Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Trust in the Lord

   “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight.” (Proverbs 3: 5)

   Why do we not put our trust in the Lord?  We trust our family, our friends, and sometimes even our government.  Each of these can, and in many cases have, betrayed that trust.  The One who will never betray our trust is the Lord.

   Perhaps we trust ourselves too much; we think we can handle the situation without God.  We don’t trust in Him because we don’t think we need Him in all situations.  What a formula for disaster!  As soon as we begin to think we don’t need God, Satan steps in to do everything possible to keep us believing we can get by without Him.  The evil one knows that when we reject God he can more easily distract us and bring us to sin.

   God won’t push His way into our life.  If we choose not to trust Him and turn to Him in good times and bad, He will let us go our own way.  There will be nudges within us that we sometimes call our conscience.  I think they are really the Holy Spirit trying to bring us home.  If we continue to ignore those nudges we will drift further and further from the Lord.  At some point we may go so far off course that we are unable to find our way back.

   Trust in God can be hard at times.  When disaster strikes or a tragedy occurs in our life we naturally ask why.  We want to blame God for what happened as well as for not telling us why it happened.  We find it hard to accept that God’s will is so far beyond our understanding.  Yet that is the key.  Once we understand and truly believe that God is in control we can begin to trust.  We may never know the why, but we can take comfort in the knowledge God’s will leads only to good.

   “But I trust in you, O Lord, I say, ‘You are my God.’” (Psalm 31: 14)

Father strengthen our trust in You.
You, O Lord, are faithful in all things.
Guide us to eternal life with you.


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