“Eternity is without succession, a simultaneous possession of all joys. To those who live toward eternity, it is not something at the end; it is that which influences every moment of the now.” (Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen)
Let me say
right up front that I can’t fathom the meaning of eternity; it is beyond human understanding. I live in a world bounded and ruled by time
in most all things. Even tonight, we
will change the clocks in the U.S. as we once again shift from daylight savings
time to standard time. Trying to
understand eternity in such a world is futile.
I know that
eternity is now and has been since before the world began and will continue after
this world ceases to be. But what does
that mean in my daily life? It means that
I must always consider what effect my actions today will have on my eternal
life. Whether I will serve God or self,
whether I will live for eternity of for today.
Without question, I must live for eternity.
When I look
at each day as part of eternity, it suggests that each day is of no real
consequence. What happens today will be
gone tomorrow; what happens tomorrow may never come. It’s like a giant circle that has no
beginning and has no end, it simply goes on.
I can’t stop the circle and I can’t get off the circle, so I need to
live my life always focused on the eternal.
The circle is
this world which was created by God, all within the circle was created by God,
and nothing exists except through God.
He made it, He set its’ boundaries and He will determine when the circle
ends. My part in all of this is to live
within the circle, recognizing that all that I do is part of eternity.
Life is short
and full of trials and tribulations. Eternity
with God is forever and is full of joy and happiness. If people could see that and begin to realize
that nothing in this world is of any lasting value, perhaps more would turn to the
Lord and live for eternity.
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