Wednesday, June 26, 2019

A Drop in the Ocean

   In my life I’ve had the opportunity to sail on many seas and oceans.  I have always been fascinated by the immensity of these bodies of water.  One can sail for days on end and never see land.  In olden days when ships relied upon wind for power they would go months between landfall.

   Just as amazing as their vastness is their depth.  With all the technology available today there remain areas of the ocean floors that have never been seen.  As we further penetrate the depths we find more and more sea-creatures; creatures never before seen.  I wonder how many have existed for untold thousands of years and yet we were unaware of their presence.

   This, to me, speaks of the majesty and vastness of God.  The universe continues to expand and we continue to study it.  Yet we still don’t know the secrets present to us in our own world.  Nothing of God’s creation is fully understood by humanity.  Perhaps it is intended that way to teach us a lesson in humility.  We don’t truly understand ourselves and our environment, yet we think we should understand God and His plan.

   When I look at the oceans and the stars in the sky I am reminded of how small and insignificant I am.  I am no more than a drop of water in the immensity of the ocean; indistinguishable from every other drop in the ocean.  Yet God loves me and cares for me.  Of all the millions upon millions of people who have lived on this earth He knows me personally just as He has known all who have lived.

   My life may be unimportant in the history of the world.  Once I’m gone, few will remember my name and they will most likely soon forget.  But God has known me from the beginning of time and He will know me throughout eternity.  Unworthy as I am, He wants me to be holy; to be a saint.  He wants to share the joys and glory of heaven with me.  Our God is love itself and He wants to share it with all of us.

Lord, I am a speck in the big picture.
My time on earth is no more than the blink of an eye.
Yet You continue to love me and care for me.
I offer You everything; use me as You will.


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