Another Year
As we come
to the end of another year it is a good time to reflect on the year that is
ending. St. Ignatius recommends an
examination of conscience at the end of each day. A time to look back on the day and recognize the
blessings we have received that day as well as the times we’ve failed in our
efforts to live for God.
I believe we
should do the same at the end of the year.
Some quiet time spent looking back over the year can be an important
part of spiritual growth. We can recall the
times God has blessed us; we can perhaps see that prayers we thought had gone
unanswered were answered in some manner during the year. Most important we can take stock of our successes
and our failures as we have tried to follow the will of God in our lives.
Tomorrow begins
another year. There will be resolutions
made that will most likely be forgotten in a few weeks. We will determine that we are going to do
better in many ways this year, but that too fades from memory.
The only
resolution or promise that truly matters is to serve our Lord as best we can
each day of the coming year, aware that we will fail in that effort as well. But our God is a loving and merciful God,
full of forgiveness and our efforts please Him.
Then next New Year’s Eve, God willing, we can again take time to review the year and see how well we’ve done.
Time passes, but You are beyond time.
Our time on earth is short, eternity
is forever.
May we be less concerned with time,
And more concerned with eternity.