Follow Me
“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven.” (Matt 7: 21)
me.” Jesus used these words to call His
disciples and His followers. Most didn’t
know Him before they were called, but they responded to his call to
follow. Imagine for a moment a stranger
approaching you and saying, “Come after me, and I will make you fishers of
men.” (Matt 4: 19). Would you
respond to His call and follow Him?
He is still
calling his disciples to follow Him and He wants all of us as His disciples. Some will respond to His call and many will
ignore it. Some will give up little
while others may take His advice to the rich man, “If you wish to be
perfect, go, sell what you have and give it to the poor, and you will have
treasure in heaven. Then come, follow
me.” (Matt 19:21).
In my mind
following Jesus is far more than just believing in Him as the Son of God, the
Messiah. Following Christ is a way of
life that must change me. I must desire
what He desires, the will of God. I must
forego the sinful desires of a wicked world and look to Jesus as the example I
am to emulate in life. Just saying I
believe means nothing if that belief doesn’t change my life.
Jesus lived
His life to follow the will of the Father all the way to Calvary. If I am to follow Jesus, I must model my life
after His, I must strive always to follow the will of God regardless of where
it may lead.
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