“Have mercy on me, O God, in your goodness, in your great tenderness wipe away my faults; wash me clean of my guilt, purify me from my sins. … My sacrifice is this broken spirit, you will not scorn this crushed and broken heart” (Psalm 51: 1, 17)
Psalm 51,
often referred to as the “sinner’s psalm” is a beautiful statement of one sorrowing
for their sins, seeking to show
gratitude for the mercy and forgiveness of God.
Finally, the answer comes, the best way to show gratitude is by a broken
spirit, a heart broken by the sorrow for sin, full of repentance and love. This is the sacrifice that is most pleasing
to God.
There are
many things I can do to show my gratitude to the Lord for all He has done for
me in this life. By faithful worship,
praise, and charity as well as many other ways I can offer gifts to Him for the
love He has shown. But the gift that God
truly desires is my heart, my whole heart; a life given to Him in all
ways. My total love and devotion to Him
far exceeds anything else I can give.
Some come to
God in sorrow for their sins but with no willingness to amend their life. They confess the same sins over and over but
never take the necessary steps to avoid those sins. They look at God as an ATM, put in your
confession and out comes forgiveness, over and over and over. Where is the heart that is changed by God’s
mercy? Where is the humility and the desire
to never offend Him again?
St. Paul
wrote, “Christ will be magnified in my body, whether by life or by
death. For to me life is Christ, and
death is gain.” (Phil 1: 20 – 21). A
life given to God, is a life of joy and contentment. Whether in good times or bad, in life or in
death, God will not spurn a humble, contrite heart.