Saturday, June 8, 2019

The Majesty of God

   “Great are the works of the Lord, studied by all who have pleasure in them.  Full of honor and majesty is his work, and his righteousness endures for ever.”  (Psalm 111: 2 – 3)

   I awoke this morning to the sounds of a thunderstorm.  Lighting flashed across the sky, thunder echoed, and the rain poured down.  Once again I was reminded of the majesty of our God.

   The world is full of His wonders, each testifying to His glory and majesty.  We so often overlook the many blessings that we receive each day.  They become so common place that we simply expect them to occur and never stop to recognize God’s glory in all things.

   The storms testify to His majesty.  The intensity of lightning splitting the atmosphere creating the thunder.  The rain cleans the air and nourishes the many plants, providing water necessary for all living things. The Sunrises and sunsets are of such beauty, yet we rarely notice them.  The stars of heaven are uncountable, but we seldom look up to see the glory of God on display above us.

   Our life is filled with so many things that we sometimes overlook the things that really matter.  We expect that we will wake up each morning even though we have no assurance of that.  We expect the sun to rise yet at some point this world will end and all that we know will cease.

   Let’s take the time to give glory to God for His majesty and the many blessings He bestows on us.  We are undeserving of His love and mercy, yet He freely gives them.  We are sinners but He forgives us and offers eternal life.  In our sorrow He comforts us, in our joy He lifts us to new heights.  All things are the providence of the Lord.  Without Him nothing can exist.

   Give Him glory, give Him praise.  Recognize His majesty in all things.

Father, so often we take your blessings for granted.
We expect the gifts you give, even though we are unworthy.
Give us the wisdom to see You in all things.
May we give you all glory and praise.


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