Friday, June 14, 2019

The Glory to Come

   “I consider that the sufferings of the present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.” (Romans 8: 18)

   Christianity is not easy.  There are times when it can be extremely difficult.  However, as with anything of real value, the reward far exceeds the struggle required to win it.

   We have a hard time keeping our eye on the prize to be won.  We look at the day-to-day struggles, hurts and heartaches and lose focus on the glory of the world to come.  Our challenge lies in keeping faith in what God has promised.  It’s very easy to become despondent and let the worries of this world overwhelm us.  It takes strength, perseverance and trust in God to keep things in perspective.

   There will always be tribulations in a world damaged by sin and under the influence of Satan and his demon forces.  We can’t let that keep us from seeing and enjoying the many blessings God gives us each day.  We need to recognize those blessings in order to keep our lives balanced.  If we let the trials and temptations overwhelm us we risk lessening or even losing our relationship with God.

   There has never been and never will be a time when our faith is not put to the test.  Our soul is the prize in a spiritual battle being fought every day.  The world and worldly desires are tools of the evil one to steal us from God.  We can not allow ourselves to lose sight of the glory to come.  The battles will continue but we must take strength from the knowledge that Jesus has already won the war.

   “We know that in everything God works for good with those who love him, who are called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8: 28)

We look for the glory to come Lord.
We trust in You, Your love and mercy.
Help us fight the battles of this world.
Bring us to the glory of the world to come.


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