Sunday, June 30, 2019

The Holy Spirit

   “But when the Counselor comes, whom I shall send to you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father, he will bear witness to me;” (John 15: 26)

   How are we to recognize the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, when He comes.  Unlike the apostles in the upper room there will be no tongues of flame settling upon us.  Most likely we will not begin speaking in tongues, healing the sick or performing miracles.  But we can be sure that He will change our life.

   For me the presence of the Holy Spirit is a presence of peace and comfort.  Even in the darkest hours He is there to reassure me that God loves me; that He has everything under control.  All I need do is trust in Him.

   That trust can be difficult when it seems our world has been torn apart; when it seems that we no longer have a reason for living.  But the Spirit will pray for us and with us.  God will give us comfort.  He will help us carry whatever cross we are to bear.  Trust may be hard but without it I am confident that there are times when I would simply give up.

   The Holy Spirit brings peace to me.  He comforts me in my sorrow and strengthens my faith.  I turn to Him and He is always there.  Even in the most difficult of times, He is my security.  He is the One who speaks to me, soothes me and calms me.

   Life may be hard; difficulties may test us and our faith.  Thankfully, we can turn to the Holy Spirit.  He will lead us through the darkness to the light to come.

Fill me Holy Spirit
You are my peace and comfort.
You strengthen me in times of trouble.
You assure me of God’s love for me.


Saturday, June 29, 2019

The Power of Christ

   “And they rose up and put him out of the city, and led him to the brow of the hill on which their city was built, that they might throw him down headlong.  But passing through the midst of them he went away.” (Luke 4: 29 – 30)

   It seems that the people of Nazareth wanted to kill Jesus, yet He passed through them unharmed.  What was it about Him that kept them from throwing Him over the cliff?  Certainly there were enough people there to overpower Him if they chose.  There must have been something else that stopped them.

   This was not the only occurrence of this sort in His life.  He made a whip of cords and cleared the temple of all the traders and money-changers during Passover.  He drove them from the temple and overturned the tables of the money-changers (see John, chapter 2).  Certainly this would have angered many people; this was big business for those who took advantage of the visiting pilgrims.  Yet again, Jesus was not attacked or harmed.

   Even the Sanhedrin seemed unable to accost Him in public.  The people knew that they wanted to kill Jesus, still He preached openly in the temple and no one arrested Him.  In the words of John, “Some of them wanted to arrest him, but no one laid hands on Him.” (John 7: 44).  When they finally did arrest Him they did so under cover of darkness in a secluded area, the Garden of Gethsemane.

   Call it an aura, power, presence or whatever, it seems to me that there was something about Jesus that caused those who wished to harm Him to be unable to do so.  They let Him walk away when it would have been easy to do otherwise.  His time had not come and no one could alter His plan.

   I believe we are to exhibit such an aura or presence when we are filled with the Holy Spirit.  Not to protect us so much as to be a witness to the Lord we serve.  Our faith is to fill us with the desire to be like Jesus, to model our life after His.  We have the Spirit within us.  He will strengthen us in times of challenge to stand our ground and speak and act in faith.

   Yet we must always remember that Jesus suffered greatly for us, giving His very life that we may inherit heaven.  Therefore we too may be called upon to suffer.  If we are to model ourselves after our Lord we must be willing to accept the suffering along with the blessings.

Lord, You gave Your life for us.
You opened the gates of heaven that we might enter.
Help us to follow Your example in our life.
Teach us Your ways and bring us home to You.


Wednesday, June 26, 2019

A Drop in the Ocean

   In my life I’ve had the opportunity to sail on many seas and oceans.  I have always been fascinated by the immensity of these bodies of water.  One can sail for days on end and never see land.  In olden days when ships relied upon wind for power they would go months between landfall.

   Just as amazing as their vastness is their depth.  With all the technology available today there remain areas of the ocean floors that have never been seen.  As we further penetrate the depths we find more and more sea-creatures; creatures never before seen.  I wonder how many have existed for untold thousands of years and yet we were unaware of their presence.

   This, to me, speaks of the majesty and vastness of God.  The universe continues to expand and we continue to study it.  Yet we still don’t know the secrets present to us in our own world.  Nothing of God’s creation is fully understood by humanity.  Perhaps it is intended that way to teach us a lesson in humility.  We don’t truly understand ourselves and our environment, yet we think we should understand God and His plan.

   When I look at the oceans and the stars in the sky I am reminded of how small and insignificant I am.  I am no more than a drop of water in the immensity of the ocean; indistinguishable from every other drop in the ocean.  Yet God loves me and cares for me.  Of all the millions upon millions of people who have lived on this earth He knows me personally just as He has known all who have lived.

   My life may be unimportant in the history of the world.  Once I’m gone, few will remember my name and they will most likely soon forget.  But God has known me from the beginning of time and He will know me throughout eternity.  Unworthy as I am, He wants me to be holy; to be a saint.  He wants to share the joys and glory of heaven with me.  Our God is love itself and He wants to share it with all of us.

Lord, I am a speck in the big picture.
My time on earth is no more than the blink of an eye.
Yet You continue to love me and care for me.
I offer You everything; use me as You will.


Tuesday, June 25, 2019


   “Teach me to do your will, for you are my God!” (Psalm 142: 10)

   It’s hard to give up control of oneself.  It goes against what the world tells us.  We are taught from an early age to be independent and self-reliant.  To surrender control to another is seen as weak.  Yet that is exactly what God asks of us.

   In some ways we learn the value of surrendering to another.  Husbands and wives many times surrender themselves to their spouse.  In order to grow and deepen, love requires submission to another.  Each gives up a bit of their independence and rely upon each other.  In this way they are strengthened both in themselves and in their marriage.

   It can be much harder to surrender to God.  In marriage one may give up something to please or benefit the other.  In our relationship with God we are asked to give up all for Him.  Jesus gave up His life to open the door to heaven to us.  He gave all and we must do the same.  He reclaimed His glory and promises we too will be glorified if we follow Him.

   We must give up all that is us to God.  Our dreams, our plans, our hopes are to be in accord with His will for us.  We are to empty ourselves in order to be filled with the Holy Spirit.  This doesn’t mean we become unwilling slaves to God; it means we willingly give up our earthly attachments and turn to Him in all things.

   Thomas Merton wrote, “All I want, Jesus, is more and more to abandon everything to You.  The more I go on, the more I realize I don’t know where I am going.  Lead me and take complete control of me.”  (“A Year with Thomas Merton”).  This is the attitude and even the prayer we need to have in our hearts.  We are lost and can’t find our way in a sinful world.  We are not of this world even though we are exiled to it in this life.  Only by surrendering to God can we overcome this world and find our way to the world our Lord has planned for us.

Lord, lead us always closer to You.
We pray for the Holy Spirit to fill us.
May we follow Your will in all we do.


Sunday, June 23, 2019

Heaven or Hell

   “The eye has not seen, and the ear has not heard, nor has it entered into the heart of man, what things God has prepared for those who love him.” (1 Cor 2: 9)

   “Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels;” (Matt 25: 41)

   It’s quite simple.  There are only two choices; heaven or hell.  It is an all or nothing proposition.  We will either spend eternity in the glory, beauty and peace of heaven or the torture of hell.  We can’t have it both ways.

   It is entirely up to us which we choose.  God will not condemn us to hell, we will condemn ourselves by failing to follow His laws and His will in our life.  No one ever said Christianity and obtaining heaven would be easy.  It requires faith, strength and determination to resist Satan and his temptations.  If we try to do it on our own we will fail.  Only through the grace of God can we reach heaven.

   I have made my choice and that is to follow God.  In my life I’ve seen many things, some incredibly wonderful, others quite horrible.  I’ve had the ups and downs that we all experience in life.  What I have learned over the years is that I must have God in my life.  Without Him there is no purpose.  Money, fame and status are of no value in the grave.  Only the good or evil I’ve done in my life matter when I stand before the Lord.

   St. Catherine of Siena was a mystic who had many conversations with God.  In one of those she was told that in heaven friendships and marriages that were lived in and with Jesus will be saved and will be a love that is truly forever.  What incredible joy, to be reunited with a loved one and for that love to continue throughout eternity.  In our greatest hopes we can’t imagine or understand all He has waiting for us if we choose Him in our life.

   We will make many decisions in life.  None are as important as the decision to follow or reject God.  This is the only choice that really matters in the long run.  In our life we may receive many worldly goods and earthly glory, but none goes with us in the afterlife.  Heaven or hell; the choice is ours.

Lord we come to You for guidance.
Help us choose wisely.
This world offers many false glories.
May we reject them and follow only You.


Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Bridge To Heaven

   St. Catherine of Sienna envisioned Jesus as the bridge between heaven and earth.  Dark, troubled waters ruled by Satan flow beneath the bridge.  Those swept away in the waters are lost.  The only path over the water is the bridge that is Jesus.

   The waters of that terrible river are evident in our world today.  We see hatred, violence and turmoil most everywhere we look.  Babies are slaughtered in their mother’s womb; the elderly are consigned to warehouse-like institutions and in many cases encouraged to commit suicide.  Openly worshiping God is frowned on and there are groups that would ban any reference to Him from the public forum.

   Many try to cross those dark waters by other means.  Some don’t even believe the waters exist; they don’t believe in heaven or hell.  Others think they can reach heaven through their own good deeds.  They don’t grasp that anything good comes from God and He deserves the credit and glory.  We are simply the means of sharing God, His love and mercy with others.

   Jesus came to save us.  He not only gives us new life but a different life.  By His cross and resurrection He opened the gates to heaven.  By His life on earth He taught us how to live.  He was gentle, kind and forgiving.  He did not condemn, He forgave and encouraged sinners to repent and change their lives.  He told us to love God and our neighbors as ourselves.  He also told us that we must love our enemies.  He taught us to follow God by His example of always putting God’s will first in His life.

   There is no other way to get from earth to heaven.  We must go through Jesus.  He is the bridge and no other route exists.  Find the bridge; stay on it and avoid the dangers of the waters below.

Father, Your Son came to give us life.
He is the path to You.
Help us always seek Him in our lives.
Keep us on the path to You.


Monday, June 17, 2019

Children of God

   “See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are.” (1 John 3: 1)

   If, as John writes, we are children of God then we are family.  As God’s children we are brothers and sisters to each other.  How sad that we rarely act as a loving family should.  In many ways we are quite dysfunctional in our family life as God’s children.  We often don’t love as we should.

   When we go to Mass it should be as going to a family reunion.  Uncles, aunts, brothers and sisters all getting together to enjoy each other’s company and to learn more of our family history.  Just as we would at any family reunion we have a meal though not one we prepared and brought.  Our meal is the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ in the Eucharist.  Truly food from heaven.  The history of our family is in the scripture we hear, once passed along orally as many family histories are but now written down for our benefit.

   The Lord’s Prayer we pray is a communal prayer.  It isn’t the “My Father”, it is “Our Father”.   We pray for our daily bread; we ask that our trespasses be forgiven; that we not be led into temptation.  There is nothing singular about it, it is a family prayer for the good of all of God’s children.

   Jesus came to save the world, not just you or me, but all of us.  Those who have accepted His salvation have been adopted into the family of God.  We are no longer to act as strangers but as family.  We are to approach everyone as if they are part of our family and offer them the love Christ offers us.  Some may reject us, but we must still look for God in each one.

   In our worldly family there can be many problems.  As members in the family of God we can overcome them and love our family even when they refuse to love us.  God’s family is one of love and forgiveness.  The more we share His love for us the more love we are given to share.

Father, You are love itself.
Teach us to love as You love.
Open our hearts, fill us with Your spirit.
Help us to see You in everyone we meet.


Sunday, June 16, 2019

Dying to Self

   “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me; and the life I now live in the flesh I live by in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” (Galatians 2: 20)

   When we give our life to Jesus we must begin to die to self.  It’s not something that occurs instantly or even quickly but is something that will occur if we determine to live for Christ.

   Our world outlook will change.  We will begin to see the things of this world as less important as living to ensure eternal life in the presence of God becomes our purpose.  The earthly things we have desired and worked to obtain and achieve will lose the glitter that attracted us to them.

   The lies Satan has told us about what is and isn’t important will become more obvious.  We will begin to understand that the priorities of this world aren’t nearly as important as we thought.  Life and its’ purpose will become clearer and we will seek to live the will of the Father rather than our own.

   God is a jealous God; He wants all of us.  If we aren’t willing to give our all we will never know the true joy that living for God can provide.  As we give up more of our self to God and His will we will find more happiness and comfort than all the luxuries of the world can provide.

   Happiness does not depend on what we have but on what we are willing to give.  The more we give the more we receive and the greater our happiness will be.  Dying to self and giving all to God is the only path to the true happiness He wants to give us.

   Ask yourself what is most important to you.  If it isn’t God take some time to evaluate your priorities.  Only love for God and the willingness to die to self and live for Him can provide the everlasting happiness that we all seek.

Lord true happiness is only from You.
Give us the faith to die to self and live for You..
Make our life a testament to Your love.


Friday, June 14, 2019

The Glory to Come

   “I consider that the sufferings of the present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.” (Romans 8: 18)

   Christianity is not easy.  There are times when it can be extremely difficult.  However, as with anything of real value, the reward far exceeds the struggle required to win it.

   We have a hard time keeping our eye on the prize to be won.  We look at the day-to-day struggles, hurts and heartaches and lose focus on the glory of the world to come.  Our challenge lies in keeping faith in what God has promised.  It’s very easy to become despondent and let the worries of this world overwhelm us.  It takes strength, perseverance and trust in God to keep things in perspective.

   There will always be tribulations in a world damaged by sin and under the influence of Satan and his demon forces.  We can’t let that keep us from seeing and enjoying the many blessings God gives us each day.  We need to recognize those blessings in order to keep our lives balanced.  If we let the trials and temptations overwhelm us we risk lessening or even losing our relationship with God.

   There has never been and never will be a time when our faith is not put to the test.  Our soul is the prize in a spiritual battle being fought every day.  The world and worldly desires are tools of the evil one to steal us from God.  We can not allow ourselves to lose sight of the glory to come.  The battles will continue but we must take strength from the knowledge that Jesus has already won the war.

   “We know that in everything God works for good with those who love him, who are called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8: 28)

We look for the glory to come Lord.
We trust in You, Your love and mercy.
Help us fight the battles of this world.
Bring us to the glory of the world to come.


Thursday, June 13, 2019

God Our Salvation

   “Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and will not be afraid; for the Lord God is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation.”  (Isaiah 12: 2)

   Throughout scripture God’s people looked to Him for their comfort and salvation.  Even in exile the Israelites gave praise to God and were confident of His love.  Prophets risked their life to proclaim the word of God.  They were mistreated, beaten, and persecuted but they continued to preach God’s word.  The apostles spread the Gospel throughout the known world.  Most were martyred for their efforts.

   St. Paul, in his second letter to the Corinthians speaks of some of the trials he had endured, “Five times I have received at the hands of the Jews the forty lashes less one.  Three times I have been beaten with rods; once I was stoned.” (2 Cor 11: 24 – 25).”  Yet he stayed the course, preaching the word of God.

   There seems to be very little of this kind of devotion to God and His word today.  Politicians profess their Christianity, but their votes say their true religion is their own ego and desire for re-election.  Some of those in the ministry, pastors, priests, and bishops seem to care more for their position than the well-being of their flock.  These will be called to account for their deeds when judgement comes.

   “Nevertheless, when the Son of man comes, will he find faith on earth?”  (Luke 18: 8).  This is a question each of must answer.  Where is our faith? Are we willing to suffer for our Lord and our salvation?  Do we live our life for God or just go to church on Sunday?  Do we care for those less fortunate than us?  Is God our Salvation?  Do we trust in Him in all things, unafraid of the trials and pains this world may inflict?  Is our faith the faith of the prophets, the apostles and martyrs?  These are the questions we need to ask ourselves. 

Lord help us to trust in You.
Increase our faith.
Strengthen our love for You.
Take away our fear and give us peace.


Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Trust in the Lord

   “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight.” (Proverbs 3: 5)

   Why do we not put our trust in the Lord?  We trust our family, our friends, and sometimes even our government.  Each of these can, and in many cases have, betrayed that trust.  The One who will never betray our trust is the Lord.

   Perhaps we trust ourselves too much; we think we can handle the situation without God.  We don’t trust in Him because we don’t think we need Him in all situations.  What a formula for disaster!  As soon as we begin to think we don’t need God, Satan steps in to do everything possible to keep us believing we can get by without Him.  The evil one knows that when we reject God he can more easily distract us and bring us to sin.

   God won’t push His way into our life.  If we choose not to trust Him and turn to Him in good times and bad, He will let us go our own way.  There will be nudges within us that we sometimes call our conscience.  I think they are really the Holy Spirit trying to bring us home.  If we continue to ignore those nudges we will drift further and further from the Lord.  At some point we may go so far off course that we are unable to find our way back.

   Trust in God can be hard at times.  When disaster strikes or a tragedy occurs in our life we naturally ask why.  We want to blame God for what happened as well as for not telling us why it happened.  We find it hard to accept that God’s will is so far beyond our understanding.  Yet that is the key.  Once we understand and truly believe that God is in control we can begin to trust.  We may never know the why, but we can take comfort in the knowledge God’s will leads only to good.

   “But I trust in you, O Lord, I say, ‘You are my God.’” (Psalm 31: 14)

Father strengthen our trust in You.
You, O Lord, are faithful in all things.
Guide us to eternal life with you.


Sunday, June 9, 2019


   “When the day of Pentecost had come they were all together in one place.  And suddenly a sound came from heaven like the rush of a mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.  And there appeared to them tongues as of fire, distributed and resting on each one of them.”  (Acts 2: 1 – 3)

   Today we commemorate the descent of the Holy Spirit on the disciples, Pentecost Sunday.  The advocate promised them by Jesus came and filled them with courage and purpose.  This day men who had been hiding in fear of their lives rose up and began preaching the gospel to all who would listen.

   They would go wherever the spirit lead suffering persecutions, beatings, imprisonment and, for most of them, martyrdom.  No matter the cost they held the reward worth it.  A group of ordinary men with virtually no education or religious training would change the world.  The gospel they preached would spread throughout the world, carrying the word of God and the redemption purchased for man by Jesus Christ to all who would listen.

   The power of the Holy Spirit is incredible.  When the Spirit over-shadowed our Blessed Mother, she conceived our Lord and Savior in her womb.  When the spirit filled the disciples they were no longer afraid, but courageous in their preaching, converting men and women of every nationality, race, and tongue.

   We to have the ability to be filled by the Holy Spirit.  He will come to us if we are willing to give ourselves to Him.  But be warned, He wants everything of us, not just an hour or so a week.  When the Spirit comes, change comes with Him.

   Not all of us will be called to ministry, the priesthood or religious life.  Some will be called to the religious life in other ways.  Some are called to marriage, others to the life of prayer in a monastery or convent.  Whatever the call the Spirit will strengthen us to carry out our mission.  It is up to us to cooperate and give ourselves the calling.

   Pray for the Holy Spirit.  Ask the Father to fill you with the same Spirit that filled the disciples; the same spirit that over-shadowed the Blessed Virgin.  Be prepared for a change in your life; no one who is filled with the Holy Spirit remains as they were.

Father, fill us with Your Holy Spirit
May He dwell within us.
Give us the strength to follow Your will.
Let the Spirit lead us in all things.


Saturday, June 8, 2019

The Majesty of God

   “Great are the works of the Lord, studied by all who have pleasure in them.  Full of honor and majesty is his work, and his righteousness endures for ever.”  (Psalm 111: 2 – 3)

   I awoke this morning to the sounds of a thunderstorm.  Lighting flashed across the sky, thunder echoed, and the rain poured down.  Once again I was reminded of the majesty of our God.

   The world is full of His wonders, each testifying to His glory and majesty.  We so often overlook the many blessings that we receive each day.  They become so common place that we simply expect them to occur and never stop to recognize God’s glory in all things.

   The storms testify to His majesty.  The intensity of lightning splitting the atmosphere creating the thunder.  The rain cleans the air and nourishes the many plants, providing water necessary for all living things. The Sunrises and sunsets are of such beauty, yet we rarely notice them.  The stars of heaven are uncountable, but we seldom look up to see the glory of God on display above us.

   Our life is filled with so many things that we sometimes overlook the things that really matter.  We expect that we will wake up each morning even though we have no assurance of that.  We expect the sun to rise yet at some point this world will end and all that we know will cease.

   Let’s take the time to give glory to God for His majesty and the many blessings He bestows on us.  We are undeserving of His love and mercy, yet He freely gives them.  We are sinners but He forgives us and offers eternal life.  In our sorrow He comforts us, in our joy He lifts us to new heights.  All things are the providence of the Lord.  Without Him nothing can exist.

   Give Him glory, give Him praise.  Recognize His majesty in all things.

Father, so often we take your blessings for granted.
We expect the gifts you give, even though we are unworthy.
Give us the wisdom to see You in all things.
May we give you all glory and praise.


Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Once A Day

   Life can be very busy.  Many things need attention and there’s never enough time.  Some make lists and prioritize them.  They try pay most attention to the tasks that are most important.  The problem with most lists such as this is that they almost never include the true priorities of life.

   I propose a new list; a list of those things that are truly important.  One that focuses on what needs to be done for the benefit of our heart and soul.  All else is trivial by comparison.

   Once a day take the time to tell your spouse that you love them.  Thank them for their love and support.  Even when things are tough you can lean on each other and find a way through.

   Every day tell your children how much joy they have brought to your life.  Let them know you love them even when they’ve perhaps gone astray.  Make sure they know you will always love them, and that they will always have a place in your heart.

   Take the time to speak to people you meet wherever it may be.  Let the light of God and the Holy Spirit shine through.  You may be the only opportunity for them to see God in their life.

   Each day take the time to read some scripture; get a book of daily meditations and use it.  Take time for prayer; there is no better use of time than to spend it in communion with God.

   Most of all take the time each day to thank God for the many blessings in your life.  Even when things are difficult you can rely on Him to support you, comfort you and love you.  Thank our Lord Jesus for the sacrifice He made for us.  He paid the price for our sins and offers eternal life to those who believe.  Thank the Holy Spirit; He will fill your heart and lead you to the Father.

   Priority lists are important.  Just make sure your priorities are the right ones.

Lord we are so busy.
So many things demand our time.
Help us to see those things that really matter.
Let us always see You in all we do.


Monday, June 3, 2019

To Know God

   “If we pray, we will believe.  If we believe, we will love.  If we love, we will serve.”  (Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta, “Thirsty for God”)

   God cannot be known by reason alone.  We must experience Him.  We must taste and see the goodness of the Lord.

   Study of scripture and theology is a wonderful thing.  Studying the lives of the Saints and holy men and women can be inspiring.  But the intellectual knowledge of God does not make us Christian.  To be Christian we must know our Lord on a personal basis; as a trusted friend who is always there for us.  He must be the focus of our life.

   Simply knowing that Jesus died on the cross for our sins, offering salvation to those who believe will not make us Christians.  We must delve into His suffering and  contemplate the great price He paid for us.  We must understand and be sorrowful for our sins; the sins He died for.  We must accept the redemption He offers.

Sitting in a pew each Sunday, singing the hymns, listening to scripture and the homily are a wonderful ways to get to know our Lord.  But even that is insufficient if that is all we do.  To be Christian we must take our faith with us when we leave church.  We must carry Christ within us and share His love and mercy with everyone we meet.

   To better know God requires faith, dedication, and perseverance.  He must be foremost in our hearts and in our mind.  His will has to be the guiding light for our life; seeking His way in all things.  It must be a personal relationship that we strive in every way to grow and strengthen.

   We can take courage and comfort from the fact that He is with us in all things.  Regardless of the events of this life, God is there, helping us in the difficult times, encouraging us in our efforts to serve Him.  When we stumble and sin, He is there to forgive us.

   We must not only know about God we must experience Him in our life.  He is always present to us and we are to be present to Him as well.  Love Him, know Him, experience Him.

Lord, help us to know You.
Teach us Your ways.


Sunday, June 2, 2019

Give Your Heart to God

   “A new heart I will give you, and a new spirit I will put within you; and I will take out of your flesh the heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.”  (Ezekiel 36: 26)

   I have given my heart to God.  I have prayed that He will remove my hard heart and give me a heart of love filled with the Holy Spirit.  This is my strength and my comfort.

   When our heart belongs to God He resides within us.  His presence brings peace and comfort.  Regardless the pains, sorrows and trials of this life our Father will be there.  He will help us through the difficult times and support us in our efforts to live our life for Him.  The peace we seek is not possible without God in our life, in our heart and in our soul.  Only He can bring harmony to our life.

   There is no greater blessing than that of the indwelling of our Lord.  The gifts of His love are unfathomable.  When God is foremost in our lives we readily see the beauty of His creation; we are better able to recognize Him in our neighbors.  Through His grace our lives begin to reflect His image in our life.

   It’s not hard to recognize those whose life is given to God.  They are the ones who look for ways to help others.  They accept everyone with love, recognizing that they are the children of God.  They have greater joy and happiness in their life.  They, like everyone else, will suffer and have trials in their life but the crosses they bear don’t discourage them or make them despair.  They are confident that God has everything under control.

   I thank God each day, several times a day, for His presence in my life.  I am confident of His love and mercy.  He supports me in the bad times and assures me of life everlasting in His presence.  Praise God forever!

Father, You are my strength.
You lift me from despair by Your mercy.
Your Love is unending.
My heart rejoices in Your presence.
