Be A Saint
“I want to become a saint; it will not be easy at all. I have a lot of wood to chop, and it is hard as stone. I should have started sooner, while it was not so difficult; but, in any case; better late than never. (St. Zellie Martin)
Sainthood is
our destiny; it is God’s will for us.
Why would we not want to pursue such a glorious end to this life and
beginning of eternal life? Yet many do
not choose sainthood or put it off, sometime until it is too late.
I think
people are afraid of wanting to become a saint because they read or hear of the
lives’ of the saints and see a lot of hardship
and even martyrdom. They do not feel
they are worthy or capable of such a life.
sainthood does not always mean such things.
The saints we read of are those who have been recognized by the Church due
to the life they led and of substantiated miracles attributed to prayers for their
intercessions. Few have or will receive
such recognition.
To be a
saint is to be in heaven; to have lived in such a way that eternity will be spent
in God’s kingdom. All who have died in
the grace of God will know the glory of heaven and thus are saints. Though most will never be known in this world,
they have achieved sainthood.
As Christians
our goal is to become a saint, to “chop the wood”, to carry the cross, and to
live for God and His will. God wants all
of us to be saints; why wait, start becoming one today.
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