Fourth Station of the Cross
Jesus meets His Mother
We look upon Jesus as our
Lord and Savior, but Mary also saw Him as her son.
The child who had nursed at her breast.
The little boy who had run to her for comfort when He had fallen and
skinned His knees. The Blessed Mother
was there when Joseph died; she and Jesus shared the grief of the loss of a
husband and father. She knew the truth of the words Simeon had spoken to her,
“This child is destined for the rise and fall of many in Israel, and to be a
sign that will be opposed, so that the secret thoughts of many will be
revealed, and you yourself a sword will pierce.” (Luke 2: 34 – 35).
Imagine the pain that must
have passed between mother and Son at this meeting. She, seeing the pain and agony His was
suffering and Jesus seeing the pain and suffering of the Blessed Mother as He
made His way to His death. How her heart must have been breaking for Him. The pain He knew His mother suffered was, I
suspect, a far greater burden to Him than His own physical pain.
Can any parent look at their
child when they are injured and not do everything possible to comfort
them? Can any of us imagine the horror
and pain of seeing our own son or daughter horribly beaten, bloody, and near
death? How could we tolerate not being
able to hold them and do everything in our power to comfort them in such
circumstances. Yet all Mary could do was
follow Him through Jerusalem. Truly, a
sword pierced our Blessed Mother at this meeting.
Consider that our sins
contributed not only to Jesus’ pain and death, but also to the terrible
heartache the Blessed Virgin endured. Sin
is never restricted to just the one who is sinned against. Many others suffer because of our
failings. Let us pray for mercy and forgiveness
for the pain we have caused others by our sinfulness.