To Change Society
As I look around
it’s easy to see that the world is at risk.
I’m not talking about the latest health crisis, climate change or any of
the other crises the politicians use to scare us so that we will not notice the
lies and deceptions they perpetrate upon us each day.
The risk I’m
talking about is the risk of losing all sense of morality and common
sense. There has always been evil and
sin in the world; sometimes more and sometimes less. However, in my 70+ years I’ve never seen immorality
championed by so many, acting as if there is no price to pay for the evil being
committed. Not only do they support and
promote immoral behaviors, everyone else is expected to do the same. To refuse, to say “this is wrong”, is
considered as blasphemy to the earthly gods they worship.
Given that
we, as individuals, can do little to change society how are we to respond? I have a simple answer; we can life our lives as Christians
and continue to reject evil in the world, wherever it may arise.
We can begin
in our family, the first “church” our children ever attend. If our family life projects a life of faith
our children will learn faith. If it
does not, we will most likely lose our children to society and its immoral
ways. As they mature most children at
some point rebel, against parents and everything else; it seems to be part of
growing up. But some will also come to
realize the truth of what they were taught and return.
If we show
the love of God to our spouse, our children, and our neighbors it will perhaps convince
others to change as well. As more and
more people see the peace that our faith and love bring to us some may be convinced
to try our way. Maybe, just maybe, somewhere down the road, we
can begin to change society after all.
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