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is so great and their sin so grave, that I must go down to see whether their actions are as bad as the outcry against them that comes to me.  I mean to find out.’” (Gen 18: 20 – 21).

   At Abraham’s urging God agreed that if He could find only ten just people in Sodom and Gomorrah, He would spare the cities.  There were not ten righteous people to be found, only Lot and his family; Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed.

   I look around at this nation today I see much of what was prevalent in Sodom and Gomorrah thousands of years ago.  We have become shameful in our practices and forgetful of all the blessings God has bestowed on this country.

   The United States is the wealthiest, healthiest, most prosperous nation in the world. Yet, we have turned away from the God who has blessed us so greatly.  I fear that God will look to us and hear the outcry against the sinfulness of this once great nation.  That we, like Sodom and Gomorrah, will have to pay for our wickedness.

   However, there is hope.  When Jonah warned Nineveh of the destruction to come because of their sinful ways the people listened.  They repented of their evil ways and were spared the punishment that was to come (Jonah, chapter 3).  Our God is a merciful and loving God, He seeks repentance, not vengeance.

   Who will be the prophet for this nation?  When will they come?  Will we, like Nineveh, repent and be saved or will we ignore the warnings and suffer like Sodom and Gomorrah?

Thursday, November 17, 2022

 Inner Peace 

   “Do not let your hearts be troubled.  You have faith in God; have faith also in me.” (John 14: 1) 

   I believe that anything that disrupts my inner peace is of Satan.  God’s desire is for me to be at peace in the world even though the world is rarely at peace.  His peace is a grace granted to those who believe.

   There is no question that inner peace is hard to maintain in today’s world.  Wickedness and evils prevail in society and the world, and it seems to be getting worse.  But the woes of this world must not take away the peace that faith and trust in the Lord gives.  We must recognize that we are not of the world and must therefore live in a hostile environment.

   However, this is not to be unexpected.  There has always been frustration and angst in the world.  Maintaining peace within while living in a sinful, corrupt world is difficult at best.  Jesus warned us that this would be so, “’When you hear of wars and insurrections, do not be terrified; for such things must happen first, but it will not immediately be the end.’   Then he said to them, ‘Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.  There will be powerful earthquakes, famines, and plagues from place to place and awesome sights and mighty signs will come from the sky.’” (Luke 21: 8 – 11).

   In such a world there is only one source of inner peace: our Lord Jesus Christ.  The world hated Jesus and it will hate us as well.  Satan will frustrate and confuse us with His lies and deceptions and our faith may be tested.  But through it all God is with us.  When we reject the ways of the world and look to Him we can retain our peace and look forward with great joy to the world to come.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

 One With God 

   “For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined with his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.  So they are no longer two but one flesh” (Mark 10: 7 – 8) 

Throughout scripture the relationship between God and His people is compared to matrimony.  When we view it as such we will better understand how our bond with the Lord is to be.

   A sacramental marriage is one in which the couple become one with each other in love; a love which comes from the source of all love; God.  There is no promise that there will never be difficulties to face in the marriage, only that love can overcome them.  It takes hard work at times and compromise is an absolute must.  But most of all it requires love as it is intended to be; the unselfish desire for the good of the other.  In such a marriage the two will truly become one.

   The wedding of God to His people is very much the same.  God’s love is all-powerful, all present, and never-ending.  His only desire is for the good of His spouse, the church.  We, on the other hand, often place many things above our love for God.  Sometimes it’s money or fame, sometimes is other earthly pleasures and desires.  Sometimes we even place our love of others above our love of God, never realizing that the more we love God the more we will love all of God’s children.  As St. Benedict wrote, "Prefer nothing to the love of God."

   There is a prayer that reflects such a desire to become one with God.  I’m not sure where I found it and I don’t know who wrote it, but it goes like this:


“Dear Lord, when shall I be completely one with You and entirely forgetful of myself?  You in me and I in you; grant that we may be always so and remain as one forever.”

Monday, November 14, 2022

 The Great Liar 

   “He was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in truth, because there is no truth in him.  When he tells a lie, he speaks in character, because he is a liar and the father of lies.” (John 8: 44 – 45) 

   There’s an old saying that goes, “How can you tell when a politician is lying?  When his lips are moving."  While this may or may not be true of politicians, is it certainly true of Satan.  There is no truth in him and all he stands for is a lie and deception.

   In the midst of the confusion and evil that seems to be growing greater and greater in the world and even in the Church there is one truth, God.  There is truth in all He is and in His word.  People reject His truth, condemn His followers and try to eliminate Him from society but His truth remains.  Lies will never overcome the truth of God.

   Satan says that whatever we believe is up to us, we define our own truth, that no one has the right to tell us differently.  It is a lie, just as he lied to Eve when he told her that her eyes would be open and she would be like gods, who know good and evil if she ate from the forbidden tree. (Gen 3: 1 – 6).  It was a lie, it cost Adam and Eve the paradise of Eden and brought sin and death into the world.

   He still lies to us today.  Society accepts what Satan has to say because it gives them what they believe to be freedom to do whatever they want with no repercussions.  It is a lie!  We hear over and over about personal choice but rarely, if ever, do we hear of the dangers of the choices we make or the responsibility that comes with every choice we make.

   The lies of Satan will continue until the Lord returns in glory and this world passes away.  Until them we must always look to the truth.  There are millions of lies and liars but the truth can only be found in God.

Sunday, November 13, 2022

 If I Could Turn Back Time 

   “Late have I loved you, Beauty so very ancient and so ever new.  Late have I love you!  You were within but I was without.” (St. Augustine, “Confessions”) 

   As I look back over my life I often find myself wishing I could turn back time and come to my Lord sooner.  So many years I struggled on my own and not fully His.  So many things I did to offend, to sin against Him.

   Perhaps I could have loved more deeply.  How wonderful to have loved my wife even more completely than I did and still do.  To have God guide me more closely in the raising of my children, teaching them the love of God above all else, because nothing else truly matters.

   How much more I could have loved God.  His love for me is unending and has no bounds, but my love had limits and conditions.  Sometimes it was almost as if my love for Him was a bargaining chip; answer this or that prayer and I’ll love you more.  Yet His love is so intense, so great that He would give His only Son that by His life, death, and resurrection I might have the chance to spend eternal life with Him.

   Sadly, I can’t go back and do those things that I should have done or reject those that I should not have done.  I can’t return to my youth and give more of my life to Him, to serve Him better and longer.  Yet He does not hold my delay against me.  Through all I have done, the sins I have committed, He has loved me, reached out to me, forgiven me, and called me to come home to Him.

   The past is gone, and I can’t change it.  But there is still today and perhaps tomorrow or even many tomorrows in which I can give myself completely to Him.  I can’t go back, but with His help I can go forward to my home in the heavenly kingdom promised to those who believe.

Saturday, November 12, 2022


   As a teenager in the 60’s and 70’s I was part of the generation that began a major trend in non-conformity.  The Beatles hit the stage with their longer hair and a new kind of music.  Teenagers everywhere began to grow their hair longer and listen to this new kind of music; frankly driving their parents to distraction which was part of the appeal.

   It quickly progressed to include the type of clothing worn and even the language of the times, things were no longer cool or neat but had become hip and awesome.  Longer hair and hippy ways of dressing quickly grew into new ways of expressing one’s independence.  Body piercing and tattoos began to appear, and drugs became all the rage.  Non-conformity had become the new conformity.

   Though many thought they had begun something new, non-conformity has been a part of Christianity since Jesus walked the earth.  As Crosby, Stills and Nash once sang, “Jesus Christ was the first non-violent revolutionary.” (Lyrics by Stephen Stills, “49 Bye-Byes/America’s Children”).  An anti-war song for sure, but accurate in recognizing the revolution begun by Jesus Christ in His life, death, resurrection, and assumption.

   Jesus turned the conformity of Judaism upside down in many ways, teaching that love and respect for God and neighbor was first and foremost in a faithful life.  No longer was justice to be obtained by an eye for and eye; even looking at another with lust in the heart is tantamount to adultery.  No longer should we love our friends and hate our enemies but love even our enemies and pray for them.

   Faithful Christians are still, or should be, non-conformists.  We cannot conform to the ways of this world, the whims and desires of society.  Our way must the His way for He said, “I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14: 6).

   If we are to love God, we must refuse to conform with the wickedness of this world.  We must reject society and its’ lack of morality.  We belong to the Father, we are His children.  We must be faithful to God and His truths, even when society hates us for our non-conformity.

Friday, November 11, 2022

 Last Things 

   “Even all the hairs of your head are counted.” (Matt 10: 30) 

   No one can escape the last things in life; death, judgement, heaven, and hell.  Nothing we can do will change the fact that we will, at some point face those four things.  But how we prepare for them determines where we will spend eternity.

   When death comes, as it must, the preparation has ended.  There is no second chance at life, only the judgement of that life.  We will not be judged on the house we lived in or the car we drove or the balance of our bank account.  The King will ask did you feed the hungry, clothe the naked, house the homeless?  Did you visit and care for those who were in need.  These are the things that we must consider if we are to stand before Him and not fear.

   If we have done those things, heaven awaits.  Jesus will say to us, “Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the earth.” (Matt 25: 34).  For such is the reward of those who prepared correctly for the last things.

   Those who have ignored the hungry, the homeless, those who needed clothing or shelter, who cared for no one but themselves will come to realize the mistakes of their life, the mistakes that cannot now be corrected.  Jesus will say to them, “Depart from me, you accursed, into the eternal fire prepared for you by the devil and his angels.” (Matt 25: 41).  For such is the choice made by those who did not prepare to face the Lord in judgement.

   Four things, two we cannot escape, two which are determined by the choices we have made in this life.  Death and judgement will come to all.  By the way we have lived our life, we will have chosen whether we are to enter God’s kingdom or the fires of Hell.

Thursday, November 10, 2022

 What Have We Done? 

   “God then said, ‘What have you done?  Your brother’s blood cries out to me from the ground!” (Gen 4: 10) 

   God was appalled that Cain killed his brother Abel.  The blood of Abel cried out to God because of the injustice.  In our nation today, the blood of millions of babies murdered in the womb cry out to God.  He will not ignore their cries.

   Abortion is an abomination before the Lord!  In some states in this nation a healthy, living child can be killed even as it is being born.  If alive after a botched abortion the child can be left to die unattended: left alone to suffer and die in agony.  How can the cries of such children not reach the ears of God.  Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta said, “Any country that accepts abortion, is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what it wants.  This is why the greatest destroyer of love is abortion.”

   Civilization has decried child sacrifice throughout history.  The pagans who sacrificed their children to false gods are seen as barbaric, and rightfully so.  In the United States today we are again sacrificing our children to false gods.  We do not sacrifice our children to Baal, the god of the Canaanites, or to the various other false gods whose followers offered their children in sacrifice.  We sacrifice our children on the altar of “free sex”, “personal choice” and all the other excuses used to kill innocent life in the womb.  We are sacrificing the innocent to satisfy our own perverted desires.

   I believe that this nation will suffer greatly for our rejection of God, for the wanton destruction of His children in the womb.  Their blood cries out for vengeance and God hears the pleas of the innocent.

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

 For Me


You became man – for me.

You were born of woman – for me.

You lived the life of a carpenter – for me.

You preached the good news – for me.


You were rejected – for me.

You were abandoned by Your friends – for me.

You were scourged and beaten – for me.

You carried Your cross to Calvary – for me.


You were nailed to the cross – for me.

You died – for me.

You rose from the dead – for me.

You ascended into heaven – for me.


You have given me so much

You have forgiven my sins.

You have offered me salvation.

You have saved me from eternal damnation.


What can I give You?

I give You my heart, my mind and my soul.

I give You my will and ask that Yours be done.

I give You myself.



Tuesday, November 8, 2022

 Trust in God 

   “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, on you own intelligence do not rely; in all your ways be mindful of him, and he will make straight your paths.” (Proverbs 3: 5 – 6) 

   Do you want to have peace in your life?  Trust in God.  Do you want true happiness in life?  Trust in God.  Do you get lost and don’t know where to turn?  Trust in God.  When we trust in God all these things and many more will be ours.

   Life throws a lot of curveballs at us, things that confuse, frustrate, and often anger us.  But these are not of God but of Satan.  There are times when the Lord will allow these trials as a way of strengthening our faith in Him, but, if we trust in Him, God will show us the way to overcome the trials we face.  He will never test us beyond our limits, but we must look to Him and seek His will, always trusting that His way is the best way.

   I have learned that inner peace is the key to knowing where I am in my relationship with my Lord.  If I am ill at ease, or questioning, then I need to stop, sit down and spend some time with God, seeking His guidance.  It is then that it is most important that I tell Him, “Father, I trust in you.  Even when I don’t understand, even when it hurts, I trust in You.  Now and forever.”

Monday, November 7, 2022

 Two Things 

  To live a Christian life I must do two things.  First, I must love God and do all I can to follow His will in my life.  Second, I must love all His children.

   The first thing seems self-evident; we can’t claim Christianity if our life is not dedicated to loving and serving God, the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.  But it is a dedication unlike any other, it must be a total commitment.  Anything less is unacceptable, “For the Lord, your God, is a consuming fire, a jealous God.” (Deuteronomy 4: 24).”  He will not settle for an hour or so on Sunday, He wants all of us.

   The second thing we must do flows naturally from the first.  If we are truly devoted to serving the Lord we are called to love our neighbor.  We often complain about other people, priests, bishops, the pope, and our neighbors.  We act as if we are the one they will stand before at the judgement, condemning them though we have no right to condemn anyone.  Rather, we must love them, even the worst of them.

   From that love comes the one thing that all of us can do to improve our own life and perhaps even society.  We can pray!  Complaining will not change much but pray can change the world.  Especially those in danger of losing their soul because of their sinfulness need our prayers.  Pray that even the worst of them will repent, change their lives, and find their home in God’s kingdom.

   Two things; serve God and love.  It doesn’t seem like much when I write or even say the words.  Yet these two must become the moving force in my life if I am to truly be a Christian.

Sunday, November 6, 2022

 The Ship of Life 

   “The world’s thy ship, not thy home.” St. Therese of Lisieux 

   When I think of the times I spent on ship while in the Navy, one thing always comes to mind; I never considered my ship to be my home.  I was dedicated to the ship and its’ mission, but home is where I went when the cruise was finished.

   Life in this world is very much like that ship.  I should respect it, honor it, and do my best to properly steward the gifts of this world given to me by God.  But the ships of this world are not my home, only a means to reach my true home.

   I love this world and all the beauty God has put into the world.  A beautiful sunrise or sunset are reminders of the glory that awaits those who believe.  I look at the images coming from the Hubble and Webb telescopes and am amazed at the incredible creation of God.  The scientists say that they are looking further and further back toward the beginning of the universe but somehow I think they will never get there.  Only God is at the beginning, and they will never find Him in their telescopes.

   The ship of this world faces heavy storms and high seas at times, but it also brings me to beautiful ports of call along the way.  It doesn’t matter what life brings if I keep in mind that this world is simply a vessel that I am on, not my home.  This exile will end, the trials and tribulations will cease and by doing my best to live for God rather than self, I will come to know the true joy and happiness of God’s kingdom when this earthly voyage is done.

Saturday, November 5, 2022


   “Eternity is without succession, a simultaneous possession of all joys.  To those who live toward eternity, it is not something at the end; it is that which influences every moment of the now.” (Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen) 

   Let me say right up front that I can’t fathom the meaning of eternity; it is beyond human understanding.  I live in a world bounded and ruled by time in most all things.  Even tonight, we will change the clocks in the U.S. as we once again shift from daylight savings time to standard time.  Trying to understand eternity in such a world is futile.

   I know that eternity is now and has been since before the world began and will continue after this world ceases to be.  But what does that mean in my daily life?  It means that I must always consider what effect my actions today will have on my eternal life.  Whether I will serve God or self, whether I will live for eternity of for today.  Without question, I must live for eternity.

   When I look at each day as part of eternity, it suggests that each day is of no real consequence.  What happens today will be gone tomorrow; what happens tomorrow may never come.  It’s like a giant circle that has no beginning and has no end, it simply goes on.  I can’t stop the circle and I can’t get off the circle, so I need to live my life always focused on the eternal.

   The circle is this world which was created by God, all within the circle was created by God, and nothing exists except through God.  He made it, He set its’ boundaries and He will determine when the circle ends.  My part in all of this is to live within the circle, recognizing that all that I do is part of eternity.

   Life is short and full of trials and tribulations.  Eternity with God is forever and is full of joy and happiness.  If people could see that and begin to realize that nothing in this world is of any lasting value, perhaps more would turn to the Lord and live for eternity.


Friday, November 4, 2022

 Look In the Mirror 

   “When we Christians behave badly, or fail to behave well, we are making Christianity unbelievable to the outside world.” (C. S. Lewis) 

   There are many ills in this world and in the church.  Some are caused by those in charge, but I believe most have their source in the laity.

   Many so-called Christians live as such only on Sunday and maybe a few Holy Days.  The rest of their time, they believe, belongs to them to do with as they wish.  Jesus told us, “You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.  This is the greatest and the first commandment.  The second is like it:  You shall love your neighbor as yourself.  The whole law and the prophets depend on these two commandments.” (Matt 22: 37 – 40).  Note, please, that these commandments are not restricted to Sunday; they apply every day in everything we do.

   When someone who knows that we are church-going people sees us treating others badly, slandering and spreading rumors, lying, and cheating, we are telling them that our faith is a lie.  A tree is known by the fruit it produces, so too a Christian.  If our fruit is available only on certain days at certain times we are not producing good fruit, we are tainting the fruit with hypocrisy.  We are saying to others that our faith is not the most important part of our life but simply something we do on Sunday morning, most likely out of habit rather than love of the Lord.

   If we want to fix what ails society and the church we must look in the mirror.  We must make the commitment to live our faith each day regardless the circumstances.  If we cannot do this we will continue to give non-believers an excuse for their non-belief.

Thursday, November 3, 2022

 We Matter to God 

   “What man among you having a hundred sheep and losing one of them would not leave the ninety-nine in the desert and go after the lost one until he finds it?” (Luke 15: 4) 

   From a human point of view the answer to Jesus’ question is – None!  It would make no sense to risk an entire flock, leaving them to the mercy of thieves and wolves while going to find just one.

   But I believe that is Jesus’ point; only God loves us so much that He will always go in search of us, hoping to carry us home.  God loves us as if we were the only person in the world.  We are His children; He wants to bring us home to Him.

   We were created to be in harmony with God, to share His love and the plans He has for us.  We are destined to spend eternal life in His kingdom if we believe.  We may walk away, and many do, but God will never stop calling us as long as there is hope for our redemption,  That hope will only end if we have still rejected Him at our death; we will have failed to answer the One who loves us as His own and by that decision we will have condemned ourselves to eternal damnation.

   There is only one Shepherd who would leave the flock to find me and you, and that is the Lord, Jesus Christ.  “I did not come to call the righteous but sinners.” (Matt 9: 13).  The righteous are safe in the sheepfold, the sinners are the ones who need to be found and carried safely home.

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

 All Soul’s Day 

   “In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places.  If there were not, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you?  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back again and take you to myself, so that where I am you also may be.” (John 14: 2 – 3) 

   Today is All Soul’s Day, a day of remembrance of our loved ones who have gone before us.  It can be a difficult day for many, a day when their loss weighs heavily upon them.

   However, it should not be a day of sorrow if we believe the words of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Death is not the end but the beginning.  The faithfully departed are with the Lord; they no longer know the pains and sorrows of this world, but only the joy of the next. 

   We linger in this exile, mourning the loss of our loved ones, but even a bit envious of the peace and happiness they know in God’s kingdom.  But our time will come.  Jesus has prepared a place for us as well and will come and take us to Himself when this life is over.

   Take some time this day, and every day, to quietly sit and remember our loved ones who are with the Lord.  Give thanks for the joy and happiness they know in their heavenly mansion.  Pray and live life that we may join them when our time on this earth is done. 

“Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.  May all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.”  Amen

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

 Children of God 

   “See what love the Father has bestowed on us that we may be called the children of God.  Yet so we are.” (1 John 3: 1) 

   We are the children of God.  We may be unthankful children, wayward children, even recalcitrant children, but we are still the children of God.  He has so loved us that He is willing to call us His children regardless our faults and failures.

   How do we repay Him and His love?  Too many times with a half-hearted response to Him; a nod in His direction, but little more.  I believe we sadden God by our lack of love and devotion to Him, just as earthly parents are saddened when their children reject them and turn away.  Yet, He still loves us, He still calls us His children.

   By the grace of God, one’s faith often grows as one ages and begins to realize the truth of our mortality.  A stronger faith, a deeper love of God is often a part of growing old, of accepting that death is a certainty and perhaps not far off.  This realization, this call, is one of God’s greatest blessings.  In His love and mercy, He never gives up on loving us and calling us to Himself.

   I am a child of God.  I have always been so, but it took far too long to become a faithful, loving child.  In the words of St. Augustine, “Late have I loved you, beauty so old and so new; late have I loved you.”