Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Proof of God 

“God saw all that he had made, and behold, it was very good.” (Gen 1: 31) 

   It amazes me when people say they see no evidence of God.  They look at the world and all that is in it, but it doesn’t say to them that there is a God, a Creator, by whom all these things were created.  It’s like they have a clouding in their eyes that will not allow the glory of God to shine through.

   The table in my kitchen nook looks out over my back yard.  My wife and I sit there most every day for morning prayers and breakfast.  In the yard there are feeders for the birds and squirrels and as the sun begins to rise we see them coming for their morning meal.  At times there are as many as six or seven squirrels feeding.  The feeders are full of mourning doves, chickadees, threshers, cardinals, and many others.  In the beauty of nature the glory and proof of God is in full display.

   During my Navy career I had the privilege of traveling many parts of the world and in all my travels I’ve seen the evidence of God.  On the sea the majesty and power of God is undeniable.  The ocean, whose depths have still not been seen in many areas, the calm seas, the rough seas, the sunrises, and sunsets at sea all testify to the Father and His glory.

   The love of a husband and wife in a truly sacramental marriage is not only a blessing from God but proof positive of His existence and the love He wishes to share with those who believe.  This love is the deep, unselfish, giving love that was shown by our Lord, Jesus Christ as He gave His life on the cross to redeem us of our sins.

   For those who say they don’t see evidence of God I would suggest that they open their minds and their eyes to the reality around them.  Reject the biases and worldly lies that would hide God from them and open their hearts to His love and mercy.  The proof of God is everywhere for anyone who is willing to see it.


Monday, April 29, 2024

The Person God Created Us To Be 

   “Be the person God meant you to be and you will set the world of fire.” (St. Catherine of Siena) 

   Each day, and sometimes many times during the day, I say a little prayer, “Father, make me the man you created me to be, make me holy, make me a saint.”

   Only God can make me holy, only God can make me a saint.  All my efforts are wasted unless I rely upon the influence and leadership of God.  My part is to obey, to accept the Lord’s will and always be confident that He will lead me on the right path.

   Even though I may feel lost at times, wondering if I’m walking the path God wants me to walk, I know that He is there, leading me.  I may be going through challenging times and my cross may be heavy, however, with God in my life even then I am at peace.

   St. Thomas Aquinas and many others have stated that God is love, everything He does is done out of love for us.  Though I may not always understand why I must experience the pains and disappointments in life, I am confident in God’s love for me.  His ways are far beyond my understanding.  Therefore, what is necessary is not understanding, but acceptance and trust in God.  In this way, I can face whatever comes my way in peace.

   Can I, as St. Catherine said, set the world on fire?  No, I cannot!  But by accepting God’s will in my life, by yielding to His desires rather than my own, I can be a part of His plan and serve His purpose.  I can become the man God created me to be. 

Sunday, April 28, 2024

The Lord’s Day 

   “Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.” (Exodus 20: 8) 

   Christianity, in my opinion, is suffering from a lack of respect for our Lord.  We come to church at the last minute, keep checking our watch during the worship service hoping it will be over soon, and then rush out at the earliest possible moment.

   There used to be some semblance of keeping the Lord’s Day holy in this country.  Few stores were open, and life slowed down on Sunday’s.  It was a day for worshipping God and being with family.  Those days are long gone.

   These days there is a casualness about Sunday’s that I find disrespectful  to the Lord.  It’s as if worshipping God is an intrusion that should be kept to a minimum.  If the sermon is too long people complain.  If the prayers are lengthy, people complain.  Worshipping God is expected to be quick, simple, and done with so everyone can say they’ve done their duty and then get on with the day.

   It’s also apparent in the way people dress for church.  What happened to wearing your “Sunday best” to church? Do shorts and T-shirts even come close?  Is that what they would wear if invited to dinner at the governor’s mansion?  At the Vatican no knees, no shoulders, and no bare midriffs are allowed.  The rules apply to all who wish to enter, both men and women.  I would love to see those restrictions applied in all churches.

   Let us stop and consider what we are supposed to be doing on Sunday and strive to keep holy the Sabbath in all that we do.  Let us show proper respect to the God who created us, the Son who saved us, and the Holy Spirit that dwells within us.


Saturday, April 27, 2024

 Family In Crisis 

   “As the highest peak of love in the human order is the unity of husband and wife in the flesh, so the highest unity in the Divine order is the unity of the soul and Christ in communion." (Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen) 

   The family is in crisis in this nation, and I believe that will be the downfall of our society and nation if it is not corrected.  The family is the building block of the nation, without it no country, no society can survive.

   It has become the norm for men and women to choose to simply live together in a marital relationship but without benefit of marriage.  Without the commitment of the vows and promises of a sacramental marriage, these arrangements often fall apart for the most insignificant of reasons. 

   Furthermore, even when married, many consider it expendable if they “fall out of love.”  Rather than trying to save the marriage they simply give up and divorce.  They give up on one of the greatest blessings of God.

   The family also suffers from the rise of non-traditional “marriages”, those not between one man and one woman.  This too is evidence of the breakdown of the family.  “God created mankind in his image, in the image of God he created them, male and female he created them.  God blessed them and told them “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth:…” (Gen 1: 27 – 28).  Only in a marriage between man and woman can there be the fruitfulness God intended.

   Marriage is to be the image of the relationship between God and mankind.  It is to be loving and forgiving.  It is to be lifelong, a covenant between the husband and wife, recognizing that there is a third entity involved, which is God.  If it is not this it is like “…a man who built a house  on the ground without a foundation.  As soon as the river burst against it, the house collapsed and was completely destroyed.” (Luke 6: 49)

   The family is the building block of society, and it is the image of the Church.  Without it, society will fail and all of Christianity will mourn.


Friday, April 26, 2024

 Blessed is the Nation 

   “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people whom he has chosen as his heritage.” (Psalm 33: 12) 

   In the Declaration of Independence our founding fathers wrote, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” (emphasis mine).

   From its very beginning this nation recognized that there is a Creator, One from whom all came into existence.  When we fail to acknowledge this fact our nation begins breaking down, going the route of so many other nations that turned from God.

   In our country today God is all but abandoned by many of our citizens.  Not only do they not acknowledge the Creator, but they would also have all evidence of Him removed from public view.  I honestly believe that they would restrict religion to private practice, never to be seen in public.  It doesn’t matter to them that our constitution clearly guarantees the right to express our religion.

   Many say there is no God, but they have created gods of their own making.  Sex, fame, money, and the false pleasures of this world are their gods.  Even worse, they act as gods themselves by defining right and wrong based on their own biases.

   No one should be forced to believe in God.  In fact, I don’t believe that is even possible.  Belief in God is a choice that must be made, and it is God who gives us the ability to make that choice.  However, no one should be forced to hide or restrict their faith in God.  To do so is the very essence of evil.

   Many would disagree, but I am convinced that this nation can not long survive if we remain on the Godless path we are walking.


Thursday, April 25, 2024

 The Yoke of the Lord 

   “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart, and you will find rest for your soul.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matt 11: 28 – 30). 

   In today’s world we hear little of yokes but in times past they were well-known.  Most people may not know that the yoke that was used for oxen to pull loads was specific to each pair of oxen.  They were adjusted to take advantage of the strengths of each animal and to compensate for the weaknesses of each.  They balanced the load.

   In our relationship with our Lord it is much the same.  His yoke is not placed only upon us, but He shares it with us.  He increases our strengths and lessens our weaknesses.  We are to be a team with the Lord, giving our best to the effort and looking to Him for the strength and determination to do better.

   I take great comfort in the fact that His yoke is easy and His burden light.  He is telling me that when I have reached my limit He will be there to help me.  When I doubt, He will reassure me.  When I turn to Him, He will never turn away; His strength and His mercy is always with me.

   What can I return to the Lord for all His blessings, love, and mercy?  I can give Him my heart, my mind, and my soul.  I can place my trust in Him in all things knowing that He will always be with me throughout eternity.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

 The Lord’s Blessings 

   “Blessed are those who fear the Lord and walk in his ways.” (Psalm 128: 1) 

   The fact that I woke up this morning is a blessing.  Yes, my goal is to join my Lord in His heavenly kingdom, but each day I am on this earth is also a blessing.  Each day is another opportunity to enjoy the majesty of His creation, giving Him thanks, praise, and glory.

   My life hasn’t been perfect, but then nothing in this world is perfect.  I’ve had good times and bad, but they all have helped me to grow in the understanding that only in God is there perfection and it is not to be found in this sinful world in which I live.  And yet, even the imperfections point me to God, yearning for the perfect life to come in His heavenly kingdom.

   There have been challenges, but that also is expected in this life.  As I’ve grown older I, like most everyone, have more aches and pains, health issues that must be dealt with, and new crosses to bear.  Through faith and trust in God, I can accept them.  I offer them to my Lord, Jesus Christ, in the hope that whatever suffering I may endure can somehow be united with His for the redemption of sinners.

   As I see it, there are two choices in life.  I can complain about my crosses or willingly accept them as Christ tells me, “Anyone who wishes to follow me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.” (Matt 16: 24).  I choose to listen and obey.

   Life in the world will never be perfect, so I will thank my God for all the blessings He has given me, accept the difficulties as they come, always trusting in the Lord to bring me home when my time on this earth is done.  There is peace and comfort in all things when you place them in the hands of God.


Tuesday, April 23, 2024

The Road to Destruction 

“Enter through the narrow gate, for the gate is wide and the road broad that leads to destruction, and those who enter it are many.  But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and those who find it are few in number.” (Matt 7: 13 – 14) 

I fear that our nation is on the superhighway to hell.  God is all but abandoned by the majority and few look to the way of eternal life, preferring the false joys and pleasures of this world.

Hatred abounds, bias is rampant.  Again, we are seeing the persecution of God’s chosen people.  This time in our own country, not some Nazi regime.  Those protesting against Israel and demanding its elimination are ignorant of history and have even less scriptural knowledge.  Their hatred is unfounded and contemptable.  They are led by a pack of elitists who feel they have the right to define right and wrong in the world; they are wrong!

Christians also are coming increasingly under attack and our government refuses to condemn or stop such activity.  Churches are burned and vandalized, Christians are denigrated and looked upon as superstitious fools.  Our leaders seem to have forgotten the words of the First Amendment to our Constitution, “Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof….”  They have abandoned their right to lead this nation.

“And the judgement is this:  that the light has come into the world, but people preferred the darkness to the light because their deeds were evil.” (John 3: 19).  Judgement has indeed been passed on the world.  Only by turning to God, following His ways, and taking the narrow road that leads to heaven, can we escape such judgement.  If not, society will certainly continue into oblivion.


Monday, April 22, 2024

 Lost and Found 

   “I have wandered like a lost sheep; seek out your servant, for I do not forget your commandments.” (Psalm 119: 176) 

   There have been many times in my life when I’ve felt lost.  Not knowing which way to go even though I knew where I wanted to go.  Somehow I think I’ve always known that it was to God that I wanted to go but it took me many years to find the way.

   I believe the desire to have God in our life is present with us.  A need to place our faith in the promises of Jesus Christ and know the in-dwelling of the Holy Spirit.  God, in holy scripture, has told us as much, “I will place my laws in their minds and I will write them upon their hearts.  I will be their God and they shall be my people.” (Heb 10: 16).  We can deny it, refuse to believe it, or ignore it, but His law and the desire to live in accordance with it is within us.

   I wandered, I struggled to find my way, but I was relying upon myself to find the way.  I studied, I learned more about my faith, I prayed, but I remained lost until I realized that the way was not for me to find.  The way had been established many years ago by Jesus, “I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14: 6).  I had read those words many times but somehow never truly followed them.

   It was necessary for me to give myself over to Jesus and accept the will of God in my life if I were to find the way.  I had to give up searching and trust in the Lord.  When I did I became found, I no longer needed to look for the way, I found it by accepting the will of God in my life without question. 

   I may not always be sure of the path, but I place my trust in God.  He will lead me on the path that will bring me to eternal life in His kingdom.


Sunday, April 21, 2024

 Good Shepherds 

   “I am the good shepherd.  I know my own and my own know me.  Just as the Father knows me and I know the Father.  And I lay down my life for the sheep.” (John 10: 14 – 15) 

   Today is known as “Good Shepherd” Sunday in the Catholic Church.  In the gospel reading, which is partially quoted above, Jesus clearly defines the role of the Good Shepherd and takes that role upon Himself.  He will and did, in fact, lay down His life for the sheep.

   Our priests and pastors are the representatives of Christ in this world.  They are to model their lives on the life of Jesus, to give their life for the good of the sheep.  They will not usually be asked to die for the sheep as Jesus did, however the life they live is to be devoted to serving God rather than their own wants and desires, to sacrifice what we might call a “normal” life, giving their all as the shepherd of His flock.  Thankfully, the vast majority take their mission to heart and become the shepherds the Lord desires, tending His flock with love and care.

   Sadly, there are some who fall short.  Just as sadly they are the ones we hear about most.  Those who honor their commitment rarely receive the praise and thanks they deserve but let them make one mistake and they will be called to task immediately.  Those who wish to diminish Christianity jump at the opportunity to point fingers whenever they can.

   How should we, the laity, respond?  With love, support, and prayers.  For those who are faithful for sure, but also for those who fail in their ministry.  It is not up to us to judge them but to pray for them.  Only Christ will judge and at their judgement they will have to answer for their failings to the true Good Shepherd.

   On this Good Shepherd Sunday, let’s pray for the priest and pastors that they will serve the Lord and all His flock in the spirit of Christ, with love, and devotion, leading them always closer to God by word and example.  Let us also pray for an increase in the priesthood; that those called to the priesthood will respond with love and devotion.


Saturday, April 20, 2024

 Saints and Sinners 

   “As far as east is from the west so far has he removed our transgressions from us.” (Psalm 103: 12). 

   It doesn’t matter where we came from, it matters where we are going.  Each of has it within us to become a saint through the grace of God.  We must only be willing to cooperate in His plans for us.

   I look to St. Augustine as the perfect example of this truth.  He was a fornicator with an illegitimate son, a heretic extensively involved in the Manichean heresy, and an egoist whose only concern was his own advancement.  Yet he became one of the greatest saints, changing the lives of millions.  His history and his transformation should serve as an example to us.

   As sinners we often offend our Lord with our sins and failures.  We know what is right, but we fail to do it.  We sometimes don’t have time for God, but we always seem to find time for our earthly wants and desires.  Still, with God’s help we can change our lives and become the saints He created us to be.  It’s not easy and sometimes it seems almost impossible, but with the help of our Heavenly Father nothing is impossible.

   There is a little prayer that I often say, “Father, make me the man you created me to be.  Make me holy, make me a saint.”  I sometimes don’t know where I am going but I pray that God has me on the right path.  I trust that even if I stray, He will not abandon me but gently guide me back to the road that leads to Him.  This is my prayer, this is my hope, this is my greatest desire.

Friday, April 19, 2024

 In Faith 

   “For my thoughts are not  your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways, says the Lord.  As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways and my thoughts above your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55: 8 – 9) 

   My thoughts and my ways are skewed by sin and confusion brought about by Satan and his evil ways.  I see things from an earthly, often selfish point of view.  The ways of God are pure, and purity is not a part of my human existence.  Therefore, I struggle at times to understand what He is asking of me, question the directions He would have me follow.

   For a long time I felt that if I read enough, studied enough, and prayed enough I would be able to understand all the ways of God, but I’ve come to recognize that this is not possible.  It is not intended that I understand His ways, only that I trust them and follow them.  Faith as St. Paul wrote, “…is the assurance of what we hope for and the conviction about things that cannot be seen.” (Hebrews 11: 1).  Faith is to trust in God whether I understand or not.

   In a society that so often disappoints faith can be hard.  We learn that to trust in others will sometimes bring pain and sorrow.  Our faith is abused by those who would seek only their own good and so we quit having faith in others, sometimes including God.

   We cannot allow the ways of the world to lessen our trust in God.  The world is an imperfect place full of questions and doubts but there is no doubt that God’s ways are the ways that will lead us home.   We may not understand, and we may be confused by what comes our way, but we must always remember that the ways of God are beyond our comprehension.  His will is to bring us to Himself and if we trust in Him, it will be so.


Thursday, April 18, 2024

 What Is Love? 

   “This is what love is: not that we have loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as expiation for our sins.” (1 John 4: 10).


   He loved us first.  He created us, and He loved us and loves us still.  The love He has for us is the love we are to share with one another in this life.  Not the false, imitation love so prevalent in society today, but the deep abiding love of the Father.

   Jesus Christ is the model of love that we are to follow.  A love that is for the good of the other regardless of the sacrifices we are to make along the way.  Christ sacrificed all, including His life, to redeem us from our sins.  We are to sacrifice for the beloved of our life, first for God and then for one another.    

   The closest we come to the love God has for us is the love between a man and a woman joined in a faithful, sacramental marriage.  When we stand before God and witnesses and take the marriage vows we are pledging ourselves not only to each other, but also to allow God to be an integral part of that pledge; to trust in Him in times of difficulty and strengthen our love.  Without the trinity of husband, wife, and God there can be no sacramental marriage.

   “Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding banquet of the Lamb.” (Rev 19: 9).  The bible, from beginning to end is the story of a wedding.  It is the wedding of the Bridegroom, Jesus Christ, and His beloved, those who believe in Him.  If we do not strive to share that kind of love with others, we really don’t know what love is.


Wednesday, April 17, 2024

The Will of God 

   “Whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother.” (Mark 3: 35) 

   I often write about obeying the will of God for it is only by following His will that I can attain heaven.  The words of Jesus quoted above state this very clearly.  If we are to be the children of God, the brethren of our Lord, Jesus Christ we are to conform ourselves to the will of the Father.

   Yet I sometimes wonder how well I’m doing at following the will of God.  That is my desire, what I want to do more than anything, but like St. Paul, “I can will what is right, but I cannot do it.  For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do.” (Romans 7: 19).  Sin is a part of me, I cannot escape it.  I can only resist and pray for God’s mercy when I fail.

   The world is a sinful place, the temptations of Satan abound.  Evil has always existed, but it seems that the acceptance of evil has become the norm in today’s society.  We have lost all shame; our moral compass is badly broken.  We care only for our own wicked desires, all else be damned.

   However, if I don’t recognize and repent of my own failings I am a hypocrite to point out the failings of others.  As Christ said, “Let anyone among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” (John 8: 7).  I, like all Christians, have a duty to recognize and to speak out the against sins of the world.  But I must also recognize that I too am a sinner in need of the forgiveness of my Savior.


Tuesday, April 16, 2024

 Spread the Word

   “The greatest obstacle in the apostolate of the Church is the timidity or rather the cowardice of the faithful.”  St. Pope Pius X 

   At the close of each Mass the faithful are encouraged to go forth and share the gospel.  We are to be evangelists, spreading the good news wherever we go.  Do we take that calling seriously, or do we restrict our faith to the time we spend in Mass?

   How are we to spread the gospel, to share the good news?  Apologetics, the defense of the faith, is not something most of us are trained to do.  But we can all live our life as a witness to God.  We can spread the word in the way we treat people, the love and caring we show for others.

   Do we know our faith well?  If not, we need to learn, to study so that we can share the truth, not opinion.  Are we certain of what we believe?  Statistics say that many Catholics no longer believe in the real presence in the Eucharist.  If we aren’t convinced, how can we convince others?  To spread a misconception or false teaching is worse than saying nothing at all.

   Are we strong in our faith?  It takes a certain strength to publicly display our faith to others.  Especially in a society that increasingly tries to eliminate God and faith in the public forum.  Persecution of Christianity is growing and becoming more virulent.  Are we willing to step into the breach and take a stand for God?

   So, how can we evangelize?  We can wear our crucifix and religious medals in plain view, we can greet others with a smile rather than ignoring them.  If God is in our life we can let His light shine through us.  When asked we can share why we believe what we believe.

   We are to be evangelists.  We are the voice and face of God in a corrupt and sinful world.  If we are unwilling to live as the children of God in all circumstances we are unworthy of the title Christian.


Monday, April 15, 2024

 Love In A Broken World 

   “This is my commandment: love one another as I have loved you.” (John 15: 12). 

   The meaning of love has been lost in a people concerned only with their own desires.  It has become something that comes and goes rather than remains.  Love now demands a return in many ways.  “I will love you if” has replaced “I will love you without condition.”  This is not the love that Christ modeled, and it is not the love we are to emulate.

   We hear the word love quite often, but rarely do we witness love as it is intended to be.  We see husbands and wives who don’t even seem to be friends.  Children are considered a burden rather than a blessing; many are murdered in the womb, robbed even of the chance of life and happiness.  Marriage has become an agreement that can be easily revoked for any or no reason rather than a life-long commitment.

   “If I speak in human and angelic tongues but do not have love, I am a resounding gong or a clashing cymbal.  And if I have the gift of prophecy and comprehend all mysteries and knowledge; if I have all faith so as to move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.  If I give away everything I own, and if I hand my body over so that I may boast but do not have love, I gain nothing.” (2 Cor 13: 1 – 3)   If we don’t have love, any good we do is for naught.  Love is the key to the door to heaven and without it we will never enter God’s kingdom. 

   Our Lord gave His life for us because of His all-encompassing love for us.  He suffered rejection, betrayal, scourging, and the cross to redeem us from our sins.  Do we love Him in the same way?  Would we, like so many martyrs, give our life because of our love for Him?


Sunday, April 14, 2024

 A Life Well Lived 

   “Abandon foolishness so that you may live; walk in the way of my understanding.” (Proverbs 9: 6) 

   Have I lived a life well lived?  I have made many decisions over the years; I hope most were right, but I have no confidence in that hope.  I know that I’ve also made many foolish decisions in life.

   I grew up in a small town in western Kentucky in the 50’s and 60’s.  The world was vastly different then.  On the one hand there was a respect for the Lord that has virtually disappeared today.  Yet, there was also the evil of racism and bias, a condition far too common in those days and one that lingers even today.  Was my childhood well lived?  Somehow I suspect there were many deficiencies.

   I chose to serve my country and spent twenty years in the U.S. Navy.  Again, there were many decisions to be made.  Did I make the right ones?  Yes and no, but I suppose that is true of all of us.  Sometimes we get it right and sometimes we miss the mark.

   I’ve been blessed with the love of two incredible women in my life.  God has been good to me, and I pray that I’ve repaid His generosity adequately.  Still, I’m human and humans can always be counted on to mess things up from time to time.

   There is however, one decision, one choice, I’ve made that I have absolute confidence in: giving myself over to the will of God.  Has it made my life perfect?  Of course not, there is no perfection in this world.  What it has done is convinced me that no matter what comes my way, if it is the will of God, it is the right thing.

   I’ve come to understand that I cannot, of my accord, live a life well lived.  Only with the help of my heavenly Father, my Savior Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit can a life be well lived.

   My prayer is that on judgement day I will hear the words, “Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.” (Matt 25: 34).  May God have mercy on my soul.



Saturday, April 13, 2024

 Give Yourself to God 

   “Into your hands I commit my spirit, you will redeem me, O Lord, God of truth”. (Psalm 31: 6) 

   We are afraid of commitment.  We act as if commitment lessens our freedom.  In fact, when we give ourselves over to the will of the Father we will receive freedom and joy beyond anything this world can offer.

   Even in marriage, husbands and wives often fail to make a total commitment to each other though they have taken a vow to do so.  If the two do not become one by joining themselves in all ways, the marriage can never be the joyful, loving experience it is intended to be.  If God is an integral part of the marriage, their love and commitment to each other will grow and strengthen.

   Worst of all, we refuse to commit our souls and ourselves to God.  We seem to think doing so will enslave us when in fact it will free us.  The freedom we receive is not one of doing whatever we desire, but of being given the strength to turn away from the evil ways of the world.  Through that strength we can redirect our lives and find the happiness and peace that only God can give.

   When we commit ourselves to God our life will change.  I won’t suggest that it will always be as our earthly desires would have it, but it will always be for the betterment of our soul.  There is a peace to be found in God, but we must allow ourselves to accept that peace and that can only be done when we turn to Him and offer ourselves to His will.

   In faith and trust we can overcome our resistance to commitment and give ourselves to the Lord.  Then we will truly be the sons and daughters of the living God, brethren of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.


Friday, April 12, 2024

 A Sacramental Marriage 

   “This is why a man leaves his father and mother and joins with a wife, and the two become one flesh.” (Gen 2: 24) 

   In society today the meaning and permanence of marriage seems to have been lost.  Many don’t see it as a life-long commitment and many bypass it completely.  This travesty has had a devastating effect on society and the nation as a whole.

   A sacramental marriage is non-revocable.  It is more than just a covenant between husband and wife, it must include God.  If not, the marriage is at risk right from the start.  He is the source of all true love and without Him love as it is intended cannot exist.

   The love of a husband and wife is intended to mirror the love of Christ for His bridegroom, the church.  A love that is never ending, a love that desires the good of the other rather than the good of self.  It is a giving love, never a demanding or conditioned love.  It is to be like the love of God, unlimited and eternal.

   Unless the fullness of a sacramental marriage survives I fear society itself will not long survive.


Thursday, April 11, 2024

 It’s Our Choice 

   “What we get afterward we choose here; and what we reap there we sow here.” (St. Augustine) 

   God offers us many gifts.  He will grant us peace of heart, happiness in life, and most importantly the forgiveness of our sins and eternal life in His kingdom.  However, gifts are never forced upon us, they must be accepted.  The same is true of the gifts of God.

   Many who do not believe in God say that they can’t believe in a God who would send people to hell.  But they misunderstand; God sends no one to hell.  Each of us chooses our place in eternity.

   We were endowed with free will, therefore we have the choice of whether to accept the gifts God offers to us.  But, like any decision we make, there are consequences.  We may opt to ignore God and His many gifts and blessings and go it on our own.  But should we do so, we alone are responsible for the outcome.

   “It is not his wish that any should perish but rather that all should be brought to repentance.” (2 Peter 3: 9).  God’s desire is for all to accept His blessings, but the decision is ultimately up to us.  However, we must understand that by that choice, we will determine whether we will spend eternity in heaven or in hell.


Wednesday, April 10, 2024

 The Ultimate Love 

   “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may attain eternal life.” (John 3: 16) 

   I’ve often wondered why God would love me and you so much that He would allow His only Son to sacrifice His life to give us eternal life.  It’s not like we’ve done anything to deserve such a sacrifice.

   And yet, all throughout scripture His love is evident in all He did.  He created us out of love.  He has repeatedly forgiven our failings.  Never have we, as a people, remained faithful to Him and lived by His will.  We’ve turned to other gods, both pagan and those of our own making.  Worse, we’ve made a god of ourselves, deciding that we can determine what is right and wrong when God is the author of all.

   Jesus came to pardon the sentence pronounced against our first parents for their sins.  He was the unblemished lamb, the only one who could repay the debt since He was the only one who had no debt.  Of His own free will He chose to accept all the sins of the world upon Himself and suffer and die to redeem those sins for an unworthy and unthankful people.

   Still today He is ignored, rejected, and forgotten.  Yet His love remains,  He yearns for us to turn to Him in repentance and accept the gift of salvation.  He has opened the door to heaven for us, but we must choose to enter.  Because of His unbounded and never-ending love our Lord waits patiently for our reply.  How will we answer?



Tuesday, April 9, 2024

 The Blessings of God 

   “Such are the blessings that will be bestowed on the man who fears the Lord.” (Psalm 128: 4) 

   In a world troubled by hatred, bias, and ignorance of God it is good to take some time to consider the many blessings that God has bestowed upon us.

   My life, like most, has seen its share of trials and tribulations.  But when I stop and consider the many gifts God has given me the crosses I may have borne are lightened and of little consequence.  His blessings are by far greater than the trials of the world, in those blessings are the strength to overcome those trials.

   I often sit and think of all the incredible gifts God has given me.  My life itself is a gift of God; without His love I could not exist.  Each day brings beauty and joy when I look at it through the eyes of faith.  Yes, there have been storms, but they fade.  The sun returns and I again see the majesty of God and His love for all He created. 

   Rather than dwell on the trials and temptations, we must look to the blessings in life.  When we sit quietly and seek in earnest to see the many gifts God has given, I am confident that we will realize that the blessings far outweigh the trials, that the joy overcomes the sadness, and that hope will overcome despair.


Monday, April 8, 2024

     Longing For God 

   “As a deer longs for running streams, so my soul longs for you, O God.  My soul thirsts for God, the living God.  When shall I come to behold the face of God?” (Psalm 42: 1 – 3) 

   As I’ve grown older I’ve come to yearn for a closer relationship with my God.  I suppose my earlier years were more occupied with family, children, and career.  Sadly, those things intruded upon the most important of all desires; the desire to know and follow my God more fully.

   I don’t regret dedicating time to the needs of this world and raising a family.  After all, that too can be an offering to God, an offering of love and hope for the future.  My prayer has always been and remains that my children will seek God in their lives and my hope is that I, by the grace of God, may be an example of faith that they can look up to.

   Now, as I grow older and nearer the end of my time on this earth becoming closer to God in all ways takes on a new importance.  No one knows when they will be called home, so it is always important to seek the Lord, but as we age I think we better understand that.

   I love life and will do my best to enjoy all the many blessings God has bestowed upon me.  I will strive to follow His will in all things, hoping that my efforts to please Him will please Him.  Life is a beautiful gift and I thank Him for the years I have had and the years I hope to still have.  And when the time comes, and He calls me home, I will rejoice in beholding the face of my God.


Sunday, April 7, 2024

 Doubting Thomas 

   “You have come to believe because you have seen me.  Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have come to  believe.” (John 29: 20) 

   Today’s gospel included the story of “doubting” Thomas, the apostle who refused to believe Jesus had risen unless he could put his finger in the holes of His hands and his hand into the wound on Jesus’ side.

   In my opinion Thomas gets a bad rap by the moniker “Doubting Thomas".  I think we would all have to add “doubting” to our name if wondering, questioning, and yes, even doubting was applied to us as it has been to Thomas.

   Certainly, there have been times when I questioned God’s will in my life, wondered why things had happened as they had.  At times I have even doubted the purpose and correctness of His decisions.  So I suppose I should be referred to as “doubting” Ed.  And yet, I think there is some benefit and growth that comes from some questioning and doubt.

   When I have found myself wondering about God’s decisions and plans for my life it has encouraged me to sit down and think about why I was wondering or doubting.  It urged me to prayer, asking God “why” and I don’t believe He was offended by that.  My faith and trust grew through these experiences.

   The bottom line for me is quite simple, He is God, and I am not.  Though I may sometimes wonder and question I have complete confidence in His will for my life, even when I can’t understand His purpose.  I trust that His purpose is always to help me grow in faith and love and to lead me home to Him.  That’s a good enough answer for me.  “I do believe.  Help my unbelief.” (Mark 9: 24).


Saturday, April 6, 2024


   “But God said to him, ‘You fool!  This very night   your life will be demanded of  you.’” (Luke 12: 20) 

   How often do we, like the rich man, think of tomorrow rather than today?  But we never know when our life will be demanded of us, so tomorrow may never come.  What we had planned will never come to pass and what we have amassed will belong to another.

   In many things this is of little importance, the minutia we all put off until tomorrow or the next day because it isn’t a priority and, if it doesn’t get done at all, it’s not a big deal.

   However, the one thing that many people put off that is the most important of all is their spiritual well-being.  If you are not right in your relationship with God and your life is demanded of you this night there is no going back to fix it, you have lost any chance of eternal happiness.

   Put off the unimportant if you must, but never put off gaining the promise of Christ’s life, death, and resurrection.  He is freely offering salvation and eternal joy and happiness.  Accept His gift of forgiveness now because tomorrow may never come.


Friday, April 5, 2024

 God’s Plans 

   “For I know full well the plans I have made for you, plans for your welfare and not for your misfortune, plans that will offer you a future filled with hope.” (Jer 29: 11) 

   In my life I have seen what I thought were definite plans for how my life would progress revised, changed, and improved.  It seems many times I’ve had little to do with the change, external factors prompted them.  It took me quite some time to understand that what I was calling “external factors” were, instead, the plans God had for me.

   I’ve not always readily agreed or accepted the changes God made in my life.  But I’ve come to realize that even the plans I disliked were for the betterment of my relationship with Him and allowed me to grow in my love, trust, and faith in God.

   When my first wife went home to the Lord I was at a loss as to why God had left me without the woman I had loved for almost 50 years.  It seemed a cruel thing to do.  Yet, even from this tragedy came a growth in my spiritual life that I never expected.  God can write straight with crooked lines at times.

   I became convinced that my life was to be one of dedication to God without the joy of marital love.  I became a Benedictine Oblate and grew in my faith and trust in the Lord.  I was, or thought I was, content with that life, but God wasn’t through with me. 

   Totally by surprise I met and married a woman who has made my life a joy again.  The happiness and love we share is beyond what words can describe.  My love for my first wife is no less strong and alive than before but this new love is just as strong and alive.  I can’t explain how that can be, I can only attribute it to the love and grace of God and give Him all thanks and glory.

   Many people say that life is what we make of it.  I believe that if we insist on making it ourselves, we will only be fooling ourselves.  Life is what God has planned for us, even when we don’t know or understand why or how.  It’s far better to accept it and say, “Yes Lord, let your will, not mine, be done.


Thursday, April 4, 2024


   “In Christ and through his blood we have redemption and the forgiveness of our sins.  In accord with the riches of his grace.” (Eph 1: 7) 

   Of our own accord and by our own efforts we can do nothing, we need God’s grace in all things if we are to gain eternal life in his heavenly kingdom.

   Grace is a gift from God, given freely and something we cannot earn by our own efforts.  When the Holy Spirit guides our lives, and we submit ourselves to the will of God we will receive the grace we need.  It is this grace that will lend beauty and purpose to the good works we do.  We must recognize that any good we may do can only come from God.

   Many think they can “earn” heaven by their works and the various ministries they participate in.  They believe their works are the means of achieving heaven.  While these things are necessary unless they are done with the intent of serving the Lord and with humility they will never open the doors of heaven to us.  Only by His grace can we enter the gates of heaven.

   As St. Paul wrote, “For it is by grace that you have been saved through faith.  This has not come from you but from the gift of God.  It does not come from works, so that no one can boast.” (Eph 2: 8-9).  Salvation does not come from good works but from the grace of God.  The good works that we do are the evidence of our faith and of the salvation that faith brings to us through the blessings of God.


Wednesday, April 3, 2024

 To Become Holy 

“The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you.” (Luke 1: 34) 

   We were created to be holy.  But we cannot make ourselves holy, only God can perform that miracle.  Yet, God will not make us holy unless we give Him our permission.  We must submit ourselves to the Holy Spirit and to the will of God.  We must say, as our Blessed Mother said, “Behold, I am the servant of the Lord.  Let it be done to me according to your word.” (Luke 1: 38).

   Then the Holy Spirit will come, and the power of God will overwhelm us, making us holy as God intended us to be.  But be assured that when you make such a commitment, your life will be changed.  It may be subtle at first, but change will come and before you know it, your whole way of life will become more focused on God and His will in your life.

   Things that you used to enjoy will lose their lure as you see the banality and, in some cases, the evil in them.  The things of the Lord will take a larger place in your life, your heart, and your soul.  Spending time with God in prayer will be of more importance than the latest episode of your favorite television show.  The things of this world will begin to fade as the hope and promise of the next consumes your life.

   If you want to be holy, it is up to you.  God wants to make you holy and only waits for you to ask it of Him.  But the God who created you without your permission will not make you holy without your consent.  Turn to Him and seek holiness, even sainthood, for this is God’s desire for each of us.


Tuesday, April 2, 2024

 Live in Hope 

   “But Christ has been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep.” (1 Cor 15: 20) 

   Easter is the season of hope.  Hope in promises of the resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ.  It is through His death and resurrection that we dare have hope of eternal life in the Father’s heavenly kingdom.

   Our priest often speaks of this world as the land of the dead.  Everyone who is now alive will, at some time, die.  But death, to me, is only a door, a door from the land of the dead to the land of the living.  After death in this world comes eternal life in the next.

   I live in hope for the life to come.  I look around and see the evil and problems we face in this life.  A society that seeks to eliminate God and pretend He doesn’t exist.  A government that supports such a heinous agenda, even as they invoke the name of God, claiming to be devout Christians.

   There seems to be little to hope for in the world today, so I choose to place my hope in the world to come when our Lord will come again in glory and make all things new.  A new heavens and a new earth, eternal happiness and joy, complete and unending love.  These are the hopes and promises of the resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ. 

   It is in the promises of Christ and the Holy Spirit dwelling within me that my hope resides.  The Spirit will guide me and if I follow Him, the Spirit will lead me home.


Monday, April 1, 2024

 Moving Forward 

   “To stand still is to fall behind.” (Mark Twain) 

   I love it when I go to Mass on Easter and Christmas and find the church overflowing with people.  Yet I wonder, where were all these people last week?  Will they be here next week?  There is a term I’ve heard for those who attend Mass only for the most special of Masses.  They are sometimes called “Christers” or “CEOS” people who come to Mass at Christmas and Easter only.  The rest of the year, they simply ignore God and going to Mass.

   Then there are the “cafeteria Catholics” who may attend Mass regularly but pick and choose which teachings of the faith they will accept and which they will reject.  I once heard someone say they were a pro-choice Catholic.  I responded that there is no such thing, pro-choice and the Catholic faith are diametrically opposed, one cannot be both.

   Many others refuse to accept the reality of the Eucharist, the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Christ.  They see it simply as a symbol or a kind of commemoration rather than the miracle of our Lord feeding our souls with His Body and Blood.   As St. Paul wrote, “Therefore, anyone who eats the bread and drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner is guilty of an offense against the body and blood of the Lord. (1 Cor 11: 27)

   So the question is, where do we go from here?  Easter is done and Christmas is a long way off.  Will we live in the spirit of Easter, seeking the will of God in all we do, or will we live our lives any way we please and show up again at Christmas to start all over.  Will we continue to decide for ourselves which truths we will accept or recognize and honor the teachings of Christ and the apostles?  If we aren’t moving forward in our faith we are moving backwards.