The Everlasting Rock
“Trust in the Lord forever, for in the Lord God you have an everlasting rock.” (Isaiah 26: 4)
God does not
change; He is today as He has always been and always will be. We are the ones who change and many of our
changes draw us away from God rather than nearer.
If I look to
society for guidance I will be led down the path of destruction. Society cares only for self and selfish
desires. The hopes and plans of society
will come to naught, a mere passing of the night. Only the plans of God are eternal and bring
the joy and happiness we all seek.
In our lives
there will be many trials. Jesus repeatedly
warned His disciples of the coming trials and tribulations they would
face. In fact, many faced not only
persecution but death because of their faith.
They were strengthened by their Rock, their God, and many went willingly
and even joyfully to their deaths. Death
is not the end, but the beginning of eternity.
The difficulties
we face in life are called by many names but the one I prefer is “trials”. I find the concept of a trial, a test, as the
true reason and blessing of the troubles I face in life. It is my duty, my responsibility to pass
these tests, to trust in God even when things seem to be at their worst. He is my God, the God who loves me. He sent His only Son that I might be
saved. He is my Rock and upon Him, His
love and His mercy, I will rely.
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