Sunday, June 16, 2019

Dying to Self

   “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me; and the life I now live in the flesh I live by in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” (Galatians 2: 20)

   When we give our life to Jesus we must begin to die to self.  It’s not something that occurs instantly or even quickly but is something that will occur if we determine to live for Christ.

   Our world outlook will change.  We will begin to see the things of this world as less important as living to ensure eternal life in the presence of God becomes our purpose.  The earthly things we have desired and worked to obtain and achieve will lose the glitter that attracted us to them.

   The lies Satan has told us about what is and isn’t important will become more obvious.  We will begin to understand that the priorities of this world aren’t nearly as important as we thought.  Life and its’ purpose will become clearer and we will seek to live the will of the Father rather than our own.

   God is a jealous God; He wants all of us.  If we aren’t willing to give our all we will never know the true joy that living for God can provide.  As we give up more of our self to God and His will we will find more happiness and comfort than all the luxuries of the world can provide.

   Happiness does not depend on what we have but on what we are willing to give.  The more we give the more we receive and the greater our happiness will be.  Dying to self and giving all to God is the only path to the true happiness He wants to give us.

   Ask yourself what is most important to you.  If it isn’t God take some time to evaluate your priorities.  Only love for God and the willingness to die to self and live for Him can provide the everlasting happiness that we all seek.

Lord true happiness is only from You.
Give us the faith to die to self and live for You..
Make our life a testament to Your love.


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