Before the Crucifix
day I try to spend some time on my knees before the crucifix. It is a time to look upon my Lord and Savior
and thank Him for the incredible sacrifice He made for my redemption. Through His passion, death, and resurrection,
He offers me the opportunity of eternal life in God’s heavenly kingdom.
As I reflect
upon His passion and death, I can’t help but sorrow for my sins, the sins which
Jesus took upon Himself and carried to the cross for my salvation. It should have been me who hung on that cross; I should have made atonement.
But a perfect sacrifice was necessary, and I am far from perfect. My sacrifices, though appropriate, can never
be pure, they could never atone for my sins.
Only the blood of the unblemished lamb, Jesus Christ, could atone for my
sins and the sins of the world.
I look to Him
in thanksgiving, giving Him all glory and praise for all He’s done for me and
all He continues to do. I know that I
can never repay Him though I wish there were a way. What I can do is offer Him my life, to live
for Him; my death, to die for Him; and all that comes in between. Though I wish I could do more, I pray that my desire to serve Him in all things pleases Him.
For the joys
and happiness I’ve known and may know in the future, I give Him all praise and
thanksgiving. I offer Him the pain and
sorrow that I have known and any pain and sorrow that is to come in the fervent
hope that my suffering can somehow be united with His suffering for
From the greatest
evil ever known, the crucifixion of the Son of God came the greatest gift ever
given, redemption for those who would believe.
I pray that, by the grace of God, some good may also come from any pain and suffering I may have
to endure in this life.
Then, on my
knees before the crucifix, I thank Him again.
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