The Answer
“For truly I tell you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’, and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.” (Matt 17: 20)
We spend a
lot of time complaining about the way things are in society, in the nation, and
in the Church and there is certainly no shortage of problems to complain about. But complaints have never fixed a problem. Action,
not whining and grumbling, is needed.
But what action
can we take that will have any effect on the problems we see? We have no real power to cause change in the
world, it would take a great movement of many people to do so and that is not
likely to occur. So what can we, as
individuals do?
There is an
answer and Jesus tells us that it is prayer.
But it must be prayer with the faith that our prayers will be heard and
answered. If we doubt, if we question
whether God can or will do as we ask, our prayers are of little help. We must trust that all is in His hands and
that He wants what is best for us and for all His children. If our prayers are in accord with His will
and are based in an unshakable faith, they will be answered, even though it may
not be at the time we desire or even in the way we think best. Remember, He is God, we are not.
Complaining is
a trick of Satan; it causes frustration and steals the peace we are meant to
have. Moaning and groaning about the problem changes nothing, it just brings frustration and despair
to our lives. The answer lies not with
us, but with God and our faithful prayers to Him.
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