Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Choices We Make

   From the moment we wake up in the morning until the moment we go sleep in the evening we are faced with choices.  Our life is full of them; we can’t escape.

   Each choice carries with it some responsibility and consequences.  Even the simple choices such as what time get up or what to have for breakfast affect our life.  If we choose to stay in bed an extra hour or so we may be late for work and lose our job.  By choosing to eat a healthy breakfast we can help our body to remain healthy.

   Life offers so many choices.  We can choose to be despondent, seeing the bad in everything or we can choose to seek out the good.  We can look at a rainstorm as keeping us from enjoying the picnic we had planned or as the water badly needed by the crops upon which we rely for food.  It’s a matter of perspective.

   We can opt to forgive those who hurt us or hold a grudge.  Forgiveness isn’t always easy but holding a grudge ultimately doesn’t affect the one who hurt us, it only affects us.  Once they have apologized they have done what was necessary.  If we chose to reject that apology we suffer the angst and torment of living with the hurt rather than releasing it.

   We can choose to worship earthly things; money, sex, position.  Or we can choose to worship God.  The choice is and always will be ours to make.  These are the choices that will determine where we spend eternity.

  When Joshua prepared the Israelites to cross the Jordan and take possession of the promised land he offered them two choices.  They could choose to worship the gods of the Amorites and other pagan gods or they could choose to worship the one true God; the God who had led them out of the slavery of Egypt.  We are faced with this choice each and every day.  Will we worship earthly gods or the one true God?  The choice Joshua made is the choice I will make; “as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24: 15).

Lord, we face so many choices each day.
Help us to choose wisely.
Give us the courage to choose the right road.
The road that leads to You.


Thursday, August 29, 2019

The House of the Lord

   “There is one thing I ask of the Lord, for this I long, to live in the house of the Lord, all the days of my life, to savor the sweetness of the Lord, to behold his temple. (Ps 27: 4)

   This life offers strife, sin and confusion.  Our world is full of war and hatred; sinfulness is everywhere.  Confusion is at every turn; right and wrong seem only a matter of opinion with no regard for God.

   And yet, this world is God’s creation.  Therefore it must be good; He doesn’t do evil.  Only through the eyes of faith can we see through the fog and recognize the beauty of God’s creation.

   There is much wrong with the world, but we need not allow that to keep us from God’s house.  He is with us, within us, everywhere we go.  His beauty and love is there if we seek it.  In many ways we are already in the house of the Lord.

   I look forward with hope and joy to seeing the world as God intended but I will have to wait until He calls me home.  Until then I will search for it here, seeing the beauty rather than the ugliness; sharing love and forgiveness in the face of hatred.  Seeking God’s will in all things.

Lord, our world is a mess.
We have spoiled its’ sanctity with our sins.
We seek the world of perfection You intended.
Help us in our efforts to find it in Your will.


Wednesday, August 28, 2019


   Most Christians have, at some point in their life, had a conversion experience.  It may not have been an earth-shattering event; it could have been a change over a long period of time.  Regardless the circumstances finding and accepting God changes a person.

   St. Augustine is one of the greatest theologians, teachers, and ministers of the Catholic faith.  Yet he too rebelled against the faithful life his mother tried to teach him.  He was a womanizer and involved in heretical sects at times.  When he finally came to realize that he needed God he expressed it this way:

“Late have I loved you, O Beauty ever ancient, ever new, late have I loved you!  You were within me, but I was outside, and it was there that I searched for you.  In my unloveliness I plunged into the lovely things which you created.  You were with me, but I was not with you.  Created things kept me from you; yet if they had not been in you they would not have been at all.  You called, you shouted, and you broke through my deafness.  You flashed, you shone, and you dispelled my blindness.  You breathed your fragrance on me; I drew in breath and now I pant for you.  I have tasted you, now I hunger and thirst for more.  You touched me, and I burned for your peace.”  (St. Augustine, “Confessions”)

   Augustine’s conversion was one of great consequence.   If it is God’s will ours can be as well.  God will make us holy if we allow; He will make us saints.

God, You love me and want me for Your own.
I give myself to You without reservation.
Create in me the holiness You desire.


Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The Sculptor

   A great sculptor once decided that he would create a magnificent sculpture.  He searched and searched until he found the perfect piece of marble, had it moved to his studio and prepared to begin work.

   Before the first tool touched the marble he studied it, noting the grain, the coloration and any possible weak points in the piece.  He then considered the best way to proceed. He knew what the finished sculpture was to look like, it’s form and quality.  Finally he picked up the chisel and hammer and began removing all that didn’t belong in the final piece.

   For months he worked on it.  He would chip away for a while, then pause to ensure that it was becoming what he had planned.  Finally he put the finishing touches on his work of art.  With precise care he gently removed any remaining rock which did not belong and polished the completed piece.

   In the studio of eternity God is the sculptor and we are the marble.  He knows even before we are formed what the final person is intended to be.  At conception we are endowed with an eternal soul that will be developed by God and His word.  It is the Lord’s intent that we become the perfect work of spirituality that we were created to be.  It may take years, even most of our life, but God will not give up on perfecting us to His design.

   However, unlike the marble, we have free will.  We can tell God to stop in His efforts to perfect us.  We can even tell Him to never start, refuse to accept Him and His will completely.  Should we choose that path another waits to mold us to his ways; Satan.

   We must open our hearts and souls to God and allow Him to make of us the saint that He created us to be.  We must let Him chip away the bad and create the good.  We must let Him make us holy.

Father You created me to be holy.
To become a saint.
Only You can make me what I am meant to be.
Mold me according to Your perfect plan.


Monday, August 26, 2019


   “Tend the flock of God that is your charge, not by constraint but willingly, nor for shameful gain but eagerly, not as domineering over those in your charge but being examples to the flock.” (1 Peter 5: 2 – 3)”

   It is my view that this scripture should be required reading for all priests, ministers, pastors, deacons and other spiritual leaders.  It should be a part of their morning and evening prayers; it should be on their minds throughout the day.  Decisions should be made with this scripture in mind.

   Far too many of our shepherds seem far more interested in their own comfort and well-being than in that of their flock.  Many live in virtual mansions with others to take care of them, drive them around, cook and clean for them.  They preach to the poor in their thousand-dollar suits.  When the service is over they get in their luxury cars and quickly return to their comfortable home, far from the poverty and misery of others.

   St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta said she saw the face of Jesus in the faces of the poor for whom she cared.  I fear too many shepherds are more likely to see money in the faces of those in their care.  Rarely is serious sin the topic of homilies and sermons; abortion and euthanasia is rampant, homosexual so-called marriage has become accepted, child pornography and human trafficking is big business, children are killing children because they have no respect for life.  Yet these topics seem to be taboo.  To preach against sinfulness might offend those in the pews.  They might leave and go to a church that doesn’t try to tell them how to live.  Worse yet, their money would go with them.

   We need to pray for our priests and pastors.  We need to pray that they will take the admonition of Peter seriously and be the shepherds they are called to be.  They need to read and take to heart Jesus’ warnings to the scribes and Pharisees that begins with, “But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!” (see Matthew 23: 13 – 36).

Father we pray for our spiritual leaders.
Fill them with the Holy Spirit.
Give them courage in their ministry.
Make them true shepherds of their flocks.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The Gifts of the Spirit

   “Now there are a variety of gifts, but the same Spirit;” (1 Cor 12: 4)

   The Holy Spirit desires to dwell within us.  The Spirit has many gifts that may be given, but not everyone will get the same gifts.  The gifts are personal and intimate to each individual.

   I think that many people think of the gifts of the Spirit as they would a menu at the local fast food restaurant.  They want the gifts, but they want the ones they think are right for them.  Just as the Father has a plan for each of us, the gifts of the Holy Spirit are particular to each person, their stage in life and the mission God has for them.

   We can’t all be prophets or teachers or preachers.  We have a purpose in life though we many times aren’t aware of what that purpose may be.  I believe the gifts of the Holy Spirit are designed to help us live our life according the will of God and the path He has for us.

   Some are called to simply being a good person willing to help others.  One with compassion and love for all.  The gift of the Spirit for that person might be a pleasant demeanor and sincere concern for others.  Others may be destined for martyrdom; a gift of perseverance and resolution may be the gift best suited to them.  Whatever one’s path, I think the Spirit provides whatever gift best enables them to follow that path.

   Pray for the gifts of the Holy Spirit but let the Father and the Spirit determine what that gift might be.  You may be surprised at what God has in mind for you.

Father we were created for a reason.
Many times we struggle to find our purpose.
May the gift of the Spirit lead us to know our path.
Let our hearts be open to Your plan for us.


Saturday, August 24, 2019

Trials and Tribulations

   “If tribulation is the way, then to meet tribulation is proof that one has not lost the way, but is on the right road.” (Fulton J. Sheen, “Think Right, Live Well: Daily Reflections with Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen”)

   Throughout His ministry Jesus spoke of the tribulations and trials that those who believed in Him could expect.  He clearly told us that there would be crosses to bear and if we weren’t willing to bear them then we weren’t worthy to follow Him.

   The apostles found this to be true very quickly.  St. James was martyred shortly after the death and resurrection of Jesus.  The others, except John, were all martyred because of their evangelization of the Word.

   Given that suffering and persecution has been a prominent part of Christianity since it began it is to be expected that we too must be willing to face such tribulations.  We may never be required to die for our faith, but it is quite likely that we may suffer discrimination and persecution.  Today’s society seems determined to eliminate God from all things so standing up for our faith carries some risk.

   Thankfully, Jesus also promised that those who suffer for Him will not be forgotten.  He will come back to take them to Him at the proper time.  We should not seek suffering or death, but we must be prepared to accept it should it be asked of us.  Jesus asked the Father if the chalice of His suffering could pass from Him; but He willingly accepted God’s will.  Our salvation is the result of that acceptance.

Father I don’t wish to suffer or die.
But in all things I submit to Your will.
Ask of me what is required.
Give me the strength to accept it.


Thursday, August 22, 2019

Be Content

   “We are the body of Christ.  We have found Him, He has found us.  We are in Him, He is in us.  There is nothing further to look for, except the deepening of this life we already possess.  Be content.” (Thomas Merton, Daily Meditations from His Journals)

   If we have Christ what more do we need?  Nothing this world has to offer can compare to what we already have in Him.  His love exceeds all love, His mercy is endless.

   So many search for happiness; to be content.  They think it can be found in earthly wealth and riches.  They look in all the wrong places.  Contentment is in God; happiness comes from the Lord.  Whether in poverty or great wealth, God is the only answer to becoming content in this world.

   I’ve travelled in many places throughout the world, some of them extremely poor areas.  Yet the people I’ve found in some of the poorest of countries are the happiest.  They don’t complain about what they don’t have, they glory in the blessings that God has given.  Such faith and trust in God is rarely found, even in countries of great wealth.

   Quit worrying about tomorrow; stop seeking more and more earthly pleasures and riches.  Desire only the will of the Father; be content with what really matters.

Lord I rest in Your love.
You are the source of true contentment.
May I seek Your will in all things.


Wednesday, August 21, 2019


   “There are those who seek knowledge for the sake of knowledge; that is curiosity.  There are those who seek knowledge to be known by others; that is vanity.  There are those who seek knowledge to serve; that is love.”  (St. Bernard of Clairvaux.)

   All knowledge of God has value.  The question is how will that knowledge affect the way we live our life?  As St. Bernard points out, how we use the knowledge we gain determines its’ true value.

   Studying scripture and the great saints and holy men and women is a worthy endeavor.  However, if it simply satisfies a hunger for knowledge within us and nothing else of what value is it?  Unless the knowledge is used to further our relationship with God all we’ve done is fill our head with data.

   Even worse, if our intent in gaining great knowledge is so that others will recognize us and praise our knowledge it may very well be sinful.  Such a use of knowledge reflects a pride and sense of self-importance that offends God.

   When we seek knowledge to better know God with the intent of increasing our greater faith and devotion to Him then knowledge becomes what it is intended to be.  If we share the knowledge with others in humility and love, we become evangelists, spreading the Good News as intended.  When our purpose for learning comes from a desire to know Him better so that we may serve Him better our knowledge is used for the purpose for which it is intended; the love of God.

   Never stop learning of God.  There is so much to know that we can never learn it all in one lifetime.  Share the knowledge gained to help others come to know God.  Let the knowledge lead to a deeper faith and relationship with our Lord.

God, help me to know You better.
In knowing You help me to serve you more fully.
May I humbly and lovingly share that knowledge with others.


Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Trust In God

   When Saint Teresa of Avila died an old bookmark was found in the prayer book that she had carried with her everywhere she went.  On it was written:

“Let nothing disturb you.  Let nothing make you afraid.  All things are passing.  God alone never changes.  Patience gains all things.  If you have God you will want for nothing.”

   There is comfort and peace to be found in those words.  Teresa had not had an easy life.  As one who pushed for reform in the Carmelite order she was not liked by many who were satisfied with the way things were.  As one of the great mystics of the Church some were jealous of her and mistreated her.  She kept these things to herself and never responded against them.  The words she had written on the bookmark speak to her unfaltering faith and confidence in God.  She knew God was in charge.

   Following St. Teresa’s example of faith I can find great peace in the world.  I know things will never be as they should, but I also know that the will of God will ultimately win out.  Regardless of the trials, persecutions and sorrows of this world there is a better world to come.  One where there is only happiness and joy.  A world of unending love and communion with the Lord.  One where the will of God will reign in all hearts.

   This world and all it’s faults and sins will pass away.  There is peace in faith and confidence in God.  There is comfort in knowing that the war has already been won.  Come Lord Jesus!

My God, I place myself in Your hands.
Your will is my desire.
Lead me through the trials of this world
To the mansion You have prepared.


Monday, August 19, 2019


   “And after he had dismissed the crowds, he went up into the hills by himself to pray.”  (Matt 14: 23)

   Jesus often went off by himself to pray.  He sought solitude; a personal experience between Himself and the Father.  We also need alone time with God.  Time when it’s just the two of us, expressing our love for Him and feeling the love He has for us.

   Communal prayer is wonderful and an important part of the life of a Christian.  But just as a husband and wife sometimes need to leave the kids at home with a sitter and have time with each other, we need to leave others behind and have that time with God.

   Setting aside a prayer time is vitally important to Christian life.  We all have a need to commune one-on-one with God.  These are the times when we can express our personal concerns, needs and desires and ask God for His guidance.  Part of that time needs to be silent in order to better hear the voice of God in our lives.  As Elijah found on the mountain God is sometimes in the whisper.  To hear that whisper we need the solitude and quiet.

   Regardless of the prayers said, whether formal or spontaneous, we need to quiet our minds, open our hearts and soul to the message God may be trying to give.  Silence in our prayer time allows that opportunity.  In solitude we open ourselves to God.

Father, the world is so loud.
The distractions so many.
In solitude and quiet I seek Your will.
Fill me with Your Spirit and guide my life.


Saturday, August 17, 2019


   “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.” (Luke 1: 38).

   The Blessed Mother’s response to the Archangel Gabriel was a surrender.  A total and complete surrender of her life; a surrender to the will of God.  It was not won by battle or coercion but by faith and trust in the Lord.  Mary chose to become a slave to the Lord because she believed.

   We too must surrender to the Lord.  He calls us, He wants us to be with Him but we must surrender ourselves to Him.  He has a plan for each of us.  Some are destined for greatness, some for a simple life of prayer and service.  Regardless of the path God has chosen for us it is the path that will lead us home.  Surrender to it.

   If we desire peace and contentment in this world God will give it.  His love for us is eternal and will never fail.  He will forgive us our sins and our failings if we ask in sorrow and repentance.  The world doesn’t know or understand the peace of God.  His peace is so much more than the world can give.  Surrender to His will and know such peace.

   In pain and sorrow He cares for us.  He loves us and will comfort us when we are hurting and in distress.  He will mend our broken hearts and ease our sorrows.  Surrender the bad times to Him and He will provide mercy and comfort.

   No matter the circumstances God is there for us.  All He asks is that we surrender to Him, accept His love and seek His will.

In all things I surrender to You Lord.
I choose to be Your servant.
Take my heart, my life, my soul.
Make me holy and bring me home.

Friday, August 16, 2019


   Imagine a world where there is only joy and happiness.  A world where there is no pain, sickness or death.  No one suffers from hunger or thirst.  A world where everyone has a personal, loving relationship with others; no hatred, no bias, only love and respect.  In that world each person would interact with God as within a family.  A family full of love and caring for all.

   This is the world God created.  He placed our first parents in that world.  They were to be the steward all of His creation.  The only rule was love and respect for the One who had created all.

   Envy and pride entered the world through the temptation of Satan and humanity fell prey to his lies.  They too wanted to be like God, even to become gods themselves.

   The sins of our first parents and the sins of all of us has changed the world to what we see today. A world stained and corrupted.  A world where babies are slaughtered in their mother's womb with the blessing of our warped society.  One where children kill other children for the sneakers they wear; or for no reason at all.  Wars and uprisings kill millions out of greed and envy.  All because of our sinful nature.

   But God loved us so much that He sent His Son to give us a chance to regain the paradise created for us.  By Jesus's death and resurrection the doors to that perfect world are open to us.  The only rule is love and respect for the One who created it.  In that way we can live in the perfection intended for us.  This sinful world will pass away and heaven will open for those who believe.

Father, sin has corrupted Your creation.
Yet a new paradise awaits.
Show me the way to eternal life with You.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Prayer of Silence

   “For me, prayer is a surge of the heart; it is a simple look turned toward heaven, it is a cry of recognition and of love, embracing both trial and joy.” (St. Therese of Lisieux)

   Those who know me can tell you that I have a bad habit of starting to talk before others are finished.  It’s rude and disruptive to conversation.  I am aware of it and try to stop but sometimes I still do it.  It’s one of those things I prayer for God to take from me.

   My fear is that in my prayer life I may interrupt God by talking too much.  That is why I’m drawn to a more contemplative way of prayer.  A time of silence, just focusing on God and what He might want to tell me.  Not speaking, trying to clear my mind of external thoughts and concerns.  A time for nothing but listening for the word of God.

   I continue to prayer as I always have but this added time of silent communion with the Lord has increased both the depth of my prayer life and my faith.  It is then that I am at peace with God, comfortable that He is with me and will lead me if I will only listen.  Interestingly the words listen and silent contain the same letters.  I can’t truly listen unless I am silent.

   Prayer is my “happy place”; it’s where I spend more and more of my time.  In the past I prayed when I had the time, now I take the time to pray and other things can wait.  The cares and concerns of this world take a back seat to my time with God in prayer.

   All prayer is beneficial but more so if it is a two-way conversation.  Not only does God want to hear us, He wants us to hear Him.  In silence we give Him that opportunity.

Lord, teach me to hold my tongue.
In silence I can better hear Your word.
May I listen and obey.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

To Live or Die

   “For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain.” (Phil 1: 21)

   My greatest desire is to be reunited with my wife in heaven and spend eternity with her, praising and loving our God and sharing the wonderful love He has given us to share.  Yet, I don’t seek death.

   When faced with death Christ prayed, “My Father, if it be possible, let this chalice pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will but as you will.”  (Matt 26: 39).  This is the attitude I must have.  Not what I would wish but what God wishes for me.  His will rather than mine.

   I have no way of knowing how long God has destined me to remain on this earth.  It is not for me to know, only Him.  Whether it be ten seconds or ten years or more I will do all I can to live it in His will.  Only through following the path He has planned for me can I be sanctified.  Only through bearing the crosses I may be called to carry can I serve Him well.

   I am not afraid of death and I am not afraid of life.  In either case I will rest in the will and the love of the Father.

Lord I pray for Your will.
Let me serve You in all I do.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

All In

   Perhaps using a term common to playing poker is inappropriate as a title for a Christian blog post.  But I don’t think so.  Unless we are willing to go “all in” we aren’t really living the life of a Christian.

   We can’t be what is sometimes referred to a “cafeteria Christian”.  We can’t pick and choose our faith any more than we can chose our genes or DNA.  We must live the faith that Jesus taught; the faith that has been taught by His apostles and disciples since He formed the church.  When we stray we bring scandal upon ourselves and the entire Christian community.

   Some things that are always wrong.  Most of them are clearly defined in scripture.  A Christian cannot commit murder or adultery and remain a Christian.  Since the earliest days of the church abortion has been identified as an evil; to support it is sinful and brings scandal.  Bigotry and racism isn’t acceptable; we are all the children of God.  Marriage is a life-long commitment between a man and a woman.  Any other sexual relationship is sinful.

   If we are to be “all in” with God we must seek His will in all we do.  It is our duty to stand against evil and in support of good.  Bishop Fulton Sheen said, “Wrong is wrong, even if everybody is wrong.  Right is right, even if nobody is right.”  In our pride and selfishness we sometimes believe we have the authority to define right and wrong.  Only God has that right.

Lord, teach me Your ways.
Place Your laws in my heart.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Servant of the Lord

   “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.”  (Luke 1: 38)

   I pray that I may emulate the attitude of the Blessed Mother.  To me, she is the perfect example of Christianity.  She accepted God’s will even though she didn’t fully understand it.  Mary had to know that becoming pregnant prior to marriage could have had her branded an adulterer subject to death by stoning.  Yet she trusted in the message Gabriel brought her.  She agreed to be the mother of our Savior.

   I wonder at times if I would accept such a mission from God.  Would I have the courage and faith to risk humiliation, rejection and even death to be His servant?  I like to believe that I would but unless actually faced with such a decision there is no way to know.

   I pray that I may become more and more like my Blessed Mother.  I want to love as she loves; serve the Lord as she does; accept His will as she did.  In this life I don’t believe it is possible to fully become like Mary, but I strive to come as close as possible.  I pray for the strength and faith to follow her example.

   Life is full of uncertainty and questions.  Mary questioned how it was possible for her to become the mother of God but she did not hesitate to submit to His will for her.  She knew and believed that all things are possible with God.  May this confidence and faith be mine in all that I do.

Make me holy Lord.
I wish to be your servant.
May your will be mine.

Friday, August 9, 2019

The End of Faith

   “So we are always of good courage; we know that while we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord, for we walk by faith, not by sight.” (2 Cor 5: 6 – 7)

   While in this world I must live by faith, trusting in God’s word and promises.  Sometimes this can be difficult, especially in times of turmoil or sorrow.  Those are the times that test my faith but also strengthen it.  Though life can be hard at times I place total confidence in the Lord which gives me great comfort.

   When this life is through I will no longer need faith.  Faith is the trust in things unseen.  In the next life the truth will be visible to me.  All the Lord has said and promised will become reality rather than hope.  God will decide when it is my time to move from this life to next.  While I am anxious to join Him in heaven I will continue to trust and serve Him in this life for as long as He wills.

   Living in faith is what makes living in this world bearable at times.  Living in the truth of God when this life is over is what I strive to attain.

Father, I desire your will in my life.
I live in faith and hope.
I ache for the reality of heaven.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

 Seeking the Glory of God

   “O God, you are my God, I seek you, my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry weary land where there is no water.” (Ps 63: 1)

   Today we commemorate the transfiguration of Christ on Mount Tabor.  How I wish I could have been with Peter, James and John to see His glory revealed.

   I am an exile in a land filled with sin and corruption.  I await the day when I too can see the glory of our Lord as the apostles did.  My greatest desire is to be with Him throughout eternity giving Him all praise and glory.

   Though this world is far from the glory to come I can still witness God’s glory even here.  It is in the birth of a baby; a new life endowed with an immortal soul.  His glory shines in the sunrise, the fields of flowers.  I see Him in the storm, His power and glory watering and nurturing the earth He created.  His glory is displayed throughout creation.

   In a world that seems to want forget God and all He has done for us I will continue to seek His glory.  Satan tries to hide it, but it is there.  I take joy and comfort in the glory of God in this world and anticipate the fullness of that glory in the world to come.  Come, Lord Jesus!

Lord Your glory shines in this world.
It is everywhere I look.
Lead me to Your kingdom.
The fullness of Your glory.


Monday, August 5, 2019


   “For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)

   I’ve been considering eternity quite a lot recently.  Trying to grasp what it really means.  So far, I’ve had little luck.  I understand that the word means never ending but what does it mean to me in relationship to my eternal sole.
   The idea of an existence where there is no such thing as time baffles me.  I’ve tried to imagine a world without it but it’s just not possible.  I am a creature bound by time.  Everything I do relates to it, what time to go to bed; to get up.  I need to know when I need to be somewhere and how long it will take me to get there.  Time is important to virtually every aspect of my life.  Except my immortal soul.

   The best analogy I’ve been able to come up with is that of water.  Consider that one drop of water equals 100 years.  That means that my lifetime will, in all probability, be less than a drop of water.  Now consider the number of drops of water in all the oceans, seas, lakes, rivers and ponds in the world.  To go even further, assume that there are somewhere in the universe a thousand other worlds with just as many drops of water as there are on earth.  To me it’s mind-boggling but it helps me get some small vision of what eternity really is.

   I can hardly wait to experience eternity with my God and my loved ones who have gone before me.  I may not be able to fully understand it, but I desire it with all my heart and soul.

Lord You are eternal.
I am a creature of time.
Yet I too am destined for eternity.
May I be eternally in Your presence.


Friday, August 2, 2019

The Temple of the Lord

   “Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst?” (1 Cor 3: 16)

   When God gave Moses instructions for building the Ark of the Covenant the specifications were very precise in every detail.  The design of the meeting tent that was to hold the Ark was no less specific than that of the Ark itself.  When Solomon built the temple in Jerusalem God directed those actions as well.  Each stone, every wall and doorway was built to His specifications.  Not until all was completed according to God’s word would the Ark be moved into the temple.  God is very particular about where He is to reside, whether it was in the Ark of the Covenant in the meeting tent or the temple in Jerusalem.

   Paul tells us in first Corinthians that we ourselves are the temple of God.  He lives within us.  I believe He is just as concerned with the care of our bodily temple in which He resides.

   If we choose to disregard this temple through misuse or abuse we are dishonoring the temple of the Lord.  Failure to properly care for our body tells the Father that we have little concern for the home He wishes to make for Himself within us.

   Sin darkens the halls of our temple.  Lust, envy, sloth and all the deadly sins make our body an unfit abode for our God.  He will not reside in the filth of sinfulness.  We must clean our temple of evil and strive to make it a worthy dwelling place for the Lord.

   God wants to live within us.  He wants to give us His love and mercy.  By properly caring for the temple of our body and soul we can experience the presence of God within.

Father fill me with Your Spirit.
Help me care for my body as Your temple.
Keep me from sin.


Thursday, August 1, 2019

The House of the Lord

   “One thing have I asked of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in his temple.” (Ps 27: 4)

   There is no place I would rather be than in the house of the Lord.  I live my life seeking that glory though I stumble and fall at times.  Even in my sinfulness the Lord continues to love me and to forgive me.  He will bring me to His temple when life on this earth is finished.

   From the beginning of creation God has known me and had a plan for my life.  I may not know the fullness of His will for me, but I believe that if I trust in Him and seek His guidance in all things, He will lead me on the path to His kingdom.

   There are times when I wish God would plainly tell me what He asks of me.  But it seems that with rare exception that is not God’s way.  Rather He leads me in quiet ways; ways that require me to seek Him more and more.  Perhaps that is His way of increasing my faith and trust.  By continuing to seek Him I become closer to Him.  I reach out to Him in prayer more often in my efforts to follow His will.  He will answer in His own time and in His own way.

   I place my trust in God and am confident that He will honor my prayers and guide me on the path that leads to Him and His heavenly temple.

Lord, I seek Your guidance.
I ask Your direction in a sinful, confusing world.
Show me the path You have chosen for me.
Lead me to Your kingdom.
